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2、教”,其今日教师应具有的基本概念都具有了。 阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性质和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的适当形式填空。要练说,先练胆。说话胆小是幼儿语言发展的障碍。不少幼儿当众说话时显得胆怯:有的结巴重复,面红耳赤;有的声音极低,自讲自听;有的低头不语,扯衣服,扭身子。总之,说话时外部表现不自然。我抓住练胆这个关键,面向全体,偏向差生。一是和幼儿建立和谐的语言交流关系。每当和幼儿讲话时,我总是笑脸相迎,声音亲切,动作亲昵,消除幼儿畏惧心理,让他能主动的、无拘无束地和我交谈。二是注重培养幼儿敢于当众说话的习惯。或在课堂教学中,改变过去老师讲学生听的传统的教学

3、模式,取消了先举手后发言的约束,多采取自由讨论和谈话的形式,给每个幼儿较多的当众说话的机会,培养幼儿爱说话敢说话的兴趣,对一些说话有困难的幼儿,我总是认真地耐心地听,热情地帮助和鼓励他把话说完、说好,增强其说话的勇气和把话说好的信心。三是要提明确的说话要求,在说话训练中不断提高,我要求每个幼儿在说话时要仪态大方,口齿清楚,声音响亮,学会用眼神。对说得好的幼儿,即使是某一方面,我都抓住教育,提出表扬,并要其他幼儿模仿。长期坚持,不断训练,幼儿说话胆量也在不断提高。 八年级上册家庭是幼儿语言活动的重要环境,为了与家长配合做好幼儿阅读训练工作,孩子一入园就召开家长会,给家长提出早期抓好幼儿阅读的要求

4、。我把幼儿在园里的阅读活动及阅读情况及时传递给家长,要求孩子回家向家长朗诵儿歌,表演故事。我和家长共同配合,一道训练,幼儿的阅读能力提高很快。 Unit1Here are two articles from an encyclopedia.Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) was (1) _ Italian painter, inventor, musician, engineer and scientist. He was born in the countryside. When he was young, he showed great intelligence

5、 and artistic (2) _ (able). As he grew older, he learnt (3) _ (do) many different things. His paintings are very famous, and one, the Mona Lisa, is perhaps (4) _ (famous) in the world. Also he had many (5) _ (invent), such as some interesting drawings of (6) _ (fly) machines.Dinosaurs lived on Earth

6、 over 60 million years before humans. They lived here (7) _ there on Earth. Some dinosaurs were as small as chickens. Others were as big as ten elephants. Some could even fly. Many of (8) _ ate plants while some like to eat meat. Dinosaur lived on Earth (9) _ more than 150 million years. Then sudden

7、ly they all disappear completely. The reason is still (10) _ (know). However, we can learn a lot from their fossils.Unit2A long time ago, there was a king in India. The king liked chess (1) _ (well) of all the games. One day, (2) _ wise old man came to the palace and the king challenge him (3) _ a g

8、ame. The king promised the old man (4) _ (give) any prize if he won the game. The old man only asked the king for one grain of rice for (5) _ (one) square of the chessboard, two for the second, four for the third, and then double the amount for the rest of the (6) _ (square). The king and the old ma

9、n played the game (7) _ a long time. (8) _ (final), the king (9) _ (beat) by the old man. So the king ordered his men (10) _ (collect) a bag of rice. He soon realized the problem-even with all the rice in the country, he would still not have enough rice to put on all the squares.Unit 3In the 1940s,

10、the first computers were bigger than cars. Now computers are becoming smaller and (1) _ (good).Some computers are tiny and you may be (2) _ (aware) of them. There is probably one inside your TV or (3) _ (wash) machine. You depend (4) _ computers more than you realize. We can use computers (5) _ (cal

11、culate). They can calculate (6) _ a faster speed than we can and seldom give wrong answer. We can also type and draw things with them. Besides, computers can do important jobs like (7) _ (operate) railways and flying planes and spaceships. However, computers arent as clever as us. Our brain can prod

12、uce new ideas. But computers may be able to do (8) _ better job than (9) _ (human).What will happen to us if computers can do all our jobs? Will we have nothing to do? Computer will change our lives, but will they make (10) _ better?Unit4Great inventions change the world. They help people live a bet

13、ter life. The following (1) _ (be) three of the most important inventions in history.The wheel may be the greatest invention in history. Travelling became faster and (2) _ (comfortable) after its invention. Several thousand years ago, people started to use wheels on carriages. In the early 19th cent

