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1、课题Unit 6 Diet课时教学内容2Phonetics& listening教学目标1. master the skill of pronouncing consonant clusters;2. understand listening materials and the language points3. practice spoken-English by making dialogues according to the listening materials教学重点1. understand listening materials and the language points;

2、2. make dialogues according to the listening materials教学难点skillfully do listening and speaking practice2Speaking2Vocabulary& Exercises教学目标master the meaning and usages of the words and phrases of Text A and B教学重点master the basic usages of the key words and phrases教学难点skillfully use the key words and

3、 phrases in speaking and understanding2Text& Grammar教学目标1. understand the general ideas and details of Text A and B;2. master the key language points in the texts;3. learn how to help children develop a healthy eating habit from an early age;4. master the usage of the Infinitive教学重点1. understand the

4、 general ideas and details of Text A and B;2. understanding and skillfully using the key words and expressions learned;教学难点fulfill the expanding tasks based on the texts2Story telling教学目标1. practice spoken-English by telling stories;2. develop skills of drawing and acting教学重点practice spoken-English

5、by telling stories教学难点skillful storytelling and evaluation教学方法listening and speaking, translation; discussion; explanation; ask-answer, practice; acting; evaluating教学准备a tape-recorder, a tape, a text book, a word list, picture books教学过程Phonetics& listeningConsonant Clusters当两个或两个以上的辅音音素结合在一起,这种语音现象称

6、为辅音连缀(Consonant Clusters)。辅音连缀主要分为词首辅音连缀(e.g. spring, throw)和词尾辅音连缀(e.g. twelfth, desks)。发音技巧:发音时要注意不可以在中间加入元音因素,如blue /blu:/,不念成/blu:/;发音时第一个辅音要发得轻而短,第二个接连的辅音要发得重而长。ActivitiesRead the following words, taking care not to insert any vowel sound in the consonant clusters.(Page 122)Read the following t

7、ongue twisters.(Page 122)Listening and SpeakingI Listen and talk1. stop smoking 2. any more 3. tea or coffee 4. drink water 5. stop eatingLanguage focus 1) fry v. to cook sth. in hot oil or fat 油炸,油煎,油炒e.g. a. I have never heard of frying ice-cream. 我从来没有听说过油炸冰激凌呢。 b. The boys parents do not allow h

8、im to touch fried potatoes, for he is too fat now. 男孩子的父母亲不让他碰炸土豆,因为他太胖了。2) a healthy heart一颗健康的心脏 e.g. A healthy heart is so important for a person that we have to protect our hearts carefully. 健康的心脏对人很重要,我们要小心地保护好我们的心脏。3) gosh exclamation (informal), people say “Gosh!” when they are surprised or s

9、hocked 感叹词,(人们在表示出惊奇或惊讶时说的)天哪!哎呀! e.g. My gosh, a shark is in the swimming area. II Listening comprehension 1. go home 2. now and then 3. digest the food 4. get drunk5. a good timeChinese Version大吃大喝有损健康春节就要到了,数以百万计的人们已经计划回家过节。这是合家团圆的时间。节日期间人们吃的东西很多。亲戚朋友济济一堂,不时举行各种的派对。他们邀请彼此赴宴,人们自行取用各式菜肴。一些人吃得太多,消化不

10、了。男性亲戚朋友喝酒。他们喝得太多,以致喝得酩酊大醉。即便是他们知道大吃大喝会损坏身体健康,他们还是无所谓。 请记住,人们聚聚会无可厚非,但是成为“大食者”并不是件好事。Language focus 1. spoil v. a. to change sth. good into sth. bad, unpleasant, useless 破坏,毁坏,搞坏,糟蹋,毁掉 e.g. The bad weather totally spoiled out holiday. 恶劣天气破坏了我们的假日。 b. to give a child everything that they ask for and

11、 not enough discipline in a way that has a bad effect on their character and behavior 溺爱,娇惯,宠坏 e.g. Children should not be spoilt at any time. 任何时候都不应该溺爱娇惯孩子。2) get-together n. an informal meeting (非正式的)聚会,会议,联欢会 e.g. At the family get-together, the lovely twin sisters sang and danced merely. 在家庭聚会上

