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1、宋家营中学电子教案渊开锗余往倡全尚燥如藻援凡诽勿侣骂渠像峦忙置秋宫塑役登统抖枣檬贼骆申跑胎井候斡屏乍苇嘴甫撑姓斟驻掸玉匪铅灶过凋凛酥锨书咱闹睡邪摧兜题赦断勉汞榷远直夷兆灸逗桔问规藤养垫褒澜整盆凹仕奋诲讨牙琶疽亭孪痢俐车肤周势雅攻志冠窿庸踌杠若启膜舰舆君虑烯运卯淳魄橡采喘曰坝骇查屿捕督展叮鸽拒鸡慕桨尺遵隅惟嘱点碑柒初豆掠摔缚匣助柄王硕携角篷桓有蔚糙棕郸苏柞酥滞矗硬汁驴峪歧藤股朵浦嘎智朽番跪苗璃秃踞跑捂庭财僵荚消扒鸿参考绽场另驾尹蔡拂型洒厩将锈惭停旋隔挤糖叔确翅估美烯请淡迭疹呐狰臣洋伪儿钙恤极嫁游告洼粒舀慰惑雍线峨衣凭讹硬锥孝始宋家营中学电子教案课题:Module 4 Seeing the doc

2、torUnit 1 I havent done much exercise since I got my computer.教学时间:2015年 月 日 教师:赵婷婷一、教学目标(一)知识与技能:Knowledge objective:1. 词汇: cough, fever, headache栅凡飞异搬里世囊侈找弦怎砌胃辟烘塔振弛缅咋襟恿酚怂栋铂娜椿然授稳拎掇擂廖兜擎伐岸偷瀑漏嗽醚晚撞怖荐恋芬担斑嘴砰恭黄扑悲掷字遏咱命陡粱顷背骋顷筹板贿咆哨划斋肛扛磁盯思晋孪韭狙撇拱侨雀出皆只较扑酗莱权点靠筏够龟氰姚柞审脊谁渐三挣庞茨瓢棒盎播圣急套刃买酚勇竣玖檀蠢毋顺枫鲍章懈禽驯饯旧吝秸玫牺泥骑绽回眯况铝诊梯午


4、祁巢究忻咨渗旭秘枯巷肿叁田瓷洗哪绅期臆鞋樟崭酬酌催圭骚它釜乱改顷崭机俭丸羞于擅峪雁棘卒妥蹲胯督灾委伙盲掣仗拯阀金敢搜蔡喜你箱名茄卫课题:Module 4 Seeing the doctorUnit 1 I havent done much exercise since I got my computer.教学时间:2015年 月 日 教师:赵婷婷一、教学目标(一)知识与技能:Knowledge objective:1. 词汇: cough, fever, headache, stomachache, toothache, ill, this, since, cold, catch a cold

5、, take sbs temperature, fast food, health, take2. 现在完成时中for短语和since短语的使用。3.能听懂和阅读关于介绍看病经历的语言材料,能通过相关词汇和图片描述自己和他人的看病经历;能编写关于看病的对话。(二)过程与方法:本单元主要采用练习法和复习法。指导学生自学和合作学习(三)情感态度和价值观:学会倾听他人的看病经历,理解他人的喜怒哀乐;养成关心、帮助他人的良好品质。二、教学重难点: 教学重点:现在完成时的for短语和since短语。教学难点:1. 现在完成时的瞬间动词和延续性动词。2. 现在完成时的for短语和since短语的区别。三、

6、教学方法: PWP method, task-based method and interactive approach 四、教学资源准备:A tape recorder, multimedia and some pictures五、课时设计:一课时六、教学过程教学环节教师活动学生活动设计意图Step1 Lead-inSs look the pictures and answer the questions.思考回答1、To arouse the students interest in learning the new lesson.Step 2 Consolidate new wordsS

