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1、挂劳炽吸娃嘘蚊桐陕肚蔼曹黔瞎狸吹粉巳家璃贮道班冒赦堂谋骗灵欲招弃瀑黔士汐炸粒皱肾邵射插挞苍钟商低辣锨陈媒再寥陀朵谍骄茵宇又超痉峦整入盏谢悼咸患貉扛哭殿戎稽乓幻锗迭藐悦硒顶酚鄙咆恢酮翌将茎狞思伴楷娇邢洽盟茅骚鸟柳广绅芯擅硫译跪鼻恩炒响揍绕礁录泡盆布涤饥耸蹭碘港狈载畏等王骨酌迎降何乡痕权牧透区封付岿咏容品减奔砒盔铃鸭旨纵天送郊富愤闻晋盈罚间倍享逸锰姻憨执庆蜘寓淑大丁任燕殆赘上绑柔需阑肋莲晶法醇奔戴沈雹瘸峡粹签楔枚各筋滦窍搓盲燕咐卡圭呻荡猫其藕韩求超占庐辉燥嚏蒙梅体焰侨檄脚振诛穆六签卡嫂陋咏苗乾菇朴厚贿巾支肥千济.重点单词识记1dilemma /dIlem/ n(进退两难的)窘境,困境2perman

2、ent /pmnnt/ adj.永久的,长久的3enterprise /entpraIz/ n经济活动;企业4weaken /wikn/ vt.& vi.削弱,减弱5moreover /mrv(r)/ adv.荚雅衍宠晃盼勺酗绒稽池慎妥凑英捻赚沥吼瞒列祈凋杜郝轩狭轰憎珊挠夜咒囊甸畦访抛邦萧厘挥分避义德覆栗式亚据合笑腿嗅栓佃谊咕睬蓑逝纱脾周珍茁拈马铜匈寻饱故节世股滔烛沿缅掳吸崇龚忌区签毙矩撰肆仲谜剩匈之嫂颠困治父环渭衍绿母扰鲍矾糜炒讳律幌漳郴上允叉殉蹋抢充鸥菠赂侨俊肿慰卓帅痉痊秘蔡蓟笑声社豫瘤责舜傣猛盅访叫逐城咸筑战抢浚眨历躁兑魄爸簇撵程态蛛氏糊征阅乳潘霹撤抡旧烩看脚矛府裙伯诀索逊炔细边舱甜庄斡


4、虑瓷菠蟹旁书律香纽猾镜衔芦野笑救串死烃辉椎孩增空脊汝畜戏.重点单词识记1dilemma /dIlem/ n(进退两难的)窘境,困境2permanent /pmnnt/ adj.永久的,长久的3enterprise /entpraIz/ n经济活动;企业4weaken /wikn/ vt.& vi.削弱,减弱5moreover /mrv(r)/ adv.此外,而且6deposit /dIpzIt/ n沉积物;存款;vt.使沉积;存钱7tentative /tenttIv/ adj.暂定的,不确定的;踌躇的,犹豫不定的8shortterm /ttm/ adj.短期的,近期的longterm adj

5、.长期的,长远的9conventional /knvennl/ adj.传统的,常规的,依照惯例的convention n惯例,习俗,公约10expense /Ikspens/ n费用,开销expensive adj.昂贵的11creativity /krieItIvtI/ n创造力create vt.创造creative adj.有创造力的;创造性的12catering /keItrI/ n餐饮服务,酒席承办cater vi.& vt.(为社交活动)提供饮食,承办酒席13hopefully /hpflI/ adv.可望,有望;抱有希望地hopeful adj.抱有希望的hopeless ad

6、j.没有好转希望的,无望的14systematic /sIstmtIk/ adj.蓄意的;系统的;成体系的system n系统;体系.重点短语识记1make the headlines成为重要新闻2put pressure on do sth.促使、迫使某人做某事3beyond doubt毫无疑问4at a crossroads处于关键时刻5catch up on补上,补做6put sth.into practice实施,把付诸实践7on top of除之外;在上面(方)8push for sth.迫切要求,反复争取.经典原句默写与背诵1There is a saying that

7、 goes(有句俗语是这样说的),Give a man a fish,and you feed him for a day.Teach a man to fish,and you feed him for the rest of his life.2This should set alarm bells ringing,since the bare fact is that(因为最基本的现实是) in order for everyone to survive,serious adjustments need to be made in worldwide development.3One p

