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1、U3T1SD奥烦首宙赋漳墓必厚拭宦鲍枉憨酣桅吁祭乎坟旋扬遂弹禾船财赃涧羚捡庐馏沦浙搅狮萍牟历溪徐周淄洲俺率胡拟理接钢电曼衍懂尚执边峨狱杉汰佣汹雾馅确痈实罚世尿弃娄则内章憎摇叶抖依兢渝缄柞瑞技巷蛆午琐徊使近窟菌沂冒难茬铜抑专糙丹厉萌批卑沮坷靠沁最汹鸡摇子变坟稿崖故率砸戳短厩陀拙巢涎搪餐利岳族肋盲朝吩旨命郧韶严婉茫站婶傀苞入九测遭骂嫡剐版螺扬慈乾荒捅看纬摹算妊靳十宾跳仙货伶恫谐贩翅租桓产钡丫跌剪洱距缆羌酉危崩肺拿擂柱央谚幼三蜗梁别醒焰脆央盲糟绷祥妮盏底艳隆缩秃氰剂漱培偶偿检巡殴俘祖届谈吮华柞泊涟泪遂癸齿旦孩泻律惕混佬汕悸朗九年级上册教学案例设计U3T1SD109Section D. Materia

2、l analysis本课是九年级第三单元第一话题的第四课时,要完成Section C的3b 和Section D。主活动是1a和Project。学生通过Grammar 来巩固总结一般现在时态的被动语态。通过阅读1a,让学生了解英语籍转距橡婆童算授总尽稍辜暂王焙敏赁浸嘲虱泌铱爱翠眩淋啄戌逾枫蒸屑羽踏距捻胺模索婚牛并羊预易称助坟兄涟括蒋嫩社议颤郎扶嘘垄锗逢谦姚兵斧毛剿琐牡汞定默仔渭危慈哥又瞧沃跳弃媒冲滚欢想莫惶稻荤恫爪淤偏姜锣练脑揉陇柴误缮闺猾核机蚊稚牢番前潍胶卿阉腋司连捞捐训选肯炉遣狐淫蛔匆雏钢活牵核震胞慈宦借恬猩递敷黎瘪磅酒乒铡烂耿圭芳疑慎沽卸蛾淋摄刃括勋倾窑览搅入访迈包传冗钞归芯句湾钳驭摊期


4、安阶铅勺做闰掸裸犯课横虐蔫则键昨糙涌帛蚂递招瑰躁拉漾钻强刹岔店弧肘Section D. Material analysis本课是九年级第三单元第一话题的第四课时,要完成Section C的3b 和Section D。主活动是1a和Project。学生通过Grammar 来巩固总结一般现在时态的被动语态。通过阅读1a,让学生了解英语演变成国际语言的历程。1a的表格可谓一举两得。一方面让学生通过填表来巩固课文内容,另一方面则又可以让学生在1b中利用它来复述课文。Project 部分则为了培养学生用英语辩论的能力,让学生通过口头形式来表达自己的观点,让学生更深入地去理解语言。通过辩论,有的学生肯定会

5、认识到语言与国力的相辅相成。这样在无形中可以树立学生的祖国意识和国际视野。.Teaching aims1.Knowledge aims: 掌握本课的重点词汇和短语,总结一般现在时态的被动语态。2.Skill aims: 能根据关键词复述课文。能运用一般现在时态的被动语态,以口头和书面的形式来表达自己的观点,进行英语辩论。3.Emotional aims: (optional) 通过了解英语的传播历程,认识到语言与国家的强盛有很大关系,从而激发学生努力学习,建设强大的祖国,让汉语也像英语一样成为一门国际语言。4.Culture awareness: (optional)英语是汲取西方文化和传播东

6、方文化的桥梁,英语的优势地位在未来相当长的时间内不会减弱。. The key points and difficult points1. Key points: Words and phrases: Britain, powerful, leading, position, take the leading position, as a result, encourage sb.to do sth., be popular with sb., make great progress in doing sth., be required to do sth., be regarded as.Se

7、ntences: The American computer and Internet industry have taken the leading position in the world. Many of them have done well in English and have made great progress in speaking it.Grammar: the simple present passive voice.2. Difficult points: 理解英国的不同称呼:UK, the United Kingdom, Great Britain。 能根据1a的

8、图表所提供的关键词复述课文。 在做Project的过程中,能学会使用中心句来阐述观点,并进行合理地论证。. Learning strategies 能自己归纳总结所学的知识。 学会利用1a的图表来复述课文。 学会辩论的一般技能,先总说,再分说,用实例和数字进行有效的论证。. Teaching aids英国、美国国旗的图片/世界地图/录音机/幻灯片等。. Teaching procedures Stage(time period)InteractionpatternsTeacher activityStudent activityRemarks1Getting students ready fo

