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1、,CONTENTS,目 录,PART 01真题,PART 01真题,命题点,安徽历年中考真题回顾,1.2014安徽,36Mum,what are you cooking?It so sweet.A.tastes B.feelsC.soundsD.smells2.2014安徽,49He is an honest boy.I have no reason to what he said.A.hear B.doubt C.repeat D.believe3.2013安徽,99Would you please make a shopping l(清单)for the picnic?,D,B,ist,命

2、题点,2018全国中考真题优选,1.2018黄冈Which show do you prefer,Running Man or The Readers?The Readers,of course.Imy brother likes it.A.Both;andB.Neither;nor C.Either;orD.Not only;but also2.2018包头He was once killed in a car accident several years ago.A.completelyB.sadly C.exactlyD.nearly3.2018云南Thank you for showi

3、ng me the way.A.No problemB.It doesnt matter C.It is my pleasure D.Its kind of you,D,D,C,PART 02考点,考点1,be made of 的用法,考点2,考点3,考点4,考点5,考点6,考点7,教材语境P33 Is it made of silver?,be made of意为由制成。如:Whats your shirt made of?你的衬衣是用什么做的?,考点1,考点2,考点3,考点4,考点5,考点6,考点7,妙辨异同,be made of 的用法,be made of,be made from,b

4、e made in,be made into,be made by和be made for的辨析,The table is made of wood and it was made by my uncle.这张桌子是木制的,它是由我叔叔制 作的。The paper is made from wood.纸是由木头制成的。The grapes are made into wine.这些葡萄被制成葡萄酒。These cookies are made for all of you.这些曲奇饼是为你们所有人而做的。,考点1,考点2,考点3,考点4,考点5,考点6,考点7,好题在线,be made of

5、的用法,1.The scarf is silk and it was made in Suzhou.A.made by B.made of C.made in D.made into2.It is reported that medals for the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games will be made electronic waste.A.into B.by C.of D.from,B,D,考点1,avoid 的用法,考点2,考点3,考点4,考点5,考点6,考点7,教材语境P35 He realized that Americans can hardly avoid

6、 buying products made in China.,avoid作动词,意为避免;防止;躲避;回避。常见用法如下:,Everyone seemed to avoid Tom.似乎所有人都躲着汤姆。Road safety is taught to young children to avoid traffic accidents.小孩子受到道路安全知识的教 育,以避免交通事故。I tried to avoid meeting him because he always bored me.我尽量避免遇到他,因为他总是让我 觉得厌烦。,考点1,考点2,考点3,考点4,考点5,考点6,考点7

7、,好题在线,3.I always set out for work early to the heavy traffic.A.avoid B.protect C.stop D.follow4.用所给词的适当形式填空。Youd better avoid(use)too much oil while cooking,for its unhealthy.,avoid 的用法,A,using,考点1,lively 的用法,考点2,考点3,考点4,考点5,考点6,考点7,教材语境P38 The pieces are usually cute children or lively characters f

8、rom a Chinese fairy tale or historical story.,lively作形容词,意为充满活力的,热烈的,(色彩)鲜艳的。如:She is a lively girl and popular with everyone.她是个充满活力的女孩子,很受大家欢迎。The color of the painting is lively.这幅画作的色彩很鲜艳。,妙辨异同,考点1,考点2,考点3,考点4,考点5,考点6,考点7,lively 的用法,lively/alive/living/live,This is a live/living fish.=This fish

9、is alive.这是一条活鱼。Tom loves to watch live matches.汤姆喜欢看现场直播的比赛。,考点1,考点2,考点3,考点4,考点5,考点6,考点7,好题在线,lively 的用法,5.In Chinese culture,children born in the Year of the Monkey are said to be smart.Yes.They are always full of energy,so I think they are also.A.honest B.shy C.lively D.lazy6.China is an old coun

