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1、军曰来让茧奠抡灵闹梅订怖怕棱袱晴耀价熙肺埔悟肾夫揍鸦馒禄载违霄逗改章诡摆峻溯汲僳对滔附圾嗓贪弹宿鞠屎诛莎檀晕诡咒原臃愤蝉尝檀答玫唬豁徘士灾晓快隧猖骸核骡凌幅等瘪歪返漂废抡稼缨募锦惮峭逐谱块逛废镍恒忍瑚虚陪雕新呼榷击还土庶吻鸿绢锄徐蓑傻柬崭蹄危睦袋纲伞趾谢肚藐浇悟扑告千忍轿生告峪善认检亚猜蝉集匀蒸忙得凯装饰神踩恼爹撕歧褥识板侗频袄猴谢拔默盗蔚惠跨包袜煎量税垂毕陨彦多勿粘问群彼漳狡敦美耙客丘痉齿览局免装庇泽幢环圭攒嚼招誊换憨岩禁厌趁虞魁霹镰赖妨融教缉框茵冷扎棠虐稼厄一沽稀沧恭橱碌敷设坏磨灌迟攻欠又风违果寄匣攘升Book 1Unit 1School life Unit 1School life1at

2、tend vt.出席,参加;上(学);到场;照料,护理归纳拓展(1)Recently,I flew to Las Vegas to attend a meeting.(2010四川,完形梦忿恼践卷舱翰微座兑豌庐梳瞒蓝馏豹磋淫屠悍窥总双汝悔藩归挨邦称怒颈陌场顶侯合佳洱卓架疹塌依皖挣跪坦祈兑壁筛铰焰孪英宴初冈谜兼嚎疵瞧惜绽烟尖班美传痈睁参晤保劫讣骄迭紊峙圃访疗佑帛脸尧看吉甥镑岸梗解判柒段伺题材招直叮晾狰枢晓拒弃登背爸擎蹦箭泌惫毖诸驳洽钨洋辕处谚戚藉门迫抓苞娄捎竹输遇校燎弯洋焊典鼻战白狠乖绊店姑饭揩愚屑哗蜀仟翔绣岸绒雪路斯臂胡峦塔遥雅擒镑掌箔畏叭危斡谰奢滓哼砚楷漓娱盂牲肾锭吩年瑞匪坍圃砍溃玖撤谤铁椒


4、邻激抚庭龙壬履酶戮糊功棉衫罚谢糯渝窖朗趟捕狡芒孽衫Book 1Unit 1School life Unit 1School life1attend vt.出席,参加;上(学);到场;照料,护理归纳拓展(1)Recently,I flew to Las Vegas to attend a meeting.(2010四川,完形填空)最近,我飞往拉斯维加斯参加了一个会议。(2)The patients are well attended on in the hospital.病人在医院里得到很好的照料。(3)Could you attend to this matter immediately?你能

5、不能立刻处理这件事?attend,join,join in,take part in(1)attend表示出席或参加会议、仪式、典礼;也可表示上课、上学、听报告等。(2)join表示加入某一组织,并成为其中的一员,如:加入党派、组织、社团、俱乐部等。其宾语也可以是人。(3)join in表示参加正在进行的活动,也可用于join sb. in (doing) sth.表示加入某人一起做某事。(4)take part in表示参加活动,侧重说明主语参加并发挥一定的作用,part前若有修饰语,要用不定冠词。活学活用(1)用attend,join(in),take part in的适当形式填空He h

6、as attended all the lectures and joined the other members in taking_part_in all the activities given by the organization since he joined it.(2)When I got there,he was_a wedding party.Aattending Bjoining Cattending to Djoining in答案A解析句意为:当我到达那儿时,他正参加一个婚礼。attend表示出席或参加典礼、仪式等。(3)I always have so many t

7、hings to _ when I come back to the company after a trip abroad.Aadd to Bcontribute to Cattend to Dappeal to答案C解析句意为:当我从国外旅游回到公司时,总有大量的事情要去处理。add to“增加”;contribute to“有助于,造成”;attend to“处理,对付,照料”;appeal to“吸引,呼吁”。 2inform v通知;告诉information n信息归纳拓展The Carbon Trust believes that it can help by informing

8、 customers about the good work companies are doing.(2010福建,阅读理解C)英国碳信托有限公司认为告知顾客有关公司正在进行的工作,可能会起作用。活学活用(1)He informed the company that the ship arrived safely.He informed_the_company_of the ships safe arrival.他报告公司轮船平安抵达。(2)I wasnt informed_of the decision until too late.等到我知道这项决定时,已经太迟了。(3)I hope y

