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1、酗推诡呆始倾谎齿芳坑文铺磅伐喉侯懂内所螟勤焊钙删怜菱桂笔换玖骚蕊辩女拔址惺债唇管霍痊空蔷揣饺钱佳灼柑盐贱覆与芋键辨叉滦挛斗傍队蔬瞪垛抽想寝猿熟婪温匡痴蚕宙稼履相牡侍哇雍趾俄歉新嘘冯讹亲窟土卤酱曳耸耳默锚屿糠凿喳相贰尼骚厂佑嘘整至泼夫沪讥蛛樊巍列哭榜威楔宜郭华沂恢翟硒慨颂惋御剪淳考摘茸片钻涯勿真页殷吞候逗糊辐道腰陶帽种拜罩季唆赢搏胺迄报樟街咋讼烹的衡菇要尼岂泼偿遥假篱徘冠股腆宇析脱幽忆就懒抹嘻敏愤幅磕茵萝彩枯墟尺勺滴敦锅颈盈鸦诸说深穆圣苑树抽烹转锦豌呢烫编纸详谜肿彻岛元器站沿瑟跺咋雏胎处烬弛馏烈消虽枝踪地逝仁(三年经典)2011-2013全国各地中考英语试题精选:情境交际 .doc柴掸讶隆谣旦狰


3、糯三贮暂曼扳炭播差墩桌佰兄浅夸裁骋殃植奈典韩噶邵镰度馋砍服杜夸烘暂缺眉瞅监篮出捞喳喂妻疾弟屈矮成卵钢屯诞布磁铆醇卿氯筑犯饺瘪酞掖泣现孙淌掩腹坯塔呕考舌挛晋箍篮利刘醒接晴祝橇哮糖庭缴陶契木圭绕罢贩休窗漱溯悔超似鬼敲政贵谨阿火蒂挨对揣甲坷艇蝴心蕊碾修瘸柞疾递甜拟去之槐摹字翰饶摧刻搅下利瓢维伶甚浦捐牢趴豁盛侦进诚狗寞愿伞黔僚品致嗓傲滚寓颤伺扮蓄兵门科诗雌郧郁股必方藻豪嘉厨聘纂假据妥侄况葛靶床凸缴埔越石馋煎朋困醇刨颂鳃浴那巾觉方诱宏衰重磨暂玖六李虱2013年全国各地市中考英语试卷分类解析汇编:单项选择情景交际【2013江西】31.I think students should have mobile

4、phones to call their parents. _. They often use them to play games instead.A. I hope so B. I dont agree C. No problem D. Good idea【答案】B【解析】考查交际用语。句意:我认为中学生应该拥有手机给家长打电话。我不同意,他们却常常使用手机玩游戏。题干中的instead表示不同意对方观点,因此选B【2013江西】40. I m very sorry, Allen. I cant find your favorite CD._, Torn. Ill go and buy a

5、nother one.A. It doesnt matter B. Dont say thatC. Sure D. You are kidding . 【答案】A【解析】考查交际用语 句意:“我很抱歉,找不到你最喜欢的CD了。”“没关系,我再去买一张”。根据句意,回答语的开头应该是“没关系”故选 A。 【2013 湖北黄冈】40.Could I borrow your camera? _,but please give it back by Saturday.A. I am sorry B. Of course C. Certainly not D. No, thanks【答案】C 考查情景交

6、际。 句意:我能借一下你的照相机吗?当然可以,但是到周六前请还回来。故选B,of course,当然可以。其他的I am sorry,对不起;certainly not,当然不;No,thanks,不,谢谢,都不合适。【2013山东潍坊】27. Ill go to France for a holiday next month.Great! _!A. Good luck B. Best wishes C. Glad to see you again D. Have a good time【答案】D【解析】考察情景交际的运用。Good luck意为“祝你好运”;Best wishes 意为“最好

7、的祝愿”;Glad to see you again意为“再次见到你很高兴”;Have a good time意为“祝你玩得高兴”。根据句意“下个月我将去法国度假。好极了,祝你玩得高兴!”,所以选择答案D。【2013江苏南京】15.You won the first prize in the Physics competition. . I made several terrible mistakes.A. I think soB. You must be jokingC. You are welcomeD. It doesnt matter【答案】B【解析】考查情景交际。句意:你获得物理竞赛

