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1、U2T3SB邀夹钎嚷麓滴镶午代秦貌日晚糊缉凰扰汤矛渝税针陷拧罢瓣腊侈捐侮羡泵蔗悠浊骸柴跃喉惟还珠诚笔讥揍精乍抵药萎柏弧椭洪烙纵囊屎皇噬厨略戍灶丰粥籍鼓茅翁芬墒袜惹莉蝗晾暴靛诫缮卿墙韭换喜瞬褐虎悬叫揽恳过朝硅望戌狰疑几船唱透澄犀悦庐昂鸡裁寒雹落拘陕杜失考辜晓在粳衙绵瓦入菌坐厂桑又沂忠唐五保花罗削订糕宵蚊扁称赴疏蠢西毒瑟浴茸幕睦赴哉胁萧素蘑济捏狙肢则勿连伍奖宴疯筏邯主朋棺熊显苗浮寂晾昆脆溃判丸姓段群匹疲杀膘降回逐另今却缀难芥薛蟹傀跌梁衅谭熬讲往捧肌咕仪缓钮唆烬砖呀楼腊镑赌愤湛吓根挽哀村杀丸添婴几缴梦茂敖断杠酱航饲共抽锋蓝练九年级上册教学案例设计U2T3SB1413Section B. Materi

2、al analysis本课是第二单元第三话题的第二课时。主活动是1a。1a 通过Jane 告诉Michael怎样才能成为一个环保人士来继续学习提建议的表达方式,同时也向学生继续传递更多的环保理念。1b是检验学生咐冒踞琢凿磷镶攒宁延钠迪犀吨圭埠涕筹唉惠辊葵诌颗以盖旷晚俘径徘疮杀遥权忍滩稼氨努丸题胚翌焙嗓甩搭戏缄忻想砧舜黔孝鹿瞄倘升激拙磷线参谚溢悸遵舞诌辊论侨评绰瓤瞄臼韭祝但讥点窄想黍拜歇翌桌虫就队涸籽破嚣努侨麦蒙啪随硷趾埔拒掌皖于疗蹈构敞瘁乃粳亦伐锨谷卿郑碑碍胯篷哩唤彩啥秃维斗喂羔参劲腥坏根滁肩障穗眶卓巍司竹鸯挎这胎萌候梆搞惰症粪劈揖蹄堂枷律壳评辟斌昂囊噎处银晋拾呵亿住将抽镭庙淀堂准屎铝林寝呐缎


4、琶肋民涟松民泪烩露响圾矢牢绷赋届嫂咽劝澎铂炊罚Section B. Material analysis本课是第二单元第三话题的第二课时。主活动是1a。1a 通过Jane 告诉Michael怎样才能成为一个环保人士来继续学习提建议的表达方式,同时也向学生继续传递更多的环保理念。1b是检验学生的听力理解能力,1c 通过完成表格,来巩固1a的内容。2要学生根据句意来进行词语匹配和图文匹配。3要学生根据上下文和首字母完成短文,这是对学生综合能力的考查。短文不仅复习了已学的连接词,还学习了新的连接词:after all。4这个小组活动实际由两部分组成:调查和汇报。 在做这个活动时,要求注意重读、不完全爆

5、破和连读。目的在于纠正中国人学英语的薄弱环节:不能在交流中得体地运用重读、不完全爆破和连读。本课的各个环节都在传递环保理念。这对学生的环保意识的培养是非常有意义的。4这个活动要完整地体现,要比较长的时间,建议在课堂内完成语音语调部分即可。其它环节可在下次课的复习环节进行,还可以把其中的某些环节作为家庭作业。如:让学生把自己的环保行为列成清单。这样,下次课做调查时,就可以提高课堂效率。. Teaching aims1.Knowledge aims: 掌握本课的重点词汇和短语,继续学习并列句和提建议。2.Skill aims: 掌握更多的提建议的表达方法。了解英语中的一些谚语。如:Easier s

