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1、01,考点梳理知识归纳,一、词汇运用。A)用方框中所给词的适当形式填空,每词限用一次。1.There are a lot of on the grass land.The sheepdog is sitting next them.2.“Serve like a dog or a horse,”is used for someone who is ready to work hard for the people who have powers.,sheep,describing,3.Yao Mings gives him a big advantage over other players.

2、4.Yesterday we stayed at home because the wind strongly outside.5.We can collect rainwater when it rains,and use it to water plants.,height,blew,heavily,B)阅读下面短文,然后根据括号内所给汉语意思写出单词的正确形式,每空限填一词。My summer vacation was very 6.(令人激动的).I took a trip to America.I visited the most famous university in the w

3、orld,Harvard University.I have learned something about it.,exciting,It is the 7.(最古老的)of all the colleges and universities in the United States.In the early years,only young men went to college.All of the students studied the same subjects,and everyone learned Latin,Greek and Hebrew.Few teachers and

4、 students talked about 8.(科学)at that time.After the students left school,most of them became ministers(牧师)or teachers.,oldest,science,In 1782,Harvard started a medical school for 9.(年轻的)men.And then,lawyers could receive their training in Harvards law school.In 1825,besides Latin and Greek,Harvard b

5、egan 10.(教)modern languages,such as French and 11.(德语).Soon it began to teach American history.12.(稍后),Harvard and other colleges began to teach many new subjects.The students can choose some of the subjects if they were 13.(兴趣)in them.,young,teaching,German,Later,interested,Today,there are many dif

6、ferent kinds of colleges and universities in the world,but I think no one is 14.(更好)than Harvard.The trip deeply touched me.Its really 15.(值得)visiting.,better,worth,二、语法填空。阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。Have you ever had the wish to travel around the world and see what is out there?While some p

7、eople prefer 16.(stay)in the comfort of their own home,others are crazy about traveling and cant wait to see the world.Exotic(异国情调的)places do have a magic power.“Come visit us and we will show you 17.(we)mysteries,”they call to us.,staying/to stay,our,Every year 18.(million)of people pack their suit

8、cases(手提箱)or put on their backpacks and set out to visit the seven continents(洲)of the world.Some visit the museums of Europe,and the cities and natural 19.(wonder)of North and South America.Some visit Asia and Africa for their exotic cultures.The great outback(内陆地区)of Australia is a wonderland for

9、those 20.go there.And a few 21.(luck)people even make it to the most mysterious continent on the earthAntarctica(南极洲).,millions,wonders,who,lucky,Why do people want to see the world?22.it gives them a better understanding of the earth and the people living on it.It 23.(open)their minds,it gives them

10、 a feeling of 24.(achieve)and it makes them feel alive.So save some money,get your passport ready,and see the world.25.will change your life forever.,Because,opens,achievement,It,考点一:辨析a little,little,a few与few(台州:2016.65)I may be a little late.我可能会迟到一会儿。(七下Unit 9 P50),图示:a few eggs 几个鸡蛋few eggs 几乎没

11、有鸡蛋a little tea 一点茶 little tea 几乎没有茶,根据句意用few,a few,little或a little的适当形式填空。1.I have friends,so I feel sad.2.(2017白银)“Let us move a little faster.We do not have time left,”said the tour guide.3.There is juice in the fridge.Lets go and buy more fruit.,few,a little,little,4.Though the exam was difficul

12、t,students passed it.5.Bob is a smart boss!Yes,so he is.He knows how to cut the cost of the project.And he always does the work with money and people.,a few,less,fewer,考点二:would like的用法What size would you like?你想要多大碗的?Id like a large bowl,please.我想要大碗的。(七下Unit 10 P57)【名师解析】(1)would like意为“想要”,相当于wan

13、t,后跟名词或动词不定式作宾语。在陈述句中,would like可与前面的主语缩写为Id like,youd like等。would like sth.want sth.想要某物。如:I would like some apples.我想要一些苹果。,would like to do sth.want to do sth.想做某事。如:Wed like to go to the zoo.我们想去动物园。would like sb.to do sth.want sb.to do sth.想要某人做某事。如:I would like my mom to buy me a laptop.我想让妈妈给

14、我买一台笔记本电脑。,(2)would like没有人称和数的变化,变为一般疑问句时,直接把情态动词would提前,“Would you like/love.?”比“Do you want.?”语气委婉,常用于口语中。其肯定回答一般为“Yes,Id like/love to.”。还可以是“Yes,please./All right./OK.”等,否定回答则用“Sorry.”。如:Would you like to clean up the City Park?你愿意打扫城市公园吗?Yes,Id love to.是的,我愿意。,6.Would you like(帮助)your parents d

15、o the housework.7.Maria would like(be)an animal doctor.8.Edward would like to stay at home this afternoon.(改为同义句)Edward to stay at home this afternoon.,to help,to be,wants,考点三:辨析the number of与a number ofThe number of candles is the persons age.蜡烛的数量就代表着一个人的年龄。(七下Unit 10 P59),【名师解析】,9.A number of vis

16、itors visiting the West Lake and the number of the visitors increasing.(be)10.(2017益阳)The number of people in the city(be)about seven million now.11.Choose your favorite movie before watching.Then have paper and a pen ready as you may want to write down useful words or phrases.In this way,you can in

17、crease the number of(word)and know the dialogues better.,are,is,is,words,根据句意用the number of或a number of填空。12.the teachers in their school is about 200 and them are women teachers.13.共享单车的使用人数今年有望达到五千万人。(number)shared bike users is expected to reach 50 million this year.,The number of,a number of,The

18、 number of,考点四:辨析interesting与interested(拓展ing与ed形容词的辨析)(温州:2018.52;宁波:2018.55;舟山/嘉兴:2018.10;湖州:2016.65,2015.17)Everything was about robots and Im not interested in that.一切都是有关机器人的,而我对那个不感兴趣。(七下Unit 11 P65)【名师解析】(1)v.ing与v.ed形容词的释义及用法如下:v.ing和v.ed是由现在分词和过去分词转化而来的形容词,具有形容词的性质。,v.ing形容词,一般用来形容“物本身具有的性质

19、”,表示“令人”。如:I find the story very boring.我发现这个故事太无聊了。v.ed形容词,一般用来形容“人的感受”,表示“感到”。如:Im bored with what he said.我对他说的话厌烦极了。在Its形容词for sb.to do sth.句型中,形容词通常要用v.ing形容词。,(2)中考常考此类形容词(interesting/interested,boring/bored,relaxing/relaxed)用法如下:,14.When hearing the news that Michael Jackson passed away,they

20、were.(surprise)15.After a trip,we all feel.(relax)16.Im in the story.(interest)17.James got when he did the job all day.(bored),surprising,surprised,relaxing,relaxed,interested,interesting,bored,boring,考点五:辨析see sb.do sth.与see sb.doing sth.We saw a big snake sleeping near the fire.我们看见一条大蛇正在篝火附近睡觉。(

21、七下Unit 12 P71)【名师解析】,如:I saw him repair his bike.我看见他修理他的自行车。Perhaps we have seen young children playing together.可能我们已见过小孩子正在一起玩。注意:类似用法的词:hear,watch,notice,即see/hear/watch/noticesb./sth.do sth.,但在被动语态中要加上to。,18.Wheres Tony now?I saw him(play)in the garden a moment ago and I told him to go home.19.I see Michael(play)table tennis every day after school.So do I.He likes playing it very much.20.When I walked past the park,I saw some old people(do)Chinese Taiji.21.Jeff was seen(sit)alone on the grass in the morning because he was unhappy.,playing,play,doing,to sit,


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