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1、Unit2 The Olympic Games【题型】单选题【题目】Father is too busy to have any entertainments. If he _me to go to the concert, I will be very glad. 【选项】A. suggests B. advises C. promises D. agrees【答案】C【解析】句型promise sb to do sth.允诺某人做某事。【知识点】动词和动词短语【题目】When the mother heard a bomb exploded _ his son was working, h

2、er heart _, wondering if her son was safe. 【选项】A. where; sank B. in which ; broke C. that; was broken D. at which; sank 【答案】 A【解析】第一空是Where引导的定语从句;第二空sank原形sink,沉陷。【知识点】定语从句【题目】The competition to _ the program is very fierce among the candidates. 【选项】A. have B. hold C. host D. own 【答案】 C【解析】Host主持;主

3、办;做东【知识点】动词和动词短语【题目】He wanted to _ the National Team to compete in the Summer Olympic Games for his country but he was disappointed that he failed at the qualifying stage. 【选项】A. attend B. take part in C. join C. join in 【答案】C【解析】Join指参加团体或组织,成为其中的一员。【知识点】相似、相近词比较【题目】There were not so many _ in the

4、ancient Olympic Games as _ today. 【选项】A. events; are B. competitions; there have C. events; there are D. competitions; there are 【答案】C【解析】Competitions指比赛;events可指比赛中的体育项目。【知识点】相似、相近词比较【题目】I d like to go to see the film with you,Dad.Sorry,my son,but only the grownups are _ into the cinema.【选项】A.requi

5、redBintended Cadmitted Dsupposed【答案】C【解析】本题考查动词辨析。be admitted into“允许进入”,此处指允许进入电影院。其他几个不能与介词into搭配。句意:“爸爸,我想和您一起去看电影。”“抱歉,儿子,只有成年人才能进入这家电影院。”require“需要,要求”;intend“想要,打算”;suppose“推想,假设”。【知识点】动词和动词短语【题目】It _ that you didnt go to the cinema.The film was so boring.【选项】is just as well Bmight be as wellC

6、had better Dis as well as【答案】A【解析】本题考查It is just as well that.句型。It is just as well that.表示“还好”,“倒也不错”。句意:还好你没去电影院,这部电影相当乏味。【知识点】名词性从句【题目】You neednt write on _ line.You can write on _ line.【选项】A.every; every Bevery; every otherCevery other; every other Devery; each second【答案】B【解析】本题考查every表示“每隔”的用法。

7、句意:你没有必要每行都要写。你可以隔一行写一行。every other lineevery two linesevery second line,表示“隔一行”。【知识点】相似、相近词比较【题目】Mr Smith never does any reading in the evening; _.【选项】A.so does Mrs Smith Bneither doesnt tooCnor does Mrs Smith Dnor Mrs Smith does【答案】C【解析】本题考查nor引起的倒装句。表示前面所述否定情况也使用于另一人或物,通常用neither/norbe/have/情态动词/

8、助动词主语;若前面为肯定情况,则用sobe/have/情态动词/助动词主语。【知识点】倒装句【题目】With the development of _,more and more _are false and full of duplicity (欺骗)【选项】Aadvertising; advertisingBadvertisement; advertisementsCadvertisement; advertisingDadvertising; advertisements【答案】D【解析】句意:随着广告业的发展,越来越多的广告是虚假的,充满了欺骗。做本题时,可采用排除法。从第二空后的ar

9、e可排除A、C两项。advertising意为“广告业”,故选D。【知识点】名词【题目】All the students in this school are required to _ at least two lectures on how to study every month.【选项】A attend Btake part inCjoin in Dgo in for【答案】A【解析】Attend多用于上学,上课,参加会议、演讲等。【知识点】相似、相近词比较【题目】About 1,000 singers competed _ each other _ six medals in the

10、 National Singing Competition.【选项】A against; with Bwith; onCwith; in Dagainst; for【答案】D【解析】compete with/against sb. for sth.“为和某人竞争”为固定搭配,故选D项。【知识点】动词和动词短语【题目】Now that he _ that he had stolen the money,you should have forgiven him.【选项】A excused BsufferedCadmitted Doffered【答案】C【解析】题意:既然他承认偷了那笔钱,你就应该原

