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1、.重点单词识记1act /kt/ n(戏剧的)一幕;行为,行动;法案,法令;vi.行动;充当;起作用2bend /bend/ vi.弯腰,屈身;vt.(使)弯曲3sink /sIk/ n水池,水槽,洗碗池;vi.下沉,沉没4fault /flt/ n过错,错误5scene /sin/ n(戏剧的)一场;场面;景色;地点,现场6upset /pset/ adj.不高兴的,失望的;vt.使不高兴,使失望;打乱,搅乱;打翻7emergency /ImdnsI/ n突发事件;紧急情况8anyhow /enIha/ adv.反正;尽管如此9deserve /dIzv/ vt.值得;应得;应受10hand

2、le /hndl/ vt.处理;应付;操纵;搬动11worried /wrId/ adj.担心的,担忧的12forbid /fbId/ vt.禁止13misunderstand /mIsndstnd/ vt.误解,误会14last /lst/ vi.持久;vt.持续,维持(一段时间);adj.最后的;最不可能的15frightened /fraItnd/ adj.受惊的;害怕的frightening adj.令人恐惧的frighten vt.使惊吓,使惊恐fright n惊吓;恐怖16starve /stv/ vi.挨饿;饿死;vt.使挨饿starvation n饥饿;挨饿;饿死17toler

3、ate /tlreIt/ vt.容忍;允许tolerance n忍受tolerant adj.容忍的18behavior/behaviour /bIheIvj(r)/ n行为,举止behave vt.&vi.举动;表现19defend /dIfend/ vt.辩解,辩白;防御,保护defence/defense n辩解,辩白;防御,保护20explanation /eksplneIn/ n解释,说明explain v解释,说明unexplained adj.无法解释的,神秘的21rude /rud/ adj.粗鲁的,无礼的rudely adv.粗鲁地,无礼地rudeness n粗鲁,无礼22g

4、uidance /aIdns/ n指导,引导guide v&n.指导;导游23argument /jumnt/ n争吵,辩论;论点,论据argue v争吵,争论;说服24harm /hm/ vt.&n.伤害harmful adj.有害的harmless adj.无害的;无恶意的25patience /peIns/ n耐心patient n病人;adj.有耐心的26selfish /selfI/ adj.自私的selfless adj.无私的self n自我;私心27distant /dIstnt/ adj.不友好的,冷淡的,疏远的;遥远的distance n距离;远处28annoyed /nI

5、d/ adj.愤怒的,生气的annoying adj.使人恼怒的,使人生气的annoy vt.使不悦;惹恼annoyance n烦恼;恼怒29confused /knfjuzd/ adj.困惑的,不解的confusing adj.令人困惑的confuse vt.使迷惑;混淆confusion n困惑30limit /lImIt/ n限制;极限;界限;vt.限制limitation n限制;控制limited adj.有限的limitless adj.无限制的;无界限的31balance /blns/ v平衡;抵消;权衡;n.平衡;抵消;余额;天平,秤balanced adj.均衡的,平衡的.重

6、点短语识记1cant wait to do sth.迫不及待地做某事2be supposed to应该,应当3go out(火或灯光)熄灭4be hard on对苛刻,对严厉5stay up不睡觉,熬夜6mix up混淆,弄乱;搅匀,拌和7insist on坚持,坚持认为8at present现在9keep up with跟上;与保持联系10give up放弃11get along with与相处;进展12go through经历;经受13out of control失去控制14along with与一起15turn out原来是;证明是;结果是.经典原句默写与背诵1The room is i

7、n a mess,with pizza boxes on the floor and dirty dishes in the sink.房间里一片狼藉,地板上扔着许多比萨饼盒子,洗碗池里堆着未洗的碗碟。2Daniel has his arms crossed and looks upset.丹尼尔双臂抱在胸前,看起来很不高兴。3Maybe,but now that he has been so rude to us,I feel like we have to punish him or he wont respect us.也许吧,可是既然他对我们那么粗鲁无礼,那我觉得我们有必要教训他,要不

8、然他不会尊重我们的。4Sometimes he acts as if he doesnt love us at all.有时他表现得好像他根本不爱我们。5Since teenagers have difficulty balancing these needs,they often question who they are and how they fit in society.由于青少年很难在这些需求中找到平衡,他们常常问他们是谁,怎样才能适应社会。1The girl was frightened into crying by the frightening(frighten) story

9、.2My life is limited,but learning is limitless(limit)3To keep healthy,the old man eats a balanced(balance) diet every day.4She is pleased with her childs good behavior(behave)5If you really like the job,distance(distant) is not a problem.6Many people are aware of the harmful(harm) effects of smoking