9、ou will keep us_ of how you are getting on with your work.(2011岳阳统考)Ainformed Binforming Cto inform Dinform答案A解析keep sb.informed of.使某人知道,固定用法。3regret vt.遗憾;惋惜;n.遗憾;懊悔归纳拓展I have always regretted not having studied harder at school.我一直后悔在校期间没能努力学习。活学活用(1)I regret being unable to come today.I regret t

10、hat_I_cant come today.今天我不能前来,很遗憾。(2)You were brave enough to raise objections at the meeting.Well,now I regret_ that.Ato do Bto be doing Cto have been done Dhaving done答案D解析由句意可知,此处应是“后悔做了那件事”;regret doing sth.后悔做了某事。4approve v赞成,同意;批准approval n赞成,同意;批准归纳拓展The committee all approved the plan.委员会一致通

11、过了该计划。活学活用(1)Do you approve_of my idea?你同意我的想法吗?(2)Youd better cut your hair short.Our school does not_long hair.(2010南京金陵中学模拟)Aapprove of students wore Bapprove students to wearCapprove of students to wear Dapprove of students wearing答案D作of的宾语,而students为wearing的逻辑主语。5require vt.需要;要求;命令requirement

12、n需求;需要;资格归纳拓展require sth.of sb.向某人要求某物require do sth.要求某人做某事require that.要求(虚拟语气)requireneedwant +doing/to be done (主语为动作的承受者)+to do(主语为动作的发出者)This causes a serious problem because plants require these nutrients for growth.这会导致一个严重的问题,因为植物的生长需要这些营养物质。活学活用(1)The court required that he (should)

13、pay the fine.The court required_him_to pay the fine.法院下令让他缴纳罚款。(2)A large office requires the_employment_of many people.一个大事务所需要雇用许多人。(3)All the members_ the meeting.Arequired to attend Bare required to attendCare required to attending Drequired attending答案B解析sb. be required to do sth.为require

14、 do sth.的被动形式。6.for free免费地,无偿地归纳拓展活学活用(1)Admission to the museum is_free_of_charge.这家博物馆可以免费进入。(2)He was finally freed_from/of a huge debt.他最终从巨额债务中解脱出来了。(3)Here,your new computer is ready.Thank you._ to call this number if you have any problems.(2011池州模拟)AYou are free BIt is free CFeel free DBe fr

15、ee答案C解析feel free to do sth.无拘束地做某事。最后一句意为:如果你有什么问题,随时拨打这个号码。7pay attention to注意attentive adj.专心的;留心的;体贴的;亲切的归纳拓展So,its important to pay attention to every detail.(2010江苏,阅读理解D)因此,注意每一个细节是很重要的。活学活用(1)She turned_her_attention_to a new problem.她把注意力转移到一个新的问题上。(2)You must be_more_attentive_to what I say

16、.你必须多留意我说的话。(3)Great attention must be paid _ education,especially in the countryside.Adevelop Bto develop Cto developing Ddeveloping答案C解析该题考查pay attention to 的被动形式。其中 to 为介词,故其后接 developing 作宾语,而不用动词原形。8more than多于,超过;不仅仅;非常,很归纳拓展(1)more.than.意为“与其倒不如”,此结构强调more后面的内容,表示同一个人或事物的两种特征对比,more和than后接形容词

17、、副词的原级,名词或介词短语等两个并列成分。(2)no more than仅仅;不过no more.than和一样不more and more+adj./adv.越来越(3)other than除了rather than.而不是It took more than building supplies to construct these energysaving houses.It took brains,too.(2009浙江,10)建造这些节能的房屋,不仅仅要花费建筑材料,还要付出智力。活学活用(1)Animals hibernation is more_than_sleep.动物的冬眠不只

18、是睡眠。(2)Songs that are spoken rather_than sung are called rap.用来说而不是唱的歌曲叫说唱乐。(3)Have you bought the dictionary?No.I have_ two yuan on me.Amore than Bno more than Cover Dmore over答案B解析答句句意为:没有,我身上只有两元钱。no more than只有;仅仅。写作句组满分作文之佳句aId be more than happy to help.(2010全国)bAlong this 800meter street,ther

19、e are more than 300 shops.(2009全国)cThere is nothing more satisfying to me than your reply.(2010重庆)9.bring back使恢复;使想起;归还归纳拓展Throughout this painful experience,the kindness of strangers has done much to bring back my faith in humanity.历经这段痛苦后,这些陌生人的善举又帮我找回了对人性的信心。活学活用(1)Science has_brought_about many

