1、Unit 8 When is your birthday?(20分钟50分). 词汇运用(10分)()根据句意及汉语提示完成单词。(5分)1. Our school has an English(考试)next Monday. 2. We have some activities this(学期). 3. We will have a school(旅游)next week. 4. Miss Gao loves her(学生)very much. 5. Our head teacher is really(忙碌的)every day. 答案: 1. test2. term3. trip4. s
2、tudents5. busy()用所给词的适当形式填空。(5分)6. My(father)birthday is on October the fifth. 7. There are two English(festival)in January. 8. September is the(nine)month of a year. 9. His name is Jim Green. Jim is his(one)name. 10. Today is her birthday, not(I). 答案: 6. fathers7. festivals8. ninth9. first10. mine.
3、 单项选择(10分)1. We haveArt Festival in our school next week. A. aB. anC. theD. /2. I want to go to EnglandMarch 2nd. A. onB. atC. inD. to3. There aremonths in a year. month is December. A. twelfth; TwelfthB. twelve; TwelveC. twelfth; The twelfthD. twelve; The twelfth4. This is my dress. That one is. A.
4、 my sisterB. MarysC. motherD. Mary5. Do you have a Music Festival at your school library? . A. Yes, it isB. Yes, we doC. Yes, we doesD. Yes, it does答案: 15. BADBB. 完成句子(10分)1. 他们在晚会上玩得很开心。They at the party. 2. 你的父母在“学校开放日”能来学校吗? Can your parents school on School Day? 3. 今天是我的第二十个生日。Today is my . 4. 你
5、们学校有艺术节吗? Do you have an at school? 5. 我们在4月份有一次学校郊游。We have a in April. 答案: 1. have a good time2. come to3. twentieth/20th birthday4. Art Festival5. school trip. 补全对话(10分)(2014重庆一中期末)从方框中选择最佳选项完成对话, 有两项多余。A. Its a tennis ball. B. When is it? C. Yes, she is. D. Where do you have a tennis game? E. It
6、s a photo, my family photo. F. I play tennis every day. G. No, she is my aunt. Bob: Whats this, Jane? Jane: 1Bob: Whos that man in a white T-shirt? Jane: Hes my father. Bob: Oh, is the woman your mother? Jane: 2Bob: Oh, your aunt. And whats in your hand? Jane: 3Bob: Do you like tennis? Jane: Yes, I
7、do. 4Bob: Do you have a tennis game at school? Jane: Yes. Do you want to come and watch it? Bob: Sure. 5Jane: Its on March 15th. Bob: Great! See you then. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 答案: 15. EGAFB. 阅读理解(10分)(-)甲公司201年度涉及现金流量的交易或事项如下:Vera is eight years old. She has four dollars. She wants to buy a birthday gift
8、for her mother. She comes to a big store. She looks at the things and thinks, “Ill buy her something nice”. 2004年1-9月折旧额=3600/10/12*9=270(万元)“Can I help you? ”asks the shopkeeper(店主). “Yes, please. I want to buy a gift for my moms birthday, ”answers Vera, “but I dont know what to buy. ”The shopkeepe
9、r gives her a nice skirt and says, “Do you like this skirt? Its thirty dollars. ”“Yes, but I only have four dollars, ”says Vera. Then she sees a nice red hat. She knows her mother would like it. She wants to buy it, but the price(价格)must be very high. 题解 妊娠时,随着孕周增加,血液中血小板和凝血因子逐渐增多,纤溶酶原激活物抑制剂增多,胆固醇、磷
10、脂及甘油三酯也均可增加,而抗凝和纤溶活性物质,如抗凝血酶-、纤溶酶原激活物及尿激酶等却减少,故易诱发DIC。“How much is it? ”she asks. The shopkeeper looks at her, and then he says, “Thats just four dollars. ”Vera is very happy, and says, “OK, Ill take it. ”24DIC晚期时高度纤溶亢进使D-二聚体含量降低的原因是阅读上面短文, 判断句子正误(T/F)。()1. Veras mothers birthday is coming. C交易性金融资产
11、按照公允价值计量()2. Vera doesnt like the skirt. 2严重感染为何易发生DIC?()3. Vera buys a red hat for thirty. B986万元()4. The shopkeeper is a kind man. ()5. The shopkeeper is Veras father. 【方法技巧】(1)根据资料(1)至(6),逐项判断甲公司会计处理是否正确,并简要说明判断依据。对于不正确的会计处理,编制相应的调整分录。跳读与词义猜测(2)根据资料(5),判断所涉及的事项哪些不应计入甲公司20X4年度合并利润表中的其他综合收益项目,并说明理由
12、。遇到生词时, 一定要沉着、冷静。一般的生词, 只要不是有单独考查“词义猜测”的题目就跳过去, 只要对材料的整体理解不影响就好, 这种阅读叫“跳读”。跳读可以提高我们的阅读速度, 更好地解决细节理解题以及别的题目。题解 多种病因造成血管内皮细胞广泛受损,使内皮胶原暴露,因其表面带有负电荷,因此血流中的带正基团的因子与其结合,转变为有活性的因子a,启动内源性凝血途径。词义猜测利用上下文语境对某些生词、难句做出推测和判断。该题旨在考查学生根据上下文推断词汇意义的能力, 因而, 所考单词的意义通常超出大纲范围。常见形式有: The word/phrase. . . means/refers to.
13、. . From the passage, we can infer the word. . . is closest in meaning to. . . What does the word. . . in Paragraph. . . mean? 猜测词义也是阅读能力的体现, 当然也在考查范围之内。遇到这种题目, 只要理解了全篇材料的大部分内容, 弄清了上下文之间的内在联系, 判断出它在文中可能存在的含义是不难的。做好此类题, 要注意, 第一, 要熟练掌握大纲单词, 平时注意积累生词和短语。第二, 要把词放到句子里, 把句子放在句群里。第三, 注意词、句的位置, 确定结构关系。第四, 要善于利用连词、代词及词性、同义词法、反义词法等进行判断选择。答案: 15. TFFTF