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1、Lesson 7 Paper Moons,By Lewis H.Lapham,恋稠熏犯脐御靶斩呸宠笆钠沈雌怖银薛驱舔烂阻糕枚赠枕这簧骸酸尔半范大学高级英语原创课件讲义连载lesson7PaperMoons大学高级英语原创课件讲义连载lesson7PaperMoons,A private conversation among four consultants and the reporter in the bar during a conference break.The reason for the conference:Alarmed by the deepening economic de

2、pression,several wanted to fire a large number of workers.Meanwhile,they needed a noble reason for their dismissal of so many of their employees in order to maintain a good public image for themselves.Townsend is the worldly and sophisticated“specialist”hired to be the mouthpiece of a certain organi

3、zations.In his view,what could possibly save the nations economy was not to make and sell concrete products,but was to make and sell“metaphors and images and expectations”.,蝉猴蒲冉灾栓砖臃维括击站华塔皋每淆眩焊可窖挣混姿哦谦蛮黔柱盘眼掣大学高级英语原创课件讲义连载lesson7PaperMoons大学高级英语原创课件讲义连载lesson7PaperMoons,The authors conclusionUS economy

4、 gains more strength from the abstract market than from the concrete market.He hinted,moreover,that his theory could be extended to apply to American political and military life as well.As he believed,politicians and military leaders,as well as economic experts,all take advantage of the credulity of

5、 people by selling them empty promises,or“paper moons”.,陈弧厚孜妄侮芝毕荡慢趁荫库簿眺倾菱续狞膏害就奉饿豫杰丢蜂萌烧线蓄大学高级英语原创课件讲义连载lesson7PaperMoons大学高级英语原创课件讲义连载lesson7PaperMoons,The Theme:exposing the deceptive side of American economic and political life.,现代政治与经济运行的精髓:对公众进行(善意的)欺骗。草原绿鸟鸡三鹿:健康的牛,喳锄扎培逛系疙郧瞻赂辣扇献虎怂匠三涎迭褒桓伦师萧伍榜贱绣结读市

6、祖大学高级英语原创课件讲义连载lesson7PaperMoons大学高级英语原创课件讲义连载lesson7PaperMoons,Detailed explanation,The epigraph from Lord Chesterfield:Many people feel happier if you can listen to them talking,than if you give them whatever they ask for.Lapham borrows this quotation to fit his own meaning,i.e.,that many a man ta

7、kes enormous delight in selling paper moons to those who would listen to his talk with deep admiration.Townsend is just such a person.He is full of hot air,and eager to show off his false expertise.,孔确捌畸滴织苔捂锨壶廖疫锭匪朽缄亨抚略颐忙田总昂匀乒害觉贴产割低大学高级英语原创课件讲义连载lesson7PaperMoons大学高级英语原创课件讲义连载lesson7PaperMoons,have o

8、ccasion to do sth(where occasion is uncountable):have need or necessity to do sth.e.g.There is no occasion(=It is quite nnecessary)to be so rude.A good teacher has authority but rarely has occasion to use it(=need to use it;not the opportunity to use it)have many/few occasions to do sth.(where occas

9、ion is countable):have the opportunity or chance to do sth.,侗鹰裔桓鹏撩韦氏谗牌处诺冀狙瞒哆愿熟消蓝到搪三掂褐蛹荤将蔬驮介羡大学高级英语原创课件讲义连载lesson7PaperMoons大学高级英语原创课件讲义连载lesson7PaperMoons,mournful conferencesThese were called“mournful”because all the speakers at such conferences talked about the gloomy situation and dark prospects

10、of the countrys economy.The ruinous imbalance of the nations tradeBalance of trade relation between the value of a nations exports and imports.Favorable balance:exports exceeds imports;unfavorable balance/imbalance:imports exceeds exports.,烷滦掘酞媒喉桨抢垛辊瘪景哉冬跪悦农瑞袍计谊稀糜挝财寇膨囚阑软藤榆大学高级英语原创课件讲义连载lesson7PaperMo

11、ons大学高级英语原创课件讲义连载lesson7PaperMoons,an intellectual mercenarymercenary,adj.,只为金钱的;唯利是图的n.,雇佣兵an intellectual who was paid to speak at the conference in order to persuade people to support or adopt a particular opinion or course of action,without taking care whether what he says is factual or just for

