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1、Module 1 My classmates Unit 3 Language in use课 型Revision and application教材分析Unit 3 对“自我介绍和获取信息”的功能句式进行综合训练:谈论自己或朋友的情况(活动1);根据提示完成介绍图片中人物情况的句子;填表、匹配复习表示国家、民族及人物活动的词汇。Around the world了解中西人名的不同;Module task要求通过问答形式介绍自己和他人。知识目标Key structures: 1) Whats his/her name? 2) Where is he/she from? 3) Whats his/h

2、er English name? 4) How old is he / she? 5) What class is he / she in? 能力目标Enable students to talk about themselves and their friends. 情感态度Learn to respect others when we talk with others.Learn to introduce yourself to your friends in the right way.教学方法Formal and interactive practice 教 具Tape recorde

3、r, PPT, handout教学过程Step 1: Revision1. Ask some students to introduce themselves to the other students.2. Ask them to talk about the pictures in the PPT.Step 2: Teaching grammar动词Be的一般现在时:1. 肯定句:主语 + be(am, is, are) +其它。2. 否定句:主语 + be + not+其它。3. 一般疑问句:Be+主语+其它?4. 特殊疑问句:疑问词+一般疑问句?动词Be的常用句式:1. be + 形容

4、词 I am very happy. 我很幸福。 He is very kind. 他人非常好。2. be + 名词 Mr Wang is our English teacher. 王先生是我们的英语老师。 They are our good friends. 他们是我们的好朋友。3. be + 介词短语 She is at home. 我在家里。 Are you from America? 你来自美国吗?理由:甲公司确认的主营业务收入应该只是相对于总的销售收入70%的部分,另外的30%的部分应作为戊公司的销售收入。 The book is on the desk. 书在桌子上。【答案】:AB

5、CDE4. be + 副词 Class is over. 下课了。A.频分多路复用 B.时分多路复用 C.多信道复用 D. 多路复用Step 3: SpeakingAsk the students to introduce the three people in act 1.You can do it like this: This is Sam.(2)根据资料(2),判断甲公司202年5月1日将部分住房抵押贷款转移的会计处理是否正确,并说明理由;如果甲公司的会计处理不正确,请编制更正的会计分录。He is twelve.3月6日4pm:查血小板2万/mm3,凝血时间(玻片法)15分钟。 He

6、s from England. Hes in Class 1.存货调整金额=-42-15-800=-857(万元)。 7、结构化分析与设计方法、原型方法急性DIC时由于微血管内大量微血栓形成,使回心血量明显减少;广泛出血使血容量减少;心肌损伤,使心输出量减少;补体及激肽系统的激活和FDP大量形成,造成微血管平滑肌舒张,通透性增高,使外周阻力降低。这些因素均可促使休克的发生和发展。Step 4: PractiseDo act 2-4 by themselves and check the answers in groups.3() 血管内皮细胞损伤启动内源性凝血系统,同时也启动外源性凝血系统。A

7、sk one group the report their answers.Step 5: Around the word16D-二聚体是反映继发性纤溶亢进的重要指标。( )1. Tell students the difference between Chinese names and English names. T: Most English people have three names: a first name, a middle name and the family name. The first name and the middle name are given names

8、. Their family name comes last. For example, Jim Allan Green. Green is family name. Chinese names are different. Now read and find the difference in Around the world. Step 5: Module taskLook at the screen. Introduce yourself. Ask and answer with a partner. Then report their result in front of the wh

9、ole class.Step 6: Do exercises Do the exercises in the PPT. The teacher checks the answers.Step 7: Sum upAsk the students to talk about “What have you learned in this lesson?”.Sum up the different ways of “Be” and report it. Step 8: Homework板书设计Module 1 Unit 3Whats your name? My name isWhere are you from? Im fromHow old are you? Im .years old作业布置 查找资料名人资料,向全班同学介绍你心目中最喜爱的明星或最尊敬的人。教学反思Speaking more is necessary for the students.


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