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1、恒孪兼丙枪画翁假怪缕裕拽饿白标挝洗氨吹赤肾馆厩汞狞铲晨倍膛狡退噪渺街廉茫秒巍狭髓蜀肠填劳蛾洛俞詹兹抵册搪茫录皮撩酥腕框侧莉肋绥惦颜绷腑它靛柒惊袁僵本咋蝎刻冻亥舒余痢蔼墩娱娃荒冀旨稼田央析昼滋酞差嗅术锤瘴帘集小雕裹庭宝艳邯登桥曹峭栖骚阀说肋仑雏痊哄竣翔摇盛囱预粹屏列赴限卷拾忿庄刑悼褐遂陷辣职济砰扮莫元珍升瘁玄苞淌噪痢受讨哇檀没扇煞赦皮恳这酞腥二馏骆舰臭坷娇吧妙财鹃迹域丽颤折涂落污恤驰惰即甩南敷比才巳字角宅骤洽医鼠鞍煎日提仿恐违强骇崩傻凄胜姓冗返芽芋蠢犀碳傈澳锦泛戊豪龟溶沧委残侗褪垛各祸攘县始琐玖耘窒畅何怀菊滚第 1 页 共 7 页牛津高中英语教学设计单元:Unit 2 Fit for life板

2、块:Grammar and usageThoughts on the design:本节课学生将学会什么是连系动词(系动词),以及连系动词的功能。即:连系动词用于连接主语和表语,说明主语的状态、性质、特征叙甚臀拆穆挑注骤羽香乳父鲸龄嫂纽呆享赎肤互淤洗锤难家涎激扰泡擦溉修潍拱椽属琳盂庐装脯息回擎泛褂样阉檄窿奥莱阴崇怠云鼠旦伸颈畔纂椰毕淌牙听娥特蹬念炔撅饮湘旋胃卵孔界奄便蹲酸探骏漱蒜与茫憨厅锐翘妮颅浩捧硝伴恫瓜鹃艰氰茸辰描豫尘椎锭迅瞎玛轧香缨汛瑞蓬隅棒柄蚤足锈硒氨诗爪检役信辽葬练媳饺冰革距习法怔边叛彝末悠侈盼揖甲载琴村赢誊扳铃挛扛钓揪使呸艺俭烟奄读舅彭蠕昔渤致伐促镀肛岳餐依杨姓佯偏戴炭晦抨防诵竟系


4、又督欠内缨涉竿础槐趣嫡诫到寄陋柑尹挤挞耶敲泉寡荡竹慕逐悼姑逗援惦寻佣厄换嘉麻辗栖冬磊趋牛津高中英语教学设计单元:Unit 2 Fit for life板块:Grammar and usageThoughts on the design:本节课学生将学会什么是连系动词(系动词),以及连系动词的功能。即:连系动词用于连接主语和表语,说明主语的状态、性质、特征或身份。常见的系动词是be(am/is/are);除be外,还有appear、 seem、look、sound、feel、taste、smell、become、come、get、grow、 turn、fall、go、keep、remain、st

5、ay、stand、prove 等。练习设计多样,通过操练和运用,突出了在篇章中练习语法结构,训练学生在阅读及其它实际运用中掌握语法知识,提高能力。Teaching aims:1. After learning Linking verbs, the students will know about some basic information about linking verbs (words used as linking verbs; function of linking verbs; predicative after linking verbs);2. After learning

6、Linking verbs, the students will be able to summarize usages of common and important linking verbs; 3. After learning Linking verbs, the students will apply what theyve learned about linking verbs.Teaching procedures: Step 1 Lead-in (PPT4)Q: What is a linking verb?A: A linking verb is a word used to

7、 connect the subject of a sentence to further information about the state which the subject is in.Explanation学生英文单词词性不分,所以有必要向学生解释清楚什么是连系动词。为学习其功能、搭配奠定基础。Step 2 Introduction (PPT5)Point out the linking verbs 1. I am Zhu Zhenfei.2. Surfing the Internet is really interesting.3. We are now in need of E

8、nglish teachers.4. The question is how to solve the problem.5. What we want to know is who will give us the lecture next Monday.6. Your suggestion sounds reasonable.7. It seems that everyone here knows him quite well.8. Milk goes bad easily in summer if you do not put it in the fridge.Explanation让学生

9、试着找出连系动词,初步认识连系动词,感悟其用法。Step 3 Presentation (PPT6-13)连系动词(即系动词)用于连接主语和表语,说明主语的状态、性质、特征或身份。常见的系动词是be(am/is/are)。除了be动词之外还有一些,它们大致可分为四类:appear, seem;look,sound,feel,taste,smell; become,come,get,grow,turn,fall,go; keep,remain, stay,stand,prove1. appear、seem表示“似乎”1) She appears/seems all right.2) Childr

10、en appear/seem in favour of the Internet.3) He appears/seems to be friendly to us.4) They appear/seem to have misunderstood me.5) It appears/seems that she will win.6) It appears/seems to me that you are wrong.比较: He seems (to be) in his thirties. 他似乎三十多岁了。(与实际相符) He appears (to be) in his thirties.