10、.7All the plan was upset(打乱) by the sudden change of the weather.8Those who know to tolerate(容忍) others can naturally lead a happy life.9Please note that food and fruit are forbidden(禁止) in the library.10Such things ought to be handled(处理) with great care.1be frightened of.害怕be frightened to do.吓得不敢

11、做frighten sb./sth.away/off把某人(物)吓走frighten sb.into/out of doing sth.吓唬某人做/不做某事When hearing the news that Typhoon Haiyan was coming,many people felt frightened.当听到台风“海燕”就要来袭的消息后,很多人感到害怕。That little girl was frightened that her mother wouldnt come back.那个小女孩害怕妈妈不再回来。夯实基础用适当的介、副词填空(1)He frightened the

12、old lady into signing the paper.(2)He threatened the intruders with a gun and frightened them off/away.(3)Theyre frightened of losing power.2find fault with挑剔,找岔at fault负有责任;有过错To be honest,it was Sus fault,but Li was also to blame.说实话,那是苏的错,但李也该受责备。(2012江苏书面表达)词义辨析fault,mistake(1)fault多指性格上的弱点,行为上的

13、过失,强调因过失所导致的应负的责任。(2)mistake指“错误;误会;误解”,多指缺乏正确理解造成行动上或认识上的错误。夯实基础用fault,mistake填空(1)Its your fault to make such a mistake.(2)He made several mistakes in the exam.3on the scene在现场;当场behind the scenes在幕后;暗中appear/come on the scene出场;登场The first scene of the play is so wonderful.那个戏剧的第一幕非常精彩。These obje

14、cts were found at the scene of the crime.这些物品是在犯罪现场找到的。词义辨析scene,scenery,sight,view(1)scene指展现在眼前的情景,也可以指scenery的一部分,大多包括景物中的人及活动在内。(2)scenery指某地总的自然风光或景色,尤指美丽的乡间景色。(3)sight既可以指场景,眼前看到的景观,也可以指名胜、风景,在表示“名胜、风景”时,用复数形式。(4)view常指从某个位置或角度所看到的景色,指“视野,眼界”。还可表示“观点”。夯实基础用scene,scenery,view,sight的适当形式填空(1)As

15、we climbed higher,a wonderful view opened out before us.(2)The next day we returned to the scene of the accident.(3)The Great Wall is one of the most breathtaking sights in the world.(4)On the way up I was busy taking pictures since the scenery was so beautiful.4be upset about/at/over为烦恼upset onesel

16、f about sth.为某事而烦恼It upsets sb.that.让某人心烦的是Dont be upset about itno harm has been done.不要为那事烦恼,没有造成损失。I was so upset that I felt like crying.我心烦意乱,很想哭。夯实基础用upset的适当形式填空(1)She sounded upset when I said you couldnt come.(2)She warned me not to say anything to upset him.(3)I will never see him again an

17、d that is a terribly upsetting thought.5deserve doing/to be done值得被deserve to do sth.应该/值得做某事deserve consideration/attention值得考虑/注意get what one deserves罪有应得No matter how ordinary a job is,it plays a part in society and therefore deserves our due respect.无论工作多么普通,在社会中都起着重要作用,所以值得我们的尊重。(2013广东读写任务)The

18、 present situation in Thailand deserves to be observed.泰国目前的局势值得观察。特别提醒当物作主语时deserve后接doing,主动形式表示被动意义,等于接动词不定式的被动式。有相同用法的动词还有:need,want,require等。夯实基础用所给词的适当形式填空(1)They didnt deserve to win(win)(2)I think your suggestion deserves trying/to be tried(try)6insist作“坚持说;坚持认为”讲时,后面的宾语从句不用虚拟语气;作“坚决要求;坚决主张”

19、解时,其后的从句要用(should) do。insist on doing.坚持要求做On the contrary,the volunteers insist that they have got tired of the life on the earth.相反,志愿者们坚持说他们已经厌倦了地球上的生活。 (2013广东基础写作)They insisted on their original view.他们仍坚持原来的看法。I insisted that you (should) go there on time.我坚决要求你准时到达那里。夯实基础用所给词的适当形式填空(1)I insis

20、ted that I was not(be,not) old and that I (should) be sent(send) there to work.(2)The officer insisted that Michael did not follow(not,follow) the correct procedure in applying for a visa.(3)Frank insisted that he was not(be,not) asleep although I had great difficulty in waking him up.7do/cause harm

21、 to对造成伤害do sb.harmdo harm to sb.伤害某人;对某人有害mean no harm无恶意There is no harm in doing.做某事无害处be harmful to.对有害It makes our school dirty and unpleasant,and does harm to the image of our school.它使我们学校又脏又令人不快,伤害了学校形象。(2011浙江书面表达)夯实基础完成句子(1)Fruit juice can do/cause harm to(对造成损害) childrens teeth.(2)He means

