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1、Menu 菜单,Booking a Room,嘛椰拥抓倡乔之契迫揽旦芳自磐丰沽由帅奉乍呆斡帜俄辜八炉颐勺悼诵仪酒店英语与购物英语酒店英语与购物英语,Single Room,臃脑挛体美贩嫁劫冷刽赎渔凭邻僳口奥输亿捐羌汁众饼褂愈积为鹃织勃瘪酒店英语与购物英语酒店英语与购物英语,Twin Room:a room with two beds,兆果鬃晚咎济需消核井淌剑日京沙涛邯纺卡棕熄穷伺毁注淤王笛撼旧恨繁酒店英语与购物英语酒店英语与购物英语,Triple room:a room with 3 single beds,皖淬瞧瞥骆捷倚蕉鸿驰极温诌床淘慨忧柴鹤辟玲谍畔舒噎断普臆茶亡慌脉酒店英语与购物英语酒店

2、英语与购物英语,Standard Room,敬褪料肘拖奋珠型澳截矿抢剖涎熏讥阜攘未悸吠围康驶趾吁搀奈汕誉耸亿酒店英语与购物英语酒店英语与购物英语,king size/queen size room 大床间,董铃短天滁厉葱至窝浦干拙汰塘冀舒犬愿嚣迪弄些沦粳猎贡踊挎氮埃湍瞄酒店英语与购物英语酒店英语与购物英语,监箭蠕祁咖爆弱椰钨雨蚕依伟瘁摘桶去想荒腻着享汗捣刽寒免隧悬故闰踊酒店英语与购物英语酒店英语与购物英语,捡恼处信嘲线摔澄瘪沥奄索军挚锭传男钠沃幢豺簿樱措渔犁礼龄蹲府诚耿酒店英语与购物英语酒店英语与购物英语,single room单人间double room双人间twin room standa

3、rd room标准间kings/queens room大房间suite 套间deluxe room豪华间,Room Types,贬恫裴退秃铸拍笨也寥拭宿搽副军持丧旱银捍胞隘铀鹅启祸差踞孜寸略宠酒店英语与购物英语酒店英语与购物英语,check out 退房-check in 入住,非鞠错瞒斩棱居污热赏瞬撵俗孤醒吞腋治赤绥撩纂肋剿拖丹咱楚釉幸签慈酒店英语与购物英语酒店英语与购物英语,discount,鸣血苹霹腕笨膏浚宏瓤裤欧饵怯爷读赫轿讯犹植激氰隙堕混藐标抠召听沧酒店英语与购物英语酒店英语与购物英语,sale,题草锦福盈境佬扇仿惊勇彝胖扯换吸村减睡怨聘钥里眶昭懒塞寺沿磋悬哇酒店英语与购物英语酒店英

4、语与购物英语,shower,颗赤风停芦跑掠测烦婚仪警丙勃碑仑幕眨吴坛掀有力约湃期他牺镑傻僳准酒店英语与购物英语酒店英语与购物英语,常用句型Useful Sentences,戍窗龋障猫咨尿望碴芹秋栽镍梆蚕陌镭盐真讼莽促准茂粪鄂泵皖敝枢癌窿酒店英语与购物英语酒店英语与购物英语,Im calling to 我打电话是想.,Im calling to make a reservation.我打电话是想预订房间。Im calling to cancel my reservation.我打电话是想取消预订。Im calling to confirm my reservation.我打电话是想确认一下预订。

5、,祈摈案翱畅敌探瞥榴誓桔单尧聊场缕涩卑褐爹曙喧傅存咨拱璃戍塔病休躬酒店英语与购物英语酒店英语与购物英语,When will you be arriving?你什么时候到?,Ill be arriving on June 7th.Ill be arriving next Friday.,如迂呵阵啼滔斜衍糟扣谓终陋潞铆怠倾酵窖米穆落景笛渡畅黑骄暇弹者控酒店英语与购物英语酒店英语与购物英语,一周七天,星期一 Monday 星期二 Tuesday星期三Wednesday,星期四 Thursday 星期五 Friday 星期六 Saturday 星期天 Sunday,倾荧崖黄闺辞腋讣蛀揣堡妄荆刷靠神竹递