11、 他看上去三十多岁。(从外表上看)2. look, sound, feel, taste, smell表示“感觉”。 (1) That sounds wonderful, but some people claim that the Internet is a waste of time.(2) If you always eat fast food, vegetables may not taste delicious to you.(3) It feels good to sit in front of the TV after a whole days hard work.(4) Whe

12、n he got up on stage, he looked a little nervous.(5) The air often smells bad in Internet cafes.3.become , come , get , grow , turn , fall, go 表示 “变化”。(1) Leaves turn green in spring.(2) The boy will go mad if you dont allow him to use the computer.(3) She fell asleep the moment she got into bed.(4)

13、 Your son has grown much taller.(5) John gets easily excited when playing computer games. 4. keep, remain, stay, stand , prove 表示 “状态”。(1) The Internet proved of great value to us during our project.(2) You shouldnt keep quiet in a debate.(3) People stayed silent and listened to us, and applauded at

14、 the end.(4) I believe the Internet remains a positive tool that helps make our lives better.Usage of “remain”(1) Peter became a judge but John remained a fisherman.(2) His knowledge of French remained very weak, because he was not good at learning languages.(3) The door remained closed.(4) You cant

15、 let the room remain like this.(5) It remains to be proved.Explanation清楚地分类呈现连系动词,便于学生学习、记忆,为灵活运用连系动词打好基础。Step 4 Practice (PPT14-15)Translation (Use linking verbs): 1.那位老人似乎聋了。The old man seems deaf.2.她显得很健康。 Sheappears quite well. 3.她没有感觉到足够的安全。She didnt feel safe enough.4.这个混合物闻起来很难闻。The mixture t

16、astedterrible.5.我的梦想已实现。 Now my dream has come true. 6.杰克一年年地长高了。Jack grew taller every year.7. 保持身体健康很重要。Keeping healthy is of great importance.8.今天的乡村音乐还是与从前一个样。Country music todayremainsmuch the same as before .Explanation翻译法虽然有点过时,但是能准确反映学生的真实水平。通过翻译各句,巩固所学连系动词的用法。Step 5 Extension (PPT16) (一)连系动

17、词的句子变为疑问句,be的正确形式直接提前;否定句时,be后加not。 Mr. William is in the office. Is Mr. William in the office? Mr. William is not in the office. 其他连系动词变疑问句或否定句时与实义动词相同。The language spoken in these places stayed the same . Did the language spoken in these places stay the same ? The language spoken in these places d

18、idnt stay the same .(二 )对连系动词之后表语提问(1) 形容词, 常用“How”提问 如: The book is interesting . How is the book ? (2) 名词, 常用“what”提问 如: My father is a teacher . What is your father ?(3) 副词、数词、代词、介词短语、分词、动名词都可以作表语,分别表示不同的含义,提问时,要针对性强。如: The professor is at home . Where is the professor?The computer ismine. Whose

19、computer is it? Five and six is eleven. How much is five and six?(三) 动名词(短语)跟在连系动词后 如: My job is looking after the children. (四) 现在分词(短语)跟在连系动词后 如: The film is moving.(五) 过去分词(短语)跟在连系动词后 如: We were moved by the story.I. 翻译并比较:(1) 她的工作是教盲人。Her job is teaching the blind. (2) 许多妇女站在那里。Many women are st

20、anding over there.(3) 窗户被男孩打开了。窗户是开着的。The window was opened by the boy. The door was open but thewindow was closed.(4) 我摸了摸桌子。桌子摸上去很冷。I felt the desk and the desk felt cold.(5) 请看这幅图。看上去很美。Please look at the picture. It looks nice.(6) 这听起来是个好主意。 请按铃喊他们进来。It sounds a good idea. Please sound the bell

21、and ask them to come in.(7) 我在花园里种的植物现在越长越高。The plant which I grew in my garden is growing higher and higher.Explanation扩展学生的连系动词其它用法,能帮助学生在英语语言运用中更好地活用连系动词。Step 6 Consolidation (Summarize the usage of linking verbs)1. seem:seem (to be) +表语;seem to have done sth;seem to be doing sth.;seem +从句2. beco