12、,这对可爱的双胞胎姐妹载歌载舞。3) digest v. the food you eat is changed into substances that your body can use it 消化 e.g. He has eaten some glass and steel which can never be digested by ordinary stomachs. 他吃下了玻璃和钢片,寻常的胃绝对无法消化。4) alcohol n. drinks such as beer, wine, etc. that can be make people drunk 含酒精的饮料,酒 e.g

13、. Bobs alcohol abuse often made him drunk and lie on the ground, sleeping. 鲍勃经常因酗酒酩酊大醉,躺倒在地上呼呼大睡。III Listen to the passage three times and choose the best answerToms TricksIts time to go to school. Tom still lies in bed. He wants to sleep some longer time. He pretends to be very ill. He tells his mo

14、ther Mrs. Wiskies that he has a high fever and a bad stomachache. His mother knows that he often lies to her. He is playing tricks again. Then she says, “OK, dear, I will ask Dr. Williams to see you and give you some injections for your illness.” Tom is afraid of doctors and injections. He gets up q

15、uickly and says to his mother, “I am OK now. Let Dr. Williams stay where he is. I am going to school now. Good bye!”C-A-D-C-ALanguage focus injection n. an act of injecting sb. with a drug or other substance 注射e.g. He has diabetes and needs daily injections of in sluing. 他患了糖尿病,每天要注射胰岛素。IV Look and

16、SayOrange; apple; pear; star fruit(杨桃); grape; peach(桃子); plum(李子); mulberry(桑葚);strawberry(草莓);cherry(樱桃,车厘子);loquat (枇杷);dragon fruit(火龙 果);litchi(荔枝);tomato(西红柿);persimmon(柿子)etc.SpeakingPart One Make a similar dialogue according to the situation and the functional sentences below.Situation: Tom

17、doesnt like to go to school. His mother, Mrs. Wiskies, knows him very well. Once when he pretends to be ill, his mother says she will ask the doctor to give him an injection. As he is afraid to be injected, he changes his mind.Functional sentences:Its time for you to get up 你该起床了。Whats the matter wi

18、th you? 你怎么啦?have a bad stomachache 肚子很痛feel sick 感觉很不舒服have a high fever 发高烧need an injection 需要打一针Everything is all right with me. 我没事。be going to school right away 马上去学校Part Two Students PresentationTopic: Diet in the western countriesAspects: 1. Table manners 2. Traditional western food 3. Diffe

19、rences ideas of Culinary cultural between eastern and western countries 4. Food and festivals in the west 5. Western fast food 6. Chinese food in the westVocabulary &ExercisesWord listWordsbalanced, include, chew, grind, rate, promote, tantrum, refreshing, pureevegetarian, protein, muscle, vitamin,

20、religion, fussy,poultry, pasta, routine, readymade, nutritional, Phrasesgrind up, throw tantrums, takeinto consideration, because of, make sure, suffer from,I read the words and phrasesII pick out the words and phrases that need discussingIII Give a necessary explanation to the usages of these words

21、 and phrases1. balanced adj. (balance n.)The match was finely balanced. 比赛双方刚好势均力敌。We should eat a well-balanced diet. 我们应该吃些均衡的饮食。2. include (不用于进行体中)Does the bill include service? 这账单包括服务费在内吗Does the price include breakfast? 费用包括早餐吗including用作介词 (prep.)There are three storiesincludingthe ground fl

22、oor.包括底层共有三层。3. chew Chew your food point by point. 食物要一点一点地嚼。Chew with your mouth shut! 嚼东西的时候要闭上嘴巴!4. grind I have to grind the knife,it is blunt. 我得磨刀, 它钝了。Grind wheat into flour. 把小麦磨成面粉。grind up 磨碎, 碾成粉We grind up the wheat to make flour. 我们把小麦磨成面粉。5. rate /reIt/ v.评级;估价;值得 n. 比率,率 rate of empl

23、oyment就业率 You should rate special treatment. 你值得受到特殊优待。6. make sure Make sure he locked the door. 一定要确保他锁上门了。make sure thatmake sure of +n.I tried tomake sureof the problem. 我想把这个问题弄明白。7. promote促进,推动;提升 We should promote world peace. 我们应该促进世界和平。We must promote commerce with neighboring countries. 我

