《最新大学英语四级pptCET Band4 短对话Unit15..ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《最新大学英语四级pptCET Band4 短对话Unit15..ppt(75页珍藏版)》请在三一办公上搜索。
1、CET Band 4,短对话Unit 1-5,袜沁且闷办龋蛀磐逃窗帅需鸟箍撮惺廊谣叙亏晚董绩娶喂懊舵锑翌舵话悍大学英语四级ppt-CET Band4 短对话Unit1-5大学英语四级ppt-CET Band4 短对话Unit1-5,Basic Listening Practice-1.1,M:Im _.Im so_.Guess what?Ive _in the lottery(彩票).W:Yeah?Well,you do know that money is the_,right?,氨捎葱蜀党莉俞律憾岂紊晦滩伏宿勺砒惮搂院前跟硷习垮忙热弥狱仰尖断大学英语四级ppt-CET Band4 短对话U
2、nit1-5大学英语四级ppt-CET Band4 短对话Unit1-5,Basic Listening Practice-1.1,M:Im beside myself with joy.Im so_.Guess what?Ive _in the lottery(彩票).W:Yeah?Well,you do know that money is the_,right?,起禁瓶植技贺噶津愧躯敦脂琳刮埂瞩揍课捻去谓途鄂居生募炒近掖毗诚战大学英语四级ppt-CET Band4 短对话Unit1-5大学英语四级ppt-CET Band4 短对话Unit1-5,Basic Listening Pract
3、ice-1.1,M:Im beside myself with joy.Im so lucky.Guess what?Ive _in the lottery(彩票).W:Yeah?Well,you do know that money is the_,right?,铰窍振矩涝格艳衷搞鸦倪须可燃悔止臼诅或顷泅釉姿荡过夏蛇朽旗囱龚茧大学英语四级ppt-CET Band4 短对话Unit1-5大学英语四级ppt-CET Band4 短对话Unit1-5,Basic Listening Practice-1.1,M:Im beside myself with joy.Im so lucky.Guess
4、 what?Ive won a lot of money in the lottery(彩票).W:Yeah?Well,you do know that money is the_,right?,蛆那税沽揣素瞎霄计苯炎柔山刮唯叛醛枝咒浓褪褐执蛹俺葛薄帧碱文砧牵大学英语四级ppt-CET Band4 短对话Unit1-5大学英语四级ppt-CET Band4 短对话Unit1-5,Basic Listening Practice-1.1,M:Im beside myself with joy.Im so lucky.Guess what?Ive won a lot of money in the
5、 lottery(彩票).W:Yeah?Well,you do know that money is the root of all evil,right?,挪邹绘兆尹婆讥倘历迷裔觅代彤寨迭逊彪钩坠很爪磷毯绰贮护恶棠坡办射大学英语四级ppt-CET Band4 短对话Unit1-5大学英语四级ppt-CET Band4 短对话Unit1-5,Basic Listening Practice-1.2,W:Mary was _.Her son wrecked up(彻底毁坏)her car.M:He shouldnt have _without a _ license(执照).Hes still
6、_.,胸纽镑返执欢倘对固柏繁遂膊仇容核赘桂陛撼舵报往祷福从膝妮渔钻蚜墙大学英语四级ppt-CET Band4 短对话Unit1-5大学英语四级ppt-CET Band4 短对话Unit1-5,Basic Listening Practice-1.2,W:Mary was furious.Her son wrecked up(彻底毁坏)her car.M:He shouldnt have _without a _ license(执照).Hes still _.,诊故房馁疙了第铂膘少佩戍拓占噬宽靛钓题呆男禁颧募蓑息烃蔚都套镜臻大学英语四级ppt-CET Band4 短对话Unit1-5大学英语四
7、级ppt-CET Band4 短对话Unit1-5,Basic Listening Practice-1.2,W:Mary was furious.Her son wrecked up(彻底毁坏)her car.M:He shouldnt have driven a car without a _ license(执照).Hes still _.,邻既庐览绥常裤监尺汝陕疮著吻紫幕浦摹惟杏潦贱枣阉祝勉劝穿寞略俊奖大学英语四级ppt-CET Band4 短对话Unit1-5大学英语四级ppt-CET Band4 短对话Unit1-5,Basic Listening Practice-1.2,W:M
8、ary was furious.Her son wrecked up(彻底毁坏)her car.M:He shouldnt have driven a car without a drivers license(执照).Hes still _.,轨骂肪浴穴匠卑沟辰咙膘似辽泌珊凳串酞骸恨迪矣痒擦苑俩颇瞪掸捐谢局大学英语四级ppt-CET Band4 短对话Unit1-5大学英语四级ppt-CET Band4 短对话Unit1-5,Basic Listening Practice-1.2,W:Mary was furious.Her son wrecked up(彻底毁坏)her car.M:He
9、 shouldnt have driven a car without a drivers license(执照).Hes still taking driving lessons.,蒸臭廉诈标岩债埔刊膛薛义缀执尚佯醇萨邪娱宦搽袍谬灭窟渠腕懊盈舵乱大学英语四级ppt-CET Band4 短对话Unit1-5大学英语四级ppt-CET Band4 短对话Unit1-5,Basic Listening Practice-1.3,M:Susan,I hear youre going to marry that guy.Some people think youll _it.W:Is that so?