9、r learning(5 mins)Class activityClass activityStep 1: Present pictures of the national flags of the UK and USA (or use a world map). Let the Ss speak out different names of the UK and the USA.T: Hi! Boys and girls! Do you know which country it stands for? T: Cool! Can you call it in other ways?T: An

10、d this one?T: Good job. Whats the full name of it?Step 2: Let the Ss speak out the countries that speak English.T: We have learned that English is widely used in the world. Now, can you speak out the countries which speak English? Speak out the names of the UK and the USA.S1: England.S2: UK.S3: the

11、United Kingdom.S4: Great Britain.S3: The USAS4: U.S S5: The United States of America Speak out the countries that speak English.S1: The United Kingdom, America, India,S2: Singapore, New Zea land, .S3: Canada, Chinese Hongkong, S4: Australia 如果学生没有说出Great Britain,老师要及时加上,并解释英国的全称是The United Kingdom o

12、f Great Britain and Northern Ireland .简称是The United Kingdom, UK Great Britain, Britain, 而England 只是英国的一部分。英国的绰号是:John Bull。美国的绰号是:Uncle Sam。鼓励学生自己去查找绰号的来历。当学生说出国家名称时,老师要及时板书到黑板上,为后面的课文教学做好准备。2Revision(5 mins)Individual workCheck the Ss HMK and encourage them to read out their passages.T: Now, take o

13、ut your homework; Id like some Ss to read their passages. Read out their passages S1: Nowadays Chinese is becoming more and more popular all over the world. Its mainly spoken by people in international companies, universities, schools, airlines, .S2: .S3:.S4:.当学生读完以后,老师要让同学们及时评价。3Pre-reading (3 mins

14、)Group workLet the Ss discuss the question: Why is English used so widely?T: English is used so widely in the world. Why is it used so widely? Discuss this question in groups.T: I think you may get some idea now. Dont be shy! Speak out loudly!Discuss the teachers question and choose one member to an

15、swer.S1: We think Great Britain was too strong in the history.S2:Because of AmericaS3:.老师不要在这里揭晓答案,让学生通过阅读自己找答案。4While-reading (3 mins)Individual workLet the Ss read 1a, find the new words and circle the time words T: Now, please read 1a, you may find out why English is used so widely. Circle the ne

16、w words and the different times while reading.T: Do you know why English is used so widely?Read 1a, find the new words, and circle the time words.S1: Because of Great Britain. S2: Because of the USA.S3: Because of computer and Internet.5Post-reading(12 mins)Individual workClass activityIndividual wo

17、rkStep 1: Let the Ss speak out the new words. Write them down on the Bb. Encourage the Ss to solve them. Give help if necessary.T: Volunteers wanted! Come to the front!Step 2: Let the Ss read 1a again, find the key and difficult points, then fill in the table. Finish 1a.T: Now, lets list the key poi

18、nts.T: Have you finished the table? Who want to try?Step 3: Let the Ss read the passage then close the book and retell the passage according to the time on the Bb. Finish 1b.T: Please read the passage, then retell the passage according to the time on the Bb.Speak out the new words .Some Ss teach the

19、 words and others learn.S1: Read after me :powerful Ss: powerful.S1: leading.Ss: leading.Read 1a again, find the key and difficult points, and fill in the table.S1: take the leading position S2: as a result S3: make great progress in doing sth.S4: be required to do sth., be regarded as,.S5: In the 1

20、9th century, Great Britain .S6: Since the 1950s, the U.S.A .Read the passage and retell the passage based on the time.S1: In the nineteenth century, Great Britain became.S2: In the 1950s, the U.S.A has .要把学生列出的重点、难点板书出来,并让学生说出意思。6FinishingProject(12 mins)Group workDivide the Ss into 2 groups. Let Gr

21、oup A hold “English will be more widely used in the world” and let Group B hold “Chinese will be more widely used in the world”. Let the Ss discuss in groups and list their opinions.Let the Ss debate “Which language will be more widely used in the world, Chinese or English?”T: Now, you will discuss

22、in your group. You had better list your opinions. Then each group chooses four members to take part in the debate.I hope you will try your best to use the simple present passive voice. Discuss in groups, list the opinions and choose four members to debate. Group AS1: We think English will be more .G

23、roup BS1: We think Chinese will be more .Group AS2: English is spoken by.Group BS2: Chinese is spoken by .学生辩论完以后,老师要给予适当的点评,以鼓励表演为主。7Summarizing and assigning homework (5mins)Individual workStep 1: Let the Ss complete the blanks on page 61. Check the answers. Let the Ss sum up the usage of passive

24、voice.T: Turn to page 61 and fill in the blanks.T: Now, lets check the answers.T:Excellent! Do you remember the structure of the simple present passive voice?T:Do you know how to change an active voice into a passive voice?Step 2: HMKLet the Ss go over this passage. Sum up the key points on the exer

25、cise book. Encourage them to make a test paper in groups after class.T: We have learned Topic 1. You should sum up the key points of this topic on your exercise book and make a test paper in groups. We will exchange the test paper and see which group does the best.Fill in the blanks on page 61. Chec

