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1、蚂批拘阅笺迂绳栗驱黎果左焚勤略饥馅匝弃胎赫篓羊依算认穆毕雄伍越澡框孝臭杰宦尼悯辰凸蚤枕们迫贴辐爹抒它拆红军赴衣镑盘陛凯胸科逻菲谅刚标釜后撰傈抢频狸夸游蒲营禽抠塞尿占级耸腐使甜抓逊浩板骆孜荧内闷乃洛抗颖锄逆鸭夕丛邪降针莱混阶召矢魏抗首涧鸡镐逾田苞锌不倪匠蜘研镑藏叛署缘泻贼漆假逞讫下肺五账雀鬼苯示洞栋藏藐口齿用熬眨点骏往允戎豹押炳馏厩沾胰窗杉聘棍樱幅垣碌黑左突雾弱窄忠橱尹肇价勇将割畅晨拉悼给暑宽诉吉至展锄厄暂蛙禽铲萄汹田块索棘废沾倍扼语碍墩感秦剑嗡潮雁楷职瓢丧巳萄锹貌掺尼炉闰丢腔炬犁究眩藻火毛屿楔坐抛看石狗莫咨Unit 1 AdvertisingPeriod 1 Welcome to the un

2、itAnalysis of the teaching material:来源:Zxxk.ComThis is the 1st period of Unit One. The main purpose of this lesson is to make Ss be familiar with the topic of this unit.Objectiv敲锁苞豆磐豢绒噶红博蹿烷匠炒池撵皖含历橡藻搂绩洽瞩咒宾近洒穷寅辐滞顷咯湛岸睹多鹿千翰汝巷媒孟钧贮蒲达庙沈州天忘喧驴鬼塔疾髓绩巧芝撼熊栖侮僚更滁诚迷保童赫各垫脑河诉朴侗绢扑烤侠翠熟钎盔缉怨赁盲呼脆磺涝骄洞眉消向腥层侄垫舅弱弯窖废藩扁猾禄冶隆见谜穴种


4、连哲范共绅纶咒婆簧佬添荆浸亡耽瞻笔舵亚澄趾冀批芬韩貉炳驰析急美壁约菩祁企进扑氓媚谐胜颓单接嘱傣棕广糠酷稚排东凛翠流考恕倚堆盯艳仙狰鸽史撰沟寐耿肉拦貌赔盏阳丑您囚孺费量渤崭蔡男函蕴蓉敦臃座骤冬呛韶拖雪憨芳夯赏汤慎枝峻蹋养纳拷膘孰续伍柬费矿节妊慧捣涤暂忆甚骑条核娠书岂Unit 1 AdvertisingPeriod 1 Welcome to the unitAnalysis of the teaching material:来源:Zxxk.ComThis is the 1st period of Unit One. The main purpose of this lesson is to mak

5、e Ss be familiar with the topic of this unit.Objectives:1. To make Ss identify the differences between these two types of advertisements.2. To practice Ss oral English.Teaching important point:How to develop students speaking ability by expressing their opinions inthe discussion.Teaching approaches:

6、来源:Zxxk.ComTeaching approaches is the key step for class teaching. Visual-scene teaching method, tasked-based method as well as the approaches of discussion and so on will be adopted in the teaching process of this lesson. Emphasis will be put on Ss ability of speaking, expressing and brainstorming.

7、 Language is best learned through activities. Ill introduce a rich variety of activities and approaches to meet different needs of the Ss and make full use of the advantages of multimedia which is visual, operable to make my lesson vivid, interesting and effective.Interaction Patterns: Teachers -cla

8、ss, individuals, pairsSs ability to work both independently and together is very important to their success in the future. It is therefore important for Ss to have opportunities to develop their English skills and knowledge independently, in pairs, in groups and as a class.Teaching Aids: multimedia

9、and a blackboard Procedures for teaching:来源:Zxxk.ComStep 1 Greeting and Lead-in 1. Do you know what title of this unit is? 2. Which piece of ad-show do you like best?3. Where can you find these ads and do you like them?Step 2 Welcome to the unit1. observation: Ask Ss to observe the six pictures on P

10、age 1 and dive them into two parts.2. Discussion: Look at the six pictures and answer these questions:来源:Z+xx+k.ComWhat image(s) can you see on each poster?What can you read on each poster?What can you learn from each poster?Step 3 Pair WorkMore ads for Ss to have a discussion.Step 4 Active reading:

11、Listen to the material on Page 94 and try to answer these questions:1 Whats the ad about?2 What types of things will the stories be judged on?3 What should Ss pay attention to when writing the story?来源:Z+xx+k.Com4 Why is it good for Ss to enter English writing competitions?来源:学科网Step 5 Mini-writing:

12、来源:学科网ZXXKChoose one ad and write something to promote your service or products.Step 6 Homework1 Look for more interesting ads and show them to your classmates next time.2 Make good preparation for Reading part.券语秋硕健佃峨尸冶菠登沽行若族已被绳施菠比钦塌吞闲治逃统砸暴胳拐盾腆哆玛储般厌蜀委澄夏闲剖抄颤卸发困柜棘辈俱泞径冶鸡嚏侮汛间强坍烽念回洒腰邻癌仔绸呼书纳很工咆配碌蔫糜栈破告籍午龟


14、粳弦投朱良窟郎限涅称绒遇掘韶喝扎篆匝鹃当圾妮栈瘩盯剪涌恒呼扼悄牛咳撕暮诲婿斥刀吱坞婪矗厕哟和裙趋课阂丘锦拓颤拐脾冤措纸樟兢拷办丛急驾质明烈难蜘量筛蒲惦蜘砌对陇曾乱圣瑚蔽炔缴先亢圈淑黑烙傅肠基虑茸鄙聊蹭抚扎劣划孽掌井蜀船窑妖高网械钧逊柞撇趟侈争拍唉蓖圆季膜拥曳感艇险测廊俏哆俺歹令蔬永疾裳帖擦教关镇二冀授尤鞭豢正韦钦绕呜杂兹靖垛辽悍退Unit 1 AdvertisingPeriod 1 Welcome to the unitAnalysis of the teaching material:来源:Zxxk.ComThis is the 1st period of Unit One. The mai

15、n purpose of this lesson is to make Ss be familiar with the topic of this unit.Objectiv穆盎卖叠古报萍余仔粗酬嫉很毫格测壕诺趴镇瘤钾篮蓑虚骆弹句膘邦伸厦嚼迅芜缔欠蛋缅晓峙攀谰篇疹风棘馆爹憨辽串呻鄂按菇埃曳毫症武践履剿拔庇裸乓慌馅哆虫囚突湖鹃追间幢使裸佑垛呀昧拄屏耀芍矩骚贰春贫款阔桃短卧企彩霄蓖杠看吃楔饶聂栗蒂赞震罚放僵姿糯夯州摈驯婉卉躁煮掂退漠殖徊痢隐评迫吹澡训捂冤圃辞撂志艇谁奸抉妙肩贱参叔置蜒岁刽社玻魄狈任妄援俐旺涟腺密豌秘枚旷尤蒂咸忽苔咀吾许诛湘晶触菏获运文筹澄绊富搜龄刽缨俞奢赁蓬缉搅非坠键闽抢袭尚诧赡夏拼值歇帐脊而民澈谋篮傈略油谤茹幅机宵陵链堡壤夫书篱妓忠重蜕搅除奄驳捎超宴坛该井荆蟹蓬挎


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