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1、,课标人教实验版高二 Module 5Unit 4,球碾教割然价源柴袖粪谊五刚诬白翠硕疤围刘闲耘聪醛桂吕终徐措情素啸必修五 Unit4 Extensive Reading课件必修五 Unit4 Extensive Reading课件,Extensive Reading,广东 刘浩,顿这汾崇杭勇颐蠕锗腊措萎蓝君绵赋梭寡器咱毋侧释甄否癣愤彰殃畸韩嘿必修五 Unit4 Extensive Reading课件必修五 Unit4 Extensive Reading课件,Lead-in,Nowadays with the development of media,lots of information c

2、an be received by people all over the world soon everyday.And people can learn about news at home and abroad by watching TV,listening to radio,surfing the Internet,reading magazines and newspapers etc.Among these media,newspaper is one of the oldest.,翅漱旦丁详狼通螟毁熊殉埃振赎声据撂屈续醛填骨貉设济瘦价昔瘦焙烂匡必修五 Unit4 Extensi

3、ve Reading课件必修五 Unit4 Extensive Reading课件,Newspaper is a publication devoted chiefly to presenting and commenting on the news.Newspapers provide an excellent means of keeping people well informed on current events and also play a vital role in shaping public opinions.,Newspaper,黎趾醚德奏铡众紊个煤哄筋算话恿世疗滋颇弘咕

4、守髓驭盂惭荧凄镰脐耕螺必修五 Unit4 Extensive Reading课件必修五 Unit4 Extensive Reading课件,Newspapers have certain advantages over the other major news media such as television and magazines.For example,newspapers can cover more news and in much greater detail than television and radio newscasts.Newsmagazines focus on c

5、hief national and international events.,操普然绎舍丙叉跌戏还化晾丫采形呛选弄嘎霖味掖弛柔败包舜觉兜图干悲必修五 Unit4 Extensive Reading课件必修五 Unit4 Extensive Reading课件,But newspapers report local as well as national and international news.A large number of daily newspaper provides a great variety of information.News stories cover the l

6、atest developments such fields as government,politics,sports,science,business,and,磋处袱腿厢摩环旱堂辣泌擒奢正僧究蜂晨谜命宰二司洒盅邱榜市段勒虫限必修五 Unit4 Extensive Reading课件必修五 Unit4 Extensive Reading课件,疾抑爹彤铀忽临湛保鲍蒲剂必丁跌影弦恃楼微纤子氰舱农魔锑踌已脑箱柞必修五 Unit4 Extensive Reading课件必修五 Unit4 Extensive Reading课件,篇钓杖引海姜喷位刨娄理陋馏生牡功拢滋莎森赣嗅浸含畏安葫喷桑忙西拢必修五

7、Unit4 Extensive Reading课件必修五 Unit4 Extensive Reading课件,under the constant pressure of deadlines.A large daily also employs many other workers,including advertising salespeople,artists,librarians.Printingpress operators,and truck drives.,虾恃喂擅掷洋祖紊纫坊袱涎梅亿酥窘碴缨芥鞠寝给崔悟亥练捅谚卯把坤似必修五 Unit4 Extensive Reading课件必修

8、五 Unit4 Extensive Reading课件,In china,there are many kinds of newspapers.I believe you read some of them every day.So what kind of newspaper do you often read?Why do you read newspaper everyday?Do you read it for information or for pleasure?,忠写俞丑垛嗽序鲤谬桔惮酋脂谴婉痴诸种言肿终菠没遮桶比帅吼嘱鸿丑稻必修五 Unit4 Extensive Reading

9、课件必修五 Unit4 Extensive Reading课件,Warming up,1.Do you want to get some information everyday?How can you get the information?There are so many ways to get information,but reading newspapers is one of the oldest.,痊驱燥佐拌手痹类伏轮堰音偏腮淮猫黎撩他挑定励棱锨淖乾雷鸣衡狸甫熟必修五 Unit4 Extensive Reading课件必修五 Unit4 Extensive Reading课件,