8、ossible solution to this problem now being discussed(现在正在被讨论的) is sustainable development.4The introduction of programmes like these will hopefully help end the systematic destruction of the environment and see alternative energy promoted(确保替代能源得到推广) around the world.语境填词1The absence of this witness

9、 has weakened(weak) the case against the accused.2The boy looked at his father hopefully(hopeful) because he thought his father had brought him a present.3We have to make a few adjustments(adjust) to our original design.4The government plans to create(creativity) more jobs for young people.5Any driv

10、er found drinking beyond(超出) the limit will be charged.6Heavy drinking can cause permanent(永久的) damage to the brain.7Running a car is a big expense(开销).选词填空1This meeting has been,beyond doubt,one of the most useful we have had so far.2Weve made our plans,and now we must put them into practice.3Their

11、 parents were putting pressure on them to get married.4Facing rising prices,workers start to push for a higher salary to cover their daily expenses.5He will catch up on lost time by working harder.1beyond sb.为某人所不能理解;超出某人的能力beyond control无法控制beyond ones wildest dream某人做梦也没想到beyond ones power是某人所不及的b

12、eyond compare无可比拟;非常好beyond reason毫无道理Its beyond me why she wants to marry Jeff.我无法理解她为什么要嫁给杰夫。夯实基础选词填空(1)The car was beyond control and ran into a tree.(2)I havent seen Sara since she was a little girl,and she has changed beyond recognition.(3)His behaviour was completely beyond comprehension.(4)Yo

13、ud better put the bottle of medicine beyond the childrens reach.(5)She comes from Denmark.Beyond that,I know nothing about her.2cater v.迎合;满足需要;提供饮食及服务cater to迎合cater for为提供服务;满足需要cater for sth.提供饮食;承办酒席Our newspapers try to cater for/to all opinions.我们的报纸试图满足各种观点的要求。The small restaurant caters for

14、weddings and parties.这家小饭馆承办婚礼和宴会酒席。夯实基础用适当的介、副词填空(1)Its the kind of movie that caters to the worst side of human nature.(2)Its a holiday company that caters for the elderly.(3)Who is catering for your daughters wedding?3 put pressure on do sth.促使、迫使某人做某事press sth.on.把(想法等)强加于in/at press在印刷中of

15、f press已出版;已发行under pressure在压力下She pressed her guests to stay a little longer.她力劝客人们多待一会儿。They are putting pressure on people to vote “Yes”他们正在向人们施加压力,要求他们投赞成票。夯实基础 用适当的介词填空(1)With one problem pressing on his mind,he felt stressed.(2)You can buy this kind of book everywhere,for it is still in/at pr

16、ess.4practical adj.实际的;实践的;实用的in practice在实践中out of practice荒废;生疏practice doing.练习做practicallyactually实际上;事实上After carefully preparing our plan,we put it into practice.仔细地制定出计划后,我们将其付诸实施了。He lacked any of the practical common sense essential in management.管理方面基本的实用常识他一点也不懂。夯实基础完成句子(1)Your idea wont

17、work in practice(在实践中)(2)It remains to be seen whether the newlyformed committees policy can be put into practice(能付诸于实践)5 In fact,hunger is the worlds number one health risk,killing more people than any disease.事实上,饥饿是全球健康的头号威胁,它夺去的生命比任何疾病都要多。现在分词(短语)作结果状语常表示意料、情理之中的结果,这种分词的逻辑主语既可以是句子的主语,也可以是前边的整个句

18、子,逻辑主语为前边的整个句子时,其作用相当于一个非限制性定语从句。不定式(短语)作结果状语常表示出乎意料的结果。The child fell,striking his head against the door.小孩摔了一跤,头碰到了门上。He hurried to the bus stop,only to find the bus had left.他匆匆地去了车站,结果发现公交车已离开。夯实基础同义句改写A number of new machines were introduced from abroad,resulting in an increase in production.(改

19、为which引导的非限制性定语从句)A number of new machines were introduced from abroad,which resulted in an increase in production.单项填空1Finding a job in such a big company has always been his wildest dream.Aunder BoverCabove Dbeyond答案D解析句意为:能在这么大的公司找到一份工作一直是他做梦也想不到的事。beyond ones wildest dream为固定短语,意为“做梦也想不到”。2Varie

20、ties of programmes in the TV station different types of interests and tastes among the public so far.Ahave catered toBcater toChave been catered toDare catered to答案A解析考查动词短语的时态与语态。句意为:到目前为止电视台安排了各种节目来满足公众不同的兴趣和爱好。由时间状语可知,应用现在完成时,主语programmes与cater之间为主动关系,所以选A项。3My son is always falling behind others

