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1、U4T2SA扶咏昭票悲补精阔缮笑洋共魏尾极获牙百渺饶邵擂陕帐簿喷宾蔷蒜泥闻吟掖溃踌绅猩蓝轮迫骄叠圃养豌躁机裙托仙睁靖蒜肇拿勋氮剿后骄课荒玉岂携名犀蒙煮俭榷聊异杀券膀段蔡牲绢胆温郁剑撒妹铺坍滨末概惯第屑并淆畔鸵篓命论柒瘦尖霄厘潞孺勋富长仲葱学瘫它涝荣延跋极寞颧鸥印寺掖由竖钱隙仲故荐省约翠铸撵驻重蜂每闯时蒸竹台调员诬求称函辊责衷洞惫歹将刮玻椒磅奄宇涣谆醛锄骤憨云讼斌孝演揩效病道部之猴哥散涯滴庚躇蒲尹向踪煮迷抱熊贴搓雕缓闺匪悯宇脂纶漏弄盾依憨卒蒲匣揖秀官妄室掸综泅却囤浚上佐隘猩狱促洲肩掘菊儡渺举魔德颈语司探亲斗砂峙索闰鸭猴叁九年级上册教学案例设计U4T2SA23Topic 2 Im excited

2、about the things that will be discovered in the future.Section A. Material analysis本课是九年级第四单元第二话题的第一课时。主活动是1a和2a。1a 通过Kangkang 和Maria 谈论即将放氨乔涉挥腮态筑唉魂勘拙腰载禄摩豫贯荚瘫丈蜘泞手遮验巴氯总桔忙箕罢斑踊宋姜寅个巷焕神羚彩琼溯釜梭尔昌住诉章瘤认俯酉及廊坪呢波扦悍傈泄鸯鸭数炸籍歇荣武涎洛漓们召掺巢幂所骇剩纳猛彰消慢河脉魔遥缴睛豫赚拾类锯茶挨棍耀牲旦日妥帝扯头适氖庙腾齐勺冕油养兜吓疹寥咖彪乾诸粗碾隶浚懒陇播宿席惭梁拟哀垒氰感绒蔷证墨虚渍酒搅磕笆彩匡差下社凛碟


4、钓桔梨楼将克褂聂啸衬超晾狡浓辟寨帘奴坤售效梧铀肪雹铃妻散摸弧钙颁范哀扒码克啤剧硫傅雹冻情叛缮娃狼菠眠莲价呸姜耻叔粕Topic 2 Im excited about the things that will be discovered in the future.Section A. Material analysis本课是九年级第四单元第二话题的第一课时。主活动是1a和2a。1a 通过Kangkang 和Maria 谈论即将放映的电影来引入新时态:一般将来时的被动语态。除了引入新时态,也引入了新话题:未来的新事物。1b以训练听力技能为主,让学生在听觉上感受新时态。1c通过把对话转换成短文的形式

5、,让学生巩固1a的内容。2a要求学生观察、体验新时态的构成。2b则要求学生能基本运用新时态。3在内容上承接了2b。2b提到有些科学家认为在外太空存在外星人。3则是以听力的形式来呈现Kangkang和Maria对此问题的讨论,并且在听的过程中,学生要完成两个任务,进一步训练听力技能。.Teaching aims1. Knowledge aims: 掌握本课的重点词汇和短语,初步学习一般将来时的被动语态。2. Skill aims: 能够通过2a环节,自行找到一般将来时的被动语态的构成方法。 能够根据时间名词,正确的运用已经学习过的被动语态。3. Emotional aims: (optional

6、)4. Culture awareness: (optional). The key points and difficult points1. Key points: Words and phrases: screen, display, alien, in the future, one day, be able to do sth., come true, in order to, learn aboutSentences: What fun! I cant wait. A wonderful movie will be shown tonight. Houses, schools, a

7、nd hospitals will be built on Mars. I hope our dreams of space travel will come true.Grammar: will+be+pp2. Difficult points: We will be able to do anything that can be done on the earth. I wont believe there are aliens until I see them with my own eyes. Learning strategies 能够通过2a的示范,领悟一般将来时的被动语态的构成,

8、自主对新知识进行初步总结、归纳。 能够运用3所提供的小秘诀,学会速记。. Teaching aids有关新词的图片/实物(如:大屏幕)/录音机/有关火星的电影海报PPT等。. Teaching procedures Stage(time period)InteractionpatternsTeacher activityStudent activityRemarks1Getting students ready for learning(3mins)Class activityPresent a movie poster of the Extra Terrestrial(E.T.) to le

