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1、Module 2 Public holidaysUnit 1 My family always go somewhere interesting as soon as the holiday begins.【教材分析】本模块以“Public holidays”为话题,以学习谈论各国的节日为主线,介绍了节日在人们生活当中的重要意义。通过模块学习,学生将重点掌握5个主要连接副词或词组的用法,并能在写作过程中运用这些副词或词组。Unit 1通过听、读、说训练,初步谈论节日。【教学目标】听: Listen to people talking about public holidays 说: Talk

2、about holiday plans and Chinese festivals 读: Read articles about public holidays 写: Write about public festivals【教学重点】1. To learn and review some words and expressions about festivals.2. To learn some expressions about an adverbial clause of time.【教学难点】An adverbial clause of time【教学方法】PWP method, ta

3、sk-based method and interactive approach 【教学手段】A tape recorder, multimedia and some pictures【教学过程】Teaching Procedures:Step 1 Lead-in Ss look the pictures and talk about the holiday. When is the National Day?It is _.What can you see on the square?I can see _. What are they doing on that day?Theyre ra

4、ising _.Step 2 Look at the picture and answer the questions.1. Which public holiday are people celebrating?2. When is this holiday in China?Keys: People are celebrating Labour Day.This holiday is on 1st May in China.Step 3 Complete the sentences with the dates of the following holidays in China, the

5、 UK and the US. Look at each picture and fill in the blanks with the dates.1. Labour Day in China is on _.2. May Day in the UK is on _.3. Labour Day in the US is on _.Step 4 Listen and check.1st Maythe first Monday in Maythe first Monday in SeptemberStep 5 Listen and answer the following questions.1

6、. When was the Peoples Republic of China founded?2. Do people have one day off on Independence Day?3. Does Lingling have any plans for the National Day this year?4. When is the start of the vacation season in the US?5. Do people have a national day in the UK?Keys: On 1st October 1949.Yes, they do.He

7、r parents and she are going to visit some friends in Shangdong Province.Independence Day.No, they dont.Step 6 Reading1. Now complete the table.ChinaUSHoliday Date Duration Ways of celebrateYear the celebration started Keys: China: National Day 1st October three days celebrating with flowers and nati

8、onal flags 1949 US: Independence Day 4th July one daycelebrating with flags, picnics and watching bands play music in parks17772. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in the box.activity flag found vacation 1. The Americans celebrate Independence Day on 4th July. It is the start

9、 of the _ season.2. On 1st October, you can see the national _ everywhere in China. 3. The US was _ in 1776.4. What kinds of _ are there on 1st January?Keys: vacation flags founded activities Step 7 Language points Let Ss know about the main points in the passage and master. 1. The Peoples Republic

10、of China was founded on 1st October 1949.found表示“建立,创立”。它的过去式和过去分词都加ed。find表示“找到”,它的过去式和过去分词为found。 e.g. Her family founded the college in 1895. 她的家庭于1895年创办了这所学院。 2. People have celebrated the National Day since then.since then表示“从那以后”。是现在完成时的标志。e.g. He has lived in Beijing since then. 从那以后他就一直住在北京

11、。 3. Our national day is called Independence Day. Its on 4th day. 7月4日是美国独立日,英语中也称作Fourth of July, 是美国主要法定节日之一,以纪念1776年7月4日独立宣言在费城正式通过这一重大事件。独立宣言由托马斯. 杰斐逊起草,宣布北美13个殖民地脱离英国统治。美利坚合众国由此建立。 4. but we only have one day off. off表示“不上课/ 班,休息”。 e.g. Im taking a week off over Christmas. 圣诞节期间我会休假一星期。 Im goin

12、g to have some time off. 我准备休一段时间假。 5. On that day, there are all kinds of holiday activities.all kinds of 表示“各种各样的”e.g. You can taste all kinds of delicious food. 你能品尝各种各样美味的食物。6. and most people take a vacation sometime in July or August.take a vacation 表示“去度假”e.g. He will take a vacation next wee

13、k. 他下周将去度假。7. And is there anything special on that day?用形容词修饰不定代词或不定副词时,形容词要放在不定代词或不定副词的后面,如anything special, somewhere interesting。e.g. Dont do anything stupid. 不要做傻事。8. Kids have great fun. have fun意为“玩得高兴、玩得愉快”,相当于enjoy oneself和have a good time。have fun后跟动词时,要用V-ing形式。 9. And my family always go

14、 somewhere interesting as soon as the holiday begins.as soon as表示“一就”。用来引导时间状语从句。强调主句和从句动作的同时性。e.g. Please call me as soon as you get to the hotel. 你一回到酒店就给我打电话。Step 8 Pronunciation and speaking1. Listen and repeat.To learn about the ordinal numeral.1st first 2nd second 3rd third 4th fourth 5th fift