22、 no harm(无恶意) by saying what he thinks,but people tend to be upset by it.8beyond ones patience无法忍受out of patience没有耐心lose patience with对失去耐心have no patience with对没有耐心be patient with对有耐心This job calls for patience.这件工作需要耐心。夯实基础完成句子(1)Miss Grant is patient with her students(对她的学生有耐心)(2)His rudeness wa

23、s beyond my patience(我无法忍受) and I wanted to leave.9distance n.距离;间距;遥远at a distance隔一段距离;距离稍远in the distance在远处from the distance从远处,eep sb.at a distance对冷淡,与疏远within walking distance在步行可及的地方Pat sounded very cold and distant on the phone.从电话里听起来帕特非常冷淡和疏远。My parents live within walking distance of me.

24、我父母住在我家附近。夯实基础用适当的介词填空(1)I saw some smoke in the distance.(2)Its better for you to keep him at a distance.forbid doing sth.禁止做某事forbid sb.from doing.禁止某人做forbid sb.to do sth.禁止某人做某事Its forbidden to do sth.做某事是禁止的Theyll forbid you to marry.他们不会准许你结婚。She was shut away and forbidden to read.她被关了起来,并且不允

25、许看书。夯实基础用所给词的适当形式填空(1)Its forbidden to marry (marry) someone who is not a member of the same faith.(2)The new law forbids smoking(smoke) in offices.(3)He was forbidden to smoke (smoke) here.return to normal恢复正常back to normal回归正常above/below normal高于/低于正常标准People who commit crimes like that arent norm

26、al.犯这种罪的人心理都不正常。Her temperature is above normal.她的体温高于正常标准。词义辨析normal,usual,common,ordinary(1)normal指“正常的,通常的”。(2)usual多指“习惯性的,遵循常规的,一贯如此的”。(3)common多用于“常见的,不足为奇的”。(4)ordinary与common意思相近,多指“平淡无奇”。夯实基础用normal,usual,common,ordinary填空(1)He entered the restaurant and walked to his usual seat and sat dow

27、n.(2)Dont be afraid of making mistakes for mistakes are quite common for beginners.(3)Although the ceremony he attended was important,he was still in ordinary dress.(4)It is normal for us not to want to work on Sundays.tend to do.倾向于做;往往会tend sb.照顾某人have a tendency to do sth.有做某事的倾向Janet tends to ge

28、t very angry if you disagree with her.你如果不顺着珍妮特,她往往会大发脾气。The nurse skillfully tended soldiers wounds.护士熟练地护理着那些士兵的伤口。夯实基础用tend的适当形式填空(1)You have a tendency to avoid argument.(2)During the second world war,Henry Beecher was a doctor tending soldiers on the battlefield.There is a limit to.是有限度的limit.t

29、o.把限定在之内within the limits of限定在范围之内over/beyond the limit超量,超出限度set a limit to对规定限度He was born in a poor family,and only received a limited education in his childhood.他出生于一个贫穷家庭,童年只接受过有限的教育。 (2012浙江书面表达)The team performed to the limit of its capabilities.这个队已竭尽全力。夯实基础翻译句子(1)依我看,你最好对你旅行的花费规定限度。In my o

30、pinion,you had better set a limit to the expense of your trip.(2)一个人的忍耐是有限度的。There is a limit to what one person can tolerate.meet a challenge 应对挑战face a challenge面临挑战challenge sb.on.就向某人提出质疑challenge sb.to do.向某人挑战做challenge sb.to sth.邀请比赛challenging adj.有挑战性的They rose to the challenge of entertain

31、ing 80 schoolchildren for an afternoon.他们一个下午成功接待了80名学童。He left a note at the scene of the crime,challenging detectives to catch him.他在犯罪现场留了个字条,向警探挑衅。夯实基础用所给词的适当形式填空(1)Some children want to challenge themselves(they) by learning a language different from that their parents speak at home.(2)Mike fou

32、nd a challenging(challenge) job as a computer programmer.(3)She challenged the newspaper to prove(prove) its story.单项填空1He is such a man who always fault with other people.Ahas;found Bwill;findCis;finding Ddoes;find答案C解析always与进行时连用,表示一种强烈的欣赏或厌恶的语气。2As time went by,he the children because they were

33、always very naughty.Ahad some patience withBlost his patience withChad the patience toDlost his patience to答案B解析由because从句可知,应当是“失去耐心”;lose ones patience with失去对的耐心,固定用法;A和C不合题意。3He was in poor health,so the doctor forbade him wine.Adrink BdrinkingCto drink Ddrunk答案C解析考查forbid sb.to do sth.这一结构。4He