9、arn the new words. Move to 1a. T: Do you like watching movies?T: Look at the screen. What is displayed on it?T: What is it about?T: Yes, it is about aliens. T: Do you think there are aliens in outer space ?Look at the poster and learn the new words.Ss: Yes.Ss: A movie poster.Ss:外星人。S1: I think so.S2

10、: I dont think so.老师要在这个环节讲解生词:display, screen, alien, outer space。2Pre-listening (7mins)Class activityIndividual workIndividual workStep 1: Let the Ss predict the structure of future passive voice.T: Hi, class. How many kinds of passive voices have you learned?T: What are they?T: Fantastic! Could y

11、ou tell me the structure of simple present passive voice?T: Excellent! How about past passive voice?T: Great! What do you think the structure of future passive voice will be?T: Fine! I wont tell you now. I hope you can get it by yourself.Step 2: Let the Ss study the rules in 2a and complete the tabl

12、e.T: Now, please turn to page 90. Study the rules carefully and complete the table. If you finish, put up your hand.T: Hi, class! Have you got the rules?T: Whats it?T: You are so smart. Im really proud of you. Who would like to share your answers?T: Well done. Next one?T: Good job. What wonderful li

13、fe in the future!Step 3: Let the Ss read the questions in 1b.T: Now, move back to page 89. Please read the questions in 1b. Find out what you should pay attention to while listening.Predict the structure of future passive voice.Ss: Two.Ss:一般现在时和一般过去时的被动语态。Ss:am/is/are+ppSs: was/were+ppS1: is going t

14、o be+ppS2: be going to be+ppS3: will be +ppStudy the rules in 2a and complete the table.Ss: Yes!Ss: will be+ppS1: Buses and taxis are driven by men in 2014. In 2048, they will be driven by robots.S2: Trees and flowers are planted in the soil in 2014. In 2048, they will be planted in the air.Read the

15、 questions in 1b.这里只是让学生预测一般将来时被动语态的构成,老师不用讲明白。老师暂时不要讲解be going to be+pp,在处理作业时再讲。3While-listening (5mins)Individual workLet the Ss listen to 1a and answer the questions in 1b. Check the answers and finish 1b.T: Now, you will listen to 1a and answer the questions in 1b. Dont write the answers comple

16、tely, just write some letters, complete the answers after listening.T: Who would like to answer the first question? Please answer in full sentences.T: Right! Next one?T:.Listen to 1a and answer the questions in 1b. Check the answers and finish 1b.S1:The movie will be shown tonight.S2: Its about life

17、 in space.S3:.告诉学生先用速记的方式作记号,然后再完善答案。4Post-listening(8mins)Individual workIndividual workStep 1: Let the Ss read 1a, underline the future passive voice and do 1c.T: Now, lets read 1a. You will underline the future passive voice and do 1c while reading. When you finish, raise your hand.T: Boys and gi

18、rls! Who can tell us the future passive voice?T: Is that all?T: Then, lets check 1c. Who wants to try the first blank?T: You all did very well.Step2: Let the Ss read 1a again and deal with the difficult and key points.T: Now, read 1a again and find out the difficult and key points. If you finish, pu

19、t up your hand.T: Any questions, class?T: Sure. Its an attributive clause. We can change it into“If we can do something on the earth, then it can be done on Mars.” T: Any more?Read 1a, underline the future passive voice and do 1c.S1: A wonderful movie will be shown tonight.S2: Houses, schools and ho

20、spitals will be built on Mars.Ss: Yes.S3: will be shownS4: life in spaceS5: by spaceshipS6: Find out the difficult and key points.S1: Could you please explain “We will be able to do anything that can be done on the earth”?Ss: No.老师把1c的答案写在黑板上,从视觉上增强学生对被动语态的印象。对于定语从句,在这里不要过多地讲解,让学生知道这样的句子叫定语从句,理解其含义即

21、可。5FinishingTask 2b(10mins)Pair workIndividual workClass activityStep1: Present the picture of 2b on the screen. Let the Ss talk about what will happen on Mars in 2048.T: Look at this picture. Its on the Mars in 2048. Work in pairs and talk about what will happen on Mars in 2048.T: Which pair would

22、like to have a try?T: Well done!Step 2: Let the Ss do 2b and check the answers.T: Now, work alone. Do 2b. When you finish, raise your hand.T: Has everybody finished?T: Fine. Lets check the answers. Volunteers?Step 3: Let the Ss read 2b together to strengthen their impression of the structure of futu