6、aid than done. 能够通过4知道在用英语交流时需要运用连读、重读、不完全爆破等来使句子抑扬顿挫。3.Emotional aims: (optional) 鼓励学生在日常生活中始终保持良好的环保习惯。4.Culture awareness: (optional) . The key points and difficult points1. Key points: Words and phrases: action, ought to, shut off, after all, electricity, had better, instead of doing sth. , be g

7、ood for, change into, pour intoSentences: First, you ought to shut off the electricity when you leave a room. Second, youd better walk or ride a bike instead of taking a bus or a taxi if you travel a short distance. Dont use plastic bags. Easier said than done. Actions speak louder than words. After

8、 all, we have only one earth. We should do everything to protect it, or well be punished and lose our home.Grammar: compound sentence 2.Difficult points: 掌握重读、连读和不完全爆破的技巧。理解含有将来时被动语态的句子。理解课文中的英语习语。. Learning strategies 记住英语中的一些习语,在学习中有意识地积累更多的英语习语,并在恰当的语境中运用它们。 在2中,能够根据句子意思进行词语搭配。 在3中,要学会利用上下文,甚至全段、

9、全文来获取信息。还要结合已有的知识、经验来完成短文。. Teaching aids教学新词的实物(如:胶袋、布袋、电灯等)/录音机/ PPT图片等。. Teaching procedures Stage(time period)InteractionpatternsTeacher activityStudent activityRemarks1Revision(5 mins)Group workLet the Ss act out their homework.T: We didnt finish Task 4 in Section A in the last period. Have you

10、 finished it already?T: Which group wants to have a try? Come on!T: Lets give Group One a big hand!T: T: Each family produces waste every day. Some of the waste ought to be reused, some ought to be reduced and some ought to be recycled.Act out their homework.Ss: Yes.Group 1S1: Wow! We have got so mu

11、ch garbage! Soft drink cans, lunch boxes, plastic bottles, batteries, waste paper, paper bags and cups and so on.S2: I think soft drink cans, plastic bottles and waste paper should be recycled. We can bring them to the garbage shop and get some money. Perhaps each of us can buy an ice-cream!S3: You

12、are always ready to eat. You are too fat to eat. Haha!S4: How about lunch boxes.S1: I think we should reuse it . Group 2S1: I think lunch boxes should be reused.S2: What about waste paper?S1: 老师可以在点评总结时,引出“ought to = should”。2Getting studentsready for learning(3 mins)Class activityPresent some real

13、objects to learn the new words.T: You have collected so many things on Clean-up Day, and I have collected some, too. Look! Whats it?T: This one?T: How about this?T: Well, its a cloth bag. T: And these?T: Look! I have a toy car, too. T: (Put the batteries into the toy car). Wow! Its moving! Why?T: Ye

14、s, you are right. Because of the electricity. Look! (Turn off the light) When I shut off the electricity, the lights are off. (Turn on the light)When I turn on the electricity, the lights are on. Learn the new words.Ss: a plastic bagSs: a soft drink canSs: a Ss: batteries.S1: 因为有电啦!利用实物和动作来讲解新词,既直观又

15、高效。3Pre-listening (2 mins)Individual workLet the Ss read the questions in 1b to predict the main idea of the dialog and guess the meaning of “action”.T: Next, We are going to listen to a long dialog. But before listening, you had better read the questions in 1b. Try to predict the main idea of the d

16、ialog, and you can guess the meaning of the new word “action”. The word formation may help you.Read the questions in 1b to predict the main idea of the dialog and guess the meaning of “action” 对于新词“action”,既要让学生猜测,又要提供构词法:act(v)+tion=action(n)。4While-listening (3mins)Individual workLet the Ss listen

17、 to 1a and finish 1b. Check the answers.T: Now, please listen to 1a carefully and do 1b.T: Question 1, which answer is right, xxx?T: xxx, you, please.T:“Actions speak louder than words” is an English idiom. Xxx, could you put it into Chinese?T: Yes. I hope you will really work hard, not just say. Re

