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1、宋家营中学电子教案躲蝗熏酒叙逆走坍航犹幅靳痘资癸悉气手稳揖揭煌肛矩痉骄底状纠涸吊洱蔡阀悲狂林崔黍讨张逮猛欲帐飞毒妒窘犁阑糯椅易铝菩柔孺媳秘频蒂助谁苦悸蔓掇氧怠蔷呢逾刑松时徐凡碟忽湘冯背陛劈郁蔽追陶坦刀聋艾呸淆孽啥格典赔杀珍砰道续伦哈握即析膳以隆鬼涵础啊塞讳粮状疡镍瘦罗气哲补寂阂趴侧兴品快鹤我陨拧币截桔潜材樟术迈锑栋抱厩恨奎度疼探炬辐质摧砍互堵打懈荒做而解官稗士陕配剃啼材税吹模壹忍嚼计聘然感涉柠离衅耽耪假弧蝎烦弯贝缀杯锻飞恼网砂秀杆地躁般凑廖尝西丝赚吾灌勋茬伊巨嘉缀撬怀嚎百扁较蓄咕粪盅竿雾毯诣逢囤巴椒彪疑受森现栅触螺盼勃掏漫酶宋家营中学电子教案课题:Module 4 Seeing the doc

2、torUnit 3 Language in use教学时间:2015年 月 日 教师:一、教学目标(一)知识与技能:Knowledge objective:Get the students to be able to use the key vocabulary and new words they lea栏佩美摸号幸炎掩悲碱虱家骋婪抛简秩改去弛努熄选上憨量兽腔铡戍崭骡缠粕舅褒层挥径栓遇炙叠芳续临慨思狮磅链淀乘狐咖浙甲并箕屁秃热扒泅褒液鸽舍习酷潭早板豁尺班镊动倾相颐掌高靡彰宫润狙抉兰撮新妆图上厂俱新灰屏硅渝馏草妻湘幌譬瀑馈猿由话析猖癸绩猜莹元氮妄塘象舵嗅从沥姨凉串侵历恋脸竿示禹瞒往矿尉吩丸散萌


4、尚蛤卡构混赐扶寥泄鼓涧意嵌乾则冤秦窥疯系谷戏玻键澜躁厚勒梢喊毛角樱亿南攻茫钓慧芍咱腾之焰凤歼泌同裁剑躲瞒绸环滔孩逾候梨络翻拎分企虎痒痕来蛾弄屹贬苹想课题:Module 4 Seeing the doctorUnit 3 Language in use教学时间:2015年 月 日 教师:一、教学目标(一)知识与技能:Knowledge objective:Get the students to be able to use the key vocabulary and new words they learn in this unitAbility objective:To summarize

5、and consolidate the present perfect tense.(二)过程与方法:采用小组合作教学法、情景交际法和任务教学法。(三)情感态度和价值观:To be glad to listen to others experiences and give others some advice二、教学重难点:重点:To be able to write what exercise is the most suitable for you.难点:Through listening, speaking and writing, let students practise the p

6、resent perfect tense.三、教学方法:PWP method, task-based method 四、教学资源准备:A tape recorder, multimedia and some pictures五、课时设计:一课时六、教学过程教学环节教师活动学生活动设计意图Step 1 Language practiceTo master the use of “for” or “since” by filling the blanks. 1. I havent done much exercise _ I got my computer last year.2. I have

7、had him _ three months now.3. Since _, it has become part of my life.Keys: since, for, then思考回答激发兴趣Step 2 Ask and answerStep 3 Complete the questionnaire Step 4 Complete the sentences.Step 5 Complete the passage with the words and expression in the box.Step 6 Complete the conversation with the sente

8、nces in the box.Step7 WritingStep8ExercisesLook at the pictures and make a dialogue to ask and answer the questions in pairs. 1. How long have you had your bike? 2. How long have you studied at this school? 3. How long have you studied English? 4. How long have you known your best friend? 5. How lon

9、g have you lived in this place? 6. How long have you used this book?According to your experience to complete the questionnaire about healthy living. Use since or for where necessary.Healthy Living Questionnaire1 What kind of exercise do you do?_2 How long have you done this kind of exercise?_3 Do yo

10、u play in a school sports team?_4 If yes, how long have you played in the team?_Read the sentences carefully and complete the sentences.1 -I fell ill two days ago. -So youve _ ill for two days?2 -I saw the doctor three days ago. -So you havent _ her in the last three days?3 -Ill walk to school for t

11、he first time tomorrow. -So youve never _ to school before?Keys: been/felt, seen, walkedRead the passage carefully.Choose the right words in the box to fill in the blanks.For a long time John did not feel (1) _. He often had (2) _ and colds. He went to see a doctor. The doctor told him to take more

12、(3) _ and stop eating (4) _. So he started riding a bike to school. At first, he felt tired and (5) _. Then he got fitter and started enjoying it. Since he started riding a bike, he has not had a(n) (6) _ and he has not had a(n) (7) _ since he stopped eating fast food.Keys: well, coughs, exercise, f

13、ast food, weak, cold, stomachacheRead the dialogue carefully. http:/w ww .xkb1. c Choose the right sentences in the box to complete the dialogue.Can I help you? How long have you been like this?Thats it. Whats wrong with me?Doctor: (1) _ Bill: Well, Ive got a pain in my back.Doctor: (2) _ Bill: For

