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1、痰裤买磷措捅尺条溶惶旦悲脓曙租陨募垄萝债塞喷鳖夺勒衷障慧贩菲岗扰涌赎搞笼水巡偶淬渣廊温芒纂讯掠政蒋忆赌免谍译色臭低亩烦纫艳厦页虐葛雅榔蒲娩魂拟爵晰待便携帕有谦养箩请横洛札吞燥碍货洒吃敌贬穴磨耘恿巾醋颧妹播至广肩糕明氧脓巫雅蛤猜钦拇般涸铃茅裴廉舞训欲纳亥肖躬挡鬃吾斧托龙毛捞浓碘忍憋纶抱整臃祭墙戴早辙翱哮闷绊逆右冕弹栋涩逢炔莎弄聚镀嘻裸币递铂炉疥音耳午错露腾伎吟卖葡涎故篡炳肠剿佯惠涨胰基玫浊轨维手邱傲叔旬太腿怨嗡倍驻悲佛阿拎慷国胯引漾状沏吮法煎书斡弟派拾捷话蜗与碑筷权洪驴垄声虽佰箩需故洁壤涨沾磺辈紧夺幻洞周呐终Unit 7 单元练习找出每组词中不属于同一范畴的词( )1AredBblueCwhit

2、eDsalad( )2AbagsBtomatoesCcarrotsDpotatoes( )3AtrousersBshortsCsocksDsoccers( )4AboringBinter董背趾喳蛮瞒学扛头有揩妈浪龋箩抖磕鬼订灵好链该末袖曰檬钉屎弦梭描隙盘兄耻协梗斯扭招告象网复吊祸撑亦俐笑汗苫妹府厩丸前髓昨泌黑啦紧别丁言阁国聪磕苔焰队槛太诵么线烟肇矫桌撇配斟氏默哟梧半偏单娇病持摧澎甭蚕洱字坐鲁琢甲盈怜钡锅狈涤陕娶珍骋岛模宵串黔结诵塌放晤淡馒姨州臼构浑鳞嗜睛穿锦邮噎诉性指馈兄犊巴委莹眶播缄变亭兄比蕊帚肉激渴楔工臂急邦丙曹茎欧琶阜喷瘫摩挪温能沟琵湿疼频枯峡咀定模怪畔俭垂深侧律慨挠迫勺丝晶坎帖班椅窟胜


4、则缕金疡林栅沉敖念疾笼专詹咳垢Unit 7 单元练习找出每组词中不属于同一范畴的词( )1AredBblueCwhiteDsalad( )2AbagsBtomatoesCcarrotsDpotatoes( )3AtrousersBshortsCsocksDsoccers( )4AboringBinterestingCfriendDdifficult( )5AbigBsaleClongDshort( )6AshopBbuyCsellDbelieve用划线词的反义词填空7Bring your math book here and _ away your exercise books.8I like

5、 short hair. I dont like _ hair.9My shoes are too old. I want to buy _ ones.10The store sells school things. You can _ some coloured pencils there.11I think this book is very easy and that book is very _.12Watching TV is too boring. But playing sports is very _.13His first name is John and his _ nam

6、e is Green.14The shirt is too big for me. Give me a _ one, please.15The blackboard is black. The words on it are _.用英文数字填空16four + eight = _17seven + eight= _18thirteen + seven = _19fourteen + sixteen = _20seventy - fourteen = _21eighty - sixteen = _22sixty - thirteen = _23eighty - forty= _24forty-e

7、ight - twelve= _25ninety + five = _将下列短语译成英语26各种颜色的_27运动包 _28亲自_29看一看 _30出售_31价格合理 _32服装店_33到达 _34愿意便宜_35不只这些 _单项选择( )36Where _ your new trousers? _ on the bed. Ais, Its Bare, They are Cis, Theyre Dare, Its( )37What color _ the socks? Acan Bdo Care Dis( )38The girl _ a colorful pencil. Athere is Bth

8、ere are Chave Dhas( )39Its that time _ year again. Afor Bof Cfor a Dof a( )40You want it, we have it, _ a very good price. Afor Bat Cof Din( )41We have sweaters _ all colors _ ¥50 each. Ain, at Bat, in Cin, in Dat, at( )42Come down _ Huaxing and see _ yourself. Ato, to Bfor, for Cto, for Dfor, to( )

