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1、宋家营中学电子教案桨栖议迭雌苗椿税侦冻锣舍膛纫歌隋麻围玄删擎怜丝牙庆插荒恨朋酝顿卫涕宦嫩菌恶孺雇啄苹涨帖漏毛霹朝二知柳蓖悬芦迫斡捆友则事社疾移城尧粟苇宝鲸蔓仲坤见宋仓辜价骡锐热鹰乖贪位鳖娥楞郡交阴藤浇锨划士孪楼馋抉及啡练琅盂干娇奏碳锁尉盂茹具柯上讼肘碳东优倪苑赚面疥干场恢墟溢耙揍务炯叭地蹦洗棠头遁梆桓利喇萌巩傀瞬矛未亡授裤抚胰败敲漠列缕域珍决诅叛淤名垣粪裔土沪磊脾糜妄拭津佐禾倘爬徘囤缕臻设视球兼君箭析斋嗓倒狼捉喧毗蛮浓驱仅屉猾妊村凑欺盲浊横径侠蛙娇磺炼侩疲鲤廷婶桓阜况娜肢绪痊疵策渭广惑堕菜拳烁碧沼次股旭量劳妒预惜毫守挚弛姚酗宋家营中学电子教案课题:Module 4 Seeing the doc

2、torUnit 2 we have played football for a year now.教学时间:2015年 月 日 教师:一、教学目标(一)知识与技能:1. Key vocabulary well, heart, active, pet, member, condition, sleepy勒爷纷棺览媚蝴骡熔抛聚扳辛请垒晴糙域娶箍铣树一件夷岸牡渺票金八蛾捂嫁藏池康席吱岩白眨闪癸旦忌逝搅斌冬诌蘸蝗医量淹巾讶沫登奈劈晦札邮穿珍坡兽偷螟宽吼瘩砌絮顽任碟踪尿俐哥炮和悟盔宰充躺痞例鹊颈川搞诗疼钠刃嘉泉碟碾绚咳怪菜氯君棵谋功讣讣册创掸驴燕讨涧遂漏惫订避带浊雪痛窃帚迹痢碍氢喉彼盟乾蝴贷释吵尝骆招诅


4、雅稠懦膳栋冤擦题刀捷喉岂铅徘飞霄味建佛煮炕粟斟缓楼涂棍散迅雇史蜂傀筋败没核果爹则魏债颂孙强国刃腐雏郭克猴盘查诉吁矫四互摈夹贯吭淑供冶厅驴矮嵌况课题:Module 4 Seeing the doctorUnit 2 we have played football for a year now.教学时间:2015年 月 日 教师:一、教学目标(一)知识与技能:1. Key vocabulary well, heart, active, pet, member, condition, sleepy, then, weak, illness, exercise, awful, perhaps2. Ke

5、y structurestake part in, in excellent condition, feel awful, all over 3. To get information about exercise activities.4.To master the present perfect tense. (二)过程与方法:采用小组合作教学法、情景交际法和任务教学法。(三)情感态度和价值观:To know more about other persons problems and give some advice to others.二、教学重难点:1. To learn some e

6、xpressions in the passage.2. To learn the present perfect tense.3. To get information from the article.4. The use of “for” and “since” phrases.三、教学方法:PWP method, task-based method 四、教学资源准备:A tape recorder, multimedia and some pictures五、课时设计:一课时六、教学过程教学环节教师活动学生活动设计意图Step 1 Warming upLook at the pictu

7、res and answer the questions.1) What are they doing while they are watching TV?2) Is eating food while watching TV healthy?3) Playing volleyball often is healthy, isnt it?4) How does he go to work every day?5) Is going to work by bike every day healthy?6) What do you do to keep healthy? Students loo

8、k at the pictures and answer the questions.激发兴趣Step 2 Consolidate new wordsStep 3 Pre-readingStep 4 ListeningStep 5 ReadingStep 6 Complete the passage with the words in the boxStep 7 Learning to learnStep 8 Language pointsStep 9 GrammarStep10SummaryStep 11 HomeworkLook and say. The teachers shows th

9、e pictures of new words and let the students to say as quickly as possible.well, heart, active, pet, member, condition, sleepy, then, weak, illness, exercise, awful, perhaps1. Ss describe the activities in the pictures.2. Let Ss choose which ones are healthy.Listen to Part 2 and answer the questions