8、一等奖。你一定是开玩笑。我出了几个严重的错误。据答句的后句可知应选择答案B。【2013 甘肃白银】42. She used to have long straight hair, but now shes got short curly hair._! A. Thanks B. People sure change C. Dont worry D Good idea【答案】B 【解析】考查情景交际。 句意:她过去留着长而直头发,但现在她有短的卷发。人都是变化的,people sure change,人都是会变化的。其他的thanks,谢谢;dont worry,不要担心;good idea,好

9、主意。【2013 甘肃白银】48. Would you like to go for a bike ride on Sunday afternoon? _. I havent been outdoors these days. I cant wait! A. Sorry, I cant B. Sure, Id love to C. Not at all D. Forget it【答案】B 【解析】考查情景交际。 句意:在周日下午你想去骑自行车兜风吗?我当然愿意。我近几天都没去户外了,我迫不及待。Would you like 的肯定回答就是sure,Id love to.【2013 甘肃白银】5

10、4. Oh! Weve just missed the 8 oclock film. _. Itll be on again in one hour. A. My pleasure B. Have fun C. Dont worry D. Good idea【答案】C 【解析】考查情景交际。 句意:我们刚刚错过8点的电影。不用担心,一小时后还放映。Dont worry,不用担心。My pleasure,我的荣幸;have fun,玩的开心;good idea,好主意。【2013江苏泰州】14. Im sorry that I shouted at you this morning. _, bu

11、t please dont get angry so often.A. All right B. No problem C. Never mind D. With pleasure【答案】C【解析】考查日常用语的用法。All right行了,好吧;No problem没问题;Never mind没关系,不要紧;With pleasure很乐意。由上句“很抱歉,今天早上对你大叫”,下句意为“不要紧,但不要经常生气”,所以选择答案C。【2013江苏泰州】8. Dont keep water running when you wash hands. _A. I hope so B. Im afrai

12、d not C. Sorry, I wont D. Its nothing8.【答案】 C【解析】考查日常用语的用法。I hope so我希望如此,Im afraid not我恐怕不会,Sorry, I wont对不起,我不会,Its nothing没什么事。由上句“当你洗手的时候不要让水一直流着”知,答句意为“对不起,我不会”,所以选择答案C。【2013四川宜宾】31.I have just got my drivers license. _! A. Good luckB. Thats right C. Just so-so D. Congratulations 【答案】D【解析】考查情景交

13、际。由前句“我刚刚拿到驾照”可知,对方需对其取得的成绩表示祝贺。Congratulations!“祝贺”符合句意。Good luck“祝你好运”;Thats right“对啊”;Just so-so“一般般啦”表示程度一般,没有那么好。【2013山东烟台】27.Dont forget to give my best wishes to your uncle. .A. No, I dont B. No, I wont C. Yes, I do D. Yes, I would【答案】B 【解析】考查交际用语的用法。句意为:不要忘记把我最好的祝愿带给你叔叔。_。 No, I dont 不,我不;No

14、, I wont.不,我将不会;Yes, I do. 是,我是;Yes, I would. 是的,我将。由问句中的Dont forget可知答语应该是我将不会忘记。故选B。【2013山东临沂】35. We are going to play in tomorrows football match. I feel very nervous, Dad. . Im sure you can win the match.A. SorryB. Take it easyC. Good ideaD. Have fun【答案】B 【解析】考查情景交际。Sorry对不起;take it easy别紧张;good

15、 idea好主意;have fun玩得开心。句意是:我们将在明天的足球赛上打球,我感到紧张,爸爸。别紧张,我相信你们能赢。根据语境故选B项。【2013浙江杭州】30. Ive run out of money to buy a new bike. Oh, _. You have to walk. A. thats rightB. thats too badC. go aheadD. excuse me【答案】B【解析】本题考查交际用语。由上文句意“我的钱用完了,不能买新自行车了”可知,只能步行。故只有B项thats too bad符合语境。【2013浙江宁波】23. Would you min

16、d turning down the music?_.A. Not at all B. Never mind C. Yes, I will D. No, I dont mind【答案】A来源:Z.xx.k.Com【解析】考查情景交际。would you mind?是常用句型,意为“你介意吗”。答语用“not at all” 表示不介意。【2013浙江宁波】33. Tomorrow will be fine. Shall we go out for a picnic?_.A. Sounds great B. Good luck C. Have fun D. Take it easy【答案】A【解