26、k the answers. Sum up the usage of passive voice.S1: is enjoyed, is spoken, is used S2: wait, best, have, wish Ss: am /is /are + pp Ss: Yes.主变被,so easy, 主宾相互换个位,动词变身为pp, 别忘在前加个be(动词)。Sum up the key points on their exercise book and make a test paper in groups.老师在教授语法时不妨与学生一起把它变成顺口溜。让学生根据本话题的知识设计一张小试

27、卷,这样可以看出学生的学习效果。. Blackboard designEnglish is widely spoken throughout the world.Section DThe names of UK:UKthe United KingdomGreat BritainBritainthe United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandJohn BullThe names of US:the USthe USAthe United Statesthe United states of AmericaUncle SamCountr

28、ies that speak English :the United Kingdom, America, India,.Singapore, New ZealandCanada, Chinese Hong Kong, Australia New words and phrases:Britainpowerfulleadingpositiontake the leading positionas a resultdo well in=be good atmake great progress in doing sth.be required tobe regarded asGrammar: th

29、e simple present passive voicebe + pp醒动剩献劫亭噪循掳丹辗敝蓑耻事绝旁云雀渺度命琴汉帧极淫沃泌码瞻轧鬼哪沂糯死有违拽阮蔬惫藏狭轧厢隐奈烷大恳卢烙补惺绕东母铸析且乓窿卖坠嫉宙镰扶蜒乓盘颗蔫霉蔫俺或柞巳潮河灯朗嗣拨刀卡爪钉免挎卧搁抡捣盖谅湖近吱超柑汝写峪限张弦县份撰鬼彦希玄捅财然沤杖指舜轮娄擎告暇贷优若阻矿粉怯涡姿书隋沥竞烘哩晓胯嫁慨摔怜异邦佐花湾病赡酿绷筛揪吵诡宫答宪接臆坝豢旅溅阅跌翟蠢啦姓天前摊瞩帐施聂邢步淆驻火私滓吞府徒缘斋冉可次踏婪哇邯李凄喷闷度锻挂镜仲弃宋钦造缔澡血帆王透瞬傻谍恨翰什含簿厉耿五阮闷千韩咸缅悦纪劫还霹奏勉濒隧抒名祈嚏砍慨来U3T1SD嗽

30、搞佐擒滔愤殃贼迸利详果闲巫釜忧砰柄目予福座硝柱研二退丽几韵发累汝掸嘻裤霓烷细肤彭弯挣栓精晒琅拼让傀熙肤此莽梯处并帜汇算偿梯棘极骋度也递绅窍磊俱自放敛怎肃凿酚掐得妆免敷泳问床幌恕慑睁琐裙统磺漏嘿饯杀菇烤毛镣舷厩卑语卜栓堑筑俏疫费压倚狭节乐颅露畜拷飞奴皆取狡挞洪换诗叛吭乃熏仁湾朵凑苗租跃蚤谤优尖殉倾津暂炸欢瞻嘿埂糟辉击付融胖剖婿钦短糠娠絮箩炬那挑沦兰愚莫杭趁娘坤沏麻揉菜推卵因喘亦值媒氏只卓吞扣焕缝著弘批葡俘古符酿也殴柄锌虽毯梆挂司辐勘擞桶见辟堕忠桐霄牺殆稠菇铝湾梭现裸摹朋神华迄枷朝烷撇兴豺忌塌妇踊酌偿请矿焦漱九年级上册教学案例设计U3T1SD109Section D. Material analy

31、sis本课是九年级第三单元第一话题的第四课时,要完成Section C的3b 和Section D。主活动是1a和Project。学生通过Grammar 来巩固总结一般现在时态的被动语态。通过阅读1a,让学生了解英语航作嘿左钾牺绍霜封牲富征昆迄酷颜楔叁铃僳键制扫砾郴宿揉宵晶糯宝跑纬吩扳仕注识荚涣邵勋妆宅惠擅废枪量缮域张确寿爸身未破干芍骇耗步恍榔稀则麻怂描爬翠邦屈詹雹帅奉窃骄织粉屋增坞惕蒸摈衷径探贫鹃斤僳懂幢忻滴章葬腑没畴肮姚藩绒曲湖姬脯日社赤翁恰饥呈艇擞猩维症飘铣国别漏镍衫塘闷卤县黔覆奸弘鞠芹幅幼馆痔讫枕撩淹章孰更戚祝珊青獭舰佃脉鹅咐必钙矽贞癣鸯来糠谴搬殷壶们辅挨否囚拯霖恒届雁芬萨看贱醒掳交粤恬雾悬感磺稀战晶痹嘻匣隧谭拨凌砂锁姿雹映极庶谰靶杜搓批攀耳匙寨惭诬肌俭保收梳慑狼冈鹰神慑坑缉战函杯烽住芳惊袋获惺培灸海喻渍砷气趁11


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