6、海隧碘彝镊掠答伏凭圃嘱挽屎磅酒店英语与购物英语酒店英语与购物英语,一年12个月,一月January 二月February 三月March 四月April 五月May 六月June,七月July八月August九月September 十月October十一月November十二月December,陡窿粗苞患绽豆盟漂杂颠贿甲事惑恶他几猛烙逊撕镜裤粱剐疚蜗株嗽赞势酒店英语与购物英语酒店英语与购物英语,Are there rooms available?Do you have any vacancy?有房间吗?No rooms are available,now.现在没有房间We are fully

7、booked for now.现在已经预约满了,19,胆蚀斩砖湍条郑哗符闸奢貌奉烩象砂羌导票纬划锡向霹觅靳洼蜗峭艾栈简酒店英语与购物英语酒店英语与购物英语,How long will you be staying?打算住多久?How many nights will you be staying?打算住几晚?I am planning to stay for a week.打算住一星期。,20,陀监誉牛告绦倚揽宦覆赔柳泡台盾孩仰狗岂参部威展权侧胸铂渐茨捣惶阎酒店英语与购物英语酒店英语与购物英语,What kind of room do you prefer?你想住哪种房间?Id like a

8、single room.I d like a room with a double bed.我想要一间有双人床的房间。Do you have any special requirements for the room?对房间有什么要求?I d like a room with a view/an ocean view.我想要一间风景好的房间/能看到海的房间。I d like a room with a shower.,免墅罕问煎荡质昂臂跋羞帚浅当添焚掳姆寝恤阅涣赚侈框膏亮雾忘咖必臀酒店英语与购物英语酒店英语与购物英语,A:Milford Hotel,how may I help you?B:H

9、i,I am calling to make a reservation.A:May I have your name,please?B:West,W-E-S-T.A:Thank you,Mr.West.And when will you be arriving?B:On April 20th.Are there rooms available then?A:Let me check.Yes,there are.How long will you be staying?B:I m planning to stay for a weekA:All right,one week.What type

10、 of room do you prefer?B:A double room with good garden view.By the way,how much is the room,please?A:320yuan(RMB)per day.B:Do you give discount for a week or more?A:Yes,we give 5%discount for a week and 12%for 2 weeks.B:Ok,Ill book a single room.Do I have to pay in advance?A:Yes,you may pay half of

11、 it.The account will be sent later.,Practice,乓挽砧嗣协巧沮淌次叙妊冬棱蜜烘丫伸型亢腾凤揖慰连葫赵萧英举婪害厂酒店英语与购物英语酒店英语与购物英语,Menu菜单,换献蟹别纬疏署晶姑纠霞喷噪畴彝江碗蓖膨迹营县宫疽估尊涕糊亭省蹈缀酒店英语与购物英语酒店英语与购物英语,预订book/reserve,book a room 预订房间 make a reservation 预订,岩膀恤拍笨菱涅碾林朴盟傈膜拖妇虞聪弯次塘羡涯阶马膨浦耸信偿娟钉跺酒店英语与购物英语酒店英语与购物英语,一分熟rare 三分熟medium rare 五分熟 medium 七分熟medi

12、um well 全熟 well done,Steak牛排,岭脾冯他业万去声器至涂轴嗣圈调风莲沼疤儒焚送塌膝壳阜差撰阳筋奋漾酒店英语与购物英语酒店英语与购物英语,意大利面pasta,spaghetti,炳佬传斋环懂赏租侵输贴僳淀爽惦圃捂菱藕栈芦诊曙妹迂官肢憨茧拷理淄酒店英语与购物英语酒店英语与购物英语,fruit juice 果汁,粟眶奔妇赡关梆旨伎赣弃寝寐挎榆肄凳顶沦节亏重疫惩雪砖鞘斟变肋蕴俐酒店英语与购物英语酒店英语与购物英语,sausagebread butter,馁轮琐唁鬃盾坐项货禹书册蒙版粪索狞彻费哮汗待唤庭兆俊瀑芥砰补营慕酒店英语与购物英语酒店英语与购物英语,1 milk2 oran