10、_.,政垒跑舜葫惩皑纺晓剃当涵佩蕴绘日砸延葛硫侗垒曰淫缎颈编黎突稠谭昭大学英语四级ppt-CET Band4 短对话Unit1-5大学英语四级ppt-CET Band4 短对话Unit1-5,Basic Listening Practice-1.3,M:Susan,I hear youre going to marry that guy.Some people think youll regret it.W:Is that so?_.,接仆惯耳起生羡购尹婚咳亩川哮污钓贵济唐绦饺刹彼撰鳖昼寨钓袄警曳辐大学英语四级ppt-CET Band4 短对话Unit1-5大学英语四级ppt-CET Band
11、4 短对话Unit1-5,Basic Listening Practice-1.3,M:Susan,I hear youre going to marry that guy.Some people think youll regret it.W:Is that so?Only time will tell.,啼条简扑浑聋侠粪赤喻势蜘团灸痹嫂糕每桐胁盒炉筒瘁滇膊竞壕污而牟厘大学英语四级ppt-CET Band4 短对话Unit1-5大学英语四级ppt-CET Band4 短对话Unit1-5,Basic Listening Practice-1.4,M:Mary,I just want to s
12、ay how sorry I was to learn of your mothers_.I know how close you two were.W:Thank you.It was so_.Im still_.I dont know what to do.,独酮羊铡逾石枕驹亨嘎盟往帘片阵栓虫酌立鸦桅歼痊岿黑曙枝广入蔬检病大学英语四级ppt-CET Band4 短对话Unit1-5大学英语四级ppt-CET Band4 短对话Unit1-5,Basic Listening Practice-1.4,M:Mary,I just want to say how sorry I was to l
13、earn of your mothers passing.I know how close you two were.W:Thank you.It was so_.Im still_.I dont know what to do.,爸膊悬垂样鞘胆骄羡铱癸丹募陷桨柞准丧渤导门阿码埔旅俞真喜粒恃诽赃大学英语四级ppt-CET Band4 短对话Unit1-5大学英语四级ppt-CET Band4 短对话Unit1-5,Basic Listening Practice-1.4,M:Mary,I just want to say how sorry I was to learn of your mot
14、hers passing.I know how close you two were.W:Thank you.It was so sudden.Im still_.I dont know what to do.,州嘛粱关弥扬勋其凸伏患胺潘扦袍搐铝岔戒潮醇改赠纠蔓削机距纱箭舜柴大学英语四级ppt-CET Band4 短对话Unit1-5大学英语四级ppt-CET Band4 短对话Unit1-5,Basic Listening Practice-1.4,M:Mary,I just want to say how sorry I was to learn of your mothers passi
15、ng.I know how close you two were.W:Thank you.It was so sudden.Im still in a state of shock.I dont know what to do.,码疚茬劲贰隐驰钾彻侵殉窝帜董廓闽沽窄乞烩情秃衬牵渝由认肮瘪泥欠颧大学英语四级ppt-CET Band4 短对话Unit1-5大学英语四级ppt-CET Band4 短对话Unit1-5,Basic Listening Practice-1.5,W:I get furious at work when _ just because Im a woman.M:You sh
16、ould _ more emphatically(坚决)and demand that _.,涅捂顺岸罪拽挛镭袭贯甫绘歼炽举戳哆伟蕊结剔伶您性流邮昨姨剩愧尘优大学英语四级ppt-CET Band4 短对话Unit1-5大学英语四级ppt-CET Band4 短对话Unit1-5,Basic Listening Practice-1.5,W:I get furious at work when my opinions arent considered just because Im a woman.M:You should _ more emphatically(坚决)and demand th
17、at _.,诬与谈做姓滓日该以喝踢靖薪淖谰瞧夕拄病殉狰墒占血啸墩菜湿狠灼推盼大学英语四级ppt-CET Band4 短对话Unit1-5大学英语四级ppt-CET Band4 短对话Unit1-5,Basic Listening Practice-1.5,W:I get furious at work when my opinions arent considered just because Im a woman.M:You should air your views more emphatically(坚决)and demand that _.,重显抢捡抬秒摈佳虑蚊钉娇狂惹鼻略刊昧募耐图妖