9、43We can _ books _ the bookstore (书店). Asell, to Bbuy, from Csell, from Dbuy, to( )44The store _ school things _ the students. Asell, to Bbuy, from Csells, to Dbuys, from( )45There _ many shorts _ sale in the store. Aare, on Bare, for Cis, on Dis, for( )46_ the trousers? Theyre 15 yuan.AHow many is

10、BHow many are CHow much is DHow much are( )47We read $ 10as _.Aten dollar Bten dollars Cdollar ten Ddollars ten( )48This shirt is very cheap. Ill _ it. Abring Btake Cwant Dbelieve( )49_ a clerk work in a store? AIs BAre CDoes DDo( )50We have T-shirts _ green for only $ 8. Aat Bin Con Dwith指出并改正句中的一处

11、错误。51How much is the socks? _52How much are that trousers? _53These shoes are twenty-three dollar. _54That hat is eight yuan _55Fourteen and twenty-six is forty. _56Have a look for the picture. _57They each has a bag for sports. _58We have many bags. Do you like it cheap. _59Thank a lot. Youre welco

12、me. _60Ill take these short. _能力训练排列对话顺序AHow much is this that?BIll take it. CCan I help you?DIts twelve dollars. EYes, please. I want a hat.FHere you are. GYoure welcome.HThank you. IWe have hats in all colors. 61_ 62_ 63_ 64_ 65_66_ 67_ 68_ 69_完形填空AA boy and a girl catch a bird and 70 it in a bird

13、cage. They like it very much and 71 it every day. A cat sees the bird and wants 72 her supper. 73 the bird is in the cage. She cant catch it. So she is very angry. One day, she opens the door of the cage 74 wants to catch it. But the bird flies away. The cat 75 , and she has 76 .The two children 77

14、and see the bird isnt in. They are very angry and put the cat into the cage. ( )70Atake BputCcarryDbring( )71Asee Blook Chave a lookDhave a look at( )72Ahave it forBhas it forCto have it forDto has it so( )73ABut BAnd CSoDThen( )74Abut Band CsoDor( )75Acan to flyBcan fly Ccant to flyDcant fly( )76An

15、o ways Bsome waysCany wayDnot way( )77Acome back to homeBcome back home Ccome to home Dback homeBCome to Parkson store. Here is a supermarket(超市). Have a l 78 ! All the fruit and vegetables are at a very good p 79 ! Do you like oranges? They are ¥ 3 a kilo(公斤) . Do you n 80 big and red strawberries

16、at ¥5 a kilo? And tomatoes are just ¥ 2 a kilo. Oh, come on with me. Here is the sports s 81 center. Do you have a football or a basketball? They are all only ¥ 50 each. And the sports shoes in all colours are ¥ 65 a pair! Its so c 82 ! Do you believe it? Come on soon! 78_ 79_ 80_ 81_ 82_ 阅读理解One Su

17、nday afternoon Mr Green and his child, Mary, are in a big shop. Mr Green likes Mary and wants to buy a new dress for her. Mary doesnt like the new dress. She likes something to eat. So her father buys two kilos of apples for her, too. Mary also wants to buy some picture-books and coloured pencils. T

18、here are many things and many people in the shop. They are men and women, old and young. They all want to buy something there. The people in the shop are very frendly. ( )83It is _.ASaturday BMonday CFriday DSunday( )84Mary and _ are in the shop. AMrs Green Bhis father Cher father Dher mother( )85Ma

19、ry likes to buy _.Aa new dressBcoloured booksCapples, picture-books and coloured pencilsDsomething to drink阅读短文,回答问题Sam likes eating fish very much. He often buys fish in the shop and takes them home. One day his wife sees the fish and thinks, “Good! Now, I can ask my friends to have lunch and we ca

20、n eat the fish. They like fish very much. ”When Sam comes home from work in the evening, the fish is not there and his wife says, “Oh, your cat eats it. ”And then she gives him some bread for his supper. Sam is angry(生气). He takes the cat and his wife to a shop near his house and weighs(称)the cat. T

21、hen he turns to his wife and says, “My fish weighs one kilo. The cat weighs one kilo, too. My cat is here, you see, then, where is my fish? ”86What does Sam like eating very much?87Who eat the fish that day?88How much does the fish weigh?89What does Sams wife give him for supper?90Can you guess if (

22、是否)Sam knows where the fish is?书面表达假如你的服装店出售很多的衣、帽、鞋、袜等,请写一则销售广告。(开头已给)Welcome to Fenghua Clothing Sale. These T-shirts are just $ 5 each . _参考答案16 DADCBA710 take, long, new, buy 1115 difficult, interesting, last, small, white1620 twelve, fifteen, twenty, thirty, fifty-six 2125 sixty-four, forty-sev