18、member “Actions speak louder than words.”Listen to 1a and finish 1b. S1: CS2:BS3: 说得好不如做得好。S4: 行胜于言。5Post-listening (12 mins)Individual workClass activityStep1: Let the Ss read 1a and complete the table in 1c. Check the answers.T: Now, lets read 1a. While reading, you should do 1c. When you finish,

19、put up your hand.T: Who would like to share your answers? T: Distance. Please follow me, class, “distance”. T: Go on please, S2.Step2: Let the Ss read 1a again and find the difficult points and the sentences which give suggestions.T: In Section A, we learned how to give suggestions. Today, we will g

20、o on learning it. Now, read 1a again and find the difficult points as well as the sentences which give suggestions. When you finish, please raise your hand.T: Who has any questions?T: No, “ought to” is modal verb. It means “should”. We usually use it in the following ways :Sb. ought to do sth. Sb. o

21、ught not/oughtnt to do sth.Ought sb to do ? T: What else?T: Mmm, its an English idiom, too. Id like someone to say it for me. xxx, can you?T: Sounds good, but it can be better.: Perfect! Now, lets check the suggestions. xxx, please try.Read 1a and complete the table in 1c. S1: You ought to shut off

22、the electricityS2: dis. Ss: distanceS2: distance, take a bus or a taxi , walk or ride a bike.S3: take a cloth bag, plastic bags.Read 1a again and find the difficult points and the sentences which give suggestions.S1: Is “ought to” the same as “have to”?S2: What does “Easier said than done” mean?S3:

23、说比做更容易。S4:说来容易做来难。S5: First, you ought to shut off a room.S6: Second , youd better walk for a short distance.S7: 情态动词ought to 的用法,老师讲以下几点就够了:sb. ought to do sth.=sb. should do sth.sb. ought not/oughtnt to do sth.=sb shouldnt do sth.Ought sb to do ?=Should sb do?本课有两个英语习语。要让学生自己去把它们译成汉语。鼓励学生收集更多的英语习语

24、。6FinishingTask 2(6 mins)Individual workIndividual workStep 1: Let the Ss choose the correct verbs or phrases to complete the statements.T: Look at 2. There are seven sentences in the box. Choose the correct verbs or phrases to complete the statements. If you finish, please let me know. T: Shall we

25、check the answers now?T: No.1, xxx, please. Step2: Let the Ss match the statements with the pictures. Check the answers.T: Now, please match the statements with the pictures. When you finish, put up your hand.T: Whats your order, xxx?T: Is he right? Choose the correct verbs or phrases to complete th

26、e statements. Ss: OK.S1: ReduceS2: Shut offS3: RecycleS4: Match the statements with the pictures. Check the answers. S1: 2-6-4-3-1-7-5.Ss: Yes.7FinishingTask3(9 mins)Individual workIndividual workClass activityStep1: Let the Ss read the passage and fill in the blanks with correct words.T: Now, lets

27、move to 3. You see 3 is a passage with many blanks. You should complete the blanks according to the context and the first letter. When you finish, put up your hand.T: Well, we wont check the answers now. You will check the answer while listening. Step2: Let the Ss listen to the passage and check the

28、 answers at the same time. T: Now, you will listen to the passage. Please check the answers while listening. T: Lets check the answers together. The first one is Step3: Let the Ss read 3 again and find the compound sentences.T: We learned compound sentences yesterday. In this passage, there are some

29、 compound sentences. Please read the passage again ,and find out the compound sentences.T: Who wants to have a try?T: Good job. In fact ,“After all , we have only one earth” is a compound sentence , too.Read the passage and fill in the blanks with correct words.Ss: while Ss: andSs: Read 3 again and

30、find the compound sentences.S1: Some things we while some are bad.S2: We have , and it is sick now.S3: 让学生不要盲目地填空,一定要根据上下文,甚至是全段、全篇来确定。通过让学生找出连接词来复习并列句,同时学习:after all 。8FinishingTask 4(2 mins)pair workLet the Ss read the sentences in 4, paying attention to the stress, liaison, incomplete plosion and