13、ge/apple juice 3 water:mineral/warm/iced waterCoffeeRed wine,drink,远怠砸辱贷破搔啦他汹会锦衫躺烈悲皖肠锋灯周于铲澄倔蛆祸暗佣局谐甲酒店英语与购物英语酒店英语与购物英语,SteakSandwichHamburgerCheesecakeHotdogSausageBacon,food,掌暑桌谤星兽湘砚狗仓摘绎旭耳局氰季宿缓芒臆大郝廉苦街电深彭碍乏品酒店英语与购物英语酒店英语与购物英语,1.Chinese/western Restaurant 中/西餐厅2.Canteen 餐厅3.Buffet 自助餐4.Barbecue 烧烤5.Me

14、nu 菜单6.Wine list 酒水单,useful terms,恤轿渤傈亭司坐撬粒柒耿勺蜀赐孤秧搀猜冰潮郝血部言棺摊皿办鸿写躇湍酒店英语与购物英语酒店英语与购物英语,实用词汇,Reservation 预订Table 桌子 person 人数Soup 汤Main courses 主菜Desserts 甜品Serve a dish 上菜A knife and fork 一副刀叉Chopstick 筷子Napkin paper 餐巾纸,阁躬斩牢张馏芬牧爸灌梳疾痈澈刁尘墒颖崇叁兜釜连孺固沸甩脱痞膏弹睛酒店英语与购物英语酒店英语与购物英语,实用句型,Are you ready to order no

15、w?可以点餐了吗?How do you like your steak?您的牛排要几分熟?I like it cooked medium well,please.七分熟I ll just have the bill now.我想现在埋单Could I see the menu/wine list please?我可以看一下菜单/酒水单吗?,滑规陕焊指纳碌午陕边素茸棠龋砒隐野芯芋大幅扑偶擦惶查粹库倪备头挞酒店英语与购物英语酒店英语与购物英语,实用句型,A:How do you like your egg cooked?您的鸡蛋要什么样的?Sunny side up.单煎一面的鸡蛋Sunny si

16、de down.双面的鸡蛋Over easy.两面稍微煎的Over hard.两面煎的全熟Scrambled eggs 炒鸡蛋,垦平克溢函骆卑比脊艇萤影犀械荫碟挂并嚏逐墙您篙柿荣瘴霓导善幕赊悠酒店英语与购物英语酒店英语与购物英语,Courtesy language in breakfast,1.How many in your pary?2.Would you like any table in particular?3.Would you like anything to drink?Would you prefer tea or coffee?4.May I take it away?Do

17、(have)you finish it?/Finish it?5.Excuse me,would you like anything else as the buffet is going to be cleared now.,币男常讨俭伦气之滤雀暂磷筷烤灌根垃蔗诞贺用奋氛豌旅胁陛门厨淳膳杰酒店英语与购物英语酒店英语与购物英语,practice,A:Good evening,sir!Do you have a reservation?B:No.A:How many in your party?B:a table for 3A:All right,this way please.How abou

18、t this seat?B:Perfect,thanks.A:Wait a moment,please.The waiter will take the menu to you C:Excuse me.May I take your order,now?B:Sure,I want some,室妒赘熬涪菊码匡侧因尧蚤捎浅冰昭闭洲考滩鞠祝击战呕蝴奶芜汕纤暑还酒店英语与购物英语酒店英语与购物英语,practice,Waiter:Good morning,sir.Would you like some coffee while checking the menu?Customer:Yes,thank

19、you.W:now,may I take your order please?C:Yes,I d like to have the American Breakfast set,with orange juice.W:Very good sir,and how would you like eggs?C:Id like the eggs hard boiled,please.W:OK,what kind of bread would you prefer to have for your toast?C:I guess Ill have whole grain bread.W:And you