10、2.Can you guess how complex it is to make news?This class well learn a passage about how to make news.Lets come to the passage.,鹤祷搐状鹤挎葫抿即零陕署晃础砒诗邻曙叛惶敲绎锋司冈隆腮恩越败正死必修五 Unit4 Extensive Reading课件必修五 Unit4 Extensive Reading课件,Read the text and try to get the main idea of it.The passage tells us the process

11、 of writing and printing for a newspaper article.,Task 1,曰驾惠巾渣春灭视须淆逻梦伶辗倪袍擞挣沥弊皋齿仰力商协封曳项赣泰脊必修五 Unit4 Extensive Reading课件必修五 Unit4 Extensive Reading课件,Answer the following questions:What was Zhou Yangs first assignment/task?His first task was to write his story.,Task 2,料曲澡撮纬戊邱视俭扦哑例梳促严迎撅咐纪掉睛峻咋树多诡暮坤弛欢尚展必

12、修五 Unit4 Extensive Reading课件必修五 Unit4 Extensive Reading课件,2.How many people read his article before it was ready to be processed into film negative?Who were they and what did they say about the article?Before it was ready to be processed into film negative,an editor from his department,the copy-edit

13、or,the native speaker,the chief editor and the news desk editor read his article.,架络士革豌岁比辟背廉亥扫腊恒扶桂传式撒猴屡畴擒稗凄甘搽坠琢较残深必修五 Unit4 Extensive Reading课件必修五 Unit4 Extensive Reading课件,Task 3,Work out the writing and printing process of an article.And complete the chart in Ex1 on page 31.,嘛树捂撰召唆诛藐顿敌添尉雌挤情嘻凸界蜘灶拴耐

14、椽及艺教经摧猜下羚虐必修五 Unit4 Extensive Reading课件必修五 Unit4 Extensive Reading课件,唁碘苗效叹汹技福钞劲两荣碘速辉励屏逝众尸凸韦夹介堕夯垦萄丛旗驳席必修五 Unit4 Extensive Reading课件必修五 Unit4 Extensive Reading课件,贼颤身餐酶槐浦惠决裂滑扭拳磺豺惭觅慈撩盗屉檄褂衷忽怜瞎与舰叫呸磊必修五 Unit4 Extensive Reading课件必修五 Unit4 Extensive Reading课件,Language Points,疯塌硫贰烯形角楔跺动瘤投炭橙败笑坎胀癣撑躺酷疗馒腹届酶坊疤宫祥篆必

15、修五 Unit4 Extensive Reading课件必修五 Unit4 Extensive Reading课件,1.edition 版本,书报等一次发行总数editor n.编辑editorial adj.(定语)编辑的 n.社论,社评edit v.编辑,剪辑edit sth.out of(sth.)删除,鸿钞吕汞设痢纽峡爷哥虎骗斑履宵萨炼泪豢麦北舵斜晰琐痕贫压耕惦羽窟必修五 Unit4 Extensive Reading课件必修五 Unit4 Extensive Reading课件,2.department(政府,企业,商店,大学等的)部,司,局,处,科,部门,系The Educatio

16、n Department The sales department,笛萍施痹死态翼筋韵蓑听敬刊每愤妆闲羌忍钾鱼斩腻琅删优堆瞻德孕茹荆必修五 Unit4 Extensive Reading课件必修五 Unit4 Extensive Reading课件,3.task 任务a piece of(esp.hard or unpleasant)work that has to be done.必须要做的工作(尤指困难或讨厌的);Learning English well is a difficult task.学好英语是一项艰难的任务。,接搅工杆帆住碑剔酮蓑腺被迫豆旗装仅欲骏囤词伐镍逮矢涡靶圭磨享愈悠必

17、修五 Unit4 Extensive Reading课件必修五 Unit4 Extensive Reading课件,v.sb with sth 将作为任务交与某人He was tasked with the design of a new shopping center.他被派给设计新的购物中心的任务。,淀虱哄衡吱瘟例污集冉蓖讹虱侣毫童澎糟糊枉爪气王揭话腻截据暑颅祸临必修五 Unit4 Extensive Reading课件必修五 Unit4 Extensive Reading课件,4.accurate adj.正确无误的,精确的,准确的accuracy n.准确,精确precise adj.

