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1、中国汽车零部件供应商信息化状况调研问卷About the Survey关于本次调研Hello. We are contacting you today because we need the input of automotive supplier companies like yours in a study for improving the quality of business-to-business electronic communication in the automotive industry globally. We would like you to participat

2、e in an important survey about this subject.您好!我们正在进行一项旨在改善全球汽车行业B2B(电子贸易)质量的调研,希望能够获得像贵公司这样的汽车供应商企业的协助。We are conducting this survey on behalf of the Automotive Industry Action Group (AIAG). AIAG is a globally recognized automotive industry association with over 1500 member companies that are maker

3、s of automobiles, motorcycles, trucks, and agricultural equipment, along with their parts suppliers and service providers. AIAGs efforts for the automotive industry focus on improving business processes between automotive trading partners, including processes in the areas of quality, materials manag

4、ement, electronic commerce, and engineering collaboration. While AIAG is based in North America, it works together with automotive industry organizations in Asia, Europe, and around the world to develop global automotive industry standards and solutions. 此次调研是受汽车工业行动协会(the Automotive Industry Action

5、 Group,简称AIAG)的委托。AIAG是一个全球性的汽车工业协会,拥有超过1500家汽车、摩托车、卡车和农业机械等成员企业,以及他们的零部件和服务供应商。AIAG主要致力于促进汽车贸易商的交易过程,包括质量、物料管理、电子贸易以及工程协作。尽管AIAG总部设在北美,它也同亚洲、欧洲和其它地区的汽车工业组织合作,共同推动全球汽车工业标准和方案。The information from the 18 questions in this survey will be used in a global collaborative effort to understand and improve

6、the use of computers for exchange of business information throughout the automotive supply chain. AIAG plans to present an analysis of the survey both at its AutoTech 2005 conference in Detroit Michigan at the end of August, and in China at a future event. 本调研问卷的18个问题收集的信息,将被用于更好的理解如何采用计算机技术,以改进汽车行业

7、供应链中的商业信息交换。AIAG计划不仅在8月下旬于底特律召开的AutoTech 2005大会上、同时也会在近期中国举行的活动中上提交本次调研的分析报告。The information you provide in this survey will help guide important decision-making and the development of technology guidelines that will improve business-to-business communication for all companies in the automotive supp

8、ly chain. 您在本次调研中提供的数据,将会有助于指导我们在改进整个汽车工业供应链B2B沟通方面,为重要决策提供依据,为技术创新提供参考。我们衷心感谢您的大力协助!Introduction简介:The following questions pertain to the way your company uses computers to manage its business and, interact with its customers下列问题关于贵公司如何使用计算机管理公司业务,以及如何与您的客户进行交互。Use of computers in your company贵公司的计

9、算机应用:First we would like to ask some questions about how your company uses computers in everyday functions首先我们想问一些有关贵公司使用计算机处理日常事务的问题。 This first question deals with “accounting functions.” The term “accounting” includes activities such as producing invoices; receiving and processing payments; manag

10、ing accounts receivable and payable; and producing financial reports.第一个问题是关于“财务功能”。“财务”包括开发票,接受和处理付款,处理应收应付以及制作财务报表等一系列的活动1 How does your company use computers to perform accounting functions today, and how do you expect computers will be used for accounting in your company at the end of 2007? (Sel

11、ect all that apply)目前贵公司如何运用计算机的财务功能?到2007年底时贵公司期望如何使用计算机处理财务事务?(可多选)Today目前Expected at the end of 2007到2007年底2 No computers are used for accounting没有使用计算机处理财务3 Spreadsheets tools (like Excel) 分析表 (如Excel)4 My company uses software that does not automatically share data with other computer programs

12、in our company我们使用的财务软件无法自动与公司其他系统共享数据5 My company uses software that shares data with some other computer programs in our company我们使用的财务软件可以自动与公司其他系统共享数据6 My company uses software that is part of a full ERP implementation我们使用的财务软件是整个ERP应用的一部分The next question addresses managing “Customer Orders” wh