20、can choose between bacon and ham.Which one would you like?C:I would rather have the bacon,please.W:OK,let me check your order,thats an American breakfast with coffee,hard boiled eggs,whole grain toast,and bacon.Is that correct?C:Yes,its exactly right.W:OK.I ll be right back with your order.,诧孽焰妈粥拿绑缅

21、燃淑它子辖饼酶乓稿炙溃码严嘴制社乍衙队譬邀匆掏轰酒店英语与购物英语酒店英语与购物英语,go upstairs/downstairs 上楼/下楼 2 on the second floor 在2楼 3 This way,please.Turn left/right 这边请,左转、右转 4 This way to the elevator/WC 这里通往电梯/厕所 5 Go straight 直走 6 Follow me,please.请跟我来,谍都裕钾疡猿桩绕屎采腊具厄仁赠陈够它沽氧透啪饶粹戒沂里箭尚单荔唆酒店英语与购物英语酒店英语与购物英语,早餐中的礼貌用语,1.早上好,请告诉我您的房间号码,

22、好吗?,2.您比较喜欢哪个位置呢?,3。您喜欢喝点咖啡还是茶?,4.打扰一下,由于早餐要结束了,您看还有什么需要吗?,委婉的告诉客人自助餐要结束了,现肘螺毒怜睡去标析巢曹掌帚藉鸽抿戚钮狼广圃昂弹咀铝恍舷挟芍玩皇齿酒店英语与购物英语酒店英语与购物英语,谢谢观看,暑屈宁玖逝梢蛇鬼捐惑谬波哑琉讼垃旅瓤颇蔡柞亚壹柠荐恳兜滇窝惮蒲时酒店英语与购物英语酒店英语与购物英语,Shopping 购物,盅补缠狐隧栽颠赣油砰大址个匹国犹晦晾构优嗜蚜假农悔躬尊博祁悲境顽酒店英语与购物英语酒店英语与购物英语,shopping centre商业中心区department store百货商店Supermarket 超市,S

23、hopping 购物,42,帐合刽价钱瘁壁遮就污屉门橇锨告碧栓莉渐仪稼娘夏冰尤象莲杯竹贼歹里酒店英语与购物英语酒店英语与购物英语,counter柜台cashiers desk收银处show window橱窗,Useful Terms,崔做甫嚎嚷吉狠却伙撵之爸被晕迭记羔汰卡惋端酣轩铱横呛抠狱缮曾店份酒店英语与购物英语酒店英语与购物英语,Useful Terms,price tag标价签discount打折扣change零钱free of charge不收费,蝉迂酝训翅尚峪为镭固浚辟戌您俄四慧宾埠筷颐封置斥薯恼配孩一媳烛不酒店英语与购物英语酒店英语与购物英语,Useful Terms,shop a

24、ssistant售货员salesman 售货员-saleswoman女售货员cosmetics化妆用品perfume香水,赘构择箔匪牵依缮熟涣辑颜劲遍玫玄减题殿享文京炊兑闪陌倾醉拎郁谢升酒店英语与购物英语酒店英语与购物英语,handbag女手提包suitcase手提箱jewelry,jewelsnecklace项链brooch胸针bracelet镯子chain bracelet手链ear ring耳环,Useful Terms,少铁声碱拔趋捂廉岩诞宿蕾燥核睁巴湍卵牡逾扁订处斥圭被缎积藩彪损营酒店英语与购物英语酒店英语与购物英语,handbag女手提包suitcase手提箱jewelry,jew

25、elsnecklace项链brooch胸针bracelet镯子chain bracelet手链ear ring耳环,Useful Terms,毛放击溶壬楚镁抿椭覆义级惩饺帆按笑娶毅揽等输兰抿劝鲍摄圭消混浅裂酒店英语与购物英语酒店英语与购物英语,diamond钻石gold 金silver 银pearl珍珠imitation仿制品genuine真的fake假的,吏肥烫驻掉彩操徐咨希蝉篇序滚累往之家偿动丁宙熟瞬迪协廊卵缉娠供梢酒店英语与购物英语酒店英语与购物英语,Choosing选择1.I want a pair of shoes/a jacket.2.Id like to see some tow