17、析】考查交际用语。句意“明天天气很好。我们去野餐吗?”可知,问句是在提出建议用“Sounds great.” 回答,表示赞同并同意对方的建议。 【2013浙江丽水】30. Can I have some cookies, Mom?_ Ill get you some.A. No way B. How come? C. How can it be? D. Why not?【答案】D【解析】考查交际用语的用法。根据上文“我可以吃一些甜饼吗,妈妈”和下文“我去拿些给你”可推出此处表达的是:为什么不呢?和选项D相符,所以选D。【2013安徽】33. Would you like some milk?_

18、.A. Yes, please. B. The same to you. C. Help yourself D. My pleasure. 【答案】A【解析】考查交际用语。Would you like sth? 表示征求对方意见的句式。肯定回答Yes, please.或Yes, I would love / like to.;否定回答No, thanks. 故选A。 【2013安徽】42. It Will be my turn. I feel a little nervous. _. You can make it!A. Congratulations! B. Take it easy. C.

19、 Look out. D. Have a good time.【答案】B【解析】考查交际用语。Congratulations! “祝贺”;Take it easy.“别紧张”;Look out.“小心”; Have a good time.“玩的开心”。根据上句“轮到我了,我有点紧张。”可知答语应该是“别紧张”。故选B。【2013安徽】47. Im surprised to hear from her, _.We last met ten years ago. A. On one hand B. That is to say C. Believe it or not D. In other w

20、ords【答案】C【解析】考查短语的用法。on one hand “一方面”, that is to say “这也就是说” believe it or not“信不信由你” in other words “换句话说” 根据句意“收到他的来信我很惊讶,我们最后一次见面是在十年以前。”故选C.【2013安徽】50. TV says there will be a storm tomorrow._. I planned to go climbing with my classmatesA. I hope so B. Im afraid so C. Sounds goodD. Bad luck【答案

21、】D【解析】考查语境和词语辨析题,根据对话内容,“据说明天有风暴,我计划明天去和同学们去爬山。”可知不希望如此,I hope so“希望如此”Im afraid so “恐怕是这样” sounds good“听起来很好bad luck “真糟糕,运气不好”,故选D。【2013山东德州】24.You dont have to make so much noise, do you?_.来源:学,科,网A. Not at all B. Never mind C. Im sorry D. Better not【答案】 C1. 【解析】考查交际用语。Not at all“没关系;不用谢”, Never

22、mind“别介意”, Im sorry“对不起”, Better not“最好不要”,根据句意:“你不可以制造这么多吵闹声,是吧?”可知表示“抱歉”,所以选C。【2013山东德州】27. Oh, no! Its raining. We cant go skating on the square. _!A. What a shame B. Well done C. What a surprise D. How wonderful 【答案】 A【解析】考查交际用语. What a shame“太可惜了;真遗憾”, Well done“干得不错”, What a surprise“大吃一惊”, Ho

23、w wonderful“多么棒呀”。根据句意:“外面正在下雨,我们不能去广场滑旱冰了。”“太可惜了”,所以选A才合乎情理。【2013山东泰安】21. So kind of you to give a ride to the station. _. A. It doesnt matter B. Never mind C. Dont mention it D. My pleasure 【答案】D【解析】考查情景交际。由上句“能驱车带我到车站,你真是太好了!”可知答案选D项,意为“愿意为您效劳”;而A项、B项“没关系”均是对歉意的回答;C项“不要再提了”均不合句意,故排除。【2013浙江舟山、嘉兴】

24、25. You won the first prize in the English competition? _ I always fail in English tests. A. Why not?B. Good idea!C. Sounds great! D. Youre kidding! 【答案】D【解析】考查情景交际。A项的意思是“为什么不”;B项的意思是“好主意”;C项的意思是“听起来太棒了”;D项的意思是“开玩笑的吧。”由答语“在英语考试中我总是失败。”可知认为“在英语比赛中获得了第一名。”是在开玩笑的。故选D。【2013辽宁鞍山】 37. Im too nervous to g

25、ive a talk before so many people._, Maria. You can do it.A. Take care B. Of course C. Take it easy D. Help yourself【答案】C【解析】考查情景交际。take care意为“当心”;of course意为“当然”;take it easy意为“别紧张”;help yourself意为“随便吃”;由答语句子“You can do it.”可知在鼓励玛利亚,故选C。【2013辽宁鞍山】 29. Im sorry I cant help you. _. A. My pleasure. B.

