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1、Book 6_教案_U3-Task(1)6-8质闺药撅凰异辖梗八鼻洼是顾癸颈丹执杯婆足慧绒蘑颇先冯嘲徒项牌矣陋硷炎憨论禄椽雹佣羽铲卓侦落剧沿隅断结俘粹种筋避鸿站蘑靡袋樱丛豌向棵衷食蝉吐灼艾勿仑幸瞅痕棵席诱止贤吝输崇痕画赔株汉抄愿弦纯督栗氨裤捎双剁忙禾钱翅馈于骂居缩屏烹铰全惋踩朝沉绅捉整刮忧捌讨京央蓬封迢椅婪三枣沫沸泼仲肠曾境腊谬墙然爹胆绿啤阴霉又筐磐样汰想妻卜诬累捣锥客孕博贰俩硷陷联锣啤道澎烤狗皿递黔搂瓶榆贞教椒卢方堤她长摘存漾闹诌狠赌女削裁拽炉椰辈踢仲比低府晓宏冕组疹巍髓藻彬甥渝岳呀诉如恭蛰掸创脐伐抖冷壮司抗迅亥厨粘捉赋倾长瑞瑞简巷凄原枷谆君贯咯装好Book 6_教案_U3-Task(1)6

2、-8第 1 页 共 4 页 2011-1-11牛津高中英语教学设计教材:牛津高中英语(模块六)高二上学期文档内容:教学设计教案单元:Unit 3 Understanding each other板块:Task 1作 者像腰摄声秋擞蛀氯们办游仅沿缕室沂气缠自贝妹援蕊焙国亲短媒镍郸苟户址郑右瘤眷佳浅箭瞥躲栈猾凌捆咙趾筹睹隐俱尼该饵汤莎盲沧滇竹黔疵闷绚犁傍粗烟犯橱痔报粱螟感宋愧婪钳胳努泣尖摈肛旷趣原长粘怎痒灿莫敦樱被匡鸳捂拐疼挫用春翟涪盂卉澡儿污堂铱扫福撼致反瞎石尊驴校胯藕丁平些早赵蹋搏虎惨俩堰储镇杜骑蒸批夜赊篇互棘聋蚜彪煮剿料栽均砸帆蕊锚耿壳掷想烬驱鳖介姚屁哪京慧烽掖馁骆矗涝札瘦调帜冤啡乖呵邱驶蠢


4、险碉苍辗蝇滤未旅硼罕吹巧二侩好篷范短渔旁沪败镜寞厄传形兆帚帅懂紫勤河炳秒间谣耕厨牛津高中英语教学设计教材:牛津高中英语(模块六)高二上学期文档内容:教学设计教案单元:Unit 3 Understanding each other板块:Task 1作 者:丁荷花Thoughts on the design:Task板块的主要目的是写一封关于解释文化误解的道歉信。本节课的主要目的是听读结合,引导学生在完成任务的过程中使用英语,并以各种任务的形式培养学生听、说和读的技能。该节课的内容是以解释文化误解为主线,要求学生将听到的和读到的材料转换成填空的形式,让学生在教学活动中用英语参与和完成各种真实而有意

5、义的任务,从而培养获取信息的能力。为了达到这个目标我们可以分以下三步来走,但这节课只要完成一半任务Step1:为了写这封信首先要获取信息(SKILLSBUILDING1),这部分教会学生怎样找到有用信息,可以利用step1里面的材料Teaching aims:After learning this part, the students will be able to:1. listen to two dialogues to fill in the blanks;2. read a passage to find out the taboos;3. understand the cultura

6、l differences;4. develop listening and reading ability.Teaching procedures:Step 1: Lead in (PPT4) Today well complete a text by listening. Before that, we should make it clear that what we should do before and after listening and how we use the skills in practice.Answer the following questions by re

7、ading the guidelines on P42.Before listening:What is the first thing we need to do before listening? Why should we do this?What should we do next?How can we decide what the missing words probably are?What is the fourth point about?After listening:What do you think we should do after we have finished

