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1、01,考点梳理知识归纳,一、词汇运用。A)用方框中所给词的适当形式填空,每词限用一次。1.I am going to invite all my friends to my house to have a big party on my birthday.2.We dont have any vegetables for dinner.Could you buy some?3.The more you exercise,the youll be.4.Linda felt because she failed in driving test.5.With the help of QQ,WeCha

2、t,parents and teachers can communicate with each other more.,twelfth,tomatoes,healthier,unhappy,easily,B)阅读下面短文,然后根据括号内所给汉语意思写出单词的正确形式,每空限填一词。You may know the trimester system(三学期制)in Western universities.For example,in the UK,there are three 6.(学期)in a year.Each term is 10 weeks.They are the autumn

3、 term from 7.(十月)to December,the spring term from January to 8.(三月)and the summer term which is from April to 9.(六月).,terms,October,March,June,China University of Political Science and Law(CUPL)uses the trimester system,but its 10.(不同的)from the West.A year at CUPL also has three terms.They are the a

4、utumn term(September to January),the spring term(February to July).11.(何时)is the summer term?It is in July.,different,When,Lu Chunlong,the director at CUPL,told The Beijing News that during summer terms students could take classes in other 12.(科目).But some students worry that in summer term,they hav

5、e too many 13.(功课)each day.They will be very 14.(忙碌的).“One lesson is the best,”she says.In fact,how to plan your study is very important and 15.(有用的).,subjects,lessons,busy,useful,二、语法填空。阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。I was in a deep sleep when something disturbed(打扰)me.It was probably 2:00 in

6、the morning.I was thirsty,but really 16.(sleep).I had no strength(力气)to get up,walk to the kitchen,and have a drink.,sleepy,My father has a habit of 17.(wake)up in the middle of the night to check if we(my younger sister and I)are sleeping 18.our quilts on,and if we are fine.So that day,my father wa

7、s here as usual.I managed 19.(open)my eyes and he saw me feeling uncomfortable.He asked me 20.I needed help.I said I wanted some water.He got me a glass of water.I drank 21.and then fell asleep.,waking,with,to open,if/whether,it,At breakfast I told him,“Papa,I often feel thirsty in the middle of my

8、sleep,but Im not able to get.”Since then,my father 22.(develop)a new habit:every morning around 2:00,he gets up and brings me 23.glass of water,wakes me up,watches me drink water,lets me sleep,covers me with my quilt like a baby,and goes back to his room.,have developed,a,This is 24.(parent)love.The

9、y will always keep you above everything.This is undoubtedly the 25.(good)thing someone could ever do for me.,parents,best,考点一:辨析watch,look,see与read(湖州:2018.17;丽水:2017.27;湖州:2016.23)I only watch them on TV!我仅仅在电视上观看它们!(七上Unit 5 P29),图示:,根据句意用see,watch,read或look的适当形式填空。1.(2018滨州)Have you the movie Wol

10、f Warriors?Yes.This is an educational film and it has become one of the most popular films in the world.2.There were many people on a bus.An old man here and there.He wanted to find an empty seat.3.(2018北京)books every day would build up knowledge.,seen,looked,Reading,4.(2018南京)Look,our library is ea

11、st of the classroom building.It modern.5.Through Amazing China,We cant stop imagining what our country will be like in 50 years.6.He said,“Oh,this apple a lot sweeter than it tastes.I love this color.”7.the red lanterns is one of the main traditions.Lanterns of different shapes and sizes are usually

12、 put on trees,or along river banks on show.,looks,watching,looks,Watching,考点二:want的用法(宁波:2018.12;金华:2017.62;杭州:2017.52;湖州:2016.68)I dont want to be fat.我不想变胖。(七上Unit 6 P35)【名师解析】want的常用搭配有:want sth.想要某物如:I want a cup of water.我想要一杯水。want to do sth.想做某事如:I want to buy a pencil box.我想要买一个铅笔盒。want sb.t

13、o do sth.想让某人去做某事如:They want us to go to the party.他们想要我们去聚会。,8.If we want(go)to a good college,wed better study hard.9.我妈妈想要我每天喝牛奶。My mother wants me milk every day.,to go,to drink,考点三:辨析how much与how many(宁波:2015.65)How much is this Tshirt?这件T恤多少钱?(七上Unit 7 P37)【名师解析】,根据句意用how many或how much填空。10.Di

14、sney amusement parks are there in China?Two.11.These shoes look cool.are they?They are on sale,only$69.,How many,How much,考点四:辨析buy,sell与sale(丽水:2016.16;台州:2015.18;宁波2015.17)Come and buy your clothes at our great sale!在我们大减价期间来买衣服吧!(七上Unit 7 P41),12.“How do you sell goods at the WeChat shop?”Kevin a

15、sked me.(改写句子,句意不变)Kevin asked me I goods at the WeChat shop.13.So far,they have(卖)half of the products from the factory.14.Shops are not allowed to(sale)cigarettes to anyone under the age of 18.15.我爸爸上周给我买了一台新电脑。My father a new computer me last week.,how sold,sold,sell,bought for,考点五:busy的用法This is

16、 a really busy term!Have a good time!这真是一个忙碌的学期!祝你过得愉快!(七上Unit 8 P47)【名师解析】be busy doing sth.忙于做某事如:Mary is busy doing her homework.玛丽正忙着做作业。be busy with sth.忙于某事如:My father is always busy with his work.我的爸爸总是忙于工作。,16.Im(忙于)doing housework on the weekends.17.Early this morning I was busy(挖)in the ga

17、rden to plant trees.18.This morning I took a bus to school.The traffic was(busy)than usual and there were more people on the bus.19.No pains,no gains.Shouldnt children be as busy(learn)all their subjects as bees are busy gathering honey?,busy,digging,busier,learning,考点六:finish的用法(绍兴:2016.55;义乌:2016.

18、55)My classes finish at 1:50,but after that I have an art lesson for two hours.我的课在1点50结束,但在那之后我还有一节两小时的美术课。(七上Unit 9 P53)【名师解析】,拓展:初中阶段常见的只能接动词ing形式作宾语的动词有:avoid,consider,enjoy,mind,finish,suggest,imagine,practice,stand(忍受),risk等。,20.After Alice finished(read)the story,she wrote a review for her school newspaper.21.Look,the light is still on in Helens office.Maybe she(not finish)her work yet.22.Mom,have you finished(cook)?Is there anything I can do for you?,reading,hasnt finished,cooking,


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