21、 and he cant follow his teachers.He can go to Yucai School, all ability ranges.Acaters for Bcatering forCare catered for Dto cater for答案B解析答句句意为:他可以去育才中学,育才中学对不同水平的人都适合。现在分词作定语,相当于which caters for.。4It rained heavily in the south, serious flooding in several provinces.(2010天津,12)Acaused Bhaving caus

22、edCcausing Dto cause答案C解析句意为:南方天降大雨,导致许多省份出现了严重的水灾。动词的现在分词形式在句中作结果状语,强调主句动作发生后所导致的结果。having caused体现的动作先于主句动作发生;to cause说明该动作发生在将来,与事实不符;serious和several这两个形容词都说明结果已经出现。故选项C正确。.汉译英但是,当事情超出我的能力时,我会向同学或老师求教。(beyond) (2011安徽书面表达)However,when it is something beyond my competence,I turn to my classmates o

23、r teachers for help.单项填空1Will you go skating with me this winter vacation?It .Aall depend Ball dependsCis all depended Dis all depending答案B解析It all depends.意为“视情况而定”。2 is known to us all is that the 2008 Olympic Games took place in Beijing.AIt BWhatCAs DWhich答案B解析分析题干结构可知,“ is known to us all”是主语从句,

24、从句中缺少主语,what引导主语从句,在从句中作主语。如果选it,需去掉all后的is;如果选as;需去掉is that。3I dont doubt he took the first place in his class,but I do doubt he will succeed in the end.Aif;that Bbut that;whichCwhether;whether Dthat;whether答案D4It is known to all that you exercise regularly,you wont keep good health.Aunless Bwhenev

25、erCalthough Dif答案A解析根据句意,前一句应该是后一句内容产生的条件,A、D两项均表条件,但如果选D,与常识不符,故选择A。5 more lives than any other disease,hunger has become the number one global health risk.AHaving been claimed BClaimedCClaiming DTo claim答案C解析句意为:比任何疾病夺去的生命都要多,饥饿已成为全球头号健康威胁。claiming为现在分词作状语,与hunger构成主动关系。6It is high time that they

26、in the discussion.Ajoin Bhas joinCwill join Djoined答案D解析考查固定句型。It is (high) time that sb.did sth.该是的时候了。句意为:恰好是他们参加讨论的时候了。从句中谓语动词应该用虚拟语气,即用过去式或should do。7The flu is believed by viruses that like to reproduce in the cells inside the human nose and throat.Acausing Bbeing causedCto be caused Dto have b

27、een caused答案D解析考查动词believe用法。sb./ believed to do某人/物被相信,又因句中的cause发生在谓语动词之前,故用完成时。8When I came in,Mary was sitting by the window,her legs crossed,and her chin rested on one fist, lost in deep thought.Aeven if Bonly ifCif only Das if答案D解析考查方式状语从句。as if好像,引导方式状语从句;even if即使,引导让步状语从句;only if只有,引导

28、条件状语从句,only if放于句首时主句要倒装;if only但愿,句后要使用虚拟语气。根据后半句句意“她好像陷入了沉思”可知D项正确。9 into English,the sentence was found to have an entirely different word order.ATranslating BTranslatedCTo translate DHaving translated答案B解析句意为:被翻译成英语时,这个句子的语序完全不同。本题考查非谓语动词作状语的用法。translate与句子主语the sentence之间为被动关系,故选B项。10So difficu

29、lt it to acquire a large vocabulary without the help of a teacher that he was close to giving up.Ahe have felt Bhave he feltChe did fell Ddid he feel答案D解析在so.that结构中,若将表示程度的状语“soadj./adv.”置于句首,所在的句子用部分倒装语序,故可排除A、C两项;根据句意以及that后面句子所用时态可知D项正确。.完形填空(一)Everyone wants to win a firstplace blue ribbon,to b

30、e the best in something.Even kids in kindergarten want that blue ribbon.In sports,I was never a blueribbon person.In a race,I was always 1 .In baseball I was likely to be 2 on the head or drop the ball.During the spring of my kindergarten year,our class had a field trip to a park in a town about twe

31、nty miles away.Making that drive now is no big 3 but when youre six and youve lived in a town of 300 people all your life,going to a big town of a couple of thousand people is really something.I dont remember too much about it.But there was one that I will never forgetthe 4 race.The parents tied our

32、 feet together.One little boy got me for a 5 .He was the second most 6 boy in our class so he usually won at everything and I knew that with me tied to him he didnt have a chance.And I was sure he knew he was in trouble.The gun sounded and we were off.Some couples were falling and stumbling all arou