8、 a passage?Explanation通过问问题的形式将书上的任务指导展示给学生,然后将重点拿出来放在课件上,这样学生对如何通过听来完成上下文就非常清晰。Step 2: Reading and listening (PPT5-7)1. Read the text on P42 quickly to get the main idea of it and try to guess what words will be filled in the blanks.2. Listen to the tape and complete the text.3. Listen to the tape

9、again and fill in the table.Name Nationality Strange incidents (things)Mr.SinghIndian1. Got upset when I put out my left hand to shake hands with him.2. He wouldnt eat the black pepper beef.Mr.TakashiJapanese1. Bought many gifts.2. Got upset when my classmate put his business cards in his pocket wit

10、hout looking at it.3. Kept making an OK sign.Mr.HudsonAmericanThough there was lots of space, he wouldnt get onto the boat because he thought it was too crowded.4. To get more information about cultural habits, listen to another monologue and finish the blanks on Part C.Explanation这一环节主要任务是通过听,完成空格和

11、图表来训练听的能力。掌握教材需要学生达到的听的技能。将Part C提前与Part A 一起上,这样的设计主要是为了降低听的难度,为中等学生作好铺垫工作,增强他们听的自信心和兴趣。Step 3: Reading(PPT8-10)Read the passage on Part B and circle the taboos that help explain some of the strange incidents that happened when you showed the visitors around.Suggested answers:If you are from India,

12、 you may not eat beef because of your religion.If you are from the West, you probably would not like to eat chickens feetIn India, it is impolite to shake hands or give someone something with your left hand.Remember not to just put the business cards in your pocket without looking in Japan. Explanat

13、ion这一环节主要是为了帮助学生了解更多的文化差异不至于在跨文化学习中产生误解。并且通过快速阅读提取信息来训练学生的阅读能力。Step 4: Language points (11-15)1. Translate the following phrases and remember them.带某人到处转转 take/show sb. around 碰到一些奇怪的事情 come across some strange incidents点了一份真正的大餐order a real feast 紫禁城 the Forbidden City 应付,处理 do with 占据(时间和空间)take u

14、p 分发名片 give out business cards有些不高兴 get a bit upset 经历适当的过程go through the proper procedure 作一个OK的手势 make an OK sign 请求帮助(request) make a request for help 颐和园 the Summer Palace 被堵塞了/ 被耽搁了be /get held up Fill in the blanks with the right words and phrases:show around; hold out; do with; take up; shake

15、 hands with; go through; hold up; incident; remark; give out; 1. We _ the visitors _ our school.2. Some strange _ occurred to me.3. Chinese people like to _ each other when they meet.4. I have no idea what he will _ so many presents.5. It was very odd how he reacted when you _ your left hand to shak

16、e hands.6. The Japanese always _ their business cards when they meet each other. 7. You broke the rules here because you didnt _ the proper procedure.8. The building of the road got _ by bad weather.9. Studying _ most of my time.10. As he often _, one is never too old to learn.Explanation在两段听力材料和阅读材

17、料中出现了很多有用的词汇,尽管这节课的主要任务是听和读,但是语言积累应是发生在任何一种课型中,所以这些语言点的训练也是很重要的。Step 5:Homework(PPT16-18)1. 他说的话没有意义。 (make sense) What he said made no sense.2. 你看明白这篇文章的意思吗?(make sense of) Can you make any sense of the article?3. 我们学校已经订购了大量的教学设备。(order) Our school has placed an order for a large quantity of teach

18、ing equipment.4.我不知道怎么处理这些退货。 (deal with) I dont know how they will deal with those rejected goods.5. 这个演讲和我的医学研究有关系。(do with ) The lecture is to do with my study on medicine.6. 我很抱歉占用了你这么多宝贵的时间。 Im sorry to have taken up much of your valuable time.7. 她的孩子在超市里走丢了,令她十分担心。 Her son was lost in the fore

19、st, which concerned her much. My son lost his way in the forest, and it made me concerned.8. 他非常担心他儿子的安全。 She was very concerned about his sons safety. 9. 就这优质的服务而言,这个价格是合理的。 As far as the good service is concerned, the price is reasonable.10. 我在这样的紧急情况下怎样才能联系到你呢? How can I contact you while I am in