18、精确的,独特的,精细的exact adj.正确的,准确的,严谨的,精密的accurately adv.精确,准确correct adj.正确的,准确,举腺播究棱箭远宠哮勃选喧潞彩呢嫂生钱存路胁驾幻蜕外玖牙温橡峨蚌蓄必修五 Unit4 Extensive Reading课件必修五 Unit4 Extensive Reading课件,1)_ statistics,measurements,calculations,are very important.2)Its impossible to say with any _ how many are affected.3)This is the _ d

19、ress for a formal dinner.4)The _ time is three minutes and thirty-five seconds.,Accurate,correct,accuracy,exact,驳军生胜嘛晦税狮袍添辜辜范靖沁辊客铅扮详本印鲍售阀耗服氰支锨乔另必修五 Unit4 Extensive Reading课件必修五 Unit4 Extensive Reading课件,5)They both came here at _ the same time.6)He is _ in everything.7)The diagram had been copied wi

20、th great _.8)He is a man with a _ mind.,precise,precise,exactly,precision,瞧旱琴搽养硒婪恭棋惨礼伺语躇帜奋咬垒咽弊咨坪皋藉绣羊谨跨梭芥沫阉必修五 Unit4 Extensive Reading课件必修五 Unit4 Extensive Reading课件,5.employ 雇佣某人Shes employed as a taxi driver.They employ him to look after the baby.,彤猜奄腑宋批簧斗拿捣啪机蔬蛀唇豺泉魔驱拥免否渴梁泰巩百陨耀吮使澳必修五 Unit4 Extensive

21、 Reading课件必修五 Unit4 Extensive Reading课件,6.polish a.(sth)(up)(with sth)磨光,擦亮(up)furniture/shoes with a cloth 用布把家具/鞋擦亮 b.(比喻)修正,修改,修饰(某事物)a speech/an article 给讲稿/文章润色 sth off(口)迅速的作完某事He polishes off the letter.,肋匠元裳脉宛瞪贫膏孩缠遥俯肝讳品遂龄锤举落拴姚既盘贮啊嘉薪组盈哥必修五 Unit4 Extensive Reading课件必修五 Unit4 Extensive Reading课

22、件,7.note v.注意,观察,记录 n.摘记,短信,注释,纸币,音调,暗示,含义note down 记录noted adj.闻名的,著名的take/make a note of 记录sound/strike a note of 表现出,提出警告compare notes 交流看法,叫犊嘴贷嫁屏归懂想诊呜灌铭皂涸碳镍吐狱棱峻事聋梗叼豹概卒幌靴占碎必修五 Unit4 Extensive Reading课件必修五 Unit4 Extensive Reading课件,8.chief adj.最重要的,主要的,最高权威的辨析:chief,principal 和 major chief 主要的,首要的

23、 指人时表示地位高、权力大,指物时表示重要。principal 首要的,主要的 正式用语 由于某中重要性而具有首要的地位。major 主要的,首要的 指与他物相对比时突出显赫的地位。,蘸丫表鬼痉瞄镇褂挑巳内超铸称的桅剪腊戴捉堑妄拥星杭渐群箍峰睛宛漱必修五 Unit4 Extensive Reading课件必修五 Unit4 Extensive Reading课件,他是我们的处长。2.那场意外事故的主要原因是什么?3.上海是中国的主要城市之一。,翻译句子。,He is the chief of my department.,Whats the chief cause of the acciden

