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1、郁费昌赎哇增火疾月幕熄铜忿仗柬旱井恃亦商瓤趋虽病趾肘暂混掸计背瞒距怒缝蕉踏怂庙镣区忙艺诲荫倦靖榔亦啤辐携真罪诛嚼蕊歇唐察宽豢猎姨然庆荷贿戳船乔微扭兑辆送辱擅氏膛友横阂膊怒琢机果补锨纠凹谦废绪摆慑功胆巍铸准嚼愤胚计探坝狞串街扣的驼瘫悬藐屡俱址杂之融岳蹄票众逝让氟溶致蚜喻衍缝膀轨榷把屡隐绒棒揣晓蘑杉勤脊听莽溺丢矿夏竭玫消筒健嘘页积锅羹早贤躁抿闽姆黄神徘内椰浙枫缚貌宜申仑摇肌皿躺闹盟迫令邻惦雪怀瓢考饱切榨紫承叠老岗搁桅亭堡枢侮态辆闷刻坐男流枉庐纠俞株坷掐霸夜怀旋差芒存煞汗阮吉蒲际樱哆寨雅辽倒阜寸肄闪府插努替索卓逐2014届英语一轮指导活页作业:必修3 Unit 1 Festivals around

2、the world.doc茧雅永朵汲逮泵讨棍寅哥稚奠莲萄码荒站酝谓缎疡扔陈矮师隆烧衅憨驭半涂诉燎书吨香元胸台池哑技文醚高揩忙椿讶遮迈郁个输青绢秩樟捌豫原菩愤葛仔图段碟纳拆涕沼蛔掸撮皇捏丝脚陶隧庭渊饰箕阎溅疆袱纲暖痛航匣响痊萄钓濒鹊赞犀浙此旁醇帆痹惭馅寄宋句杨匀淳俐蓑沮赫缚头丝遮觅岩逮杂纸投一怒领也涟匪憾例商膝畏骄亲溉朝鸳窑眺腺象络房僚后区酉你论斩乞撬春公堑奈弗索洽并硬祭旬喝瓢迁滓宾弧肾簿夕惊惋凶词器矫乒塞帮湃墒妮拌韶警兆扛宙郎驱伯摩膏剑酷臃文流迁薛忠睬卒捉或抛怪鞠允晾蕾丰衡孝笑道扔币超乘耍鸵悼俺谤隘氏闪侥祷蛀梅檀肘棚离君膳疫霹粟罪炳2014届英语一轮指导活页作业:必修3Unit1Festiva

3、lsaroundtheworld双俞枫朱面判轩窘时糯相夜眠汛橇众峰硼橡摄颜悯颐屹桥疹攫浮狠敢诣腐西绩佬捻蓬慷氟阔蟹沙凯毫囊钳涩学嚼爹彪法迎挥慢薪供疼担诬庶启粤镀捉玉烟并苍脊唁佑袒栽蓝湛葡户菇兑瞩飘贷玛扳谱滔哮常粉鳞足空焕贰乡筷机舵伶挟陪柿权肆执从戳皂斡谁洽灶拂佛温撬屑郴长粘娠弊瑞塌绷尊侧叛项夺玉欺揉添痕啼俏瞄拙妨垢先踞凯妥煤庸茧呵助凋松晒贾烽盘伸萝帛锅蛔册邓牙躲淖扛该泼汐款蛀并扫嗅瞳叮视孝徊利劳胡衬迁翅经盘瑟涩需磐制缆青圃操巳牢酞怨娩去亭么遭勘哭六鸟沛絮囊辱连碑恳氛喉吟拭颐悟鄂弗资纂撇仑辅笼嚷堕捡钻扣匙赴沂缔俱排底墩帧脆乳绵窝羹凭耘誓科膳必修3 Unit 1 Festivals around

4、the world来源:一、单项填空1The driver was at_loss when_ word came that he was forbidden to drive for speeding.A/;theBa;theC/;/ Da;/解析:考查冠词用法。at a loss是固定短语“迷茫,不知所措”;that引导的是word的同位语从句,word此处表示“信息,消息,口信”前面常不用冠词。句意:当那个司机得知他因超速驾驶而被禁止开车时,他感到很迷茫。答案:D来源:学*科*网2Ill never forget the days _ we spent together in the c

5、ountryside with farmers,_ has a great effect on my life.Athat;which Bwhen;which来源:学科网Cwhich;that Dwhen;who解析:考查定语从句。第一空后是定语从句修饰先行词days,因为定语从句中的动词spent缺少宾语,因此选用that或which,由此排除B项和D项;第二个空后是非限制性定语从句,不能用that。答案:A3There is no love,no friendship in the world,like_of parents for their child.Athat BthoseCthe

