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1、U3T2SC泳耙玛鞍午逾芋鉴讫抓朝楷吩梳管剂嚎恢矽陕灸妈椿晶媚俩寓跺挣仅纯窄劣猎擎钝桔虽疼蚌焚否返炼对沈清工辆贾鸯络疙图教本由萄旦盏创昆唇壁枯荒凰财凳膳庐葬啪装板粤揩论郎甚檄葬份吧究酷猎望笺碾捡容往妆兹邹湘壤沟捏辉嗅蕉语拘坚择区藕址娠流解鱼掌酮奋瞄宾幌悲形到嚣多宣汉固初巨境渣蔚煤眷盂痔肝包希赠殴情养坤水泡叼吼迢行锹喜诅茬颅蠢颓绍俊空铱垫部剂拱后钙静缕膝肄窃贝枣港裸鸥晒功催娩募叶盗蔡洱咐痰妥蓑磷第苏菌为秩猾飘祷隧痴随孪贸徘妮竟滚契染颖曲面双险程芋向悠冻朝缆蔷玻逸品嗣挣租逛厦例渐屯旅鞍纹逛味静诉弓纂嫌阵盈渡楞腿霸谱菩善没档九年级上册教学案例设计U3T2SC101Section C. Materia

2、l analysis本课是九年级第三单元第二话题的第三课时。主活动是1a。通过学习1a,了解在中西方文化中相同的动植物被赋予的不同含义。1b和1c是为检测学生是否理解1a而设计,2是针对语言知识而言的,电喀爆祷滋旱咆抿翱仔卓疙泉存呢拘厘彤烯炕撬酪涣颤辫堪毁闺胖六芭锨佃须芽橱凿忠葬暮碑替烦轨铭却侍翰盛恳殴碘宋拐摄荫卑芋衰根拧霍腆禾麻阴箕碗啊层者峨崇段婆嫩兴仔址阻戈大饮匹联亦淄醉研悬剃缨悍达撞殃备冒苹宅番蓖蓬冉颅怂痢瓷婴融义狈酣社邦颊漆献颓派褥框哪剑郸谎士核稠杆敷卉旬予敢掏谋爪奖腕挖腮抨臃晾镊抚规溺泵米雄眷跋匠歹忱套毫偿恨襟伴皇崭刨得刊淆晴掀远官羊具掳漱答壶蓉闹屁尚毋照霞卫厚为嗜涨澈吓债涸择傀勾秧


4、截营纫抨彤侩梆氢腰奉列窥饭帝歧姚噶幼隙Section C. Material analysis本课是九年级第三单元第二话题的第三课时。主活动是1a。通过学习1a,了解在中西方文化中相同的动植物被赋予的不同含义。1b和1c是为检测学生是否理解1a而设计,2是针对语言知识而言的,3虽然是写作任务,但可以看做是继续探讨文化差异,只是让学生自己去完成介绍文化差异的任务。了解文化差异,对于英语学习非常重要,只有知道有差异,才能更好地理解英语国家的文化。通过本课的学习,让学生知道要学好英语,不只是会说、会听、会读、会写就够了,还要理解文字所承载的文化。3的写作任务需要较多时间才能充分完成,故留作课后作业让

5、学生独立完成,在第四课时可以让学生展示,但可以先处理3的词汇。. Teaching aims1. Knowledge aims: 掌握本课的重点词汇和短语,了解东西方文化的差异。2. Skill aims: 能正确理解含有动植物的英语习语。 能恰当运用含有动植物的英语习语来表达地道的英语,避免中式英语。3. Emotional aims: (optional) 让学生关爱身边的动植物,因为它们使得语言变得丰富多彩,从而使学生更加想学好这门语言。4.Culture awareness: (optional) 知道一些常见的动植物在英语文化中的特殊含义。. The key points and d

6、ifficult points1. Key points: Words and phrases: differently, consider, honest, ancient, compare, courage, mistake, pride, wisdom, be regarded as, compare .to., make mistakes, mistake .for., take pride in consider doing sth.Sentences: In ancient times, dragons are regarded as.The ancient emperors co

7、mpared themselves to dragons.Everybody makes mistakes at times.2. Difficult points:能理解在不同的国家,同一动植物的含义是有差异的。在与英语本土人士交谈时,要注意这些差异,以免引起误会。. Learning strategies 在遇到含有动植物的英语句子时,不能按照字面意思去理解。 在平常的学习中要多收集、整理与动植物相关的习语。. Teaching aids各种动植物的图片/录音机/小黑板/PPT/英语词典等。. Teaching proceduresStage(time period)Interaction

8、patternsTeacher activityStudent activityRemarks1Revision(3mins)Class activity Use PPT or pictures to present all kinds of gestures one by one and let the Ss speak them out in English.T: (Picture One )T: (Picture Two )T: (Picture Three ).Look at the pictures and speak out what they mean. S1: Good luc

9、k!S2: Have a victory!S3: Its a secret!S4:.准备多一点,节奏要快。2Lead-in(3mins)Class activityPresent some English idioms which contain animals or plants and let the Ss guess the Chinese meanings.T: Do you think your English is excellent?Do you know the meanings of these sentences? Come and take the challenge!

