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1、辅导教案其实,任何一门学科都离不开死记硬背,关键是记忆有技巧,“死记”之后会“活用”。不记住那些基础知识,怎么会向高层次进军?尤其是语文学科涉猎的范围很广,要真正提高学生的写作水平,单靠分析文章的写作技巧是远远不够的,必须从基础知识抓起,每天挤一点时间让学生“死记”名篇佳句、名言警句,以及丰富的词语、新颖的材料等。这样,就会在有限的时间、空间里给学生的脑海里注入无限的内容。日积月累,积少成多,从而收到水滴石穿,绳锯木断的功效。 学员姓名: 年 级: 六升七 授课时数:与当今“教师”一称最接近的“老师”概念,最早也要追溯至宋元时期。金代元好问示侄孙伯安诗云:“伯安入小学,颖悟非凡貌,属句有夙性,

2、说字惊老师。”于是看,宋元时期小学教师被称为“老师”有案可稽。清代称主考官也为“老师”,而一般学堂里的先生则称为“教师”或“教习”。可见,“教师”一说是比较晚的事了。如今体会,“教师”的含义比之“老师”一说,具有资历和学识程度上较低一些的差别。辛亥革命后,教师与其他官员一样依法令任命,故又称“教师”为“教员”。 辅导科目: 英语 授课主题Unit3 Welcome to our school(Welcome to the unit&Reading)授课日期及时段2019年7月19日(8:00-10:00)教 学 内 容T- welcome to the unit Which of the su

3、bjects do you like best?Why? . What about your friends? Talk about it with your friend. . 典型句式:1.Which of the subjects do you like best, Eddie?Which引导的句子在句子中作宾语或定语,特殊疑问词which后面一般跟单数名词,特殊情况下也可以跟复数名词。which表示“哪一个”。eg:Which one can I choose?典型例题_coat is better on me, the blue one or the black one?The bl

4、ue one.A. Which B. What C. When D. Where 2. so的用法so连词,意为“因此”,其引导的句子表示结果。Theres little bread, so I bought some food for supper.批注:在汉语中常用“因为.所以”来表示因果关系,但在英语中,because和so不能出现在同一个句子中。典型例题Tony knows little Japanese, _ he cant understand the instructions of his new camera.A. so B. or C. but D. and3.Whats t

5、he date today,Millie?这是一个询问日期的句型,回答是its+月;日;年,it指代时间。日期有两种表达法,如10月9日,9 October或October 9th。eg: Whats the date today? Its 10 September/September 10th .典型例题Whats _ date today?Its June 26th.A. / B. a C. the D. that 4.Id like to Id like to =Id love to 常用于回答Would you like to . 和 Can you .等表示建议的句型。eg: Wou

6、ld you like to come to supper?Yes,Id love to/Id like to.Hi,Lucy!Can you see a film with me this evening ?Yes,Id like to.典型例题Would you like to see a new film?_.A. Yes, Id like to. B. Yes, I do. C. Yes, I have D. Yes, I think so.5.What time is it ?what time 是一个特殊疑问词,表示“几点,什么时候”。在英语中,用来询问具体时间,即几点几分。所以回

7、答要用具体时间来回答,并在具体时间前加介词at。另一个时间词when定义范围广一些,也可指具体时间。eg: Whats the time, please?/ What time is it,please? Its nine oclock.询问时还可以用Can you tell me the time,please?或Do you know the time?或Whats the time by your watch?等句型。典型例题Excuse me,sir. Do you have the time?_.A. Yes, I do B. No problem C. Half past twel

8、ve D. Certainly, I have 6.begin与start的辨析两者都可以(1) begin是普通用词。指开始某一行动或进程与end相对。eg: New term begins on September the first.The English evening will begin at 9:00.(2) start的动作性较强,着重于开始或着手干,带有突然开始的意思,其反义词为stop。eg: Lets start to sweep the room at once.(3) 这两个动词都可以作及物或不及物动词,作及物动词时都可以跟名词、doing或to do。在许多场合他们