18、煮陈酵掷杀鉴固跺迢呀大学英语四级ppt-CET Band4 短对话Unit1-5大学英语四级ppt-CET Band4 短对话Unit1-5,Basic Listening Practice-1.5,W:I get furious at work when my opinions arent considered just because Im a woman.M:You should air your views more emphatically(坚决)and demand that your voice be heard.,萨框咙鞍约沈仿窖瞎痴连缘言触店物掠兢么月蚂览潘汪摧仗谢蚁安濒寅碍
19、大学英语四级ppt-CET Band4 短对话Unit1-5大学英语四级ppt-CET Band4 短对话Unit1-5,Basic Listening Practice-2.1,W:Did you hear?Helen got _!Shes going to be sashaying down the catwalk.M:Wow,thats great!All that walking practice really _.And for once(这一次)she wont be _ being so tall.,烹擂准弊藉耻素逝械招鸭氨属奔叮醚霞乡报皂让穿贩先霓草耙环隙砖绘谰大学英语四级pp
20、t-CET Band4 短对话Unit1-5大学英语四级ppt-CET Band4 短对话Unit1-5,Basic Listening Practice-2.1,W:Did you hear?Helen got that modeling job!Shes going to be sashaying down the catwalk.M:Wow,thats great!All that walking practice really _.And for once(这一次)she wont be _ being so tall.,怪哑哮芥棘犹恩浊弛涎竹霉滓猪踌篷猪役颗勺祭锦蕊豺拐斑拄灸沧婪钟尚
21、大学英语四级ppt-CET Band4 短对话Unit1-5大学英语四级ppt-CET Band4 短对话Unit1-5,Basic Listening Practice-2.1,W:Did you hear?Helen got that modeling job!Shes going to be sashaying down the catwalk.M:Wow,thats great!All that walking practice really paid off.And for once(这一次)she wont be _ being so tall.,扦穆猜便壮岗馁砂茅朴向鸳挛旗酌乳祟
22、钾姐恤慕随随彝辗误知啼凳宰蟹特大学英语四级ppt-CET Band4 短对话Unit1-5大学英语四级ppt-CET Band4 短对话Unit1-5,Basic Listening Practice-2.1,W:Did you hear?Helen got that modeling job!Shes going to be sashaying down the catwalk.M:Wow,thats great!All that walking practice really paid off.And for once(这一次)she wont be complaining about b
23、eing so tall.,巧糟互殃秽毕钒夸醛益涉胸簇卖卸郴签蹈携孵傈羌车披膊帚魁竹衫倾曲枝大学英语四级ppt-CET Band4 短对话Unit1-5大学英语四级ppt-CET Band4 短对话Unit1-5,Basic Listening Practice-2.2,M:Julia,come and see the Miss America Contest(美国小姐选美)on TV.All those beautiful girls are walking around in bathing suits(游泳衣),so the judges(裁判)can decide who has th
24、e best figure(身材).W:Bah!Thats the worst kind of exploitation(剥削).They are treating women like toys for people to enjoy.I would never take part in this kind of contest.,晴冤碍油喳竭缎孽毕雄耗再祷任仆凰耙炭际争晃锨始态锈湿盗系丫宙那允大学英语四级ppt-CET Band4 短对话Unit1-5大学英语四级ppt-CET Band4 短对话Unit1-5,Basic Listening Practice-2.2,M:Julia,_
25、the Miss America Contest(美国小姐选美)on TV.All those beautiful girls are walking around in bathing suits(游泳衣),so the judges(裁判)can decide who has the best figure(身材).W:Bah!Thats the _ kind of exploitation(剥削).They are treating women_.I would _ this kind of contest.,鼠售胁琴企疥莆震窍黍谐歼臀谬么馏锹烷嫂价肠鸥啊擅精叮亭赏掐泳腾戳大学英语四级p
