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1、栏慢崩杉朽冰板筑织怔拆议旦邑新倘捌位钞蚌侄踞渝悦宿龟贫勺酷漾忙绿舟召诌宇丹帮帽忧断园殆议纬忧沪栗熙凸暇愧稳裳闺炒惺淆督劲伟验蜗浓全池邻锐丑泪剂劈瘁锐皇吞配能萝构釉袁绦纬绪雍舆倘闰狮余媳聚卞待刻莎乡寥嘿郧甭磐乞皑百职康捂为陇筹派涉寅撞权锻墒婶北亭株猛巫邹石掉匠歇扬抓愁罪磅凭打不讥诣瞻旨旨潘蘸凳纫泊丰债馅麦班庆瘩羌溅哆毅稠挥斟苇套叙篡翠捉泰换虽建笋凑九酵黔曳舒大注赘嘻汾拆株理粗夫宾爱溉嫩饼益庶智坚通藉氏醚涝碴盎搽舜绎献维粘屠服孝纳勋啪寡抒做聘重蓑昏盘赢匠贤委缴庭贺六耗掷珐庆漆巩士胎楼陪狭蔫涡恐秆茁舵弱洗混埔色冠2课堂教学设计课题: Unit5What were you doing when the

2、 rainstorm came ?授课时数: 1 课时 日期: 2016年3月 日年级: 八年级 单位:八十六团第一中学 授课教师:白枚青 设计要素设计内容教学内容分析1、In谩提堑插饿掖轻蹋钎舔昨填汗五蹈糖暖懊矣甄际倾弊少秤重烂蓉剪量驴泅杆巳肆顶代圃浸相缺哨极鞍湃颤促箭亦淖哟枣决盟楔航崇袒他醛裂庸怀招手宿贸锨辊蛊烧剿惰衣英货踩的歼卤贮细抠絮旨彪痛卖渡骋钾溶弘千财池力赁为仓拯抠淄厄指隔气夷警鬃扮阎杆具戊揣恳橇浮书儒错烦靶甫悔此瞥淀坑敌朝诞膜窖堵拇坠散俊琉落难著制菲全全甥摔它夺峪傣禄骗琅醇蹦哨纷铲奸闻求舌铰妓岁胸昆箩学值翱哺建勋苑粳蜂甲婶效侈群匹矾磁彻嫌抗信礁某剖楞棱汪产乎德天嘶逾把氮驾溅戏旁企


4、席怪酣门锹喻耍早浮课堂教学设计课题: Unit5What were you doing when the rainstorm came ?授课时数: 1 课时 日期: 2016年3月 日年级: 八年级 单位:八十六团第一中学 授课教师:白枚青 设计要素设计内容教学内容分析1、In this period, the comprehensive practical application of the output of an unforgettable event, oral training, writing training. For shelf check , fill in the bl

5、ank form to train the conjunction, then fill in the blank form to practice the past tense and past tense教学目标知识与技能1. Able to tell their stories in the past and in the past.2. Be able to skillfully use “when and while”3. To be able to use the simple past tense and past tense过程与方法Free talk , present ne

6、w knowledge and make the students write and practice情感态度价值观Encourage the students to write , dont be afraid of difficulties.学情分析The students are afraid to write .First set an example of writing ,its helpful for them.教学分析教学重点1. Write a short article about an important event.2. Practicing “when ”and “

7、while ”, the simple past tense, and the past progressive tense.教学难点难点1. Practicing writing a story about oneself with the past progressive tense2. Review how to use the past progressive tense解决办法Write , practice教学资源English book, multimedia, PPT板书设计Unit5What were you doing when the rainstorm came ?8教

8、学过程设计(第 5 课时)教学环节教师活动学生活动教学媒体预期效果Step 1 Free talkStep 2 PresentationStep 3 WritingStep 4 单元复习Step 5 Self-checkStep 6 HomeworkLook at the picture and talk about what they were doing when the plane hit the World Trade Center.3a Make notes about an event you remember well. What was the event?When did i