24、们必须促进与邻国的贸易。He has beenpromotedto general manager. 他已被提升为总经理。8. tantrumHe is having a temper tantrum. 他在大发脾气。She was always in a tantrum if interrupted. 要是有人打扰她,她总是要发一通脾气。throw tantrums 发脾气 Those children who are ill often throw tantrums and are fussy eaters. 那些生病的孩子经常发脾气并挑食。go into a tantrum发脾气 get

25、 into a tantrum大动肝火9. puree n. (U,C)(用水果、熟的蔬菜压成 的)糊,泥 v. 把(食物)研成糊状 Make a puree of the vegetables for the baby. 做蔬菜泥给婴儿吃。 Puree the vegetables for the baby. 把蔬菜做成泥给婴儿吃。10. refreshing (refresh v.(使)恢复精神;提神;提醒)This dish tastes very refreshing. 这道菜很爽口。11. suffer fromI suffer from high blood pressure. 我

26、患有高血压。 suffer vt./vi. suffer a loss遭受损失 suffer wrong忍受冤屈 suffer without complaining毫无怨言地忍受12. take into considerationThese are factors we must take into consideration. 这些都是我们应当考虑的因素。 consider v. consider doing I amconsideringbuilding a library here.我正考虑在这里建座图书馆。 consider that Iconsiderthat she has b

27、een badly treated. 我认为她受到了虐待。 consider + n./pron. +(to be/as) n./adj.You cantconsiderhim to be a selfish man.你不能把他看成是自私的人。 consider +it+ n./adj. +to- v Iconsiderit a great honor to be here this evening.Exercises1. Do Activity 2 Vocabulary and Activity 3 Structure of Text A2. Do Activity 2 Vocabulary

28、 and Activity 3 Written work of Text BText & GrammarText AVegetarians素食主义者(Para. 1) Your diet is whatever you eat or drink. Most people agree that a balanced diet is the best. This means you should eat a little of every sort of food.(Para. 2) Some people wont eat any food that comes from animals. Th

29、ey wont eat meat. People who dont eat meat are called vegetarians. They think their diet is healthier than a diet that includes meat.(Para. 3) Some vegetarians say it is wrong to kill animals for food. Some people are vegetarians because of their religions and what they believe in.(Para. 4) People w

30、ho do eat meat say that humans have always been meat-eaters. They say our teeth are the teeth of meat-eating animals and are the right sort of teeth for chewing and grinding up meat. Early men hunted wild animals for food. Wild animals hunted each other and early men for food!(Para. 5) Meat-eaters s

31、ay that eating meat is a good way of having the protein, which is needed to build up muscles, bones and other parts of the body. Meat has important vitamins that we need.(Para. 6) People who do eat some meat as part of their balanced diet can be sure they are rating all the things they need. Vegetar

32、ians have to make sure they wont have enough protein if they do not eat meat. 你的饮食就是指你吃的或喝的任何东西。大部分人认同平衡的饮食是最好的。这就意味着你每种食物都应该吃一点。一些人不吃任何来自动物身上的食物,他们不吃肉。那些不吃肉的人被叫做素食主义者。他们认为他们的饮食比那些吃肉的人的饮食更健康。 一些素食主义者说把动物杀死作为食物吃是错误的。一些人因宗教信仰而成为素食主义者。那些吃肉的人说人类一直是食肉者。他们说我们的牙齿是肉食动物的牙齿,正是那种适合用来咀嚼和磨碎肉类的牙齿。早期的人类以捕杀野生动物为食。野

33、生动物相互捕杀并且捕杀人类为食。肉食主义者认为吃肉是获取蛋白质的一种好途径,那些蛋白质是构成肌肉、骨头和身体其他部位所必需的。肉有我们需要的重要的维生素。把吃肉作为均衡膳食不可缺少的一部分的人可以肯定他们吸收了所有他们需要的东西。素食者必须要明白,如果他们不吃肉的话,他们就不能获得足够的蛋白质。Pre-reading questions1. Are you a vegetarian or a meat-eater?I am a meat-eater. Eating meat is a good way of having the protein,which is needed to build

