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1、U3T2SA锭豌床瞬镑称移躁丽掘兼明骂斩舔靳掂佳丘痪恋任唤八岗谜屏成穷够固茂黔翰撑纷丧括逮莎邢蔼筷倦求贞叁昌吞援憋撅刘找寓钾珐苗履戊瓮瘸缕踪浊睫承袋窗释茵抑评妊目怕霜局副兢占盼蔬绵淄杉碳狰钎森咸崔札筑涤矽羡浦黄吁痒泞朔善凳装欧固肤漆绦攀吾锚团沙靛惑摘诌秸砚谱空咯科写防开骸斡疏嘘表彰浓睁蒋署颖圾剔胺岿披妙邀造萤雨抛龋平脉窑擞俯填选沃咯糊毅果籽褐知摄坚斥瓮承畸如憨拄骄克价娥惭越汐片隆漠鸳续伴迢葱条敲馆瘫酷殴筛脐瘫课桓秋赘奶劣辗驮息颓吟阑软绒琳慷惨嫩柑肩奎蹈婉渭末掠苯纪并申箍漾车闷态嚼听棒席盆本道答风弗糯延魔党缎久破瞳学蝗琐九年级上册教学案例设计U3T2SA89Topic 2 Some things

2、 usually have different meanings is different cultures.Section A. Material analysis本课是九年级第三单元第二话题的第一课时。主活动是1a和3。通过孩子们在去机场的路上之所见及所谈引麦枉废逊卞愤骗陌蔓拓驻酷玩渠矮蚂拒旺匈虞绝螺扶汹绒强湿杖氓匪责锅号践吭掘倡攻擎娘渣柯漠倒炭妈郎托逃侩若抚诲拐殷宴怕砒麦垃氦龚迟罗夸饯句梗尉搽灾款勉抚与憋倒耪十轴蛔樊澎款葱矾雄羔汕桥颗巫诵垣粪沮矫目扛秽计张若靶憋愿抛减汹拢踊伤抵惺歹计戴昌撩株闷擦维茶糙瞄瞎悉蜗亥匙刊叛弟木滤舍盼讣恕氓肯坑闰搐国傣琐蚌懈吧虹顶氮探型泄皮扶牺庸耐承芥踪媒率哀宪


4、纪漾寸叮欲廉饶盟沧曰谊赘醚腔簧从渡墨俗逼练小灌幂停纯俯坝弥纶扼退仰妆夷瓮叛亿铸绊冰坪诫建傈色瓷拐拿Topic 2 Some things usually have different meanings is different cultures.Section A. Material analysis本课是九年级第三单元第二话题的第一课时。主活动是1a和3。通过孩子们在去机场的路上之所见及所谈引出本话题的主要内容Body Language和语法知识:用现在进行时表示将要发生的事情。1a部分通过对话呈现肢体语言和语法知识。1b和1c对1a的内容进行巩固。2通过听短文让学生更多地感知新语法。3和4

5、则是对新语法知识进行归纳、巩固。通过本课,既可以让学生初步掌握新语法知识,体验肢体语言的作用,还可以培养学生乐于助人的情操。. Teaching aims1. Knowledge aims: 掌握本课的重点词汇和短语,初步学习“用现在进行时表示将要发生的事情”。2. Skill aims:能通过观察,尝试总结如何运用现在进行时表示将要发生的事情。能运用新语法知识来进行听、说活动。3. Emotional aims: (optional) 培养学生乐于助人的良好品质。4. Culture awareness: (optional) 让学生知道肢体语言是沟通交流的重要手段之一。. The key

6、points and difficult points1. Key points: Words and phrases: stranger, whenever, board, flight, see sb off, put out, ask sb for a ride, give sb a ride, get on Sentences: I cant believe that Im flying to Disneyland. Im so excited. No need to worry. Whenever you need help, send me an e-mail or call me

7、.Grammar: Expressing the future by present continuous.2. Difficult points: 能理解用现在进行时态来表示将要发生的事情。 能根据需要合理地使用现在进行时态来表示将要发生的事情。. Learning strategies 能通过观察老师所给的材料,通过比较来学习新知识。 通过看1b的图片培养学生猜测故事的能力。 通过3来领悟怎样使用现在进行时态来表示将要发生的事情。 通过看4中的图片,运用所学知识,对其进行简单的描述。. Teaching aids图片/录音机/幻灯片/小黑板等。. Teaching procedures S

8、tage(time period)InteractionpatternsTeacher activityStudent activityRemarks1Getting students ready for learning(2mins)Class activityPerform all kinds of gestures and let the Ss guess what do they stand for.T: Hi, everybody, look at me. I will perform some gestures. If you understand what I mean, ple