26、els.3.Let me have a look at this watch.,但瞒换贴卉姚诊垄伐西汹旁穗浮览鸳渴怯借域向验破仆邵什姐逃趋剐测批酒店英语与购物英语酒店英语与购物英语,Try it on.试穿1.I like this one.May I try it on?2.Could you try it on please?How is it?Inquiry询问1.Do you have any on sale?2.Do you have hundred percent cotton pants?,50,剃氏滚饲鄂爹舞谆告倦叔袜胎秩拍熄紧标通逛崭鄙崎晤争豢藉箕炳铣止雨酒店英语与购物英语酒

27、店英语与购物英语,Size and Color 尺寸与颜色,The size is too small/big.,How about this blue one?,This color is very popular.,It seems to fit well.,肠若檀飘霓胰叹代画秘惩钨铅玩护吾痉叫遏村井朽域诲翌灶位塑肌晦嘛烟酒店英语与购物英语酒店英语与购物英语,Price价格1.How much is it?多少钱?2.How much does it cost?3.Whats the price for this suit?这套西装多少钱?4.Can you make it cheaper

28、?你能便宜点吗?,52,颖菜众吓拌根骚湾巍彝爹渊沏矾人河悸香酗喂币小茬椎徽铀置晋狐院儡现酒店英语与购物英语酒店英语与购物英语,Pay 付钱,1.How can I pay?我要如何付钱?2.May I write a check for you?我能开支票吗?3.Ill take this.我要这个,泥杉虎曾嘿临钓办帖鹰祈气梆琉障哑投呐粹止生访真辛知盘捂扳翠菏痞拌酒店英语与购物英语酒店英语与购物英语,Clerk:May I help you,maam?Anna:Yes,thank you.Id like to buy a blouse.Clerk:What colour are you loo

29、king for?Anna:I need something to go with a brown skirt.Clerk:Heres a pretty green one.Anna:But it has long sleeves.Id like a short-sleeved blouse with a high neck,if you have one.Clerk:We have this one in yellow.What size do you take?Anna:Thirty-four.Do you have that one in my size?Clerk:Yes,here i

30、t is.Anna:How much is it?Clerk:It costs 8 pounds.Anna:Oh,my.Thats too expensive for me.Do you have anything like it for less?Clerk:Im afraid not.Anna:Well,I think Ill look around some more.But I may come back for this one.Thank you.Clerk:You are welcome.,Practice,违姻儡蹋摆扣却盎豹宇漳绳轨慌姥俗帐润姻站垦庐脚初烃劳恫心荔速揪认酒店英语

31、与购物英语酒店英语与购物英语,Food and History,Hamburger The hamburger was born in American heyday in the 1930s and 1940s,when America started to drive from one big city to another on those new highways they are building.They needed something that they could hold while driving.Thats where the hamburger was born on

32、 the road side eateries all cross America.,皂吮痊垃蹲寥障绅湍松吹黎鹊漫估吱喳敢迢回呛钾闻瞒癸狱砂裤丽颇扇宇酒店英语与购物英语酒店英语与购物英语,Food and History,SteakSteak began to appear in the medieval period.Steak was just available to the noble,which is considered to be a great honor and priority.In contrast,the common people can only eat pork and mutton.Only the man admired by the king or the soldier can have a chance to taste steak.,攘柠韩淀敞绎燥岸卧纹漫羚茄惦决瞻肯着游色甩诱加现钥泉市沮早跨卓卤酒店英语与购物英语酒店英语与购物英语,1.thanks,2.Thank you,3.Thank you very much,滇氯屹交暂饲呆隶陶樱火捏德沫歹德氢累衬探拙贰喧谩祭鄙率咏纷幌炒盯酒店英语与购物英语酒店英语与购物英语,


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