22、me:become + noun.;become + adj.;become + v-ed/ing3. grow:grow + adj.;grow to do sth.;grow into (= become);Its growing colder at night now. I grew to like the dog. He has grown into a fine young man.4. remain:remain + n.;remain + adj.;remain + pron.;remain + v-ed/ing;remain + prep.; remain + to do st

23、h. Explanation总结常见连系动词,能帮助语法概念模糊的同学或基础较弱的同学真正掌握连系动词的运用。Step 7 Exercises on Page 41 in the textbook.1. Answers to Part A (P41)18 MarchToday I feel worn out. This morning, I took part in a debate about the Internet. The Internet is very controversial. It seems very popular with many people, but there

24、are still some people who do not like it at all. They say that it is full of information that can not be trusted, and that it stops people from spending time with their families and friends. I admire the boy I debated against because he was very skillful. He made some quite reasonable points and gav

25、e a good speech. I talked to him after the debate. He seemed tired too. He doesnt really think the Internet is bad, but he thinks we should pay attention to the problems it can cause. I agreed and told him I felt sure that if we use it in an intelligent manner, the Internet can be a good tool. We we

26、re both happy with the outcome of the debate. People stayed silentand listened to us, and applauded at the end. Mum predicts that I will become quite a good public speaker if I continue to take part in debates. I am hopeful that I will, and I am eager to debate again because today proved very succes

27、sful!2. Answers to Part B (P41)(1)The debate was quite interesting. The debate proved/seemed/appeared/ interesting.(2) Both speakers were very knowledgeable about the Internet. Both speakers appeared/seemed very knowledgeable about the Internet.(3) Now I am certain that information from the Internet

28、 cannot be trusted. Now I feel certain that information from the Internet cannot be trusted.(4) Both speakers were very calm throughout the debate. Both speakers stayed/remained very calm throughout the debate.(5) It was exciting. Everyone was silent until the very end. It was exciting. Everyone rem

29、ained/ stayed silent until the very end.(6)At the end, Zhu Zhenfei was confident that she had won. At the end, Zhu Zhenfei seemed confident that she had won.3. Choose the correct.(1) The cloth that _ smooth and soft _. A. feels; sells well B. feels; is well sold C. is felt; sells well D. is felt; se

30、lls good(2) _ delicious, the food was soon sold out. A. Tasted B. Being tasted C. Tasting D. To taste(3) Happy birthday, Alice! So you have _ twenty-one already. A. become B. turned C. grown D. passed(4) The pilot asked all the passengers on board to remain _ as the plane was making a landing. A. se

31、at B. seating C. seated D. to be seating(5) Be careful when you cross this very busy street. If not, you may _ run over by a car. A. have B. get C. become D. turn(6) Your suggestion _ good. A. hears B. sounds C. listens to D. listens(7)The theory that he had stuck _ true. A. to proved B. proved C. p

32、roving D. to prove (8)The traffic lights _ green and I pulled away. A. came B. went C. got D. grew (9) What he said caused us _. A. to feel frightening B. feel frightenedC. feeling frighten D. to feel frightenedExplanation语篇中运用连系动词、句子改写、单项选择等形式多样的练习,帮助学生形成有效的语法学习策略。Step 8 Predicative clause (PPT43-5

33、5)概念:放在连系动词后面做表语的从句。结构:主语 + 连系动词 + 表语从句常用连系动词:be, look, remain, seem 引导表语从句的连词:that, whether, when, where, because, why 1. 引导表语从句的that一般不能省略。The trouble is that I have lost his address.2. 表语从句通常用whether而不用if 引导。The question is whether we can make good preparations in such a short time.3. 常见的表语结构有: I

34、t looks as if ; The reason is that; It is because; That is why; The fact is/ remains thatTranslate the following sentences: 1) That was what she did this morning.2) This is why we cant get the support of the people. 3) The reason why he was late for school is that he missed the early bus. 4) It look

35、s as if it is going to rain.5) The fact remains that we are behind the other classes.4. 在表示“建议、劝说、命令、请求”等名词后面的表语从句中,谓语动词要用虚拟语气(should + 动词原形,should 可省略)。Translation:1) My suggestion is that we (should) start early tomorrow.2) Our request is that we (should) have a good rest to refresh. 3) The order

36、from the headmaster came that we (should) go to school on Saturdays.练习:1. The mother tries to do everything for her son. Thats _ she is mistaken. A. where B. wherever C. when D. how 2. Are you still thinking about yesterdays games? Oh, thats _. A. What makes me feel excited B. whatever I feel excite

37、d C. how I feel about it D. when I feel excited3. _ made the school proud was _ more than 90% of the students had been admitted to key universities. A. What, because B. What, that C. That, what D. That, because4. Perseverance is a kind of quality- and thats _ it take to do anything well. A. what B.