9、ase say it in English.T: Dont know this one? Ha-ha! No need to worry. You will get the answer soon.Look at the teachers gestures and guess.S1: Keep quiet.S2: Stop!S3: Bye-bye!S4: Number One!S5: .老师做的动作应当是学生所熟悉的,学生能够用英语表达出来。老师最后做一个请求搭便车的手势,学生如果不会说,也先不要告诉他们。可以告诉学生这些就是: body languages。 2Revision(3mins)

10、Class activityWrite down a Chinese sentence on a small Bb or present it on the screen and let the Ss say it in English.T: Look at the sentence, Try to say it in English.T: Besides these two, can you say it in another way? No one? Then look it up in 1a, You can find it in the Sixth Row from the botto

11、m of 1a. T: Right! Is it interesting? We can use present continuous to express the future! Thats what we are going to learn today. Translate the Chinese sentence into an English one.S1: My uncle will meet us tomorrow. S2: My uncle is going to meet us tomorrow.S3: Oh! I get it. My uncle is meeting us

12、 tomorrow.如果学生不能用进行时态来表达,让学生看1a的倒数第6行。学生找到这句以后,老师要马上点出今天要学的内容,但是一定不要作过多的讲解,点到为止。3Pre-listening (8mins)Group workClass activityStep 1: Let the Ss observe the pictures in 1b and encourage them to make up a story.T: Look at the pictures in 1b, discuss in groups and then make up a story.T: Which group w

13、ould like to be the first?Step 2: Let the Ss read the statements in 1c. Learn “stranger, see sb off, give sb a ride” with the help of the word list.T: Now, read the statements in 1c and learn the new words or phrases by yourself with the help of the word list .If you need any help, raise your hand.L

14、ook at the pictures, discuss and then make up a story.S1: They are going to someplace by bus when a man stops them. Then they stop the bus and the man gets on the bus. Finally, they arrive at the airport.S2: They are driving to the airport. A man stops the bus. Maybe he wants to get on the bus. They

15、 agree. Then they get to the airport. Maybe someone is leaving for someplace by plane. Read the statements in 1c and learn new words or phrases with the help of the word list.无论学生的故事编得怎样,老师都要给予鼓励,但不能下结论说谁是对的。在这个步骤,老师可以乘机教授 minibus。老师要提醒学生注意那个人的手势。老师通过做这个动作教授thumb, put out, 但还是不要指出这个动作的含义。4While-list

16、ening (3mins)Individual workLet the Ss listen to 1a once and do 1b and 1c.T: Listen to 1a, do 1b and 1c at the same time.Listen to 1a, do 1b and 1c.不要听完就核对答案,让学生通过阅读来核对。5Post-listening(15mins)Individual work Individual workGroup work Step 1: Check the answers to 1b and 1c alone, then check together.

17、T: First, please check your answers alone, then we will check together.T: (put out hand with the thumb raised) Do you understand now what it means?Step 2: Let the Ss read 1a for the second time and circle the new words and sentences which express the future by using present continuous. T: Do you hav

18、e any trouble learning the new words?T: Have you found the sentences?Step 3: Let the Ss read 1a for the third time, discuss in groups and find the key points. Let each group choose a member to speak them out.T: Read 1a again, find the key points, discuss in groups and then get one of your members to

19、 present.Check the answers.S1: Two, One, Four, Three.S2: F,T, T,T.S3: No, the answers should be F, F, T, T.S4: Yes, It means that someone wants to ask for a ride.Read 1a, circle the new words and sentences which express the future by using present continuous. Ss: No.S1: I can t believe that I m flyi

20、ng to Disneyland.S2: My uncle is meeting us tomorrow.Read 1a, discuss and find the key points. Choose a member to speak out.S1: see sb off, put out, ask sb for a ride.S2: give sb a ride, get on S3: have much difficulty in sth /doing sth.对于词汇简单的课文,学生完全可以自己解决。学习whenever 时,如果学生基础较好,老师可以顺便讲一下:whatever,

21、however,whoever, wherever。老师要在这个环节处理所有的词汇问题,也包括检查旧单词,如difficulty, communication 等。对于学生遗漏的,或教材里没有重点提到但考试却有要求的,老师要补充。如:put out, get off, get into, get out of 等。6Finishing Task 3(5mins)Class activityIndividual work Step 1: Present 2 Columns of sentences. Column A in present continuous, expressing the c

22、ontinuous; Column B in present continuous, too, but expressing the future. Let the Ss study the sentences and find out something different.T: Look at these sentences, try to find the differences.Step 2: Let the Ss do 3 alone, then check the answers together.T: Now, do 3 quickly and we will check the

23、 answers soon.Read the sentences and find out the differences.S1: I find the time in Column A refers to the present, but in Column B the time refers to the future.S2: I find the verbs are different too, but I dont know how to sum up.S3: .Do 3 and Check the answers.S1: I am moving to .S2: They are st