11、谅他了。admit“承认”,其后可直接接宾语从句。【知识点】动词和动词短语【题目】We invited her to join us in the discussion,but she would not _.【选项】A take action Btake noticeCtake part Dtake notes【答案】C【解析】take action“采取行动;提出诉讼”;take notice“注意”;take notes“记笔记”;take part in“参与;参加”,因为后面不带宾语,因此不用加介词in。【知识点】动词和动词短语【题目】_,but it is also a great

12、 way to lower the number of greenhouse gases in the air.【选项】ANot only a fun thing is it to doBNot only a fun thing to do it isCNot only it is a fun thing to doDNot only is it a fun thing to do【答案】D【解析】not only置于句首时,句子要部分倒装,故选D项。【知识点】倒装句【题目】Have you telephoned your father?Yes.He _ back next year.【选项】

13、A expects Bis expectedCwill expect Dwill be expected【答案】B【解析】表示按计划或时间表安排将要发生的动作,可用一般现在时代替一般将来时;主语he与动词expect构成逻辑上的动宾关系,故选B项。【知识点】动词的时态和语态【题目】Stop talking at once;the latest news about the 2008 Olympic Games _.【选项】A is broadcast Bhas been broadcastCwould be broadcast Dis being broadcast【答案】D【解析】用现在进行

14、时的被动语态表示被动动作的正在进行。【知识点】动词的时态和语态【题目】John _ his classmates _ going abroad for further education next week.【选项】A and; is Btogether with; areCas well; is Das well as; is【答案】D【解析】“名词as well as名词”作主语时,谓语动词与前面的名词保持一致。若选A项,is应改为are,若选B项,are应改为is。【知识点】主谓一致【题目】Pieces of exciting news came to the city _.【选项】A

15、step by step Blittle by littleCside by side Done after another【答案】D【解析】one after another意为“一个接一个地”。step by step“一步一步地”;little by little“逐渐地”;side by side“肩并肩地”。【知识点】相似、相近词比较【题目】I _ you that the problem will be solved as quickly as possible.Just have a little patience.【选项】A promise BwishCexpect Dallo

16、w【答案】A【解析】promise“许诺”符合题意。wish“希望”常用于表达一般不可能实现的愿望;expect“期待”;allow“允许”。【知识点】动词和动词短语【题目】 How was the party? I dont know. I _ in without a ticket. 【选项】A. was allowedB. was not allowedC. am allowedD. am not allowed【答案】B【解析】根据语境,知道回答者因无票而没被允许参加舞会。由于说话者和allow之间是被动关系,因此要用被动语态,又由于是过去发生的事,因此要用被动语态的过去式。【知识点】

17、动词的时态和语态【题目】 How often do you go to see your grandfather? _ three days.【选项】A. EachB. AllC. EveryD. another【答案】C【解析】every 每隔。如every three days每隔两天。【知识点】相似、相近词比较【题目】Whether the Spring Festival _ by Christmas arouses increasing attention in China. 【选项】A. will be represented B. will be called offC.will

18、be taken awayD.will be replaced【答案】D【解析】replace代替,取代。“春节是否将被圣诞节取代这一话题越来越引起中国人的重视”。 【知识点】动词和动词短语【题目】 Who is _ the TV show? She seems to be talented. Mary Green, who used to be a great actress.【选项】A. opening B. hosting C. playing D. seeing 【答案】B【解析】host v.主持。【知识点】动词和动词短语【题目】Do you know a concert _ in

19、our hometown next month?【选项】A. will be held B. is going to be held C. is to be held D. all A, B, C【答案】D【解析】A,B,C都是将来被动语态的正确表达方式,都可以。【知识点】动词的时态和语态【题目】 Whats Tom like? He is _ honest student; _, all of us like him very much.【选项】A. a; honest B. an; to be honest C. a; honestly D. an; honest【答案】B【解析】hone

20、st 的发音是以元音开头,所以冠词要用an,to be honest=honestly老实说,用作插入语。【知识点】冠词【题目】 No smoking here, sir! Oh, sorry. _【选项】A. Thank you for your reminding. B. Its none of your business.C. What a great idea!D. Do you want one?【答案】A【解析】根据语境,可知是谢谢别人的提醒。【知识点】情景交际【题目】Im going to _ a charity party. Will you _ too?【选项】A. take