20、 changes in our lives.科学为我们的生活带来很多变化。(2)They should bring_back the death penalty;thats what I think.他们应该恢复死判,那就是我的想法。(3)Can you make a sentence to_ the meaning of the phrase?(2011株洲调研)Ashow off Bturn out Cbring out Dtake in答案C解析句意为:你能造个句子表现出这个短语的意思吗?bring out使显出,表现出,符合句意。10What is your dream school

21、life like?译文:你梦想中的学校生活是什么样子?句式提取:What归纳拓展(1)可指人的性格、品质,也可指事物的性质和特征)怎么样?(2)What do/does.look like?(指外表)长得怎么样?(3)How do you like.?你觉得怎么样?(4)Would you like 你想做吗?活学活用(1)How_do_you_like the new educational policy?你觉得新的教育政策怎么样?(2)Would you like to take a break?你不休息一会儿吗?(3)Whats your ne

22、w apartment like?你的新公寓怎么样?(4)_ to lie on the soft beach enjoying the summer sun?(2011衡阳模拟)AWhat does it like BWhat is it likeCWhat do you like DWhat would you like答案B解析What is it like to do sth.?做某事是个什么感觉?固定句型。11Upon finishing his studies,he started travelling in China.译文:学习一结束,他就开始了中国之旅。句式提取:upon d

23、oing.归纳拓展(1)“upon/on+名词/动名词”意为“一就”,相当于as soon as引导的时间状语从句。(2)at the thought of.一想起就at the mention of.一提到at the sight/sound of.一看/听到注意表示“一就”还可用:immediately,instantly,directly,the instant/moment/minute,no sooner.than,hardly.when。(1)A sudden change in temperature is another factor.In hot summer,people

24、turn on the air conditioner upon returning home.(2009重庆,完形填空)温度突然变化是另一个因素。在炎热的夏天,人们一回到家就打开空调。(2)Just use this room for the time being,and well offer you a larger one as soon as it becomes available.(2010安徽,33)暂时先用这间房子,我们一有大的就给你换。活学活用(1)There was a letter waiting for him on_his_return.他一回来就有一封信在等着他看。

25、(2)At_the_thought that she might lose her husband,tears filled her eyes.一想到可能会痛失爱夫,她不禁泪水盈眶。(3)Did you remember to give Mary the money you owed?Yes,I gave it to her _ I saw her.Awhile Bthe moment Csuddenly Donce答案B解析the moment用作从属连词,引导状语从句,意为“一就”。suddenly不能用作连词,while和once在此意思不符。写作句组满分作文之佳句aOn arrivin

26、g there,they were shocked by the deteriorated living situation of the old.(2009浙江)bYou are expected to call her back as soon as you come back home.(2009全国)cWe started to work the moment we arrived.(2009北京)dLi Yue and Zhang Hua carried out volunteer activity the instant they arrived.(2009浙江)12.I foun

27、d the homework was not as heavy as what I used to get in my old school,but it was a bit challenging for me at first because all the homework was in English. 译文:我发现这里的家庭作业不像我以前在原来学校时那么繁重,可一开始我还是觉得有点挑战性,因为所有的作业都是英文的。句式提取:as.as归纳拓展(1)asas.(2)用表示倍数的词或其他程度副词作修饰语时,放在as的前面。其结构是:倍数asadj./adv.(原级)as活学活用(1)I

28、think your suggestion is as_valuable_as theirs.我认为你的建议和他们的一样宝贵。(2)I can carry as_much_paper_as you can.你能搬多少纸我就能搬多少。(3)You are as_friendly_to_me_as he is.你对我和他对我一样友好。(4)This is as_good_an_example_as the other is.这个例子和另一个例子一样好。(5)I know Jack spends at least as much time reading as he_.(2011怀化月考)Adoes

29、 writing Bis writing Cwrites Ddoes to write答案A解析考查as.as的用法。从句中does代替spends,介词in省略了。完整的形式是.as much time reading as he (spends) (in) writing。13I cant go home until my mum gets home from work.译文:我要等我妈妈下班了才能回家。句式提取:not.until.归纳拓展until的用法如下:(1)until用于肯定句,前面的谓语动词通常是延续性动词,表示此动作一直延续到until引导的时间为止。(2)until用于否

30、定句,构成“not.until”结构,强调动作的开始,意为“直到才”。(3)not until连用引导时间状语(从句)置于句首时,主句中的谓语动词须用部分倒装形式,但从句不倒装,仍用陈述语序。(4)not until连用引导时间状语(从句)用强调句型强调时,注意句式的变化。结构为:It is/was+not until.+that+主句(陈述语序)。活学活用(1)Not_until_he_left_his_home_did_he_begin to know how important the family was for him.直到他离开了家时他才意识到家对他来说是多么重要。(2)I did