15、h 6th sixth 7th seventh 8th eighth 9th ninth10th tenth 11th eleventh 12th twelfth 13th thirteenth 20th twentieth 21st twenty-first 31st thirty-first记忆口诀一,二,三, 特殊记8去t,9除e 5和12记仔细,f来把ve替 -ty换成 tie再加th莫迟疑。 超过十位的,其余位数基, 个位序数替。2. Say the dates. (1) Now ask and answer questions about important dates in pa

16、irs. 10th September 1st October 4th July 25th DecemberNow work in pairs. Ask and answer questions about important dates. When is your birthday? The tenth of September. When is the Chinas National Day? The first of October. When is Independence Day? The fourth of July. When is Christmas Day? The twen

17、ty-fifth of December.(2) Ask and answer questions about a Chinese public holiday in groups.When is the holiday?What do your family do during the holiday?What special food do you eat?What special clothes do you wear?(3) Present the Chinese public holiday to the whole class.The Mid-Autumn Festival is

18、usually in September or early October. Family members usually get together. We eat moon cakes while we are enjoying the full moon Step 9 Exercises 1. Our country was _ on 1st October. A. find B. founded C. found 2. How long is your holiday? I think well have two days _. A. away B. off C. of3. Where

19、will you take a _? Beijing. A. holiday B. rest C. vacation4. My family lives on the _ floor. A. ninth B. nine C. ninethKeys: BBCAStep 10 HomeworkMake up a dialogue about the National Day. Including the date, duration, ways of celebration and year the celebration started. About 60 words.Unit 2 We hav

20、e celebrated the festival since the first pioneers arrived in America.【教材分析】Unit 2 通过读、写训练,学习描述节日。该单元共设计了6个活动。其中活动1要求学生描述所给图片。活动2-4要求学生阅读介绍感恩节的短文,完成表格和选词填空两个练习。活动5-6要求根据范文写出关于节日的文章。【教学目标】l Knowledge objectiveKey vocabulary and key structuresl Ability objectiveTo get information about ThanksgivingTo

21、master the adverbial clauses of timel Moral objectiveTo know more about western festivals and respect other festivals and western culture.【教学重点】1. To master the new words.2. To learn some expressions about Thanksgiving.3. To learn the adverbial clause of time.【教学难点】1. To get information from the art

22、icle.2. To write a composition by using the adverbial clause of time.【教学方法】PWP method, task-based method 【教学手段】A tape recorder, multimedia and some pictures【教学过程】Teaching Procedures:Step 1 Warming upAnswer the questions according to the pictures, and let Ss know about Thanksgiving.What festival do y

23、ou think it is?When is Thanksgiving celebrated?Do families come together to celebrate the festival?Do people enjoy the parade in the street?Step 2 Talk about the picture in pairsLook at the picture and say something about it in pairs.Step 3 Reading1. Listen and answer the following questions.Is Than

24、ksgiving celebrated on the fourth Thursday in November?What is the start of the Christmas season?Keys: Yes, it is.Thanksgiving. 2. Read the passage and match the headings with the paragraphs.a) A special dinnerb) An American festivalc) The history of the festivald) Things to do during the festivalKe

25、ys: 3 1 2 43. Complete the table.Facts about ThanksgivingDate _Meaning _ for their foodHistory Have celebrated it since _ from England arrived in AmericaLearnt from the Native Americans how to _ and celebrated together by _ of the new foodCelebrationCelebrate with _ before dinner.Celebrate by watchi

26、ng _ in New York City and _ on televisionKeys: Date the fourth Thursday in November Meaning People give thanks History the first pioneers grow corn eating a dinnerCelebration a traditional dinner Gave thanks the Macys Thanksgiving Day Parade the football games 4. Complete the passage with the correc

27、t form of the words in the box.among corn dish lay pioneer plentyThe first (1) _ crossed the Atlantic and arrived in America in the seventeenth century. At the beginning, they did not have enough food. The Native Americans taught them how to grow (2) _. They soon had (3) _ to eat. Today, people livi

28、ng in the US remember the Native Americans and the pioneers at Thanksgiving. This festival is celebrated with a meal (4) _ family and friends. Everyone helps (5) _ the table. After the meal, they help wash the (6) _.Keys: pioneers corn plenty among lay dishesStep 4 Language points To learn about the

29、 main points in the passage.1. It is a time for a special dinner among family and friends.among prep. 在之中辨析:between和among between一般表示在两者之间,常用and连接两个具体的人或物。among一般表示在三个或三个以上的人或物之间,其宾语通常是表示笼统数量或具有复数意义的名词或代词。e.g. Can you tell the differences between the two pictures? 你能告诉我这两幅画之间的区别吗? Who sings best amo

30、ng them? 他们之中谁唱歌唱的最好呢?2. People make short speeches and give thanks for their food.make speeches表示“做演讲”。give thanks (to sb.) for (doing sth.)表示“对某人做了某事表示感谢”,这里thanks用作名词。give也可以换成其他动词。e.g. She expressed her thanks to her friends for coming the party. 她对朋友们来参加聚会表示感谢。thanks for (doing) sth. 也可以表达相同的意思