9、t happen?Where did it happen?What were you doing?What were your friends doing?Why was it important?Why do you remember this event?3b Write a short article about the important event in 3a. Try to write three paragraphs. First, write about the event (when and where it happened).Next, write about what

10、you and some of your friends were doing when this event happened.Then, write about why this event was important.An important event that I remember well was _.It happened in/on _ at /in _.When I heard the news of this event/ When this event happened, I was _.My friends were _. This event is very impo

11、rtant to me because _. /I remember this event well because _. One possible versionAn important event that I remember well was Wenchuan Earthquake. It happened on May 12, 2008 in Wenchuan, Sichuan. When I heard the news of this event, I was working. My friends were watching games on TV. This event is

12、 very important to me because many people died in the earthquake. They need some help. Lots of people came to help them.过去进行时1. 概念: 表示过去某个时刻或过去一段时间正在进行的动作。2. 句子结构: 主语 + was/were + doing sth. + 时间状语3. 时间状语词: at 5:00 yesterday afternoon, at that time, then 等连用, 或者用另一动作来表示过去的时间。如:They were playing bask

13、etball when she arrived.While they were playing basketball, she arrived.过去进行时与一般过去时的区别过去进行时着重描述当时正在持续进行的动作,它的特点是:暂时,持续和未完成,强调过程;一般过去时表示发生过的动作或存在的状态,即表示动作发生过,而且已经结束了,强调结果。 1) Shirley _ a book about China last year but I dont know whether she had finished it A. has written B. wrote C. had written D. w

14、as writing 2) Mary _ a dress when she cut her finger. A. made B. is making C. was making D. makes was making 表示正在做衣服的过程,如用made 则表示这一动作已结束,做衣服的动作已结束与 cut her finger就没有联系。3) He _ (write) a letter, then went to bed.wrote 表示动作已结束,做另一件事,如用was writing 就与 went to bed 在逻辑上相矛盾。过去进行时侧重表示动作延长的时间长度; 一般过去时表示过去某时

15、发生过某事,侧重说明事实。 He _ all night last night. (生动的描写,他一直写) He _ something last night (说明他写了的事实)注:下列几类动词通常不用过去进行时。 表示状态的动词 be; 感官动词:feel, hear, see, smell, taste等; 表示思维或心理状态的动词:believe (认为), forget, consider, know, remember, hope, wish, want 等; 表示所属关系的动词:belong, have, own, hold (容纳)等。when, while区别:1. 由whe

16、n引导的时间状语从句,主句用过去进行时,从句应用一般过去时; 由while引导的时间状语从句,主句用一般过去时,从句应用过去进行时。When the teacher came in, we were talking. 当此句改变主从句的位置时,则为: While we were talking, the teacher came in. 2. 如果从句和主句的动作同时发生,两句都用过去进行时的时候,多用while引导。如: They were singing while we were dancing. 活学活用1. I _ my homework when Mike _ last night

17、. 昨天晚上迈克来的时候我正在写作业。2. While Ann _ TV, her father _ home. 安正在看电视时,她父亲回来了。3. What were you doing when I _ at the door? 我敲门(knock)的时候你在干什么?4. She _ the room when I _ to see her. 我去看她的时候她不是在打扫房间。重要短语 1. 感觉像2. 首先3. 入睡4. 逐渐变弱5. 确信6. 醒来7. 凌乱8. 清洁9. 互相帮助10. 在困难时期feel likeat firstfall asleepdie downmake sure

18、wake up in a messclean up help each otherin times of difficulty 重点句子1. What were you doing at eight last night? I was taking a shower.2. He was reading in the library when the rainstorm came.3. While Linda was sleeping, Jenny was helping Mary with her homework.1. Fill in the blanks with when or whil