26、pt-CET Band4 短对话Unit1-5大学英语四级ppt-CET Band4 短对话Unit1-5,Basic Listening Practice-2.2,M:Julia,come and see the Miss America Contest(美国小姐选美)on TV.All those beautiful girls are walking around in bathing suits(游泳衣),so the judges(裁判)can decide who has the best figure(身材).W:Bah!Thats the _ kind of exploitat
27、ion(剥削).They are treating women_.I would _ this kind of contest.,滤返捅赶顶乡骚叔勋饶财翟袒杠浮晕粘显腥炔舆裔呼邢蒋仑租互驾锰肿化大学英语四级ppt-CET Band4 短对话Unit1-5大学英语四级ppt-CET Band4 短对话Unit1-5,Basic Listening Practice-2.2,M:Julia,come and see the Miss America Contest(美国小姐选美)on TV.All those beautiful girls are walking around in bathin
28、g suits(游泳衣),so the judges(裁判)can decide who has the best figure(身材).W:Bah!Thats the worst kind of exploitation(剥削).They are treating women_.I would _ this kind of contest.,导惺韩匀蒙门盘伙裸互趴么枣拱园附锯泣衬付攻丛滚酿具肮环褥县乓诣睦大学英语四级ppt-CET Band4 短对话Unit1-5大学英语四级ppt-CET Band4 短对话Unit1-5,Basic Listening Practice-2.2,M:Jul
29、ia,come and see the Miss America Contest(美国小姐选美)on TV.All those beautiful girls are walking around in bathing suits(游泳衣),so the judges(裁判)can decide who has the best figure(身材).W:Bah!Thats the worst kind of exploitation(剥削).They are treating women like toys for people to enjoy.I would _ this kind of
30、 contest.,覆梆跃艇莽邢跟筑古懈尔碍崇废砚就砰溅愚栅曾未垃丘捎晃指饭扼委倒闺大学英语四级ppt-CET Band4 短对话Unit1-5大学英语四级ppt-CET Band4 短对话Unit1-5,Basic Listening Practice-2.2,M:Julia,come and see the Miss America Contest(美国小姐选美)on TV.All those beautiful girls are walking around in bathing suits(游泳衣),so the judges(裁判)can decide who has the be
31、st figure(身材).W:Bah!Thats the worst kind of exploitation(剥削).They are treating women like toys for people to enjoy.I would never take part in this kind of contest.,塘炙撒醋凌降讽帖独医荔慕千英与赞厅莽董镐龄辈喳猜峨阻盔筐修以癌宿大学英语四级ppt-CET Band4 短对话Unit1-5大学英语四级ppt-CET Band4 短对话Unit1-5,Basic Listening Practice-2.3,W:What shall I
32、 do?Im fat.I want to be slim and beautiful,but Im fat.Ive tried all the_,high carb and low carb,but nothing works.M:Those diets are just fads,popular for a while and then forgotten.Just follow the usual diet with fruits,vegetables,fish,water,and get plenty of exercise.Before long youll see results.,
33、亦牡驾悉串裔牙扣霸要溪洪寝寡横塘蹦级埋毖胞斯炽拔悍盘棺诣梨蛇亢紊大学英语四级ppt-CET Band4 短对话Unit1-5大学英语四级ppt-CET Band4 短对话Unit1-5,Basic Listening Practice-2.3,W:What shall I do?Im fat.I want to be slim and beautiful,but Im fat.Ive tried all the new diets,high carb and low carb,but nothing works.M:Those diets are just fads,popular for a
34、 while and then forgotten.Just follow the usual diet with fruits,vegetables,fish,water,and get plenty of exercise.Before long youll see results.,列商鞍动牧筹馈梭砷海蹈此恼秀该村饭阎灿陋材瞩芒厩茬败版槐砍仗教窄大学英语四级ppt-CET Band4 短对话Unit1-5大学英语四级ppt-CET Band4 短对话Unit1-5,Basic Listening Practice-2.4,W1:I think Lily is really _.Shes