31、nt_start_writing_until I was in my thirties.我直到三十多岁才开始写作。(3)It was not_until_he_had_lost_what_he_had that he knew the importance of them.直到他失去所拥有的,他才知道它们的重要性。(4)Delay delivery until further instructions.暂不发货,听候指示。(5)Michael,now in hospital,says he regrets drinking and smoking.Well,no one knows the v

32、alue of health_ he has lost it.Asince Bwhen Cafter Duntil答案D解析由语境可知,下句句意为:是的,当一个人失去了健康的时候才知道健康的价值。Unit 1School life.语境填词1After reading his brief introduction (介绍) from the article(文章),we know his work is quite challenging(挑战性的) and respectable (可敬的)2The latter one is immediately_approved(立即被批准通过),we

33、 are all pleased(please)3It is natural(nature) that they are selected (selection) according to their grades (成绩)4Their donations(捐赠物) are being displayed(展览)5The dynasty(王朝) continued(持续了) for generations(数代)6Sometimes literature(文学) is a kind of religious and cultural_broadcast(文化传播).选词填空for free,a

34、t ease,enjoy oneself,refer to,more than,come up with,bring back,be pleased with,be responsible for,first of all1I never feel completely at_ease with her.2They all enjoyed_themselves at the party.3You cant expect people to work for_free(without payment)4Im more_than happy (extremely happy) to take yo

35、u there in my car.5You may refer_to your notes if you want.6I cant come_up_with any more ideas right now.7First_of_all,we must study hard.8His mother is quite pleased_with his achievements.9You should be_responsible_for what you have done.10The song brought_back old memories.完成句子1后天的天气怎么样?What_is th

36、e weather like the day after tomorrow?2最好的防御方法是进攻。The best way to_defend is to_make_an_attack.3我发现这个地方没有过去那么安静了。I found the place was not as_quiet_as_what it used_to_be.4他的业余时间都用来集邮了。All his spare time is spent_in_collecting stamps.5我一到家就发现他们已经离开了。On_arriving_home I found they had gone.单项填空1The new

37、driving test is more _ and so fewer people pass it.Achallenging Baverage Cexpensive Dimportant答案A解析从后半句“很少有人通过”可知“这个测试是很有挑战性的”。2In our school every student had free _ to the library.Aaccess Bchance Cright Duse答案A解析have free access to有自由利用(接近)的机会(权力)。3Be serious about your aims in life and work hard

38、to _ those aims.This will _ your mother.Areceive;proud Bprepare;respectCdevelop;regret Dachieve;please答案D解析achieve ones aims实现某人的目标,please sb.让某人高兴(满意)。4My parents want me to take _ maths lessons at the weekend,but I want to relax and have fun.Aextra Baverage Cformer Dscary答案A解析extra额外的,追加的,符合句意。5Ma

39、ry seems to have _ most of her friends.She felt very lonely.Adropped Brespected Cinformed Dpleased答案A解析drop断绝关系,其他选项与句意不符。6I missed _ the chance to see the film.Agiving Bto give Cto be given Dbeing given答案D解析miss后跟动名词,故排除B、C。give与I之间应是动宾关系,故选D。7Can my _ so much _ the poor help me earn respect from o

40、thers?Adonating;with Bdonated;to Cdonating;to Ddonate;to答案C解析donate后与介词to连用,且这里的动名词短语作主语。8We called the FirstAid Center _ the traffic accident happened.Aimmediately Bshortly Cquickly Dhurriedly答案A解析immediately用作连词相当于as soon as。9We _ the last bus and didnt have enough money for taxi,so we had to walk

41、 home.Areached Blost Cmissed Dcaught答案C解析miss错过,没赶上。10In a way,I think we both won;I won the game,but my cousin won my _.Afriendship Brespect Csupport Dfavor答案B解析由句意可知,“赢得尊重”才是双赢。11He is no longer _ he used to be now.Athat Bwho Cwhat Dwhom答案C解析考查表语从句的引导词。what指过去的情况与现在不一样了。12He plays basketball,if not better than,_ Mike.Aas good as Bas well as Cbetter than Das well答案B解析if not better than为插入语,play为实义动词,故排除A。13He _ most of his time in cycling.Atakes Bspends Ccosts Dhas答案B解析spend time(in) doing sth.在某事上花费时间。14No one knows _ life will be like in the future.Awhat Bhow Cthat Dwhich答案A解析 li


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