31、。e.g. Thanks for your support. 谢谢你的支持。3. We have celebrated the festival since the first pioneers from England arrived in America by ship in the seventeenth century. since 表示“自从”,常与完成时连用。【观察】请仔细观察下列例句,然后补全结论部分所缺的内容。1) Uncle Li has worked in the factory since 2000.2) Mikes parents have been in the so

32、uth since two years ago.3) The Smiths have worked there since they moved to the city.4) Tina has lived in Beijing since she came to China.5) It is more than two years since our family moved to Zhengzhou.6) It has been three weeks since we won the football game. 【结论】1. 通过观察例句1和2,我们可以发现:since可以作_(介词 /

33、 连词),其后常接表示某一时间点的单词或短语,并且其谓语动词必须是延续性动词,多用于_时态。2. 通过观察例句36,我们可以发现:since可以作_(介词 / 连词),引导时间状语从句,其主句通常用现在完成时态,从句用_时态。当主句中含有静态意义的动词,特别是含有be动词时,常使用一般现在时态,即可使用句型“It _ + 时间段 + since + 从句”,也可以使用“It _ + 时间段+since + 从句”来表达。4. While they were crossing the Atlantic, many people died, and after they landed, their

34、 first winter was worse than any English winter.after在句中引导时间状语从句,表示主句动作发生在从句动作之后。e.g. After we had finished the work, we went home. 完成工作之后,我们回家了。 4. The local people, the Native Americans, taught the pioneers how to grow corn. 【点拨】在八年级,我们已经学过grow这个词,它的意思有“(逐渐)变得;生长;增长;增大”。除了这些意思以外,grow还有“种植,栽培(植物)”的

35、意思。如:How many trees have you grown in the park since last year? 5. While they were crossing the Atlantic, many people died, and after they anded, their first winter was worse than any English winter. after在句中引导时间状语从句,表示主句动作发生在从句动作之后。e.g. After we had finished the work, we went home. 完成工作之后,我们就回家了。 6

36、. The following year they celebrated together by eating a dinner of the new food. following adj. 接着的by eating a dinner of the new food在句中作方式状语, 表示“以聚餐品尝新食物的方式(来庆祝)”。by doing sth.常用来表示“以某种行为方式”。e.g. The little girl earns her living by selling newspapers. 小女孩靠卖报纸为生。 7. During the festival, there are p

37、lenty of other things to see and do. 【点拨】plenty of意为“丰富的;充足的”,在使用时应注意以下两点:(1) plenty of既能与不可数名词连用,又能与可数名词连用。如: Dont worry! We have plenty of time. There are plenty of chairs in the room. (2) “plenty of +名词”作主语时,谓语动词的数要与名词的数保持一致。如: Plenty of students have joined the club. Plenty of sleep helps us kee

38、p healthy. 【链接】我们已经学过不少表示“许多”的词语,大致可分为以下三类:(1)只能与可数名词连用的,如:many, a number of等。(2)只能与不可数名词连用的,如:much。(3)既能与可数名词连用,又能与不可数名词连用的,如:a lot of, lots of, plenty of等。 这些词语与名词构成的短语作主语时,谓语动词的数也要与名词的数保持一致。Step 7 WritingThink about the most unforgettable festivals you have enjoyed. Answer the questionsWhat was i

39、t?When was it? Who did you spend it with?How did you spend it?Will you remember it for long? Why?Step 8 Write a passage about the festival Use the answers in Activity 5 to help you to write. An unforgettable festival for me was the National Day last year Step 9 Learning to learn When you write about

40、 important events, such as festivals, you can write what the festival is, when it is, why it is important, what you do, who you spend it with, and what special food you eat. Step 10 ExercisesLet the students practice the main points in Unit 2.补全下面的句子。1. 人们做简短的致辞, 为食物而感恩。 People make short _ and give

41、 thanks for their food.2. 我们从小就是朋友。 We have been friends _ childhood.3. 他们通过听收音机来学习英语。 They learnt English _ listening to the radio.4. 我经常帮助妈妈摆放餐具。 I often help mother _.Keys: speeches since by lay the tableStep 11 HomeworkFinish your passage about the unforgettable festival.Unit 3 Language in use【教

42、学目标】l Knowledge objectiveGet the students to be able to use the key vocabulary and new words they learn in this unitl Ability objectiveTo summarize and consolidate the adverbial clause of time.l Moral objective1. To be glad to take part in the festival activities and enjoy the happiness.2. To respec

43、t the western culture.【教学重点】To be able to write a passage to introduce the festival.【教学难点】Through listening, speaking and writing, let students practise the adverbial clause of time.【教学方法】PWP method, task-based method 【教学手段】A tape recorder, multimedia and some pictures【教学过程】Teaching Procedures:Step 1 Language practice To master the adverbial clause of time by filling the blanks.1. _ were staying with our friends, were going to spend one day in Qingdao.2. _ we begin dinner, my father gives thanks for the food.3. _ it is all over, everyone helps was


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