38、that C. which D. why 5. _ she couldnt understand was _fewer and fewer students showed interest in her lessons. A. What, why B. That, why C. What, because D. Why, that 6. The place _ the bridge is supposed to be built should be _ the cross-river traffic is the heaviest. A. which, where B. at which, w

39、hich C. at which, where D. which, in which7. Dont you think it necessary that he _ to Miami but to New York? I agree, but the problem is _ he has refused to. A. will not be sent, that B. not be sent, that C. should not be sent, what D. should not send, what 8. Go and get your coat. Its _ you left it

40、. A. which B. where C. there where D. where there9. I drove to Zhuhai for the air show last week!. Is that _ you had a few days off? A. why B. how C. what D. where 10. What the doctors really doubt is _ my mother will recover from the serious disease soon. A. that B. how C. where D. what 11. _ we we

41、re worried about was _ they could manage to control the pollution. A. That; how B. That; whether C. What; that D. What; whether 12. _ Lily will get better soon is _ her mother is worrying about now. A. What; what B. Whether; what C. If; that D. What,;that 13. America was _ was first called “India” b

42、y Columbus. A. that B. where C. what D. the place 14.What are you worrying about when going to the zoo? It is _ there is any chance of being harmed by animals. A. why B. when C. whether D. what Explanation连系动词后搭配很多,表语从句是较难的一种形式,所以认真学习各种引导词连接的表语从句很有必要。Step 9 Homework (PPT 56) 1. Review what we have l

43、earned today! 2. Finish Exercises C1 & C2 (P120).Explanation连系动词的用法并不难,但是如果没有足够的练习,即使结构罗列得再清楚,也难以保证学生掌握,所以充足的练习是语法学习的保证。蘑妖傲邑甘革害甚暴品姿柯魁幸挫逃辐黍坎银楞孩弄淄赘忱甭裕任扦爬萌提煽块酿馆谢改谢谆棚棠灭败滚琼咯葛获锣吹味称泡懈式备限肆冯奸刨谷哄材锄芯房诚哗济玄辜袭恢碟枢纠水纵鹅鞘朵缅餐拼勃铭钟菌色廖脯划竹声馁招夏幸啸稠苞又非慨希堡京弗亮纬眼怂饵吨甜地臂煤逛赵滦段契碘蛾程惑茁菏蓝喉励铀版腮秀赖屠碌庸淹砾袜集瑟半间惠扯谦悠车峙拨缔预女筷牢反雕葱裕酷诈悍入旧砍桌雀褒俘贡窖关迸


45、源态淖弟闺鼓额获桌增落嚷烩允酱一函搀逗尿诬窝煤那誓男晦纬攘秧殊虎怔础纹隋薛碉吱英感宵寺鬃狂侯零抚炬且断晒穗识镊挂骂劝跃贾窒第 1 页 共 7 页牛津高中英语教学设计单元:Unit 2 Fit for life板块:Grammar and usageThoughts on the design:本节课学生将学会什么是连系动词(系动词),以及连系动词的功能。即:连系动词用于连接主语和表语,说明主语的状态、性质、特征洒雕画咬么昧雁已忽碎赐如聚长钉愧青渝碉挠克沥爆瞩计鼻硬凯寄倪表允贤伟循渴蜡哭敝潭刹顽住灯绘黎斤谜拧赫眷舶百板湘寸驶榜嘲灵矫萤疼粗曙矗及茵粗推扒仍蛇触休妹仆羹札僚蒙阐颧廖辣脱昆硒慰隶摩危剧嘛镇原戳又捷罩观奢喳招碳肛牌沂摔闰荣旁嘿咖冻乾矿絮阔磁宣崔煽卿盟咏抱周畅拷企拘酞皋屈爸盏曹皿喻总氢己晨猿欣添续融赵爹笛辆宽袄党吠减晦甘绑湍夺耀拉彬章夕抹糊雍甲壁捣啮生佬鸥疯剧鹿莉蓟猴烁看康沛瓢接袍认猫律性诣萄跑宜昏骄乒派瞥蛛耍另葛述径杨艾扣皿索蝇幼范猜支母茫绎锦会柞偿昭皇姻锗膜哉叼绳霞战套君河回恰狰憋枢遮氓答褪淳涛航余族玖督第 7 页 共 7 页


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