9、实际上没有什么差别。eg: Shall we begin/start dinner? Hell begin/ start working.(4) 但在一下几种情况只能用start,不能用begin。1) 表示(机器)开动eg: The man cant start the car.(1) 表示“创办”、“开设”eg: He started a new shop last year.3) 表示“动身”、“出发”eg:We must start now.典型例题选出和划线部分意思相同的词。The Weekend Talk will begin at 10 oclock.A. start B. en

10、d C. open D. work 课堂练习一、 句型转换1. My favorite subject is biology。(对划线部分提问)_ _ your favorite subject?2. I have English on Wednesday.(改为否定句)I _ _English on Wednesday.3. Li Du likes history very much.(改为一把疑问句)_Li Du _ history very much?4. Lucy gets up at 6:00 in the morning.(就划线部分提问)_ _ _ Lucy _ up ?5. M

11、y favorite subject is English.(改为同义句)I_ _ _ .二、 单项选择6. Would like to visit the forest zoo with me tomorrow? _.A. No, I cant B. Thats not bad C. Yes, I would like to D. Yes, I do 7. Mum, _ is my book? Look!Its the red one.A. where B. what C. which D.how8. A lot of tourists will come to Lu Xun Museum

12、tomorrow,_ you had better get up early if you want to visit it.A. or B. but C. so D. though 9. _ does you brother go to work?At 7:30.A. What time B. What C. How D. Where10. Whats the date today? _.A. Its Sunday B. Its May C. Its May 1st D. Its on November 12th T- Reading Show us around your school.

13、1.Show的用法(1) show作名词,表示“展览(会)”。 a flower show 花卉展览 an air show 飞行表演 a motor show 汽车展览会(2) show作动词,可带双宾语。可说“show the photos to you”,或“show you the photos”。注:可以说:“show it/ them to you”但不能说“show you it/ them”。(3) show 作“教,示范”解时,常用语“show sb how/ what +to do”结构,不定式前的how,what不可省略。eg: Hell show us how to d

14、o it/what to do.(4) show作“陪送,带领”解时,常和介词短语或副词连用。eg: He showed us around the school.She showed me to the door.典型例题Could you _ me that white dress? Sandy said to the shop assistant.A. give B. lend C. buy D. show 2.in front of 与in the front of in front of .在.前面,of为介词,后跟名词或代词作宾语。A. in front of 指在某一范围以外的前

15、面。B. in the front of 指在某一范围内部的前面。in the front of也可换成at the front of.eg: Bob sits in the front of our classroom.There is a tree in front of our classroom.典型例题There is a garden _ my house.A. in front of B. in the front of C. in the front D. in front 3.on the ground floor 一楼本句中,ground floor为英式英语,表示底层,一

16、楼,而美式英语中的一楼为first floor。eg: I live on the ground floor.相关链接:英式英语和美式英语中,楼层的表示方法略有不同: on the first floor在一楼(美式英语) on the ground floor在一楼(英式英语) on the second floor在二楼(美式英语) on the first floor在二楼(英式英语) on the third floor在三楼(美式英语) on the second floor在三楼(英式英语)典型例题 根据所给汉语完成句子我们的教学楼有6层,我们的教室在二楼。There are si

17、x _ in our teaching building and our classroom is _ _ _ _.4. This way,Mum.(1) way 用作名词,除了指“方式,方法”外,最常见的意思是“道路,路线”。eg: Can you tell me the way to school?(2) 与way相关的短语:by the way 顺便问一下/说一下on the/ones way to 在途中;在去.的路上in the/ones way 挡路;妨碍lose ones way 迷路find ones way 找到路in the ways 通过.的方式eg: By the wa

18、y, where is the History Museum?On my way to school, I met up with Daniel.If you lose your way, dont forget to ask someone for help. They can help you find your way.典型例题(1) I plan to go out for a trip, but Im afraid I dont know the _. A map is helpful, I think.2) price B. way C. time D. away(2) We sh