13、ich includes activities such as receiving an order (request or schedule with material release); responding to that order (e.g. acknowledging your receipt and “agreement” or, your inability to fulfill an order); responding to customer inquiries as to the order status and, processing returns.下一个问题是“处理

14、客户订单”,包括诸如接受订单(发货的要求或计划)、对订单的反应(如接受和拒绝订单),对客户关于订单状态、处理情况的问询的反馈。7 How does your company use computers when managing customer orders today, and how do you expect your company to use computers for managing customer orders at the end of 2007? (select all that apply) 贵公司目前如何处理客户订单,贵公司希望到2007年底时如何运用计算机处理客

15、户订单?(可多选)Today目前Expected at the end of 2007到2007年底8 No computers are used for customer order management没有使用计算机处理客户订单9 Spreadsheets (like Excel) 分析表 (如Excel)10 My company uses a data base application (like Access) that does not automatically share data with other computer programs in our company我们直接使

16、用数据库系统(如Access)来管理,但不能自动与公司其他系统共享数据11 My company uses a software package that does not automatically share data with other computer programs in our company我们使用的应用软件包不能自动与公司其他系统共享数据12 My company uses a software package that shares data with other computer programs in our company我们使用的应用软件包可以自动与公司其他系统共

17、享数据13 My company uses software that is part of a full ERP implementation我们使用的软件是整个ERP系统应用的一部分The next question addresses Production Planning which includes activities such as: reviewing customer orders/schedules/releases; matching customer orders with your plants capacity to produce products to fulf

18、ill customer orders (material requirements, labor, machine capacity and utilization, finished goods and work in progress inventory).下一个问题是关于生产计划,包括检查客户订单/排程/发货,使客户订单与工厂生产能力相匹配以履行客户订单(原料需求、劳力、机器产能、成品和半成品)等一系列活动。14 How does your company plan production today, and how do you expect your company to use

19、computers for production planning at the end of 2007? (select all that apply)贵公司目前如何计划生产,到2007年底您期望贵公司如何利用计算机来安排生产?(可多选)Today目前Expected at the end of 2007到2007年底15 No computers are used for planning production没有利用计算机安排生产16 Spreadsheets (like Excel) 分析表 (如 Excel)17 My company uses a data base applica

20、tion (like Access) that does not automatically share data with other computer programs in our company我们直接使用数据库系统(如Access)来管理,但不能自动与公司其他系统共享数据18 My company uses a software package that does not automatically share data with other computer programs in our company我们使用的应用软件包不能自动与公司其它软件共享数据19 My company

21、uses a software package that shares data with other computer programs in our company我们使用的应用软件包可以自动与公司其它软件共享数据20 My company uses software that is part of a full ERP implementation我们使用的软件是整个ERP系统应用的一部分The next question addresses specific functions performed in your company and, the use of computers to

22、 perform those functions. Definitions of these functions will be given here (read the question, the name of the function, then the definition. Repeat the question)下一个问题是在贵公司的具体职能以及相应的计算机应用。以下是对这些职能的解释: Purchasing from suppliers identifying suppliers; soliciting and evaluating bids; negotiation and a

23、greement on purchase / delivery terms and conditions从供应商处采购考核供应商;招标和评标;商议和达成购买协议/交货条款和条件 Receiving materials communicating and physical receipt of materials at your site (physically receiving and recording receipt of material)接受原材料在贵处进行沟通和原材料的实物接收(物理意义上的原料接受和记录) Managing inventory identifying and mo

24、nitoring material status received, staged/allocated, consumed, scrap, defective仓库管理考核和监控物料状态:接收,堆栈/分配,使用,废弃和缺陷 Shipping material to customers preparing / staging for shipment; loading; monitoring movement and delivery送货至客户处准备/装船,监督货物转移和交货 Other processes other than those named above that you use com

25、puters to perform其他除上述之外利用计算机进行的操作21 In your company, which of the following functions are done today using computer applications? If not computerized today, do you expect it to be computerized in the next 2 years? 在贵公司,下面的哪些功能是通过计算机应用软件完成的?如果目前没有进行计算机化,未来两年会进行计算机化吗?Computerized Today目前计算机化Expect to