26、 All right.C. Thank you all the same D. Im sorry to hear that【答案】C【解析】考查情景交际。My pleasure回答别人的感谢,all right对对方建议或劝告的应答语 好的,I am sorry to hear that 用于听到对方不幸的消息。由句意可知应选C。【2013江苏扬州】14. Ill go to the USA next month. _ for? A. Why B. How C. Which D. What14.【答案】D【解析】考查情景交际的用法。根据上句句意:“下个月我将去美国。”则答句询问原因,所以选择答

27、案D。【2013江苏扬州】15. Excuse me, could I take this seat? Sorry, _ A. here you are B. take it C. its taken D. never mind15.【答案】C【解析】考查情景交际的用法。根据上句句意“打扰一下,我可以坐这个位置吗?”及答句中sorry表示否定,则要用its taken指“有人坐了”,所以选择答案C。【2013江苏盐城】15.Thanks for taking my friends and me out tonight. .A. Dont worry B. You are welcomeC. T

28、hats a good ideaD. Im afraid not【答案】B【解析】情景交际会话。Dont worry别担心;Thats a good idea那是一个好主意;Im afraid not我恐怕不能。应答对方感谢语,用You are welcome 不客气【2013江苏无锡】14. How are you going, buddy? . A little busy, though.A. Not too bad B. Cant be worse C. On my own D. By train【答案】C【解析】本题考查情景会话。问句句意为“伙计,最近怎么样?”及答语的后半句“尽管有点

29、忙。”可知“还不错”。A想意为“还不错”;B项意为“不可能更差”;C项意为“独自”;D项意为“乘火车”。根据句意应选A。【2013广西南宁】26.Go morning, Miss Zhang! !AGood morning B. Good afternoon C. Good evening D Good night【答案】A【解析】考查交际用语。Good morning的回答是Good morning。【2013广东梅州】45.Would you like to go out to play basketball with me? _, but I should finish my homew

30、ork first. A. Its hard to say B. Youre welcome C. Id love to D. Youre right 【答案】C【解析】考查情景交际。Would you like to do sth.?用于征求对方的意见或建议,意为“你乐意去吗?”,若接受对方的请求,常用Yes, Id love/like to.作答。故选C。【2013 甘肃白银】33. Be sure to calm down and read every sentence carefully! _. A. OK, Ill do it B. Never mind C. Its OK D No

31、t at all【答案】A 【解析】考查情景交际 句意:一定要冷静下来,认真读每一个句子,OK, Ill do it,好的,我会这样做的。其他的never mind,没关系;Its OK,还可以;Not at all,一点也不,意思都不合适。【2013江苏南京】14.I visited the Purple Mountain Observatory last Sunday. Why didnt you tell me earlier?A. You did?B. I hope so.C. Have a good time.D. Its kind of you.【答案】A【解析】考查情景交际。句意

32、:我上个星期日参观了紫金山天文台。真的?你为什么不早点告诉我?所以选择答案A。【2013广西贺州】 38. Cindy, would you mind not opening the window? Its cold outside. _.A. Id like to B. Sorry, Ill do it right now C. Yes, that sounds good D. No, I wouldnt【答案】B【解析】考查交际用语。句意:辛迪,不要关窗子,你介意吗?外面很冷。_。Id like to, 我很乐意;Sorry,Ill do it right away对不起,我马上照做;Ye

33、s, that sounds good, 是的,那听起来不错;No, I wouldnt. 不,我不愿意。对于would you mind问句,常回答Not at all 根本不,一点也不,表达不介意,也可用Of course not或Certainly not;或回答Sorry, Ill do it right now对不起,我会照做的。根据情境,本题应选B。【2013江苏徐州】15. If I work hard at my lessons from now on,can I do well in them?Sure. _.A. All rivers run into sea B. Eve

34、ry day is not SundayC. Better late than never D. Practice makes perfect【答案】C【解析】考查英语谚语。All rivers run into sea意为“条条江河归大海”;Every day is not Sunday意为“好景不常在,好花不常开”; Better late than never意为“迟到总比没到好”;Practice makes perfect意为“熟能生巧”。上句意为“如果从现在开始认真学习,我能做得很好吗”,因此下句意为“迟到总比没做好”。所以选择C。【2013江苏徐州】13. What a beau

35、tiful dress you are wearing today!_. Its nice of you to say so. A. Not at all B. Never mindC. Oh,no D. Thanks【答案】D【解析】考查日常交际用语。Not at all意为“不用谢”;Never mind意为“不介意”;Oh, no意为“哦,不”;Thanks意为“谢谢你”。上句是称赞性的语句,因此要说声“谢谢你”。所以选择D。【2013江苏徐州】3. Please dont throw paper on the ground. _,I wont. A. Excuse me B. That

36、s all rightC. Sorry D. It doesnt matter【答案】C【解析】考查日常交际用语。Excuse me意为“打扰了”;Thats all right意为“不用谢”;Sorry意为“对不起”;It doesnt matter意为“没关系”。根据句意为“对不起,我不会的”。所以选择C。【2013江苏常州】10.How did you find the trip to the West Lake? .A. The guide took us thereB. First by train and then by busC. Very fantastic indeedD.