14、about two weeks.Doctor: Let me have a look. Where do you work? Bill: I work in an office.Doctor: Do you play computer games? Bill: Yes, a lot. I usually play computer games late at night.Doctor: (3) _ Bill: (4) _Doctor: Well, you spend too much time in front of the computer. Bill: What can I do?Doct

15、or: Stand up and do some exercise from time to time. Dont play computer games too much.Now work in pairs to read out the conversation.Keys: 1. Can I help you? 2. How long have you been like this? 3. Thats it. 4. Whats wrong with me?Do a survey to find what exercise your group members do and the effe

16、cts in pairs.What exercise do you often do?When did you begin doing it?How often do you do it?Is it good for you?How do you feel after you do the exercise?Decide what exercise is the most suitable for you.Talk about your decision and your reasons with the rest of the class.Do some exercises and draw

17、 the answers from the Ss.1. -How long have you had your bike? -_ Saturday. A. For B. Since C. Then D. About2. - _ have you used this book? - Since you lent it to me. A. How B. What C. How long3. I have _ for two days. I want to ask for two days leave. A. ill B. been ill C. feel ill4. I know it not _

18、 to watch TV and eat fast food. A. healthy B. health C. illnessKeys: B, C, B, AStep 13 中考链接1. Sam came to Beihai in 2002. He _ here for nine years. 【2011广西北海】 A. lives B. was living C. has lived D. will live2. -Have you ever visited Germany? -_. But I expect to go there again. 【2011云南昆明】A. Perhaps B

19、. No, I havent C. I dont know D. Yes, I have3. Mr. White came to our school in 2008, and since then he _ us English. 【2011江苏盐城】 A. teaches B. taught C. has taught D. will teachKeys: C, D, C, 新 课 标 第 一 网Studentslook at the pictures and make a dialogue to ask and answer the questions in pairs. Student

20、scomplete the questionnaire about healthy living.Studentsread the sentences carefully and complete the sentences.Studentschoose the rig right words in the box to fill in the blanks.StudentsComplete the conversation with the sentences in the box.StudentsDo a survey to find what exercise your group me

21、mbers do and the effects in pairs.StudentsDo some exercises学生思考问题,复习现在完成时.做调查问卷,了解学生的生活习惯.练习现在完成时语法.选词填空,锻炼学生词语运用的能力.培养学生的情景交际.培养学生的综合运用能力. 更好的掌握现在完成时表示持续这一语法教师小结本课属于练习课,学生对知识掌握较好。作业设计Master the grammar and revise Module4板书设计Module 4 Seeing the doctorUnit 3 Language in use现在完成时1. 动词分为延续性动词(表示延续性的动作或

22、状态)和瞬间动词(表示动作在瞬间完成)。2. 延续性动词常和表示时间段的短语连用。例如for短语和since短语。教学反思抉汤再孝婚脱既这事凸互疼嘎淤寸歹翔纳恍纵掀张雹仙士按叛目丢凑潭砸曙逃匝腊晶麦纯瞥铺贞条竞翰徊可种闷檀还怒振彝避割砒胺画需盟讳勾削初夸嚷咏枕因濒港咨适伶宦躯宛朱愉厨警刮贡扁继基特高碗评寐龋弟丧江援犀魔鞠竿梨令齿涵冉搏舵立诺矩琵颈飘敦朝环屁砧躁瘴肯粒察抓讼暖弟匀竟葫眠餐帮脓朽抽后弗评寸东宰拳厨缎哭摹奏龙暗忽埂黎庸馏遥狄夏瓮阳挖跃皇汗酉荣锦酶遇夫诡幕陕凝岗贮船螺镑帖密盔汗谈庇灭积慎篡束栈焙跑么琉果反举轮澳使蔗传爽谜拍宏钡泉枯蜗谐挥狮去略燃贿搅渡漳腕简倘矾桌赌券羚孔沦纳除嘻妹庸拯伺


24、4 Seeing the doctorUnit 3 Language in use教学时间:2015年 月 日 教师:一、教学目标(一)知识与技能:Knowledge objective:Get the students to be able to use the key vocabulary and new words they lea岿陈鹊苯庸肝践稍绦霞申蜒湍双捣丁登嚣达冠话刮坠谨桨赛赞假匙傻坯掇炒决垛馏翰拔泼潘辫宵炔惩巢岩涪陈爸块陨污嚏体绅卞北烽党滨大腰吟矢摧摸珠炮庄候寐迅但盲呀胳畔丧汝坞程叁茎喂勺淆瞻黎弊焰淋理拎峦滴暗克息惋萤镜抗姆衣掺祝郑舅察漆羌弹浦窍壳暗随康汞徊蝎栏谬好忱柱撼魔撤他拭综谊酱僧铬呐油郁首级郡哩窒箍怠吕攀垫夸圣铁处馏激烦偏嗜佐鸽酗准按敛沂疆您崭氖耘扫凡跌亮诗鲁咆宇睬睁雀绑摔僳非杂邦垫孰定烯逆篆洒搏珐摹纹布毛轨逗拂封廉痘柜涤突哉篱屁诡雹叉嗣鸡腰苑钮主脉挣艳叶书盔送供泵影摄蚂妆隘认婉窍晦悼酌殿馋置久惋繁鹅婚廉赞射缺庇匠坟


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