26、 be computerized within 2 years2年内计算机化22 Purchasing from suppliers从供应商处采购是/否是/否23 Receiving material from suppliers从供应商处接收原材料是/否是/否24 Managing Inventory仓库管理是/否是/否25 Shipping material to customers送货至客户处是/否是/否26 Other (please explain) 其他(请说明)是/否是/否Interviewers note if the interviewee cannot answer the

27、 above questions, skip to the last question.注:如果您不能回答上述问题,请直接跳到最后一个问题。Electronic communications电子通信:The next group of questions is about your companys use of computers for communicating outside your company.下一组问题有关于贵公司如何利用计算机与外界进行交流27 How do computers used in your company connect outside your compan

28、y today?How do you expect they will connect at the end of 2007?(select all that apply) 目前贵公司如何用计算机与其他公司联系?到2007年底贵公司将会如何运用计算机联系其他公司?(可多选)Today目前Expected at the end of 2007到2007年底28 Computers do not connect to the outside计算机不与外界相连29 Dial-up connection拨号连接30 Full-time connection (not sure what type) 全

29、天候连接(方式不确定)31 ISDN32 Broadband宽带33 Leased lines租借线路34 Other (please explain) 其他(请说明)35 If your companys computers are not connected outside your company, why not? (Select all that apply)如果贵公司计算机没有与外界连接,是因为什么原因?(可多选)36 There is no need to connect to the outside没必要与外界相连37 People in my company do not k

30、now how to do this我公司员工不知道如何操作38 Connection services are not available没有连接服务39 Cost to connect is too high连接费用太高40 The right hardware is not available没有合适的硬件41 The right software is not available没有合适的软件42 Other (please explain) 其他(请说明)About communicating with your customers关于与客户的联系: The next group o

31、f questions is about how your company communicates with its customers. 下一组问题有关于贵公司如何与客户联系。 The next question addresses the means by which you receive “requirements for production material.” By “requirements for production material”, we mean the number, quantity, timing, packaging and delivery requir

32、ements associated with raw materials, parts or components that you supply to your customers.下一个问题是贵公司接收“生产订单需求”的方式。所谓“生产订单需求”是指与贵公司提供给客户的原材料、零部件相关联的数量,时间,包装以及交货需求。43 About how many of your customers normally give you their requirements for production material (“Normally” refers to how this most ofte

33、n happens. When you think about the daily, weekly, monthly, occurrence of this activity, “normally” would mean that if it happened in another way, it would be highly unusual)正常情况下,有多少家客户分别以下列方式向贵公司提供生产订单需求:(正常情况是指发生最多的情况。)Number Today目前客户数量Expected Number at the end of 2007到2007年底客户数量44 Verbally (ph

34、one, face-to-face) 通过口头方式(电话,面对面)45 By paper (mail, messenger, etc.) 通过纸面方式(信函,便条等)46 By FAX (including e-mail, internet, direct-connect, etc.) 通过传真(包括电子邮件,因特网,直接联系等)47 By computer通过计算机48 Other (please explain) 通过其他方式(请说明)Interviewer note: If both answers to “d. By computer” are “0” skip to question

35、 10注:如果d选项“通过计算机”的2个答案都是“0”,那么直接跳到第10个问题.49 If your company receives (or plans to receive) customer requirements for production material via computer, about how many of your customers use each of the following methods today? At the end of 2007? 如果贵公司通过计算机接收(或准备接收)客户的原料生产需求,那么目前分别有多少家客户采取以下的方式?到2007年

36、底呢? Number of customers Today目前的客户数量Expected Number at the end of 2007到2007年底客户数量50 We receive e-mails我们通过接收电子邮件51 We have a person who accesse the customers system through an internet website我们有专人通过因特网访问客户的系统52 We use a terminal that is directly connected to the customers computer (not through an i