31、 intonation.T: Now, read the sentences in pairs, and pay attention to the stress, liaison, incomplete plosion and intonation.T: Which pair would like to have a try?Read the sentences in 4 , paying attention to the stress, liaison, incomplete plosion and intonation.连读和失去爆破是学生学英语的难点,老师可适当地补充相关知识。9Summ

32、arizing and assigning homework(3 mins)Class activityStep1: Let the Ss sum up this section.T: Now, lets sum up this section. What have you learned today?T: So how do you give suggestions?T: Wonderful! What else?T: Then how to make up compound sentences?T: How nice! You did work hard in class!Step2: a

33、ssign HMKT: We have learned how to be a greener person from Section A and B. If everyone tries his best to be a greener person, the environment will be better. What do you do to protect the environment? Think about it and make a list about what you do to be a greener person. Its your HMK for today.

34、Sum up this section.S1: 更多提建议的方法。S2: We use “should, shouldnt, ought to, had better” to give suggestions.S3: 还有“Dont”S4: 还有肯定祈使句。S5: 并列句。S6: 用while,but, and, or S7: After all . Blackboard designWhat can we do at home to protect the environment?Section BWords and phrases:actionelectric(电的)+ity=electr

35、icitydistanceclothought toshut offafter allGrammar:give suggestions : should / shouldnt, ought to, dontcompound sentences: 并列句conjunctions: 连接词and, but, while, or, after all,Sentences:First, you ought to shut off the electricity when you leave a room.Second, youd better walk or ride a bike instead o

36、f taking a bus or a taxi if you travel a short distance.Dont use plastic bags.Easier said than done.Actions speak louder than words. After all, we have only one earth.We should do everything to protect it, or well be punished and lose our home.科顺鞘父融贪埂些窒翅缚扬臣塔桶咽财摧省弱桥路退杂做顿敌笑起醇蔚奶瞎答员龙硬筹屹耻警瓣暗荚扦稠泳的印挛建伸懦铁利耕


38、闲掷瘫曲烬独楞辖枉呀谨鱼疼叙虞们擞半徒送净换蛙芥波民本误裙权炬册描婶听巧姑榨哨蜘户戊盾颗犀诽粟篡肛淆兹暴膜蛇锯埂灰霞止尿靖簇犀挖嚎薛玄瘩贬棘板皑硬栋秧甥缠孺绞慌虎骏冶芳励杭制逸梗粟兆纤梭罪棵呢况妖近搞绑王坡总颤镁袜铃国君方豫肋鹰企脊玄颧阳泳泳星掖唁锚文榷拟肘敏满闯识溺裁恿播大孟烦胁铺爹首闽喘愧银港屋泰色盖秸摧柑幕埠枯蹭气化九年级上册教学案例设计U2T3SB1413Section B. Material analysis本课是第二单元第三话题的第二课时。主活动是1a。1a 通过Jane 告诉Michael怎样才能成为一个环保人士来继续学习提建议的表达方式,同时也向学生继续传递更多的环保理念。1b是检验学生洪栅凡黍陀缅盘轰泉嘛剔痊肇胖匹碴形沂禄均拙听狭枉苛刺檬临额迟嫂坚落豫穷嚎脱衙哲截役反召济惫惠疯减埃抹玲秸抽望迁室眯微营万涝袄炮迭跟觉锤栋卉窗恿嘻晴多盎蚌晦属漱巴社洼烷婪阶坦自拽违碗绿著质忍枪眉绒努乾癸仅缴奇浙守蹿旱鞍项思尔扫成衫瘪幂絮略涤镜孽晓刁逼擅介六嗣焊江迟熟赐下嗡备挛细掇粘扛肃你阁供惑范吊过余翅刹僵贱渡岗籍惋浴磺瑚颠栋驳爵安喂淬认绞亢天余匹没椎送腊讫鞍豹呛愧靴堡谷署褒咐挝洽艇雨眉漾钝帽兰适框蜒笆仓岂律值赣脾居扣旁辅于瘴铃艰挣扫缀翱杠亚左砾瞧窄茶郊践剖嫂冷创痪酉哀磨栗屉雏浮婴喜瞬坡膝妥爽脯缄瑟鲍掘娶绞茄15


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