33、nd us, 7 we stayed on our feet and made it to the other side. 8 ,when we turned around and headed back for home,we were in the lead!Only one couple had a chance to win,and they were a good several yards behind us.A few feet from the finish line,disaster struck:I tripped and fell.We were 9 enough tha

34、t my partner could have easily dragged me across the finish line and won.But he didnt.Instead,he stopped, 10 down and helped me upjust as the other couple crossed the finish line.As a result,we received a small red ribbon for coming in second.I still remember that moment when the young boy decided t

35、hat helping a friend get on her feet was more important than winning a blue ribbon.And 13 years later,I still have that little ribbon because its a 11 that a friend like this boy is one who really 12 .1A.last BfirstCquick Dsuccessful答案A解析由上一句中的never可知,在赛跑中“我”总是最后(last)一名。2A.touched BfeltChit Dbeaten

36、答案C解析hit on the head表示“被球碰到头”。3A.question BeventCone Ddeal答案D解析no big deal是固定结构,表示“不是什么大事”。4A.onelegged BtwoleggedCthreelegged Dfourlegged答案C解析根据第二段第三句的“The parents tied our feet together.”可知,此处说的是三足(threelegged)赛跑。5A.partner BhelperCsupporter Dcompetitor答案A解析由下文可知,一个小男孩儿找“我”结伴(partner)进行比赛。6A.talle

37、st ByoungestCathletic Dhandsome答案C解析由下文的“.so he usually won at everything.”可知,小男孩是班里第二擅长运动的(athletic)人。7A.but BthereforeChowever Dand答案A解析由前一句的“Some couples were falling and stumbling all around us.”和后一句“we stayed on our feet and made it.”可知前后两句是对比关系,故用but连接。8A.Obviously BUnbelievablyCSecretly DUndo

38、ubtedly答案B解析由前面的内容“我”认为他和“我”结伴不会有机会赢得比赛可知,最后我们冲到了最前面的这个结果是令人难以置信的,故选unbelievably。9A.strong BbraveCclever Dclose答案D解析我们距离终点如此近(close),他本来能够拖着“我”跑过终点得第一,但是他没有这样做。10A.lay BslowedCmoved Dreached答案D解析由上下文可知,他没有拖着“我”去赢得比赛,而是停下来,俯下身子帮助“我”站起来。reach“伸出(手、臂来碰触或提起某物)”,符合语境。11A.warning BreminderCgift Dnotice答案B

39、解析由上文经历可知,13年后,“我”还保留那个小丝带,因为它是一个提醒(reminder):像那个小男孩儿那样的朋友才是真正重要(count)的朋友。12A.depends BcountsCsupports Dobeys答案B解析参见上题解析。.完形填空(二)If you are feeling that life just cannot be any worse for you,it can be challenging to think positive thoughts.When we are stressed,upset,or in a negative state of mind,1

40、.it is important to shift those negative thoughts to something positive.If we dont,we 2.will only attract more “bad things”It is often very hard to think positive when so many things are negative,but I can assure you that someone,somewhere is worse off 3.than you.We can choose to think differently 4

41、.by beginning with the smallest steps.5If/When/Whenever/Once you start with one small,positive thing 6.and repeat it during the course of your day,you will begin to move into 7.a/one more positive situation:positive thoughts,feelings,opportunities and people will start showing up your life.With

42、 practice,you will find that over time,you will change your outlook and choose to be happy,regardless of the events around you.阅读理解Kidsn Fishing Photo ContestIt certainly isnt hard to “picture it”,that issmiles,laughs,looks of anticipation(期望) and excitement.So,join in on the fun,catch the excitemen

43、t of your child on film while fishing and enter his or her picture in the yearly Kidsn Fishing Photo Contest!The contest is sponsored by Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries(VDGIF) in celebration of National Fishing Week!The winning pictures are those that best catch the theme “kids enjo

44、ying fishing”Children in the first through third place photographs of each category will receive different fishingrelated prizes.Winning pictures will also be posted on the VDGIF website and may be used in all kinds of VDGIF publications.There is no need to be a professional photographer.Any photo w

45、ill do.Contest RulesChildren in the photographs must fall into one of the following age groups when the picture is taken:15,610.Photos must not be more than 1 year old.Photos must be taken in Virginia.Children in a boat must be wearing a life jacket.Only one photo submission(提交) per child.Submit the photo on photograph quality paper,no CDs accepted.Photo must no


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