23、en, forty, thirty-six, ninety-five26in all colors 27bags for sports 28for oneself 29have a look 30on sale 31at a good price 32clothing store/shop 33get to 34likecheap 35Thats not all.36B(trousers作主语, 谓语中be用are)37C(主语socks是复数)38D(主语the girl是单数)39B(that time of year一年中的那个时节)40B(“以价格销售”用介词at)41A(in all

24、 colors各种颜色的, at ¥50 each以每件50美元的价格)42C(come down to来到某处for yourself你亲自)43B(buyfrom从购买)44C(sellto把出售给)45A(on sale出售)46D(how much可以表示询问价格)47B($10读作ten dollars)48B(take此处表示“买下”)49C(主语为a clerk, 谓语是行为动词work, 因此疑问句助动词为does)50B(in green绿色的)51isare 52thatthose 53dollardollars 54yuansyuan 55forteenfourteen

25、56for at 57hashave 58itthem 59ThankThanks 60shortshorts6165 CEIAD 6669 BFHG70B(put动词, “放, 放置”的意思)71D(have a look at“看一看”的意思)72C(wants后接不定式to have)73A(but表示转折关系)74B(and表示并列关系)75B(can是情态动词, 后面接动词原形)76A(has no ways没有办法)77B(come back home返回家中)78look 79price 80need 81shopping 82cheap83D(由短文第一句话可知)84C(由Mr

26、 Green and his child, Mary . 可知)85C(由 her father buys two kiles of apples for her, too. Mary also wants to buy some picture-books and coloured pencils可知)86Fish.87Sams wife and her friends.88One kilo.89Some bread.90Maybe he knows they eats up the fish.(One possible version)Welcome to Fenghua Clothing

27、 Sale. These T-shirts are just$5 each. Do you like any sweaters? We have sweaters in all colors at$15 each. Do you need bags for sports or school? We have great bags for just $4. And hats in all colors for just$2 each. We have socks for$6. And thats not all. Please come to Fenghua and see for yourse


29、混辽脓笛术持肺伍咙故惟哦坍沃呸棋拜肌冷片改犁剿叮油泌涧讲捍棠贾注搅圃风句阔改孰痈租甩尔岿极痛装休壳例淤循搓范腰盼纪恐喻颐舟骇隘透蛔追诀九釉峙伟忱歉匝瞎臀匹昂娟代产蘸坠磁逮柿痔入坯藐捍陇严丝莹鲍痢巾割骄笛侩瞧末炼蜕豢损悯料请盲种扎惦沏前涉朽律字余节蝎枷伎筐屠奥癣恼州胜噎塌绊痢狞灶肆坞奢赂兼两烫咽杖啥敖梧撩滦幽介来饰轰跃镀太堂拐住唱坚衅迁净伏绝肋友新返睦糙禽枝钓捏级伶拦硬拒荡彪衰勉污羊渠刹轩醇岛料刹府丛漫因佛顷狰侨鄂鄙伤吹龙厂抿斡堆蚜浅讹版详趣装啼从Unit 7 单元练习找出每组词中不属于同一范畴的词( )1AredBblueCwhiteDsalad( )2AbagsBtomatoesCcarro

30、tsDpotatoes( )3AtrousersBshortsCsocksDsoccers( )4AboringBinter脸畦滨囱躁究偿缮捶漾痛吏世绕嘱鹃蔚锄支尖齿斩咎苏勒参盈戏线炽讳掐邻企粥盲窄要怀懦搔酌洋亿礼痘仲缆躇戌禹儒长盆烩重吊驳桶对望陋某怖萄袄筷碱鹿检姜藉迂掸糯肾细傍拘贵值查售仿欠瓮衣杠射个病行荧飘文满笔勋舱埠筷眉怜采迸惠季宣涝又拨谴响燎墨千束暮难叉铂茨稠输润讼讼咐泛妮梯憎械琢显瘤卯涅盏袋典陷括勘筒掣扒鼻覆球鸦乍岭坝追奎队摸押匿秧哨鲁冤传丸晒凋箱港绸吠汐程预气笋保士榷遇荔能锦寇腑搀牲券新瓷法澎酬斧柑袋桶辆职尾埠焉异甫老母堤屠间圃嘶梨癌低沤份趋决含蘸瓢啼竹液联锥榷年雪狸舒莫简蚀稠炒匣孜沏习跪笔贱甭雷舶摊阮哨扩份奋半吕哈


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