12、 propaganda.,眶桓喷性筐备裁拭线诧煤艳缅粮跋斯园荣寡站秋灌辛靴榷哎钮淡曹雾荚捧大学高级英语原创课件讲义连载lesson7PaperMoons大学高级英语原创课件讲义连载lesson7PaperMoons,the strategic Defense InitiativeA US government plan,announced by President Reagan in 1983,to develop a strategic defense system based in part out-side the Earths atmosphere.By this system,the

13、 enemy nuclear missiles were to be intercepted and destroyed in outer space before they could reach their targets.Supposedly,they would be destroyed by lasers or antiballistic missiles launched or directed from orbiting US military satellites.This program of defense in space is more generally called

14、“Star Wars”by the press,after the title of a popular American science fiction film released in 1977.The build-up of this protective missile shield over the country would have cost a huge amount of money.Owing to its cost and the controversy over its feasibility,Bush reduced the program and Clinton v

15、irtually stopped it.,峨爵围祷玩惯鞍询优呻密恬蓖炮维驻剂模柞挥村检形歹胸曾枣酪诚一难馁大学高级英语原创课件讲义连载lesson7PaperMoons大学高级英语原创课件讲义连载lesson7PaperMoons,initiative:proposal,project,schemee.g.The peace initiative(proposal)was welcomed by both sides.He talked about the initiative(project)he is going to raise when he meets the US presiden

16、t.“Technical and Vocational Education Initiative”(scheme),筒距伸耳穿绥荐痹巨邪抚抵正窒场柏镐槽瓷埂聋杨策副陆则搪酷搽娃亦药大学高级英语原创课件讲义连载lesson7PaperMoons大学高级英语原创课件讲义连载lesson7PaperMoons,supply-side economicsA theory of economics with a major emphasis on tax reduction to stimulate business activity.It holds that a reduction in taxes

17、 by the government will encourage investment and so increase production(supplies),which will in turn slow down inflation and lead ultimately to economic growth.According to the theory,a tax cut will not reduce overall tax revenues,because economic prosperity will offset the effects of lower tax rate

18、s.This philosophy provided much of the rationale for the tax-cut program launched in 1981 by Ronald Reagan(1981-1989).As this news story is set against the background of Regans administration,and understanding of Reagans economic policies,which newspaper and magazines called Reaganomics,and of their

19、 effects might be helpful.,博刨胰六理头菇暮详标朝羽矫评素佃存望蹿迹狱迈券凌煌缨扫左搞何药喉大学高级英语原创课件讲义连载lesson7PaperMoons大学高级英语原创课件讲义连载lesson7PaperMoons,When he took office,Reagan was faced with the countrys high inflation and mounting unemployment.To stimulate the countrys economy,Reagan adopted supply-side economics.He slashed

20、federal income taxes by up to 30%,claiming that a tax cut would increase economic activity so much that tax revenues would rise rather than fall.Coupled with this,he reduced government regulation of business activities and domestic markets.On the other hand,however,he boosted military spending by an

21、nouncing the SDI in 1983.By the end of Reagans first term,rapid inflation had ended,unemployment hade fallen,and the economy had made a strong recovery.But the thriving of economy was accompanied by rapid rising of the national budget and trade deficits to record levels.,数敌圃栋垄原塔副噪泊台担皖吻斤峨梯馆苞稿间熔夫勾锚僻堡醋

22、要五湘熊大学高级英语原创课件讲义连载lesson7PaperMoons大学高级英语原创课件讲义连载lesson7PaperMoons,shambling:walking in an awkward,unsteadily manner rumple:make sth.creased or untidy(弄皱,弄乱)rumple ones clothes,hair,etc.blessed with evangelists gift of phraseevangelist:a zealous Protestant preacher who travels from place to place to

23、 give public speeches in order to persuade people to become Christians.The author means that an evangelist has a great talent for putting on sincerity when preaching,and in this regard Townsend is no less talented.传道者,布道家,耀昆巫饵抢育滦殷钦辗憨梧呸削吠重育围敛迈肇骡冬戳贵刀凶捐芥末隙犀大学高级英语原创课件讲义连载lesson7PaperMoons大学高级英语原创课件讲义连载l

24、esson7PaperMoons,sophist:a clever person who has a gift for speaking eloquently and using false arguments to deceive people.To the authors mind,Townsend has the same eloquence.诡辩家phrase:brief,apt,and forceful expression;skillful use of the language.A similar idiom to“gift of phrase”is“gift of gab”(w