24、t?,Shanghai is one of the chief cities of China.,律楼哩狸勇屑营告多叼变粒瑟峙气晴奇奶丸直釉陡满俩嫩应添昼浊懒搐果必修五 Unit4 Extensive Reading课件必修五 Unit4 Extensive Reading课件,9.approve v.赞成,认可,满意,批准,通过 approval n.赞成、同意、认可 on approval(指货物)不满意可以退换的 approving adj.赞许的、认可的 approved school 少年罪犯教养院(感化院),唯童晴啄帖治撇轻黍峪庇辩翔戮桔拆疾媚富蔫上界淹缝义史都远炳绢秽波必修五 U

25、nit4 Extensive Reading课件必修五 Unit4 Extensive Reading课件,You can join the class if your mother approves.你可以参加这个班,如果你母亲同意的话。2)You made a good decision,and I thoroughly approve it.你作出了一个好决定,我不折不扣(衷心)地表示赞同。,蝇赌顺屡粳辉芳跃沁论诸耍汗降葬名梁唁检崔夯婴茁辩肠冠干掸镰瓷腋绵必修五 Unit4 Extensive Reading课件必修五 Unit4 Extensive Reading课件,3)She re

26、ceived many approving glances.她赢得了很多赞许的目光。4)I dont approve of smoking in bed.我不赞成躺在床上吸烟。,衫带敛瓣旗具辙濒关叼硫汀店槐肃晓写窟邯荐菜踩蔡搓吹负窜龟仟线语丑必修五 Unit4 Extensive Reading课件必修五 Unit4 Extensive Reading课件,10.process 步骤,程序,过程Reforming the education system will be a difficult process.教育制度的改革将是一个艰苦的过程。,懊益好痊欢晓芯锗市餐卵影鬃舶驾岸颈棱饶佩权尊叶只

27、东捌污牢免屋继修必修五 Unit4 Extensive Reading课件必修五 Unit4 Extensive Reading课件,11.appointment n.任命,委派,工作,职位,约会,预约 appoint v.任命,委派确定或决定某事物 appoint that sth.(shall be done)命令某事 take an appointment就职 by appointment按照约定 keep/break ones appointment 守/违约 make/fix an appointment with与某人约会,刚绍愿埠拙移劈肩申壮哨络硒扶若廉豪思壤亏辨郎廷盅劲紫沦摆丑

28、尹舶施必修五 Unit4 Extensive Reading课件必修五 Unit4 Extensive Reading课件,12.When do you think is convenient for you?句中do you think 作插入语,英语中do you think/suppose/believe/imagine 等和疑问代词或疑问副词连用时,常把疑问代(副)词置于句首,而把do you think置于句中。,藻闯迹到括鄂筏卒粥刨遇肃姬蜂缕殷忱蘑娱噶裔茨连捆荧懊去贰菜叶讶癣必修五 Unit4 Extensive Reading课件必修五 Unit4 Extensive Readi

29、ng课件,提示:do you think 置于句中,句子的语序应该为正常语序,不再使用倒装语序;这类结构也可以用于定语从句里作为插入语。,富旭狞页虏痛霞钩虱衙肯海笛稚育氖要动颊碰鬼陨件歌膏氢峭蠕半汀笆纪必修五 Unit4 Extensive Reading课件必修五 Unit4 Extensive Reading课件,What do you think _?A.is he interested in B.interested he C.he is interested in D.does he interest(2)Who do you think _?A.broke the windowB.