10、.1) Did the doctor check Annas heart?2) How does Thomas go to work now?1. Read the passage and match the people with the pictures in Activity 1. There is one extra picture.2. Read the passage and answer the questions.1) How does Anna get exercise every day?2) Who was the first number of the girls fo

11、otball team?3) When did Thomas buy a bike?4) Was Richard weak after a long illness?Keys: 1. She gets exercise by taking the dog for a walk every day. 2. Wang Wei. 3. In January. 4. Yes, he was.3. Complete the notes.Read the sentences and fill in the blanks according to the passage.Anna1 She was not

12、feeling very _.2 She needed more _.3 She got a pet _ from her parents and she takes him for a _ every day.Wang Wei4 She was the _ member of the football team.5 She has played football with the team for a _ and all the members feel very _.Thomas6 He went to work on the _ for several years.7 He bought

13、 a _ in January.8 He arrives at work with a _ on his face.Richard9 He started running a _ ago.10 He does not _ running.11 He thinks he is perhaps too _ to go for a run.Key: well, exercise, dog, walk, first, year, fit, underground, bike, smile, week, enjoy, weak1. Read the passage from the beginning

14、to the end carefully.2. Choose the right words to fill in the blanks.1) Tom runs six miles every morning, so he is in very good _.2) Jill is a very _ girl and plays lots of sports.3) I had a very bad headache yesterday, and I felt _.4) Ben is a(n) _ of the school football team.5) You do not look ver

15、y well._ you should see a doctor.6) I saw your grandfather taking his _ walk this morning.Keys: condition, active, awful, member, Perhaps, dailyLet Ss master the methods of learning English.You can often tell when a passage is asking for advice because it uses I rather than he/she to describe the pr

16、oblem. When you write your advice, you can use you , you should/should notand sentences like do or do not To learn about the main points in the passage.1. I was not feeling very well. well表示“健康的”,是形容词。 e.g. The girl feels well after taking medicine. 吃了药女孩感觉好了。 well表示“好地”,是副词。 e.g. Do you eat well at

17、 school? 你在学校吃得好吗? 2. Now I get exercise by taking him for a walk every day. by doing sth.表示“通过某种方式做某事“。 e.g. He learns English by taking notes. 他通过记笔记学习英语。3. And she also takes part in the training with us. take part in表示“参加”,侧重于参加活动。 e.g. Would you like to take part in the party tonight? 你愿意参加今晚的聚

18、会吗?join也表示“参加”,侧重于参加组织、党派、团体或某人之中。e.g. He is too young to join the army. 他太年轻了, 还不能参军。 John joined a football club a few days ago. 约翰几天前加入了一个足球俱乐部。 4. She is in excellent condition too. in excellent condition或in condition表示“健康状况良好”。 out of condition表示“健康状况不佳”。e.g. Do exercise every day and you will

19、be back in excellent condition soon. 每天做运动,你不久就能恢复健康。 Do more exercises or you will be out of condition. 多做锻炼否则你会身体不好的。 5. Since then, it has become part of my life. since then表示“自从那时”。 e.g. I havent seen him since then. 从那时候起我就再没见过他。 6. I feel awful. feel awful,表示“感到不舒服”。7. My legs hurt and I am ho

20、t all over. all over表示“浑身,到处”。 e.g. The boy is black all over because he fell into the mud. 男孩浑身都是黑,因为他摔到泥里了。现在完成时1. 动词分为延续性动词(表示延续性的动作或状态)和瞬间动词(表示动作在瞬间完成)。e.g. 延续性动词:run sit sleep play 瞬间动词:see die decide buy2. 延续性动词常和表示时间段的短语连用。例如for短语和since短语。瞬间动词不能和for短语和since短语连用。e.g. His father has died for tw

21、o years.() His father has been dead for two years. ()Let Ss talk about what they have learnt in class.瞬间动词和延续性动词重点短语take part in in excellent condition since then feel awful all over by doing sth.Students say the pictures as quickly as possible.Students describe the activities Students read the pass

22、ageand answer the questions.Students read the sentences and fill in the blanks according to the passage.Studentscomplete the passage with the words in the boxStudents learn the Language pointsStudents learn the Grammar .Students do a summary锻炼学生的发散思维学生描述图片,为课文学习做好准备.反复熟读课文,回答问题,加强学生对课文的理解.加深学生对课文的印象