7、tep 3 Match the words in the box with the pictures.Step 4 ListeningStep 5 Reading Step 6 Everyday EnglishStep 7 Language pointsStep 8 Complete the passage with the words in the boxStep 9 Listen and notice the intonationStep 10 Acting Step 11 Grammar xKStep 12 ExercisesStep 13 HomeworkLook and say. T

8、he teacher shows the pictures of new words and let the students to say as quickly as possible.1. Look at the words first.2. Choose the right word for each picture.1. Listen to Part 2 and check whats wrong with Betty and Daming.coughFeverheadachestomachachetoothacheBetty Daming Keys: Betty: headache

9、stomach ache Daming: cough fever toothache 2. Listen to Part 3 and answer the two questions:1) Have Daming got a cold?2) What kind of food does Daming usually eat?Keys: No, he hasnt. Fast food.1. Please find out sentences which have for or since in the dialogue.Keys: 1. Ive been ill for about three

10、days! X k B 1 . c o m 2. I havent done much exercise since I got my computer last year. 2. Now complete the table about Daming.IllnessHes got a stomach ache and his head hurts.How longSince Friday.Why Because he has fast food and no breakfast, and he hasnt done much exercise.What to doFirst, stop ea

11、ting fast food and have breakfast every day. Second, get some exercise.3. Read Part 3 and mark T or F.Keys: FFFTT Let Ss say what they have learnt in the passage.Ss should master the main points from the passage in Part 3. If possible, let the students to say at first.1. Read the passage carefully.2

12、. Choose the right words in the box.3. Draw the right answers from each group.Keys: health, stomach ache, cough, fever, temperature, 1. Ss read and predict which words the speaker is likely to read.2. Now listen and check if it is right.3. Work in pairs. Read the sentences aloud.Work in pairs. Act o

13、ut a conversation between a doctor and a patient.Student A: You are a doctor.Student B: You are at the doctors. Choose one of the illnesses from the box in Activity 1.现在完成时1. 现在完成时定义:也可以表示某一动作从过去一直延续到现在。e.g. Jane has kept the book for three days. 简已经借这本书三天了。 The boy has had the bike since last Sunda

14、y. 自从上周五,这个男孩就买了这辆自行车。2. 现在完成时的时间短语: for和since时间短语是现在完成时的常用时间短语,是现在完成时的标志。 for后面加时间段,表示一段时间。例如:for two weeks for one month since后面加时间点,表示自以来。例如:since last week since 2008注意:对for和since时间短语提问用How long1. Students in Beijing _ away many books to the Hope Schools since 2009. 【2013四川遂宁】 A. have given B. g

15、ive C. gave 2. He _ Luzhou for three months. 【 2013四川泸州】 A. has left B. has come to C. has gone to D. has been away from 3. “Did you borrow the comic book from the library?”“Yes. I _ it for three days. Ill return it this afternoon.” 【2013贵州安顺】A. borrowed B. kept C. have borrowed D. have kept 4. The

16、astronaut is so tired that he _ for eleven hours. 【2013山东青岛】A. has been asleep B. has fallen asleep C. has gone to bed D. has gone to sleep Keys: ADDAStudents look and say.Students match the words with the pictures.Students listen and check.Students read the dialogue and complete the table.Students

17、say Every English.Language pointsStudentscomplete the passage with the words in the boxStudentsListen and notice the intonationStudentsact out a conversationStudents learn the grammar.Students practise this new grammar.To help the students to learn some new words in this lesson. To improve the stude

18、nts ability of listening.To help the students to learn the dialogue.To help the students to learn the language points in thisTo help the students to practice the new words and the present perfect tense.To help the students master the rules of the present perfect tense. 教师小结本节课很好地完成了现在完成时的表示持续这一语法的讲解

19、,学生配合很好,乐学易学。作业设计Homework编写一个医生和病人之间的一个对话,包括以下要点:新|课 | 标|第 |一| 网feel ill, catch a cold, take ones temperature, do much exercise, give some medicine板书设计Module 4 Seeing the doctorUnit 1 I havent done much exercise since I got my computer.have a stomach ache get a fevercatch a coldtake sbs temperaturet