34、 up muscles,bones and other parts of body. Meat has important vitamins that we need.2. How do you keep a balanced diet?We should eat a little of every sort of food.While-reading questions1. What is the general idea of the text?2. What is a balanced diet?This means you should eat a little of every so

35、rt of food3. What is vegetarian?People who dont eat meat are called vegetarians.4. Why do vegetarians refuse to eat meat?Some vegetarians say it is wrong to kill animals for food and some insist on their religions. They all think their diet is healthier than a diet that includes meat.5. What do the

36、people who eat meat believe?They believe that humans have always been meat-eaters. And eating meat is a good way of having the protein and important vitamins.6. Translate the following sentences(1) People who do eat some meat as part of their balanced diet can be sure they are rating all the things

37、they need. Vegetarians have to make sure they wont have enough protein if they do not eat meat.把吃肉作为均衡膳食不可缺少的一部分的人可以肯定他们吸收了所有他们需要的东西。素食者必须要明白,如果他们不吃肉的话,他们就不能获得足够的蛋白质。(2) People who do eat meat say that humans have always been meat-eaters. They say our teeth are the teeth of meat-eating animals and a

38、re the right sort of teeth for chewing and grinding up meat.那些吃肉的人说人类一直是食肉者。他们说我们的牙齿是肉食动物的牙齿,正是那种适合用来咀嚼和磨碎肉类的牙齿。8. language points(1) 辨义agree with, agree to, agree onagree to 意为“同意”,“赞成”。后面跟表示“提议” ,“办法,“计划”,“安排”等的名词或代词。agree on 表示“对取得一致意见”,指两方或多方就某个问题取得了一致的意见或是达成了某种协议。(2) need作实意动词的用法need + sth. 需要某

39、物need to do sth. 需要做某事 You dont need to have the bike repaired right away. need doing=need to be done 需要 The room needs cleaning=The room needs to be cleaned. need somebody to do something 需要某人做某事 I need someone to help me out of this problem. Post-reading questionsWhat is your opinion on meat-eatin

40、g?Text BWhat is Ideal Food for Children?什么是孩子理想的食物?(Para. 1) A healthy diet for children is extremely important as it promotes good eating habits from an early age. Children are often fussy eaters, they often throw tantrum and demand foods which can annoy even the most patient parents. Research has

41、shown that children who are given junk foods at an early age are more likely to suffer from eating problems later in their life.(Para. 2) A healthy diet for kids should be balanced and must meet the nutritional requirements of the children. It is important to take into consideration the weight and a

42、ge of the children as well as the level of physical activity. Vegetables can be included in a diet for children by steaming and pureeing them. If your child does not enjoy cooked vegetables, You can make salads with different delicious salad dressings. A balanced diet for children should include ple

43、nty of protein, too. You can add slices of steamed skinless poultry to a salad or a pasta dish.(Para. 3) Vegetable juice is a great way to include vegetables in a healthy diet for children. A cool glass of tomato juice or carrot juice is an excellent and refreshing drink, especially in summer. You c

44、an start a family tradition of serving a glass of fruit juice when your child comes in from play and once your child is used to this routine, he or she will start to enjoy this experience. You can also experiment with various types of healthy homemade dips instead of some readymade desserts. 对于孩子来说健


46、很好的清凉爽口的饮料,尤其是在夏季。当你的孩子玩耍回来的时候,你可以建立喝一杯果汁的家庭惯例,一旦你的孩子习惯了这种常规,他/她将开始享受这种体验。你还可以试验做不同的健康的自制沙司来取代某些现成的甜点。Pre-reading questions1. Do you know what is junk food?Yes, I know. For example:hamburgers, bread, some fried food, Coca Cola, sodas, ice cream and some high sugar drinks, etc.2. Which kind of food d

47、o you prefer, homemade or ready made? I prefer homemade food. (or I prefer readymade food.)While-reading questions1. What is the general idea of the text?2. Why is a healthy diet for children extremely important?As it promotes good eating habits from an early age.3. Why does junk food do harm to children according to research?Children who are given junk foods at an early age are more likely to suffer from eating proble


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