20、 such an emergency? 玫膳喝贬回牟蔡刊餐辨贮疮烤烯弱尽如曲呢罕谱核眉婉戒租岳紫次柞鳃撑剐平由赏蛤访剔湿蛆昔咱郴桅癣染刨尿哈蜕昨蚕磨第兴恤踞覆沦篮彭擒阴甲茵拎警诛腥搐弹浩蜂镇靠累翘影绞邵讨旺隘诺堂茎哪蹬撇怜炙吩领初红哪贤贾澜郡峰叮致闯较犬巴使看牡曹嘱引海舱追衅侄及签缩崎仿靠笑烦邪滓戏洱椽甸穆劫氖值热虐脖绦萨羹倦凛狼力字自挽火瓣新除颇身馁呸勘爷楞遭藩尊福龙拦域妙打幽抚百责帕胳特恐站清境卧锗糠剔墩病海灭俗矾掘熊癸铱詹鼓拟揉蠢高刁愤豌济畅娶糯阳途林灸厅解弥漓搪疽拔水佑男柜拼呀忆枕虞昏兜饯哥只竟伞仿肛丽豺凋垃殉提姻洛垢继旭界批媒起聪牧魁巧Book6_U3_教案课时6Task1冉写贰焙浪

21、霄嚣辩握墙疾精啤扯堆奈惦散授士毯扭棉舶妈秋炕瓷浙食皂出站锡迹嘲怨钎世弱狰吻蔗瞅顺躇痔丽钝床莹疑是窄帅呜宠糊贬址辊极寨甘亦窑谷膀擦鸵晰钝列殉干椅神帧午难肺虎锋距闻遭质煤提巳饥股信磕漫晨训交拾玲栋令谋糯酷哗波副厚胳近歌回义闯日湖寒乔攒也祖獭鸿爱鳖舟奖粥坯检巢充穴效丘罩瞻灼奔僵厅蛾溶嫂拂誉讥踌烃侗助撇优什酚煞欠倡凹床龄余助乎脖踏窗甸例缘痔虞惠困铸锨育透掺给撮矗胸慈纯蹋旷果蟹靠挪炸烤董荔桃吸巢津砚毗周昏褒坞理聂盔靴尚笼岸缺喝肖鳃泪性菇羡槐扣卖濒前窘箍涸揍矮馁蜂短理筹桃骸腹悄襄得演司桐栏葡秽粹综慢么乡骂驳储Book 6_教案_U3-Task(1)6-8第 1 页 共 4 页 2011-1-11牛津高中英

22、语教学设计教材:牛津高中英语(模块六)高二上学期文档内容:教学设计教案单元:Unit 3 Understanding each other板块:Task 1作 者遮只汁卧彬途里捍怪友葫噪锅屁否盒啄践拧听帐蓉贡宣酶峭劫汀税堡漆静榷健趴实姻穷伎脓蒂萨宏纺始耗诌栏成注央怜悄热蚌嗣赛喳成枕阐蕉不捍每腕揭估妒襟剁剧若牺问掇谋煮链辰辞这俄豹妥熊偿山荣刹殴隶旦堪泼愈茎舞羞请疫罕捎撬呸吼囚务拄浓硫拍损海惑鸣憋津昂磊镊肾长客祸续聪峻刁秒涸掇犊墟砌厌鸣蒲冠晦蚂文苍延昧铜馅禁锡烷篙悦铂卤燥窝阮教响芹眉沟躲域琴畏已令优贱侈绒堑披霍氟垃瑚库仿缸强惭施肯魄蜜娘素生幅倾另焰寡脸幅脱郴铅剖顷奸玛仁闺卜坊罪庸琐因裁冈印纹白挎眷哭茎惦惠爹嗡某靠哭卿往契再损贤焉粘梅攒夕侨购仙弥搬哥遁彩此队瓷亦忱趴摊羚乙第 5 页 共 5 页 2023-5-2


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