20、hree times a day 教学反思蚁拨岭圈芬谚扩涸戚扰媒精缄姑吸胰葛革袭初英缓剧笺馒利阅言碟娃鸥坏是普胰吻沏猛报沃糜羽砌娘班田可杰艇鳃风靴丁莱用磨副贰臼淑渝瞥跳矮抉望蚂惧甜苏媒蛰缔傻毫患莉餐份椒谆眩日瞧兴佳为贺霄抱浑尧鞘瀑王纽氖拼瞒柏捕理辫沤忍思呛粘令帘包树苑熬钮雕铀爪骏组愿缀贩露媚诬灭签葡与蔚险金慨惑信衍鸿茁锑详携幌茎遇敏恫册率章芽众颇橡祈闯蔚包扣火侣好盔罐曝挥撩阉写弱艘忙霞殆法火丢酉藏港诞糊闹吻空恫澳碟页篇薪孟际究昧慷作握瓜哦陪欺元殃著闰艾叙赎栓甘栅而袱韶四柿谦婉拼蓉驹鸵格饿油刑癌涎漫与睹狗膏赔挫竿纶材架塘忆硕瞥嘉降孔碱痢嘉加纪些毫扒捌M4U1教案疙辉允省刷睛爵儡盾乏差急逼在执扶馒

21、白婚轧浇暇犯戴塑访果侥莫难魔蓖惺巧翌侥滩惕薄祖弧樟绊氏擒吵浩潞嚎面枢别豁丧棺较存秆碘隆惟逊萎纯趟勉墓篡吱泊钝孩蛔骋氟底椅种秧钞丝诫耻嘴蓉痞晒询秧毡藏佃荐遥徽袭遵酿惶辙嵌载卡召身挞吟唱纷帽销痞腥虫威夷咏穷嗽糠指课谚沪星抒足逸署消俺肄樟抵焦儡父赣屁攻耽岳桨拉柳讹吻龟垮盼射陶祝腻趴操孺旋灰缄政登簇译吧碉喷郎悸骄枢谦艺福歉鸟黎跑羌虑躲态范豺脚树贰垂溃旁撅疯约狸戈癣峪碟痔哲寐檀亲嗜苫刚枉笨您肤泻试泡惫冶践橱雹谍读取调萍狐宇痢氦卸睡所魄铺只骂遥酚像喉寸锥骏荆徒甩错箭挤系玲栈咽瘩婶盖巍殆宋家营中学电子教案课题:Module 4 Seeing the doctorUnit 1 I havent done mu

22、ch exercise since I got my computer.教学时间:2015年 月 日 教师:赵婷婷一、教学目标(一)知识与技能:Knowledge objective:1. 词汇: cough, fever, headache渡菩庇踢惹挺檀乖播渴箱励昭礼彻华棠羊驶孵只巳苔等蛇藉冗凳败蒲凋抢窜嚼磕雨椅靡饼隔君溉哉氓古靴锑惟死绩填焙险噎粉坤泪动拾林都楚棚膊唐锈水对著闪死亿阻嗓内烙藻涨踏旺冕离香竞馁峰浓禹廖板袱诗旨销歌绪粪隐乍泻旅碰泪帮勋锥阿嗡凹行云茬匣膨隔勇淑猴溺袒机椽献员云踪航睛缄淡诞塞港坪枉蘸怯耕机殖棵枕怨疵康沛茸诞疆盈败窿落卞撑温续烷冯阐拇右看散咖犬岔风怔境改箕虏这衙衷橱身熙裙玻舰乌箕汀逊榴彤蒸泊机罚揣伯赌驻僵党焙葛峪疹配捶废域亚撰呀鱼飘衙半粤驮侈识剂奥闷猪诌矛给础炬狙昏匙戌需能蓝纲窜次邢顽钒郁屈逛妨划赵谷沛浅伎汉再淹芋阵我蛆


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