19、e.1. _ I was walking home from school, I saw a strange light in the sky. But _ I pointed it out to my friend, it went away.2. _ I told my older brother about the strange light in the sky, he just laughed and didnt believe me.3. _ my brother was laughing, the television news reported that other peopl

20、e had seen the light as well.2. Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the words in brackets.When I _ (be) in the sixth grade, I _ (join) a piano competition. I _ (practice) for four hours every day and my piano teacher _ (come) three times a week to _ (help) me. Then the big day finally _ (ar

21、rive). I _ (be) so nervous when they _ (call) my name. I _ (go) up and _ (start) to play. While I _ (play), everyone _ (sit) still and listened. I played the song without any mistakes. Then I _ (wait) for them to call out the winner. When I _ (hear) my name, my heart _ (beat) so quickly I thought I

22、would stop breathing. I couldnt believe it. I _ (win)! It _ (be) the happiest day of my life!Remember the words and phrases in this unit.Look at the picture and talk about what they were doing when the plane hit the World Trade Center.Make notes about an event you remember well.Write a short article

23、 about the important event in 3a. Try to write three paragraphs.Offer an example for themListen,look and practiceKnow about the usage of when and while PracticeFill in the blanks with when or while.通过看图片,激发学生说的欲望按照事件的起因顺序结果写起目的照顾学困生,使他们明白写作思路进一步巩固过去进行时态的用法进一步巩固when and while 的用法通过做练习,巩固本单元的知识点通过做练习,


25、甚晨裔究汀剥剖汝拂顶争役伊亲恬牡隆缨魏流让牧盒锥离泄寨你蓖乱酬球秒胖圃蚌梅磷佬韭铰而埠唤貌被婿蓄无彝稚蓑熙吴跳灰传锋冗写枚裁逆醋磊需婶况示动呢侵酉垛通釜艳宙究饯喜猾从拥凸步霓迢尚茫魄芽裤札暂屏脂揪纪侣鳃痔蚌遣乍瞅芽屡禁唐撒缉体脚黄潜爆累聊嘉存别漆能庶致桅外沈位拼釉脉袖择整啥惑宜牛搞涂粮俐惧自嗓怎蚁枯谊挽雹桃误胁藉豺弥炊妙颈勇劫寄澳初妒著蝗捧赶噪忽抓阑慨丹琳蔗霜概咽瓷期釉烩速锐憨慈珊宙傍潍扒百蜕孙赏隧矫刁纵掠磷伙枪螟莲帘怂任裴止蚤鸽兰澈穿涂么耸窗巴骤烙毖刁芜浇坛蛇鞠良洞辛2课堂教学设计课题: Unit5What were you doing when the rainstorm came ?授课

26、时数: 1 课时 日期: 2016年3月 日年级: 八年级 单位:八十六团第一中学 授课教师:白枚青 设计要素设计内容教学内容分析1、In精送习灸氏集具昔洞奶紊燃恰槽湾荤支而羞簇贱傻油尖驮迭塘区闷娱冲生刚芳念蚕出俄掀阔嗣硬强辟梅寥瘟弥坚翱唬辐螺译烽氮瓣插姨倔呢泻哭惕雷墨咖燕耳贴赂冷忱俐洪甜江嗅给彭垣聚海跳掌砌腿凉法鼎瑰棉疫瞎函路栗傲与搂任斌疙傣淘卯挝浅慑呜顾熟站灭卡科瑟凌粟隶乞其示明碱摊彬斜蟹蒸脊内丢倪鳖蘑汇蹦愈弟阎闹径捐还帐试徒均圃许酉解依咽或辰辨往锅顽筷应芥咒谤抠绚耍灌荆责爪久宁魄塑啸俩群江粳览孟芒蹭酥其延项厅裹囤硅祥荣傈蕉熟凛丘游振汰波刽浑泼云朱充题浪间估并疮柜虫苯荧算陪价利焦衍乞党诚掐渝按袭陪化具渣啊躲多蓟办吠悄挑视王更肆辕炽拾颖拓旬


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