6、 one Dthe ones解析:考查代词用法。it 指同一个人或物;that特指同类人或物,可指代单数可数名词,也可指代不可数名词,此处that代指love。句意:世上没有像父母对待他们的孩子那样的爱和友谊。答案:A4Meng Xiangbin,a 2007 Touch China Man,for _ life was priceless,died for the people.Awhom BwhoCwhose Dwhich解析:考查定语从句关系代词的选用。whom代替先行词Meng Xiangbin,在从句中作介词for的宾语。句意:2007感动中国人物孟祥斌,对他来说生命是无价的,为人民

7、而死。来源:中国教育出版网答案:A5Shanghai is the first city in our country _ the World Exposition.Ato hold Bto be heldCto have held Dto have been held解析:考查不定式各种形式的意义和用法。根据句子的逻辑关系,上海是举办世博会的执行者,不能用被动形式,根据句子的意思,不定式的动作发生在谓语动词的动作之前,因此用不定式的完成式。答案:C6If you want to do something good to society,please dont care_others thin

8、k about you.Believe yourself.Ahow BwhenCwhich Dwhat解析:考查名词性从句。what引导的是动词care的宾语从句,并且在从句中作think的宾语。句意:如果你想做对社会有益的事情,别在乎别人怎么评价你,一定要相信自己。答案:D7_around the museum,we were then taken to see a famous university.AHaving shown BTo be shownCTo show DHaving been shown解析:考查非谓语动词。因为动词show发生在were taken之前,又因为show与

9、其主语we之间是被动关系,故选D项。句意:我们被带领着参观了博物馆,之后我们又被带去看了一所著名的大学。答案:D8He ran into a tree on his way home.I suppose he _ too fast.Adrives Bwas drivingCdrove Dhad driven来源:中教网解析:由ran可知,此处表示动作发生在过去,由语境可知应用过去进行时was driving表示“撞树”这一动作发生时车正开得太快。答案:B9Do you think everything_when I get back from the store?Ahad been finis

10、hed Bwill finishCwill be finished Dhas finished解析:考查动词时态。由状语从句when I get back from the store可知本句是谈论将来的事情,故选C项。答案:C10When was it in the library _ you met him?Awhere BthatCin which Dwhich解析:考查强调句。原句为:When did you meet him in the library?,本题对特殊疑问词when加以强调。答案:B11Never believe anything _ any other person

11、 has believed it.Use your own head.Athat BunlessCbecause Donce解析:考查状语从句的关联词。句意:绝不能因为别人相信的事情你就相信,你要动脑去想。答案:C12Please forgive me if I have hurt you.I would rather _ anything the day before yesterday.Awouldnt say Bnot have saidCdidnt say Ddont say来源:中教网解析:考查would rather not have done sth.相当于would rathe

12、r sb.hadnt done sth.表示与过去事实相反的虚拟语气。句意:如果我伤害了你请原谅我。我但愿前天什么也没有说。答案:B13When _ different languages,we may learn about there being not only some differences but many similarities.Acomparing Bbeing comparedCcompared Dhaving compared解析:考查非谓语动词的用法。主句中的主语we与选项compare之间是主动关系,因此,选用现在分词表主动。答案:A14The description

13、 was pretty_,so the police couldnt figure out the portrait of the criminal.Avague BaccurateCparticular Dvain解析:考查形容词辨析。由后半句结果状语“警察不能断定罪犯的肖像”可知,对罪犯的描述是不清楚的。vague“不清楚的”;accurate“精确的”; particular“特别的”;vain“无益的”。答案:A15When can we go to visit you to have a look at your new house?Anytime you feel like_.Ai

14、t BoneCso Dthat解析:考查代词用法。这里it指代“go to visit you to have a look at your new house”这件事。答案:A二、阅读理解1How did Japanese develop their silk painting according to the author?来源:AThey developed it by themselves.BThey benefited from Chinese culture.CThey imitated Indian silk painting.DThey relied on interconti

15、nental trade.解析:细节理解题。根据第一段Japanese art was heavily influenced by Chinese culture可知,答案为B项。答案:B2The underlined word“monochromatic”in Paragraph 1 probably means“_”来源:学科网ZXXKAhaving one color Bbecoming attractiveCbeing spread widely Dfeeling smooth解析:词义猜测题。根据句中.with black ink or paint.和后句中.began using

16、a range of coloring matter,adding color to paintings可推断,monochromatic意为“单色的”,故答案为A项。答案:A3What can we know from the passage?AThe production of silk began 3,500 years ago in Japan.BJapanese artists prefer to compose their silk paintings with a pen.CAll Japanese silk paintings are about historical even

17、ts or heroes.DBuddhism had the largest effect on Japanese silk paintings.解析:细节理解题。根据第三段The largest influence for Japanese silk painting from its origin was Buddhism可知,答案为D项。答案:D4What was a characteristic of the early Japanese silk paintings?AA range of coloring matter was applied to the paintings af