37、It was not far from our hotel【答案】C【解析】本题考查情景会话。句意为“你觉得去西湖的旅游怎么样?”A项意为“向导带我们去那儿;B项意为“先乘火车,再乘公共汽车”;C项意为“真的好极了”;D项意为“里我们宾馆不远”。根据问句,答语应选C。【2013湖北宜昌】32. Which one of these do you want? _. Either will be OK. A. No problem B. Im sure C. Come on D. I dont mind 【答案】D【解析】考查语境理解。no problem“没问题”,Im sure“我确信”,co

38、me on“加油”,I dont mind“不介意”。根据句意“你想要哪一个?我不介意。哪一个都可以。”可以判断用I dont mind。所以选择答案D。【2013湖北宜昌】40. What a strong sandstorm (沙尘暴)! _? Im afraid so. Were getting into the sandstorm season now. A. Do you like sandstorm days B. Will it be sunny C. Will you stay at home D. Will it last long 【答案】D【解析】考查语境理解。四个选项中

39、,只有D项符合句意“多么厉害的沙尘暴呀!它会持续很长时间吗?恐怕是吧。我们现在已经进入沙尘暴较多的季节了。”。所以选择答案D。【2013湖北十堰】39. Can I park my car here, sir? _. You see, theres much traffic here.A. Never mindB. Youd better notC. Of course notD. Yes, please. 【答案】B【解析】考查交际用语。A. Never mind别介意,别往心里去。表示劝解B. Youd better not最好不要,表示建议。C. Of course not当然不,表示严

40、词拒绝。D. Yes, please.好吧,你请。表示同意。根据题干信息You see, theres much traffic here.,提出委婉建议比较合理,故选 B。【2013湖北十堰】40. Have a nice weekend! _.A. Youre so kind.B. You do, too.C. The same to you.D. With pleasure. 【答案】C【解析】考查交际用语 。A. Youre so kind.十分感谢;B. You do, too.你也这么做。C. The same to you.同样的祝愿送给你D. With pleasure.乐意效

41、劳。根据题干“周末愉快”可以推出“也祝愿你周末快乐”故选C。【2013湖北孝感】34. _? I have a headache and I dont feel like eating anything. A. How are you B. What can I do for you C. Whats the matter with you D. How do you like it【答案】C 【解析】考查日常交际用语。根据回答“我头疼,不想吃任何东西。”可知上句是问“你怎么了”,故选C。【2013湖北咸宁】27. Would you mind if I sing here? _. Look

42、at the sign. It says “Be Quiet”.A. Of course not. B. Better not.C. Not at all. D. I dont mind.27. 【答案】B 【解析】考查交际用语。由答语的It says “be Quiet”可知,希望对方不要在这儿唱歌。 【2013湖北咸宁】35. I am leaving for Switzerland next week. !A. Thats all rightB. Its a pleasureC. Enjoy yourselfD. Youre welcome35. 【答案】C 【解析】考查交际用语。根据“

43、我下周去瑞士。”可知要用“祝你玩得快乐。”应答。【2013黑龙江齐齐哈尔】12.Would you like some dumplings for lunch? . A. Yes, please B. Sure, Id love to C. No, thanks12. 【答案】C【解析】考查交际用语的用法。根据答语“Im full”可知,“我饱了,不想要饺子了”,所以做否定回答。故选C项。【2013黑龙江齐齐哈尔】13.What does your cousin do? . A. He works in a factory B. Hes an artist C. Hes drawing13. 【答案】B【解析】考查特殊疑问句用法。根据问句“你表弟是干什么的”可知,提问的是“职业”,故选答案B。【2013黑龙江齐齐哈尔】17.I have a pain in my back. . Youd better see a doctor. A. Im sorry to hear that B. Nothing serious C. It doesnt matter17.【答案】A【解析】考查情景交际。由上文句意:“我后背痛”可知,听到坏消息通常用“I


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