19、ould try our best to help the poor children in mountain villages _.A. with different ways B. under different ways C. in different ways D. a difficult way 5.Whos that man in a white shirt?in表示“穿着”,跟衣物。“in+颜色”表示“穿着.颜色的衣服”。eg:Do you know the girl in red?How handsome Jack looks in his blue coat!典型例题Look

20、! The girl is so pretty _ a blue dress.A. in B. on C. dressing D. putting on 课堂练习一、根据首字母或中文提示完成单词。 1. _(地理)is my favourite subject. 2. The _(会议)begins at three in the afternoon. 3. Its nine_(点钟)in the morning. We are in the classroom. 4. I like H_ very much because it is interesting.5. Lets meet at

21、the school g_ this morning. 6This is a page from my_(日记) 7There is a car in front of the_(建筑物) 8. He often shows me a_ his school. 9. Our classroom is big and b_. 10. Their school has a m_ hall. 11. There is a picture on the_(墙)of my bedroom. 12. May I have a l_ at your new book? 13. He often helps

22、me with my lessons a_ class. 14-What is your sister doing? - She is on the p_15. I say h_ to my teachers every morning.二、用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. Your shirt_ (look) beautiful. 2. Lets_ (go) to the hall. 3. How many_ (library) are there in your city? 4. We have_ (meeting)in the school hall. 5. His computer i

23、s_ (real) nice.课堂总结回家作业一、翻译词组1我喜欢语文_ 2擅长数学_3欢迎来到我们学校_ 4又干净又明亮_5有一个图书馆_ 6在学校门口_7真漂亮_ 8希望某人做某事_二、单项选择 ( )1. - Can you come to help me tomorrow? -_ A. I like B. Yes, I cant C. No, I can D. Yes, I can ( )2. -_is your favourite subject? -I like Maths best. A. Who B. Why C. How D. Which ( )3. - Is this yo

24、ur ruler? - Yes, it is. You have _too. A. it B. one C. this D. that ( )4. He is ill(生病), _I come to see him. A. but B. that C. so D. also ( )5. - Can I _here? - Yes, you can. A. to sit B. sit C. sitting D. siting ( )6. We have_ art room in our school. Aa Ban Cthe D ( )7._,more and more people get go

25、od education(教育). A. This day B. On this day C. Today D.A and C ( )8. _in our class like English. A. All of the girls B. Both the girls C. Both girls D. All of girls ( )9. The man_ black. A. wear B. in C. puts on D. is in ( )10. There is a zoo _our school. A. in front of B. in the front of C. in fro

26、nt D. in behind ( )11. I have an interesting book. I read _again and again. A. them Bit Chim Done ( )12. Han Tingting is 12 years old. _is a student. A.I BShe CYou DHim ( )13. Tom and Mike are clever. _are good at Maths. A. He B. She C. They D. Them ( )14.I often _my Maths teacher, but I cant _him.

27、A. listen; hear B. hear; hear C. listen to; listen to D. listen to; hear ( )15. I have many classmates. They _very nice. A. all are B. are all C. are both D. both are三、根据句意和所给的首字母填单词。1. Excuse me. Can I b_ your ruler?2. Mr Wu is in a white shirt on the O_ Day.3. There are all k_ of things in the sho

28、p.4. The library o_ at 8:00.5. It takes her half an hour to get to school on f_.四、句型转换。1.The pictures are on the wall.(对划线部分提问)_2.My cousin has long and black hair.( 同义句) _3.Daniel does well in geography. (对划线部分提问)_4.He is in the football team.(同义句)_5.Its 9 oclock now.(对划线部分提问)_6.I like doing my homework at home.( 否定句)_五、翻译句子1你喜欢哪个课程?_2今天是几号? _3艾迪不喜欢数学。 _4你的连衣裙看起来真漂亮。_5让我们去操场吧。_6在教室前面有一棵树。_第 10 页


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