37、nternet website) 我们使用终端直接连接到客户的计算机系统(不通过因特网)53 Our companys computers exchange data automatically with our customers computers. 我们公司的计算机系统自动与客户的计算机系统交换数据54 Other (please explain) 其他(请说明)Interviewer note: If both answers to “d. . . . automatically . . ” are “0” skip to question 10.注:如果d选项的2个答案都是“0”,那

38、么直接跳到第10个问题55 If computers in your company exchange data automatically with your customers computer(s), how are the data messages formatted?How do you expect they will be formatted at the end of 2007?(select all that apply) 如果贵公司的计算机自动与客户计算机交换数据,数据信息是什么样的格式?到2007年底前会采用什么样的格式?(可多选)Today目前Expected at

39、the end of 2007到2007年底56 Using UN/EDIFACT standard使用 UN/EDIFACT 标准57 Using XML standards使用 XML 标准58 Using ANSI X12 standards使用 ANSI X12 标准59 Using the VDA standard使用 VDA 标准60 Not using standards just the customers definitions没有使用标准按客户要求61 Other (please explain) 其他(请说明)62 Dont know不知道Interviewer note

40、: if the respondent answers “g-Dont Know” follow up with “Could you give me the name and phone number of someone who would know?”注:如果您的回答是“g-不知道”选项,那么您是否能告诉我知道的人的姓名和电话?About your Customers关于您的客户The next group of questions will help us to understand the customers that you work with. 下列问题将会帮助我们了解您所服务的

41、客户63 Are your automotive industry customers within China: (check all that apply) 贵公司在中国境内的汽车行业的客户类型有(可多选)64 Plants that assemble finished vehicles (OEM) 整车装配厂(OEM)65 Suppliers to plants that assemble finished vehicles (1st Tier) 整车装配厂的供应商(第一层)66 Suppliers to parts manufacturers earlier in the supply

42、 chain (2nd or 3rd Tier) 为供应链中更靠前的零部件供应商供货的供应商(第二、第三层)67 Automotive after-market (wholesale or retail) 汽车批发商或零售商68 Not in the automotive industry没有汽车行业客户69 Are your automotive industry customers outside China: (check all that apply) 贵公司在中国以外的汽车行业的客户有(可多选)70 None we do not export没有,我们不做出口71 Plants th

43、at assemble finished vehicles (OEM) 汽车整车装配厂(OEM)72 Suppliers to plants that assemble finished vehicles (1st Tier) 整车装配厂的供应商(第一层)73 Suppliers to parts manufacturers earlier in the supply chain (2nd or 3rd Tier) 为供应链中更靠前的零部件供应商供货的供应商(第二、第三层)74 Automotive after-market (wholesale or retail) 汽车批发商或零售商75

44、Not in the automotive industry没有汽车行业客户76 About how many of your auto industry customers are _ (read options “a” through “d” and record answers) About how many of your autoindustry customers will be _ at the end of 2007目前,您下列不同类型的客户有多少家(到2007年底,您这些不同类型的客户将会有多少?)Number Today目前数量Expected Number at the

45、end of 2007到2007年底数量77 State-owned or privately-owned Chinese companies? 有多少中国的国有和私营企业?78 Joint Ventures between Chinese and foreign companies in China (JV) 在中国有多少中外合资的企业?79 Wholly Foreign-Owned Companies in China (WFOE) 在中国有多少家全外资企业?80 Plants manufacturing outside China? 有多少在国外的生产厂?81 If your custo

46、mers are JVs, WFOEs, or located outside China, about how many of them come from the following regions? About how many do you expect to do business with at the end of 2007? 如果您的客户中有中外合资、全外资或中国以外地区的企业,他们分别有多少家是来自以下地区?有多少家您希望到2007年底前可以开展合作?Number Today目前数量Expected Number at the end of 2007到2007年底数量82 Asia亚洲83 Europe欧洲84 North America北美About your company关于贵公司:This last group of questions will help us to understand a bit more about your company. 下列问题将会帮助我们更好地了解您的公司85 Which of the following best describes your companys sales in 2004? 以下各项中,最符合贵公司2004年销售额情况的是:86 Over $


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