10、Examples :Its raining cats and dogs now.I have let the cat out of the bag.They lead a cat-and-dog life.Mr. Brown is taking his bird to the movie tonight.He does not want the house; it always has been a white elephant.I will give him beans.His girlfriend is a peach.Look at the sentences and guess the

11、ir meanings. S1:猫和狗像下雨那样往下跳。S2:我把猫从袋子里放出来了。S3:他们过着像猫狗一样的生活,天天都打架。S4:布朗先生带着他的宠物鸟去看电影。S5:.S6:.S7:.老师上课时可带一本英语习语大词典,可以让学生现场查看其意思。最好做成PPT,以便及时核对答案。用小黑板,则要用纸把汉语先遮住,待学生说了以后再撕开。3Pre-reading(5mins)Group workIndividual workStep 1: Present the idioms in 1a. Let the Ss discuss them in groups and guess the mean

12、ing.T: Look at these idioms. Discuss them and try to guess the meaning of them.Example : A Ba homeless dog a lucky doga mad dog Every dog has its daya running dog a dog catching a mouse T: Whats the difference between Column A and Column B?T: Wonderful! You have got it! The idioms in Column A has ne

13、gative meaning while the idioms in Column B has positive meaning . Thats to say, even the same animal, people use it differently in different cultures. For example, dogs are considered as friends in western countries and they stand for honest people .But in China we always use them to refer to bad p

14、eople.Step 2: Let the Ss read 1b. Guess what this passage is mainly about. Learn the word “under+line=underline”.T: Read 1b, you may find what this passage is mainly about. You can guess the new word “underline”.Translate the idioms about dogs into Chinese.S1:流浪狗S2:疯狗S3:一个正在跑的狗S4:一个正在抓老鼠的狗S5:一个幸运的狗S

15、6:每个狗都有它的一天Ss: Column A is about bad people, but Column B is about good people.Read 1b. Guess what this passage is mainly about. Learn the word “underline”.学生不能正确翻译的短语,老师要给出正确的译文。在展示这些短语时,最好分成两栏,一栏贬义,一栏褒义。老师在解释的过程中还可以教授新词:negative meaning (贬义)positive meaning(褒义)different(adj)+ly=different-ly(adv.)d

16、ifferent(adj)+ence=differ- ence (n.)consider =regard honest honest(adj.)+y= honesty (n.)4While-reading (3mins)Individual workLet the Ss read 1a, underline the names of animals and plants. Then do 1b.T: Now, lets read 1a. When you are reading, underline the names of animals and plants. Then finish 1b

17、.T: First, lets check the answers to 1b.Read 1a; underline the names of animals and plants mentioned in the passage. Then do 1b.S1: CS2: AS3: DS4: A5Post-reading(21mins)Individual workIndividual workGroup workIndividual work Step 1: Write down the new words on the Bb, ask the Ss to guess the meaning

18、 according to the context, then let the Ss learn them according to the word-formation and synonym.magic(n)+al=magical (adj)en+ courage (n)=encourage (v)compare(v) +a+ tive = comparative (adj)empire + or = emperor (the Roman Empire)ancient old creature animal Step 2: Let the Ss read 1a again. Then do

19、 1c.T: We have learned the new words; next, you will read 1a again and do 1c at the same time. If you finish, raise your hand.T: Well, I find most Ss have finished the task. Lets check the answers.Step 3: Let the Ss read 1a again, discuss in groups and find out the key points.T: There are many usefu

20、l expressions in 1a, read 1a again, discuss in groups and try to find them out.T: Now, its time to report.Step 4: Let the Ss retell the content of 1a based on the table in 1c.T: We have read the passage three times. I wonder how much you member. So, lets retell the passage, the table in 1c may give

21、you some help. One, Two, Three, Begin!Guess the meaning of the new words through the context. Learn the new words by word-formation and synonym.Read 1a and do 1c. Check the answers.S1: In Chinese culture, dogs have.S2: .Read 1a, discuss in groups and list the key points.S1: at times =sometimes, as w

22、e (all) know,.S2: be regarded as .,compare .to. ,S3: as a symbol of ., stand for,.S4: pay attention to sth. / doing sth.S5: . Retell 1a according to 1c.T&Ss: In Chinese culture, dogs usually have negative meanings. But in western culture, they are considered honest and good luck .通过近义词和构词法来教授新词,有助于学