34、tends his temper if you dont obey the rule.Ato lose BlosingCto be lost Dhaving lost答案A解析tend to do.倾向于做;往往会。.汉译英1最近这段日子,违反交通规则和乱扔垃圾的现象很常见,对生活和环境造成了极大的危害。(cause harm to) (2013安徽书面表达)These days,breaking traffic rules and littering are not uncommon,causing serious harm to life and the environment.2我发现老

35、师既有耐心又体贴人。(patient)(2012湖北短文写作)I found the teachers patient and considerate.3所以,她值得获得这项荣誉,我们都应该向她学习。(deserve)(2010浙江书面表达)Therefore,she deserves the honor and we should learn from her.1Dad says hes bought me a new bike.I cant wait to go home and see it.2He insisted on innocence and asked to be set fr

36、ee at once.3You are supposed to ask the teacher if you want to leave the classroom.4We stayed up late to watch a film yesterday and now feel so tired.5Dont be too hard on himhes very young.1be mixed up in/with卷入,牵涉进去get mixed up弄糊涂了mix v.使混合;掺和mix A and B将A和B混合mix with sb.和某人交往Oil does not mix with

37、water.油不融于水。Someone has mixed up all the application forms.有人把申请表都弄乱了。夯实基础用mix的适当形式填空(1)The city is a mixture of old and new buildings.(2)I dont want to be mixed up in such a business.2present adj.存在的;目前的;在场的;v.授予;提出,提交;n.礼物;目前be present at 出席present sth.to sb.present sb.with sth.向某人赠送某物make a prese

38、nt of sth.to sb.(make sb.a present of sth.)把某物赠送给某人for the present (for the time being)目前;暂时in the presence of sb.in ones presence当着的面,在面前Besides,there are some presents I bought for my family members and friends;it will be a great disappointment to me if I cant find the suitcase.而且,箱子里面有我为家人和朋友买的礼物

39、,如果找不到它,我会很失望。(2010重庆书面表达)This problem requires urgent solution at present.这个问题目前需要紧急解决。图解助记特别提醒present作前置定语时意为“目前的”;作后置定语时,意为“出席的,在场的”。夯实基础用适当的介词填空(1)The boy was punished in the presence of all his classmates.(2)Who will be present at the concert?(3)The mayor presented him with a gold medal at an o

40、fficial city reception.单项填空1 People often get him and his brother .Amixed up Bmix upCto mix up Dmixing up答案A解析get.mixed up把混淆。2A society includes people of different classes,tastes,etc.Amix BmixingCmixture Dmixed答案D解析mixed意为“复杂的”,作定语,修饰society。3The message is very important,so it is supposed as soon

41、 as possible.Ato be sent Bto sendCbeing sent Dsending答案A解析be supposed to do sth.应该做某事;message与send之间为被动关系,故选A项。.汉译英班长王华向她献上了准备好的鲜花。(present sb.with sth.)(2012陕西书面表达)Wang Hua,our monitor,presented her with the prepared flowers.用适当的介、副词填空1The goals for which he had fought all his life no longer seemed

42、 important to him.2There are many books on the table,some of which are Professor Blacks.3Mark was a student at this university from 1999 to 2003,during which time he studied very hard and was made chairman of the Students Union.4The family at whose house we stayed are friends of my fathers.5The Engl

43、ish play,in which my students acted at the New Years party,was a great success.用适当的关系副词填空1I still remember the day when I went to the university.2The factory where he works is in the north of the city.3This is the reason why I was late for the class.4The pilot was in a dangerous situation where he m

44、ight lose control of his plane.1 But,but.you werent supposed to come home until tomorrow!可是,可是你们应该明天才回家的呀!until的用法:(1)引导时间状语从句,如果主句的谓语动词是延续性的,那么这个主句需用肯定式。若主句的谓语动词是非延续性的,则主句常用否定式,构成not.until结构。(2)在not.until句型结构中,可以把not until提到句首,句子用倒装语序。(3) not.until.句型的强调句式为:It is/was not until.that.。In fact,I didnt

45、 realize its importance until I was chosen monitor of my class in my senior middle school.事实上,直到我上中学被选为班长时我才意识到它的重要性。(2011湖北短文写作)夯实基础根据要求完成下列各题(1)I didnt leave until he came.(改成倒装句)Not until he came did I leave.(2)I didnt leave until he came.(用强调句型强调until部分)It was not until he came that I left.2(1)have/get sth.done有三层意思:请某人做;主语遭遇到某事;把做完(主语也可自己


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