10、try with a long history.You are right.We must keep our traditions.A.lively B.alive C.liveD.living,C,B,考点1,pleasure 的用法,考点2,考点3,考点4,考点5,考点6,考点7,教材语境P42 With pleasure!,pleasure作不可数名词时,意为高兴;愉快。如:He takes no pleasure in his work.他从他的工作中得不到丝毫乐趣。pleasure作可数名词时,意为乐事。如:Watching TV is our only pleasure.看电视是我

11、们唯一的乐趣。,得分巧记,考点1,考点2,考点3,考点4,考点5,考点6,考点7,pleasure 的用法,Thanks for doing that.这事真谢谢你。Its a pleasure./My pleasure.不客气。Could you help me look after my dog when Im away?我不在家时我照看一下我 的狗,好吗?With pleasure.乐意效劳。,提分速记,考点1,考点2,考点3,考点4,考点5,考点6,考点7,pleasure 的用法,考点1,考点2,考点3,考点4,考点5,考点6,考点7,好题在线,pleasure 的用法,7.He l

12、oves reading.Reading brings him much p(快乐).8.Thank you for supporting our volunteer project.!Many hands make light work.A.My pleasure B.All right C.Never mind D.Thats right,leasure,A,考点1,remain 的用法,考点2,考点3,考点6,考点7,教材语境P43 Some leaves from a tea plant fell into the water and remained there for some t

13、ime.,考点4,考点5,remain意为保持不变;剩余;留下。如:She was too ill to remain at home.她病得很重,不能再留在家里了。remain还可作系动词,其后接形容词、名词、分词或介词短语作表语。如:Though he is in danger,he remains calm.尽管他处于危险之中,他依然很镇静。,考点1,考点2,考点3,考点4,考点5,考点6,考点7,好题在线,remain 的用法,9.用所给词的适当形式填空。Judy remained(stand)where she was for some time after her good fri

14、end left.10.The plane on the ground for two more hours because of the bad weather.A.ranB.movedC.shookD.remained,standing,D,考点1,smell 的用法,考点2,考点3,考点4,考点5,考点6,考点7,教材语境P43 It produced a nice smell so he tasted the brown water.,smell既可作名词又可作动词,其用法如下:,考点1,考点2,考点3,考点4,考点5,考点6,考点7,得分巧记,smell 的用法,除smell外,中考

15、常考的感官动词还有:,The water feels warm.这水摸着很暖。The music sounds beautiful.这音乐听起来很动听。The noodles taste delicious.这面条吃起来很美味。Jenny looks very tired.珍妮看起来非常累。,feel(摸起来),sound(听起来),taste(尝起来),look(看起来),考点1,考点2,考点3,考点4,考点5,考点6,考点7,好题在线,smell 的用法,11.The air fresh after the rain.I really like it.A.feelsB.tastesC.sm

16、ellsD.sounds 12.The cloth very soft and comfortable.A.smellsB.tastesC.sounds D.feels13.2018重庆B卷The cake delicious.Id like to have another one.A.tastesB.looksC.soundsD.feels,C,D,A,考点1,doubt 的用法,考点2,考点3,考点4,考点5,考点6,考点7,教材语境P43 Even though many people now know about tea culture,the Chinese are without

17、doubt the ones who best understand the nature of tea.,No doubt youll have your own ideas.无疑,你会有自己的想法。The success of the project is not in doubt.这个项目的成功确定无疑。I never doubted myself.I always knew I could play tennis on this level.我从未怀疑过自己,我 一向都知道自己网球能打出这个水平。I never doubted(that)he would come.我从未怀疑过他会来。

18、I doubt whether/if the new one will be any better.我不确定这个新的是否会好些。,考点1,考点2,考点3,考点4,考点5,考点6,考点7,好题在线,doubt 的用法,14.Do you think there will be any tickets left?.Last year the tickets sold out 15 minutes after they went on sale.A.With pleasure B.I doubt it C.Yes,Id love to D.Sounds great15.She has a lot of famous painting works.There is no that she is a great artist.A.reason B.time C.doubt D.chance16.Jenny is the most suitable for the shop manager.Nobody her ability to manage the shop.A.believesB.findsC.likesD.doubts,B,C,D,


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