14、ury, the first trains began to carry passengers. At the (3) _ (begin) of the 20th century, cars became popular. (4) _the wheel, we would not have these inventions.One of the first (5) _ (practice) telephones (6) _ (invent) by Alexander Graham Bell in 1876. Since then, people (7) _ (be) able to speak

15、 to each other over long distances. Today millions of people across the world own mobile phones. They allow people (8) _ (keep) in touch with each other anytime, anywhere.Thomas Edison developed the first (9) _ (use) light bulb in 1897. With light bulbs, people can do as many things in the evening a

16、s they can in the daytime. Can you imagine (10) _ (live) a life without them?Unit 5Now a group of British students from Woopark School in London (1) _ (visit) Xinhua Junior High School in Beijing on an (2) _ (education) exchange.Sarah says she was very nervous at first but her host family are (3) _

17、(real) friendly. She is glad to be a guest in their home and has learnt (4) _ (use) chopsticks. Besides, she is being taught to speak Chinese. The students spend the weekdays (5) _ (study) with Chinese students. At the weekend, they travel around Beijing and visit places of interest (6) _ their host

18、 families. Eric says it (7) _ (be) a fantastic experience so far. In addition, he has learnt a little tai chi as well as a lot about Chinese culture and history. The teachers have introduced them to Chinese paintings, too. Sarah says she has made many new friends and will keep in touch with them whe

19、n she goes back to (8) _UK.(9) _, she cant wait to see her Chinese friends soon because they will come over to Britain for the (10) _ (two) part of the exchange next month.Unit 6The captain stood on the high wall of the city of Troy. He felt (1) _ (cheer) that the Greeks had gone and they won. The G

20、reeks had tried (2) _ (capture) their city for ten years but they had given up and sailed way. A soldier found the Greeks had left (3) _ huge wooden horse outside the city. The captain thought the horse was so big (4) _ they didnt want to take it with them. That night, all the Trojans celebrated in

21、the main square of the city. They sang and danced around the horse, and make (5) _ (joke) about the stupid Greeks. After the party, they locked all the gates of the city and then all went to sleep. By midnight, the main square was empty except (6) _ the huge horse. Suddenly, Greek soldiers (7) _ (qu

22、iet) climbed out of the horse. They opened the main gates and the Greek army entered the city. For ten years, the Greeks failed to capture the city by (8) _ (fight). In one night, however, they (9) _ (success) in capturing (10) _ through a clever trick.Unit 7Henry, Paula and Millie write for the sch

23、ool newspaper. They have written the short articles below (1) _ (help) students improve their memory.A great way to help you remember something is to imagine a picture of (2) _ in your mind. If the picture is big, (3) _ (usual) or silly, you will remember it better. For example, to remember the word

24、 “smiles”, you can imagine there is “mile” between the first letter and the last letter. This makes it (4) _ (long) word in the word. After all, (5) _ picture is worth a thousand words.A good method for memorizing the spelling of a word is to make a short sentence with each letter of the word. For e

25、xample, you can use the sentence “Big elephants can always understand small elephants” to remember how (6) _ (spell) the word “because”.You will forget something very (7) _ (quick) unless you understand it well. For example, you may have trouble (8) _ (remember) the list of steps in the water cycle.

26、 However, it is easier to remember (9) _ (this) steps if you understand (10) _ the water cycle works.Unit 8Last week, English week took place at Roise Bridge. The students worked hard to make (1) _ a big success.There was an English book fair in the library and a treasure hunt. Students put on an En

27、glish play and took part in an English (2) _ (sing) competition. There was a speaking competition as well. The students had to speak on a topic in English (3) _ two minutes. The winner advised people (4) _ (speak) slowly. Besides, to be good public speakers, theyd better speak clearly and (5) _ (con

28、fident). Amy, one of (6) _ students said she really enjoyed English Week. In here opinion, English Week gave her a chance to learn new words. Besides, an English Week is well worth (7) _ (hold) at every school.On the last day of English Week, the head teacher made a (8) _ (speak) to the whole school

29、. He gave students some (9) _ (suggest) on how to improve their English, such as communicating in English (10) _ friends, reading English books and magazines and watching English television programmes. Above all, everyone should enjoy English.八年级下册Unit1Three teenagers offered (1) _ (do) some volunta