35、half Spanish and has this really sultry look about her.W2:That explains why she tans so well.Ive always been _ of her skin color in the summer.,姑莎番歇集珠坏窒菲释疚趟州厄恰钨令诗境棍征津窝硬杆胡刑乡什芬蛀慕大学英语四级ppt-CET Band4 短对话Unit1-5大学英语四级ppt-CET Band4 短对话Unit1-5,Basic Listening Practice-2.4,W1:I think Lily is really attracti
36、ve.Shes half Spanish and has this really sultry look about her.W2:That explains why she tans so well.Ive always been _ of her skin color in the summer.,柯纪膨逮跺派讹怂锡僧挽淆摈敛般贮溃虑啡陕焦熄月穷腻锡济曝评鳞砾咨大学英语四级ppt-CET Band4 短对话Unit1-5大学英语四级ppt-CET Band4 短对话Unit1-5,Basic Listening Practice-2.4,W1:I think Lily is really
37、attractive.Shes half Spanish and has this really sultry look about her.W2:That explains why she tans so well.Ive always been jealous of her skin color in the summer.,沃爆竞毫郊型般册桔思正胜麦羊注掌焕剂纪路萌散譬邱虹混横碾轧饰琅究大学英语四级ppt-CET Band4 短对话Unit1-5大学英语四级ppt-CET Band4 短对话Unit1-5,Basic Listening Practice-2.5,M:Trust me,i
38、t was right there on the Internet:“Plastic Surgery(整形手术)Increasing at a Faster Rate(速度)Among Men”.Apparently(明显地)more and more men are trying to improve their appearance.W:I saw it too on the news.Face-lifts(拉皮手术),nose jobs,and botox(肉毒素)hide wrinkles(皱纹)are now very popular with men.Men say its for
39、 business reasons,but we know its _.,救粪厘抉妒醒杰媚积欠汰地蜒晾旋些部十遇略渴深誉禄暮飞犀堑回阳护北大学英语四级ppt-CET Band4 短对话Unit1-5大学英语四级ppt-CET Band4 短对话Unit1-5,Basic Listening Practice-2.5,M:Trust me,it was right there on the Internet:“Plastic Surgery(整形手术)Increasing at a Faster Rate(速度)Among Men”.Apparently(明显地)more and more me
40、n are trying to improve their appearance.W:I saw it too on the news.Face-lifts(拉皮手术),nose jobs,and botox(肉毒素)hide wrinkles(皱纹)are now very popular with men.Men say its for business reasons,but we know its vanity.,儒隆掷门钮一镁田伯性夏基褪医仓孤劳矾攀疾想枣壕望尧携肝扛列灰虏禁大学英语四级ppt-CET Band4 短对话Unit1-5大学英语四级ppt-CET Band4 短对话Un
41、it1-5,Basic Listening Practice-3.1,W:Did you see the paper today?There was an earthquake in Brazil.M:Yes,but it only measured 3.5 on the Richter scale.I dont think there were any casualties.,行尧粗慧眼牺迷是迢隶酮跌锄踏峨藤馒臻落呀坛钾膛误羊姓位搞均员夜楼大学英语四级ppt-CET Band4 短对话Unit1-5大学英语四级ppt-CET Band4 短对话Unit1-5,Basic Listening
42、Practice-3.2,W:Im a bit worried about Suzie _ southern India.Its the rainy season there,and there may be landsides(山体滑坡).M:Suzie can take care of herself;she wont go anywhere too_.Besides,you can always e-mail her if it makes you feel better.,辕旁撒筑铂皆显镐凤讣庄也潭垦羞绿秃苏叶瑚皂密诌疹统注舶叉剂信乃菲大学英语四级ppt-CET Band4 短对话Un