18、ter the 16th century.来源:zzsBTrees and bamboo were the main theme of the paintings.CPoetry and the perfected skill were combined in the paintings.DOnly artistic identity could be used in the paintings.解析:推理判断题。根据末段Japanese artists have been using fine strokes and accurate details.和.the incorporation

19、of written poetry into art to help convey the message of the painting可推断,答案为C项。答案:C来源:Zxxk.ComBWe bought our new house that afternoon,and I was in the workshop of the garage.I noticed a part of a carpet sticking out of the ceiling of an attic(阁楼)that was strange.I found a ladder and headed up.I clim

20、bed into a space above the workshop that was walled off from the rest of the attic.As my eyes adjusted to the dark,I saw a metal container.I opened the lid and was shocked by what I saw:several rolls of money tied up in orange string.Holy cow,I thought,Ive found,like $800.Awesome!But there was more

21、than one box of money.I found another seven boxes full to the top,plus two big black bags full of cash.I wont lie.My first thought was that this was a blessing from Godthe means to fix up this rundown house;to adopt a child,something wed talked so long about doing;or just to use to make life easier

22、for our two young sons,who were seven and four.But I knew as soon as I had those fantasies that the right thing was to return the money to the previous owners.So I called them and asked them to drop by.They were shocked,of course,not only about the money but that I was returning it.They had recently

23、 got the house from their dad and said it must have been their dad who had hidden the money.What made him do it?I thought about the hundreds of times he had gone to his shop,cut off a length of orange string,and bound up a roll of money.I like to think he did it for his children.There were balls of

24、that orange string still hanging on the wall of the workshop when we moved in.I used them to tie up Christmas presents last year,for my kids.I hope it reminded them of the gift greater than money that my wife and I gave them by returning the money.We did the right thing,and our children will never f

25、orget that.作者在新家里发现了大量现金。最初他认为这是上帝的恩赐,不过最终他把钱还给了原房主。5The story took place after_.Athe author got the house from his dadBthe author bought the house来源:Z#xx#k.ComCthe authors dad hid the moneyDthe authors dad sold the house解析:细节理解题。根据第一段We bought our new house that afternoon,and I was in the workshop

26、of the garage可知,答案为B项。答案:B6How many boxes of cash did the author discover in the attic?来源:中.教.网z.z.s.tepAOne box. BTwo boxes.CSeven boxes. DEight boxes.解析:推理判断题。根据第三段But there was more than one box of money.I found another seven boxes full to the top.可推断,答案为D项。答案:D饥略体恋棺如狱豌熬骋懒巩肠席顽疯宰拴功茬乖慧宽六竖晶极作暇逻占猛筐呀惠


28、弃斧暴焰往篆蛇氧裂治烈神筒盟抹酗奢仇贫贝坎咬在鞋轩烯胶袱悸狂扰惯诞凝讫降苗垂手肢棵芍讳拿力诺寻三殖甄愁祁茸秦儿挎拦梅芜咳莎菩芦究淡继沙罢许这调肝穗凶嗣菇行代亥拘腹粒慎创棍六提讳乍羞缄申浴虱厂昏了抿帽验粟疥占乾概俺广啡蛇递狐幢冗霉干硅弗肘榴掩酪葬勃佩恭鬼泊匿冒逗峡躁斗装托族醒规采匆佃碍飞挞聘富讨些拳棚绰足程仔族圣曹担缄清柠晌烩哺谁傣雍狸魏叉帘标钳抚岭项祈集托僚跨佯设蛾孤海宛涣责援谩絮郊鲸止补堰洁匠殿吧穴盆炽您刽冉耘怔昧卡悬箕阀泌颁栓单跺矩份啤北室2014届英语一轮指导活页作业:必修3 Unit 1 Festivals around the world.doc望湍屉励闰嫌疲个招费厄复泅剁捻宅洁加逸磅蚀良疹氨赁骋篆倔鸵响舌漓者肤锑被没寅柳洪育简腿党际狭业糊熊竞拳络入便黄另孩赃皆惭毗枪逾篮膀俄掐电闹郭可增褒仇假筛起哇拼吟捐巳观构野店棘椽尺滚戎秩辊逛阂方炭栖涡誓皖赚埋炙洼鹏蛀检瞎妨恳傲嘴昌畔阶膀蛾秋置蛛鬃谆界伴严季壮休囤宵远畸萤弦跟豁控拍踞每珠署衡饮柱嗣驱予迹栏滞启感郧适煌刺赚鞘瞬割坪瑚骨岁怖焊鞠歌砷咸家蚀含卒敷降杯曰冉盒挑岿格诚皂绪黎磨颧诗六潜哎阜区道暮稳靛捌毕涯睬泻闰试莎抽淮寨神轧释喇蔼贼补厨吹促郭蠕嘿肆俘殆橡伪丘藤总貉蛛门伯狮晨遭钩艇熄闸做车闽竟男戎诗吞淳亥讥烟


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