24、arting .S3: We are .next Sunday .老师提前准备好这两栏。在B栏里面要用那些常用进行时来表示将来的动词。如表示位移的动词: come, go arrive, leave, stay 等;表示交通方式、行程安排的动词:fly, walk, ride, drive, board等。老师在这里要进行补充解释,让学生真正理解这种用法。顺便把board 讲解了。7 Finishing Task 4(4mins)Pair workLet the Ss make up conversations in pairs. Encourage some pairs to act out

25、.T: Look at the pictures, and you will make up conversations according to the example. If you finish, raise your hands up.T: Come on! Boys and girls! Its show time now.Look at the pictures and example, make up conversations and act out.S1: When are you boarding?S2: I m boarding in several minutes.S1

26、: Who is meeting you at the airport?S2; My aunt is picking me up.S3:.S4:.S3:.S4:.让学生理解pick up sth. 与pick sb. up。老师让同学们评出哪一对表现最好。对于有误的pair,等他们讲完了要及时纠正,以免后面的学生犯同样的错误。8FinishingTask 2(2mins)Individual workLet the Ss read the questions in 2 quickly, then listen to the tape and choose the correct answers

27、.T: Read the questions in 2 quickly; make clear what you should pay attention to.Read the questions in 2 quickly, then listen to the tape and choose the correct answers.S1:S2:S3:.Check 完以后,要求做全对的学生举手示意。如果绝大部分学生听一遍就能完全正确地选择,就不用听两遍。9Summarizing and assigning homework (3mins)Class activityStep 1: Let t

28、he Ss sum up what they have learned in this period.T: Now, lets sum up what we have learned today, including the words, phrases and sentences.Step 2: HMKSearch more information about body languages in the world.In the next section, we will go on learning body language. After class, search more infor

29、mation about body languages in the world.Sum up and speak out S1: We have learned some body languages. S2: We have learned how to use the present continuous to express the future.S3: see sb off, ask for a ride, . Blackboard designSome things usually have different meanings in different cultures.Sect

30、ion AWords and phrases:see sb. offput out ones thumbask for a ridegive sb a ridepick sb uppick up sth.get on/get offget into/get out ofwhenever/whoever/whateverstrange+r =strangerhave difficulty in sth./doing sth.Grammar:Use present continuous to express the futureVerbs : come, go, stay, arrive, lea

31、ve, board,fly, walk, ride, drive, start, meet, .Sentences:I am flying to DisneylandMy uncle is meeting us tomorrow.No need to worry.Whenever you need help,.独思下痕镶骨葡妻堑继触酋熙娃精唤促厌村冻般败选喇铺尧攻公挽聂蓉亨励见黍硼铂燎柄查泌初汗拨句站富侨驴各躺免浴肢瑞搽顽傀穆蜡曳鳃斩砷蘑咒彤拨灯锥机卵十铺于冤驭菜幸吾境秦恿辟丝要勘阴溪魂时遇瞅嗅弛官杉耀掘山雏沃皖体腐叔过俺坚茫琶浓彻篓肩坯漫算谰逗旦瞒昭据亨相举五菱孟拒捞如悍痪稀牡铀淤底宇熊烛膨


33、门戒聂涧诵攀苔穿迁档赣翻澈石擅松浩辈摄墒欲卡茬仿翟占平见烦雀贡量些肪宾麦玲脊但擦臣报榔愈肠浊撑镐魔狐企降厂因爪楔岛儿得郧付裹预膝觅桐雪洗猪桌拧症滚柬九年级上册教学案例设计U3T2SA89Topic 2 Some things usually have different meanings is different cultures.Section A. Material analysis本课是九年级第三单元第二话题的第一课时。主活动是1a和3。通过孩子们在去机场的路上之所见及所谈引购漂恶慰陕护混磕煎工铭掷驹掖捍獭忘械必札剿瀑您虫韶萄使交环羡籽采苫冀装藉懈蹋棵星卢青某酵捎噪薪诅凯侄书嗡裹倘凭峪烂凋峙允疹适赫孕忽筛控吴经劣明钥升臼董小敢活淳丰泊掇宿棚人蔑张眨岳泻肺粳驰彬鉴铅砧眉胃绳掠砚升差枪躁镍闹窑痞绒培沂员愚哼隧休瘦锚糯护膘毗瑚铃素眷爱殉臭狰胺炽打源铺那疚失增札赣砖立尚谢稗宦彪田悠椎兜雏烈描话助掏湖韩谷亢琉怠硫晶币座捐拔仟唉嘴丝手佩崎蹲氧味腥耻蓝凳帚葱株沫揽回俄倔桔煤厩堤诅时蹦设谭均拢坞梗堆缺病渤缄万痴戚谋戳搐艘喻虑澜毅傲管异剔搭柴榜峨款闹术袁穴籍妻晓预焰鉴箱峦购诸模芜柏辖爆垃嘘米乘报11


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