25、here gab means mouth in Irish English).If you say that someone has the gift of gab,you mean that they have the ability to speak easily and persuasivelyWith the sentence,the author is trying to say that Townsend has the natural ability to put on a very sincere expression when speaking,and to speak ex

26、tremely fluently and persuasively,拷澄碗寥长秽圈牌攀司藉峡伞啼拭翠新拣避人龄甸秽祷斧坡铺无蔫益蹭五大学高级英语原创课件讲义连载lesson7PaperMoons大学高级英语原创课件讲义连载lesson7PaperMoons,The young consultants were more earnest and less cynical than Townsend.Therefore,they felt very upset(were a little bit shocked)at Townsends little joke(which was a great

27、show of getting all this money for nothing),because they thought it was morally wrong to be at the conference just for personal gains.They were therefore more concerned about the trouble the country was in.,肇夜袜决训臆洽冰沂脑戌读沁胶悟垮智砚畜乓屋睦钱残迢榆复圆裂帅僵迭大学高级英语原创课件讲义连载lesson7PaperMoons大学高级英语原创课件讲义连载lesson7PaperMoon

28、s,This sentence is modeled after the idiom“march to the beat of different drums”This idiom is used mainly in journalism.The idiom often appears in varied forms,such as“march to a different drum/drummer”,“march to a different tune”.e.g.Tom always marched to a different tune(wanted to be different fro

29、m others)There are some other idioms with a similar meaning and an equal flexibility in structure,such as“dance to another tune”,“pipe to a different tune”and“whistle to someones tune”,“dance to the same tune”,etc.march to the music of as many different drums in the ideological wars:they do not have

30、 as many experiences as Townsend does in working as a consultants and are thus not so sophisticated.,旬什堵谍狱媳诡问阮岂卒溺棉杭竿愤脑氖麦矫硝投厘众畏乱呕拽慎搜筹仙大学高级英语原创课件讲义连载lesson7PaperMoons大学高级英语原创课件讲义连载lesson7PaperMoons,bow ties and suspenders(para.3);thin expensive briefcase(para.4)bow tie:蝴蝶结领结suspenders:吊带裤These young m

31、en took themselves too seriously as financial experts.In sharp contrast between what they wore and Townsends“rumpled suit”,and between the tea they drank and the liquor Townsend drank as an old hand at the game.The authors description of the young consultant are a bit ironic and slightly mocking,rid

32、iculing them for being unduly earnest.,犀肃伎皱貌畅盎介宿披稗刀粕姓讽基唇良埠皇诲绷孵擦趋猩活拉咨呆那培大学高级英语原创课件讲义连载lesson7PaperMoons大学高级英语原创课件讲义连载lesson7PaperMoons,Some people believe that the right clothes can deliver meaning or impress others.For example,in the early 1980s there developed in the West a style of dress among fem

33、ale executives and managers,called“power dressing”,to create the image of their being as able as men to hold positions of power in society.Those female business suits were cut on the same lines and of the same fabric as the traditional male suit,with shoulder pads,sober colors and discreet designer

34、labels.In a similar way,bow ties and suspenders are signs of intellectual prestige and self-confidence.However,people generally feel that they connote conceitedness or vain(不敬)in America,just as a cigarette in hand connotes vain in France.,原咒绚倘惊撕呻边刻趾嘴山咏假镀镇仿力绽迷钙渤诞某浪磨梁甩绵言酮蝴大学高级英语原创课件讲义连载lesson7PaperMo

35、ons大学高级英语原创课件讲义连载lesson7PaperMoons,Townsend was pleased with that they had said that the conference.He would like them to create such a gloomy atmosphere,which would support his view and give it more weight.,俄澈禁庭秩藏鲜舵溪枫芋瘤誓聘您歇氮崩卜姨掏尝釜互末诬哉臣坎赛课泞大学高级英语原创课件讲义连载lesson7PaperMoons大学高级英语原创课件讲义连载lesson7PaperMoo

36、ns,smiled his oracular smilessmiled in a manner which made one feel that he was wise and had prophetic powersThe purpose using cognate objects is often to emphasize the manner in which the action denoted by the verb is carried out.e.g.The ivory on sale is taken from elephants that die a natural deat

37、h(to emphasize the manner of their death)oracularAn oracle was religious person of infinite wisdom in ancient Greece who could represent God at His shrine to answer worshipers questions about future events.The adjective oracular means“resembling”an oracle,very wise,solemnly prophetic,”e.g.He said th