30、ry work during the school holidays.Betty did some voluntary work in a childrens hospital. The children there all suffer from serious illness. They organized a painting competition (2) _ the children. Betty met a girl (3) _ (call) Cindy. She wanted to paint a picture of the park close to her home. Be

31、tty went to take some photos of the park. Cindy used (4) _ for her painting.Mark and his mother met some children without parents. They taught the children to tell stories. This helps them express their feelings. They spent time with a girl, Vivien. Her parents died in (5) _ car accident and she is

32、(6) _ (happy) and very lonely. She needs friendship.Annie wanted to help disabled children. They have difficulty (7) _ (walk) or moving. She taught them to sing because music can bring them happiness and peace. She met a boy, Tim. He hurt his legs (8) _ he has lots of courage. Children like Tim shou

33、ld (9) _ (help) to raise their spirits.Betty, Mark and Annie (10) _ (continue) to do voluntary work in the future.Unit2Debbie and Simon are students. They both have part-time jobs at (1) _ travel agency.A well-dressed lady entered the office. She looked at Debbie and Simon and then walked over to De

34、bbie. Debbie gave her a (2) _ (cheer) greeting. Simon sighed and walked away. Mr. Yang asked him (3) _ was the matter. Simon said he didnt understand why people always chose Debbie instead (4) _him. Mr. Yang told him it was the way he communicated. He said, “Communicating is (5) _ (much) than just s

35、peaking. Body language is important too. It is the way you stand and sit. Its your gesture and the expression on your face. Your whole (6) _ (appear) communicates things.”Simon decided (7) _ (improve) his body language. He sat up straight and tried (8) _ (smile) at people. Minutes later, a beautiful

36、 girl entered. She walked over to Simon. A few moments later, she left with a smile.Mr. Yang came over at once and said to Simon that he made a good impression (9) _ she, Simon told Mr. Yang that the girl was his sister and she came to remind (10) _ that the next day was her birthday.Unit3Wang Damon

37、 is a fisherman. Although he is over 65, he is very (1) _ (health) and still enjoys working.Damon uses cormorants (2) _ (catch) fish. Cormorants are large black birds. They are good (3) _ catching fish because they can swim well. They can dive down and stay under the water (4) _ up to two minutes. D

38、emon usually sets off in the late afternoon and gets the cormorants ready for work. First, he ties (5) _ piece of grass around their necks to stop them from (6) _ (eat) big fish. Then when Demon pushed them into river. He uses several cormorants to attract fish. During the day, he jumps up and down

39、on his boat. After dark, he hangs a light on a post at the front of the boat. The cormorants bring the fish back to the boat. The fish are taken and thrown into a big basket by Damon. No nets (7) _ (require) for this type of fishing. Cormorants fishing was once practiced in lots of (8) _ (place) in

40、South-East China, and there were many fishermen in the area. But today, few people are (9) _ (interest) in it. In 50 years, perhaps there (10) _ (be) no more cormorant fishermen in the world.Unit4Jason is learning how to make cartoons. He has found some information in (1) _ magazine.First, you need

41、(2) _ (decide) on some basic ideas for a story. In the (3) _ (two) stage, think about the kinds of characters you want and (4) _ they will look like. Then make a rough sketch of the story. Next, use a computer to draw detailed pictures and add color. To make the characters and things come to life, e

42、ach picture should (5) _ (make) a little different from the one before it. In the next stage, a computer program is used to put the picture together as a film. (6) _ (Final), record the voice and sound effects. The actors will do the (7) _ (character) voice. Their speech must go (8) _ the picture. S

43、ound effects like the noise of the underground must also be added (9) _ (separate). After everything has been checked, the cartoon is ready (10) _ (play) for everyone to enjoy.Unit5There are about 1,600 giant pandas in the wild. A giant panda is (1) _ kind of bear. It has a while face (2) _ black pa

44、tches around its eyes. It also has black ears, shoulders and legs. The rest of its body is while.Pandas live high up in the mountains of Central and (3) _ (west) China. They live in the bamboo forests there. In the wild, they (4) _ (usual) eat bamboo while in zoos; they have bamboo, apples and carro

45、ts. Panda like to live on their own. They need to eat a lot to stay (5) _ (health), so they spend over 12 hours a day eating. To our surprise, it is not difficult (6) _ them to climb trees. They are strong enough to protect (7) _ (they). Pandas live for about 20 years in the wild, but in zoos they can live for up to 35 years.People are cutting down forest, so the pandas (8) _ (lose) their homes. Some people ar


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