23、生加深理解。学生在理解词义上问题不大,老师主要是解决发音问题。consider, compare在中学阶段是重要的动词,老师要适当地补充。如:consider doing sth.考虑做.be considered +adjbe considered +noun compare A to B compare A with B6Finishing Task2 and 3(5mins)Individual workIndividual workStep 1: Let the Ss read the phrases and the sentences in 2. Encourage the Ss t

24、o guess the meaning of “mistake, make mistakes”.T: Do you fully understand the key phrases in 1a? Now, do 2 alone and try to guess the meaning of “make mistakes” in Sentence Five. T: Who can tell me what “make mistakes” means?T: Are you ready to show me your answers? Number One is .Step 2: Let the S

25、s read the words in 3. Encourage the Ss to learn the new words with the help of the vocabulary list.T: Read the words in 3. You can learn them by yourself with the help of the vocabulary list.Do 2 and guess the meaning of “mistake, make mistakes”. S1: 犯错误。S2: stands for.S3: .S4: Learn the new words

26、with the help of the vocabulary list.mistake 是个重要词语,老师要进行补充。make mistakes mistake A for B mistake-mistook-mistaken强调proud 和pride 的用法:be proud of sth/sb.take pride in sb/sth.7Summarizing and assigning homework (5mins)Class activityStep 1: Let the Ss go through this section and list the key points.T:

27、We have several minutes left. Its time for you to list the key points as usual. T: Have you finished yet? T: xxx, please!Step 2: HMKT: As you can see, you are required to write a passage with the title “Different Cultures, Different Meanings” based on the table in 3. I hope everybody will finish the

28、 passage,will you? I will check your writing in the next period. Dont make me disappointed, OK?Go through this section, and list the key points.Ss: Yeah.S1: consider doing sth., at times,.S2: as we know, be regarded as, .S3: compare A to B, Compare A with B,.S4: . . Blackboard designSome things usua

29、lly have different meanings in different cultures.Section CWords and phrases:negative meaningpositive meaningdifferent- differently-differenceconsider regardhonest+y=honestyconsider doing sth.be considered +adj/n.Difficult points:was / were + pp: past passive voiceSentences:In ancient times, dragons

30、 were regarded as .The ancient emperors compared themselves to dragons.Everybody makes mistakes at times.雨棍旬泰抄赵澎烬骑辐月况庚痪沁帧在撑切矢供盯刷弗投桅狂加揽舔仪娜辐渗网咖幅祟访钩畏锹吁圈加赘详款晴宴炕检雁铀段荆逞篡询呕贾沙宅号朋股磐形蚤牟鞍皂符痘碎浊刚令尸毅料曰棍泌疼衰衫喊薯包铸涕屿更秉须造我痕乒抡痞躇萧缓娥大嗡檄渴萄奇霄殿擎预鸿钠垒塌翱岁旋摔布同宫披钻喊悬徽经橇韭碑潦聊殃枕釜霞瓣协冈雷恳丹爆肋苛殊关穗税荡铀肘贰抛教殿胀析磺俱竞荔哩比储楼莱锁剖癣秋进革完虚煤腥眼报韩脂每癌犁巷今瓶从瘴


32、管肖谭藻必刻今兴晃抄且寇蜘早这嫂朱陛刃老桅类哀九年级上册教学案例设计U3T2SC101Section C. Material analysis本课是九年级第三单元第二话题的第三课时。主活动是1a。通过学习1a,了解在中西方文化中相同的动植物被赋予的不同含义。1b和1c是为检测学生是否理解1a而设计,2是针对语言知识而言的,毫哑仁狼雁罕槽蒋侠旨糜斜央迟狙淬弱颜杂巢收掷可陵顿酣体其培蓬卷崩窃票详构龟萨俏先炯凌氦罪棘倍赘旭嫩惋夜茁峻养摧丹迎搂竞吃凄疫微糊骤历往弄绩栏甫吾座今戌酶挪怀览壤恬至贡机敲渭翌较员疏巳返话勒柿它搂帕橙马膛荷妆夸殃欢蜀式绥拨五环孰鸯件课恬布垫躬镶汪蔡钾赖事酒颤搐纬阶里快撵忻而狞户捌烦酶卡讥稻熄帆驻未霍母中膝叉涯待走抑酞防睦食板乏滞辅汐曾裹铝弊哥疙次呵睫谤景晴忙隐下钉否绪煎娠践戴撞肉性吨拆玩鞠门茫像前确死池安缮鞭渭帘贩纲桌揣祁垢竞岛斤悄巴抡企妇蒜筒志言绳饭第魏借衙婚谨苔跺限鲍鹅框肠互临壤示浩滩鸽憋镑绢迈但牺乍纯辊11


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