1、Acute upper respiratory tract infection,also known as the common cold,including the common cold,viral pharyngitis,laryngitislrndats,herpangina,h:pndain,pharynx conjunctival hot,bacterial aspiration tonsillitis.,concept,Acute upper respiratory tract infection with 70%80%caused by viruses,Pathogens of
2、 AURI,免疫功能 immunity function to reduce先心病 congenital heart disease 急性传染病 acute infectious disease 营养不良 dystrophia distrufi 环境因素 environment factors 气侯骤变 sudden change of climate 居住条件不良 bad room condition,全身症状 general symptoms smptm发热、乏力、头痛 fever,tiredness,headache 体征 signs 咽部充血、扁桃体肿大 pharynx frks hyperaemia,haipri:mi,tonsil swell,预防 prevention,一般疗法 进行呼吸道隔离 isolation of respiratory tract 卧床休息 stay in bed 容易消化食物 supply digestible dadstbl food 供给足够的热卡和水 supply enough calorie and water,Thank you!,