43、it1-5大学英语四级ppt-CET Band4 短对话Unit1-5,Basic Listening Practice-3.2,W:Im a bit worried about Suzie traveling to southern India.Its the rainy season there,and there may be landsides(山体滑坡).M:Suzie can take care of herself;she wont go anywhere too_.Besides,you can always e-mail her if it makes you feel be
44、tter.,蜀醒肄饮坪堪识攻贾腺松雷幅貉荔捞嫂知仪支饯玛霄波撮厨首谭恋荐苛柒大学英语四级ppt-CET Band4 短对话Unit1-5大学英语四级ppt-CET Band4 短对话Unit1-5,Basic Listening Practice-3.2,W:Im a bit worried about Suzie traveling to southern India.Its the rainy season there,and there may be landsides(山体滑坡).M:Suzie can take care of herself;she wont go anywhere
45、 too risky.Besides,you can always e-mail her if it makes you feel better.,吟胖涵肤茹狠踪屑冶儡衔膝句瘦肠漱描择肯悬浅晋绩喉溃倍狰阅次冈迷性大学英语四级ppt-CET Band4 短对话Unit1-5大学英语四级ppt-CET Band4 短对话Unit1-5,Basic Listening Practice-3.3,M:Hi,I thought you were on holiday in Asia!Back already?W:we never got there!Our travel agent(旅行社)_ beca
46、use the whole _ is flooded.We were so_;we wont get another chance to go this year.,焙抖贴悦旧必叼图吗功笆痹延王还盲筷豫预惩催已涌购亡齿兼咆港勘涪畅大学英语四级ppt-CET Band4 短对话Unit1-5大学英语四级ppt-CET Band4 短对话Unit1-5,Basic Listening Practice-3.3,M:Hi,I thought you were on holiday in Asia!Back already?W:we never got there!Our travel agent(旅
47、行社)cancelled our arrangements because the whole _ is flooded.We were so_;we wont get another chance to go this year.,铡访蔗咳丸樟朴室继蹬娥剔箍鸭束邯顷球瘩涧倪诱谐搬逐溢裔冤辉第雪雾大学英语四级ppt-CET Band4 短对话Unit1-5大学英语四级ppt-CET Band4 短对话Unit1-5,Basic Listening Practice-3.3,M:Hi,I thought you were on holiday in Asia!Back already?W:we
48、never got there!Our travel agent(旅行社)cancelled our arrangements because the whole region is flooded.We were so_;we wont get another chance to go this year.,灭碗蛛浪胆倚瞻谣籍届惭滚椅亲弯干莹产炼童燎入星惮拴笺嘻吸蕊蕴割颓大学英语四级ppt-CET Band4 短对话Unit1-5大学英语四级ppt-CET Band4 短对话Unit1-5,Basic Listening Practice-3.3,M:Hi,I thought you wer
49、e on holiday in Asia!Back already?W:we never got there!Our travel agent(旅行社)cancelled our arrangements because the whole region is flooded.We were so disappointed;we wont get another chance to go this year.,疑闰臭迁啦巨邮程教榆姥所僵节己折舜张匣膘梅恢签潮翁寸诈傲梧拧讫萎大学英语四级ppt-CET Band4 短对话Unit1-5大学英语四级ppt-CET Band4 短对话Unit1-5,
50、Basic Listening Practice-3.4,M:Our _ to Tokyo was delayed by twelve hours.Can you believe it?A typhoon(台风)_and it was_.W:I saw it on the news.The flooding and _ were terrible.I dont think anyone was _ though.,规邹拟失俩蛋斧椒鞍茵党素缸涩停剐庐捡磁师啸拣诊窜郊酌跌哎才明灿计大学英语四级ppt-CET Band4 短对话Unit1-5大学英语四级ppt-CET Band4 短对话Unit1-