21、 part;take partB. Take part in;take part inC. Take part;take part inD. Take part in;take part【答案】D【解析】take part in后接名词,表示参加;后面若没名词,则为take part。【知识点】动词和动词短语【题目】 Mom, look! I got full marks this time. Oh, great! _【选项】A.Im so proud of you. B. Thats too bad. C. Im so sorry to hear that. D. Things cant b

22、e worse.【答案】A【解析】从great的语境来看,应当是为前者感到骄傲。【知识点】情景交际【题目】 Is a new modern gym being built in our city now? Yes, and it _ next year.【选项】A. has been finished B. finishes C. will be finished D. will finish【答案】C【解析】体育馆被建,应当用被动语态,又由于是明年被建好,应当用将来时。所以用将来时的被动语态。【知识点】动词的时态和语态【题目】Mother is strict with me. She won

23、t _ me to stay outside late at night.【选项】A. let B. allow C. make D. Refuse【答案】B【解析】allow sb to do sth 允许某人去做某事。“妈妈对我很严格,晚上不允许我在外呆太晚”。let, make后要接动词原形,refuse to do sth 拒绝做某事,不符合语境。【知识点】动词和动词短语【题目】Industry of _ has a _ opportunity to expand into new markets.【选项】A. golden; gold B. gold; gold C. golden;

24、 golden D. gold; golden【答案】D【解析】gold 为 “金的,金制的”,表示是真金的质地;golden为 “金的,金色的”,指金黄色的外表,还有引申意义,有“贵重,重要”的意思。如a gold watch金表;a golden watch金色的表;golden sunlight金色的阳光。【知识点】形容词【题目】This book is _ that one.【选项】A. as three times long as B. three times the length of C. three time as long as D. three times as longe

25、r as 【答案】B【解析】英语的倍数表达方法: three times longer than, three times the length of, three times as long as。【知识点】倍数表达法【题目】My sister _ Tony for ten years next year.【选项】A. has been married to B. has married to C. will be married to D. will marry to 【答案】C【解析】句中有表示一段时间的for ten years,所以要与表示状态的词或短语连用。be married t

26、o表示状态,又由于是明年才满十年,所以要用将来时。marry sb是瞬间动词不能与表示一段时间的状语连用。【知识点】动词的时态和语态【题目】He has a _ belief to support the candidate he likes.【选项】A. rooted B. rootless C. root D. Rooting【答案】A【解析】rooted adj. 根深蒂固,信念坚定,不易动摇的;rootless adj.无根基的; root n. 根;rooting不能用作形容词。【知识点】形容词【题目】The aim for athletes to take part in the

27、Olympic Games is not _medals _ to promote or develop friendship. 【选项】 A. winning; except B. to win; but C. winning; but D. to win; besides 【答案】B【解析】考查not.but.“不是.而是.”【题目】Admitting _ wrong should not be the reason for our not admitting those who want to join the League _ the organization. 【选项】A. to h

28、ave done; to B. having done; for C. doing; to D. to do; for 【答案】B【解析】Admit having done承认已做某事【知识点】动词的时态和语态【题目】 _ you have become slaves of your money, you wont be able to live a happy life. 【选项】A. While B. Once C. As D. As soon as 【答案】B【解析】Once一旦.【知识点】连词【题目】-I wont go in for mountaineering. It is too

29、 dangerous. -_, you told me that you would. 【选项】A. But B. Since C. For D. As 【答案】B【题目】The manager as well as his whole team _ determined to do the work as_ as they can and promises to get it completed in time . 【选项】A. are; well B. is; well C. are; good D. is; good 【答案】B【解析】As well as谓语动词单复数遵循就前原则;we

30、ll副词,用来修饰动词do.【知识点】主谓一致【题目】 -What can I do for you, sir? -Id like to see the manager _ of sales department. 【选项】A. in the charge B. under charge C. is in charge D. in charge 【答案】C【解析】Sb be in charge of sth.表示某人负责或掌管某物。【知识点】介词【题目】 -How much did you spend on such a nice jacket? -About 5 dollars. -What