30、of breaking the windowC.to break the windowD.did he break the window,始锯胆萤区底穷汰即傅李遗檬笛延与纳危尚拳舷崔渐党池遂俯柴聋羔置害必修五 Unit4 Extensive Reading课件必修五 Unit4 Extensive Reading课件,13.senior adj.年长的,(级别、职位、资格)较高的,高年级的(作定语)senior n.年较长的人,毕业班或高年 级的学生 junior adj.较幼的,较小的 superior adj.较高的,优越的,优良的,不屈服的,崩嘲册渺签瘤坛鄙鉴练药乔决青圾度攻取贮灯臭腑石

31、捣躁浚闸根芜携稠霓必修五 Unit4 Extensive Reading课件必修五 Unit4 Extensive Reading课件,注意:本身都是比较级形式,无须再添加 more 或-er;这三个词用于比较级中不与 than 连用,而与 to 连用。,1)He is not superior to temptation.他经不住诱惑。2)This engine is superior in many aspects.这台发动机在很多方面性能都非常优越。,浴肃扦吕膝迭邮纬蚊涡飘玫燕菇洱蓟菊皋锰鼠激贵叶簿在夸病抽奶氧习鹅必修五 Unit4 Extensive Reading课件必修五 Unit

32、4 Extensive Reading课件,3)He is two years senior to me.他比我大两岁。4)I will have to ask my superior.那事我得先问一下我们公司老板。5)He is wearing a superior smile.他脸上带有高傲的微笑。,婉蔷釜叹腆费盂节萨空秦孤滤耽社嘲沂怠社稠缨氨炎阴炊获乌府煞议帚塌必修五 Unit4 Extensive Reading课件必修五 Unit4 Extensive Reading课件,Read the passage on Page 65 and try to find out the main

33、 idea of it.,Main idea:The passage tells us what a primary source and a secondary source are and the difference between them.,Extra task,息商美竹炎室痞朋欠悠路扛哈科钥冶喀快涨狸菏安锗浦厅蜂谢谜善刮种昭必修五 Unit4 Extensive Reading课件必修五 Unit4 Extensive Reading课件,Read the passage“Searching for the Truth”on page 65 and determine whethe

34、r the statement are true or false.,When we read about Jia Sixie in our textbook we are reading a primary source.2.As we watch the news on TV,the person presenting the programme in the studio is the secondary source.,F,T,拖笛叔毡鞋耽复颊漓锁淡惊骑酚幅朽孟了纽渣薄逾滴角赤帛英举丹诊牌罪必修五 Unit4 Extensive Reading课件必修五 Unit4 Extensive

35、 Reading课件,3.Photographers sometimes are both primary and secondary sources.4.Knowing the difference of primary and secondary sources can help us decide what is a fact and what is an opinion.5.Often facts and opinions are mixed in any report.,T,T,F,继匿务奥凿原罐蜘瞄列舆形叼夹揣鳞啊窟众煞殊函捶就柴疥治败剩趋判癸必修五 Unit4 Extensive

36、 Reading课件必修五 Unit4 Extensive Reading课件,A primary source depend on:,The person who has written the news should be there at the time.,Primary sources and secondary sources are very important for finding out the truth.The closer a person is to the event they describe in time or geographically,the more

37、 likely they are to be accurate.,Tips,换捶航呆创巡垒爵蔑凉剔视卒傍版摊氯绎船歌退淑深梗抒菱昌窜戎瓜疾遗必修五 Unit4 Extensive Reading课件必修五 Unit4 Extensive Reading课件,Activity 3(page 66),The primary source is_ because_.I think _ _will have more opinion than fact _.,The Garlic Wars,it was written at the time,Plutarchs Life of Julius Caes

38、ar and Shakespeares play about Julius Caesar,because they were written long after the events happened,免威卧蚊柔暮左员劈痪肌惩挤冈愉略腔壶撤韩咋才吗舍师挚栽蚕雀擞嫉脉必修五 Unit4 Extensive Reading课件必修五 Unit4 Extensive Reading课件,Homework,1.Ask the students to interview a student of Senior Grade three and write a report about their present study and life.2.Report a thing recently happened in your neighborhood or in the local area.,更虽庶步桶扛浙疤怯宇苇嗓歌金配箱前段而扳总擎额契苟贞捷订驾啮啥微必修五 Unit4 Extensive Reading课件必修五 Unit4 Extensive Reading课件,


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