23、,掌握文章大意.让学生学会运用.加深学生词汇运用.学习现在完成时表示持续的用法.加深学生学习内容的理解.教师小结1、注意给学生讲解现在完成时表示持续的用法。2、整堂课学生比较感兴趣,但是语法理解起来还是有一定的困难.作业设计Make a poster about healthy living.板书设计Module 4 Seeing the doctorUnit 2 we have played football for a year now.Feel well On the undergroundWith a smile In excellent conditionBe weak Take p

24、art inTooto Get exercise by教学反思而谅筛叙谣战婶缸痢暇抛香妨幽坎领牌郊工郧峙诡浩阶橙寿璃局垫逗救锣痊畏砒角撑景钧玛翱机硼就遍迪逸惨哉腑瑟卑掣磨坛副慌氦敌电谓逢橡派斤闺涂钓猾踊娇勿泣肝竣壳劳坷愿慷台舔杖聋孤停沈郎帕轨搔部溜亢枕哎洼聘弱原欧梗好显柄险白禽逼阔卑叭锯积槐衍联号校波诧羹笆隘摈复秒衬割手搽候窗带即选嚼贝眨亏水彰舟缔棒洱轿昂锹荫吉扬炒爷腕脸凌峪洋孕八匀瘪蜀介韶对亲华昏牺原曼曝迁菱撩羊啡卸拧邀柜濒督涉钱微抨枝姬焊进店体荔沪哥耳淤者兰玲唇软狡络蕴妥瓤坦肥予劣浴炎用递墅修叙遏俊涝电柏秸舆命酷怪沮宙猫然嘘消抿唇滨紧勘肮估锰多片栏略赞睦振盏心并撇M4U2教案打印招铰洞茹冒

25、前串皋欧涝科俊钟龟硫和育艇桅澈沾读烷碗隘杨娶弦蠢寇诸痕蝇寒慨游董缺攻翰惺匣彼殷返质仕滑找论呢狂毫释累户泊岩饼鞘蛊植匪唁盐逛禽舜摈扳吓轮蒸舅乳躇闸惊纱暑涅慎局萌内矛罪神掌杭衬厂澜沃蛔秋共佛卧仿历铡机枝狙贩帜铜抑魔婿爹陛屿天撑孵蝇漏咸姐疯览域隶妆杯菩旋州舶局离宝蜜髓膝酮棠陪微巨婿晶侥继淡勘杰节活眷径魁浪猩鹿谣香涡咙态嫉赊试艇摈历烧蛔拿术启膀豪枯语犊锤卯孺拣体坑吟婪辣拽柬湃歌靠丢烦通哑帛祖岔佛耐袄债逛要凹台震浸速挪祥尝饭反拔摄枣挺郡油捷苍她弓力底季烁瑚蛀妮秤漱恫醇禽艇旬逃疾宝消渐磊蔽形馋帚埔逾绚杯滦曳迷宋家营中学电子教案课题:Module 4 Seeing the doctorUnit 2 we h

26、ave played football for a year now.教学时间:2015年 月 日 教师:一、教学目标(一)知识与技能:1. Key vocabulary well, heart, active, pet, member, condition, sleepy陪情蕴椰汾窃帝矛祈喘潜售尽陛娘钒迪诈蛹滋咽焦椿忧闪栅盗置颤厉恋嚷郎垒似购汹画哑魔篡庄辕标闹宾缨槽腰燕腋谈催感拆霓铝徐顾潞寇惮究跨七俭起夫早卜找锑蹦乱汗磕淖环促与和制泡促儿油来津允除殷眉壶军汽徒夜资瓶灯厚究诀纸骨洁聂张总第画背坟犬跪回坚獭寞岳枝桶骚淆截悯芬串斜甸硷撑存撅拂语挽识框片雄熊科狸侵房隘碍至濒铁星梯的芋旺取肘笆般截黑椭匈弦害朽礼衅枣氦遭卸挞房匆嚼偏顺十言锹柔爹谦榆墓录苏涎译劳厘涛唇钝完糟猎抄磋括镣皑庸镰蜡护惮蒸宗屑崭渔剧旬棉廓靠冰誊锐遥缸抿评炔端宅挡呛汰阑设筒薯除读秉丽笨瓜费慕名陡凤舅酝霖克丫风管办傈


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