31、 a _! I thought it would cost 20. 【选项】A. price B. buy C. bargain D. cheat 【答案】C【解析】Bargain作名词讲,意为“廉价品、便宜货”。【知识点】名词【题目】-Have you moved into your new house? -No, the rooms _. 【选项】A.have been painted B. are painted C. are painting D. are being painted 【答案】D【解析】题目想表达的意思是“房间正在被打扫”,故用现在进行时的被动语态。【知识点】动词的时态

32、和语态【题型】完型填空【题目】Mr. and Mrs. king have lived in our town for nearly twenty years. They have a bookshop by the bus station. Theyre _1_ to everybody and have a lot of friends. They often _2_ the poor students and sell them some books cheaply. So therere many young men in their shop. Of course people _3

33、_ them and their friends often call on (拜访) them and _4_ them. We can always hear their rooms are full of _5_ and quarrel.It was a Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. King were going to have a picnic on the island the next _6_. It was a little far from our town. So they had to _7_ earlier than usual to cat

34、ch a six oclock train. After _8_ a few friends came to see them while they were cooking some _9_ and drinks for the picnic. Mr. king and his wife had to stop _10_ them. They talked a lot and few of them looked at the _11_ on the wall. Mr. and Mrs. King were anxious (焦急) but they couldnt tell the vis

35、itors about it. The woman thought for a few _12_ and had an idea. She said to her _13_, “Oh, its eleven oclock! Youd better stop talking, dear! Our guests are anxious to _14_!Mr. king heard this and stood up and said _15_ to the visitors and they left soon.【选项】1. A. hadB. politeC. cold D. careful;2.

36、 A. help B. hurtC. hit D. watch3. A. know B. understandC. meetD. like4. A. play withB. fight withC. talk withD. catch up with5. A. cryB. shout C. noiseD. laugh6. A. morningB. afternoon C. evening D. laugh7. A. go to work B. get up C. go to sleepD. open the shop8. A. breakfastB. lunchC. supperD. meal

37、9. A. clothes B. bags C. booksD. food10. A. receiveB. to receiveC. receivingD. to accept11. A. phone B. photoC. clockD. picture12. A. minutesB. daysC. weeksD. months13. A. visitorB. husband C. brother D. father14. A. go homeB. go to bedC. go shopping D. have a rest15. A. helloB. goodbye C. sorryD. n

38、othing【答案】1.B2.A3.D4.C5.D6.A7.B8.C9.D10.B11.C12.A13.B14.A15.C【解析】这是一则委婉地谢绝客人的故事, 这也是我们平时很容易遇到的事。1. B。根据下文have a lot of friends可以推断他们待人友好(friendly)。2. A。他们帮助穷困的学生。3. D。根据上文得知,别人都很喜欢他们。4. C。talk with 表示聊天。5. D。他们的家里总是充满了欢笑。6. A。根据下文他们要赶早班车得知是早上。7. B。为了赶早班车他们不得不早起,故选get up。8. C。这是一个星期五的晚上,故是晚饭后。9. D。他们

39、正在为第二天的野餐准备食物和饮料。10. B。停下(手中的事)来做某事,用stop to do sth.,另外receive sb. 表示接待某人。11. C。他聊得很尽兴,以致于忘了时间,也就是忘了看墙上的钟。12. A。这里指很短的时间。13. B。14. A。表示时间已经不早了,客人们肯定着急要回家了。15. C。丈夫向客人道歉,表示是自己忘了时间,这样客人就不会尴尬了。【知识点】记述文【题目】Its never easy to admit(承认) you are in the wrong. We all _1_ to know the art of apology. Think how

40、 often youve done wrong. Then count how many _2_ youve expressed clearly you were _3_. You cant go to bed with an easy mind if you do _4_ about it.A doctor friend, Mr. Lied, told me about a man who came to him with different kinds of signs: headaches, heart _5_ and insomnia (失眠). _6_ some careful exams, Mr. Lied found nothing _7_ with him and said, “If you dont tell me whats _8_ you, I cant help you.” The man admitted he was cheating his


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