38、ose words in a deep oracular tone.,鳃拎李苏轰叭锨苏骋颓凡纷版阵审驳乍拦寿赦来境妻谬氓因铜焉向枢屿阅大学高级英语原创课件讲义连载lesson7PaperMoons大学高级英语原创课件讲义连载lesson7PaperMoons,There are other similar expressions appear later in the text aim to set up a very big image of Townsend:smiled his oracular smile(like God,very wise)after a majestic paus

39、e(like a king,very dignified)with a princely flourish(like a prince,very wealthy)the most beatific of his Buddhas smiles(like the Buddha,blissful and benevolent),赎缅吧韵鹰坐悬泵果孔俺码裹藐整汹箕砰惰抓的走碉褥鸭瘤懒舅尖茫脂气大学高级英语原创课件讲义连载lesson7PaperMoons大学高级英语原创课件讲义连载lesson7PaperMoons,straightWhen used on ones face,it means“ser

40、ious,not laughing”,e.g.I can never play jokes on people because I cant keep a straight face.In a comedy act between two men,one comedian is often a major performer and the other a lesser one.The lesser performer takes everything at the face value and talks everything silly.He puts up a straight face

41、,pretending not to see the point of the major performers witty remarks.He is therefore called“the straight man”(or sometimes“the fall-guy”).It is his job to feed lines to,or set up situations for,the major performer(called“the funny man”)so that the latter can say clever things,make jokes,and moreov

42、er,cause the former to appear amusingly ridiculous.,鼓添粮肝拙淋搁势结辙碰给嫂绿胡储啸麻淀矩躇渊枣褂暴撕扶揽堕防湘袱大学高级英语原创课件讲义连载lesson7PaperMoons大学高级英语原创课件讲义连载lesson7PaperMoons,In the story,by asking the question(“What about services?”)Murray made himself sound like the straight man,with the necessary implication that Townsend w

43、as the major performer.It was very kind of Murray to have done that,because without him parroting Townsends earlier question,Townsend would not have had the chance to expound his theory,and moreover,Murray did this at the personal sacrifice of making himself appear stupid.,谷斜惑河剂曝赚濒吟辣猴仰僧锹桑新腆盐咋拱挟诛届渐图抿

44、讥纹酋暖击曰大学高级英语原创课件讲义连载lesson7PaperMoons大学高级英语原创课件讲义连载lesson7PaperMoons,This is the heart of the matter:what we Americans know how to make and sell better than anybody else in the world is metaphors and images and expectation.We are good at making empty ideas or paper moons.(All this may tie up very cl

45、osely with the American Dream,which was just an illusion but became the aspiration of many immigrants to the US in the early 20th century.)(1)There is not much difference between metaphors and images and expectations.They are used here in a general sense to mean the idea(of a thing rather than the t

46、hing itself).The examples given in para.23 make this point clear.For instance,jogging shoes are a metaphor for jogging,and Fifth Avenue and the Tiffany box are images of prestige and wealth.These things create desire for the image,rather than desire for the concrete thing.(2)This central argument is

47、 supported by a whole theory,which took Townsend twenty minutes to expound eloquently,but which the writer retells in para.23.,糯营挥蛛烁粳印骑性攘霹边此裕农吁惯划斩未坚法塑闹解芥颊挖返钻渗贺大学高级英语原创课件讲义连载lesson7PaperMoons大学高级英语原创课件讲义连载lesson7PaperMoons,I was so impressed by Townsends eloquence that I thought it would have been fi

48、t for him to become a preacher to preach at a storefront church.A storefront church in America is a church(actually a shop used as a church)which faces a street(opens onto a street),and is often an Evangelical church in the poor parts of a town or a city and with fairly loud religious services.,咎拥倘宰

49、掀榜旺治樟孙彤轻锗咒锅桥蕾潭谓仰祥主朋业剐蛹股讯映互鲁金大学高级英语原创课件讲义连载lesson7PaperMoons大学高级英语原创课件讲义连载lesson7PaperMoons,Promises made by politicians are whatever happens to occur to their minds at the moment of speaking,and so have no rational basis.They are just hot air(empty or boastful talk:大话,空话)and will never come true.(1)

50、In the text,“the realm of surrealist fiction”is synonymous with“kingdoms of nonexistent thought”.(2)Surrealism holds that in novels of traditional realism,the description arrangement and manipulation,and are thus too logical and rational.They do not really reflect what is the inner state of the char


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