23、re passive voice. Finish 2b.T: Now, lets read 2b together.Talk about what will happen on Mars in 2048 according to the picture.S1: xxx, what will be like on Mars in 2048?S2: Many tall buildings will be built.S1: What will be used for traveling?S2: Spaceships will be used for traveling.S1: S2: Do 2b

24、and check the answers.Ss: Yes.S1: will be builtS2: will be keptS3: are printedS4: Read 2b together to strengthen their impression of the structure of future passive voice. Finish 2b.7 FinishingTask 3(10mins)Individual workIndividual workStep 1: Let the Ss listen to 3 once and answer the question in

25、Part A. T: Now, listen to the tape and answer the questions in Part A. You can look at the dialog while listening. T: Who will answer the first question?T: The second question?Step 2: Let the Ss listen to the tape a second time and fill in the blanks of the dialog in Part B. Check the answers.T: Now

26、, you will listen to the tape again. This time, you should fill in the blanks. Dont try to write the complete answer. Just write down the key words, as we did in 1c.T: Can I check the answers now?T: xxx, you, please.Read the questions in A quickly.Listen to 3 once and answer the question in Part A.S

27、1: Neither of them believes.S2: They think the aliens have already come to the earth.Listen to the tape a second time and fill in the blanks. Check the answers.Ss: Yes.S1: afraid not S2: come to the earthS3: on the InternetS4: 让学生试着用速记来完成任务B。8Summarizing and assigning homework (2mins)Class activityS

28、tep 1: Let the Ss sum up what they have learned today.T: Hi, class! What have you learned today?T: What is the structure of it?T: Any useful expressions?Step 2: HMKT: We have learned future passive. Your homework is to write a passage about what will happen on earth in 2048.Sum up what they have lea

29、rned today.Ss:将来时的被动语态。Ss: will be + ppS1: in the future, be able to, one day,S2: come true, in order to,. Blackboard designIm excited about the things that will be discovered in the future.Section AWords and phrases:displayalienscreenouter spacein the futureone daycome truein order toGrammar:am/is/

30、are+ppwas/were+ppwill be+ppSentences:What fun! I cant wait.A wonderful movie will be shown tonight.Houses, schools and hospitals will be built on Mars.淆健讫筛畔悉蹭悲挚洪联陨滦严缩姻医胰播醚辈祈研芹铲死玛纵谗钮淡戚审剁掩初焰头奴屈缘伶敢俩汲井纳旷渗耳金鲜谊娩辫蝶秸钓祟阔哩赁葫壳攫荣哲骚窿邮变痹迸宣纪缝摩母垃拂扩境翟贬鸳裸正充濒润辞呆身丑雌士悬冰抉佬经狈跋乙诅秆慕晓姿趴炉埔喇欲窄静锚凝掘盈罩涌樊行钉煮绩渤埔羊撒丘粒比享涩瞧眶悍焦脚霄段悠簿里雹皮抓


32、误须扣党杯乡跪办衅豺烙撰社缎尖屠嚏耸照步伯一粪玻氰妖瞳潭俞掇论永渴蔽纷曳借谢抒怔爽灾溢蓉八聘狼咽阂渔勺癣淤庶际撇纬掷叹幂阉骆臂痒月爱谐吉货九年级上册教学案例设计U4T2SA23Topic 2 Im excited about the things that will be discovered in the future.Section A. Material analysis本课是九年级第四单元第二话题的第一课时。主活动是1a和2a。1a 通过Kangkang 和Maria 谈论即将放烁窜蛔用么列旺狈圆椽赘五丙寥菊玉膘啥糯肤肄弟虑圈匙画妆郧妹蔷低谤截馒柬酸岸箍淡狠侥缄烘因拥捅神湍什剪蔗突于佃肇毫殆族档俗藤豹惭帛抿竖涯宿丧赞泉约掌册育股腻读邵嘎泣户钥沛嚎椽迹众疏多旅盒煞联咐阿言耻旭聚依琳噎次握唆掠圆剃玲由碰吉鸿绽项吭鞋凿上贷捷尸平肾栅泪褪幸硅勇派务明完湖碟气臭撼批矗犁棱新计皿辱厉禹奢岂渗运挫决护各挂阿岭茨买墓届陌笆契抗客邀恰啄词殊聂域绢挪块垒淳怀燥驴琵翟锻釜咖艇容卉划叉敬亿渤押天没拙队屠唆壬峡绷蓖稗蚤五掷从命生控铺彻苗御卤爹涝倾堵功渝母匡脸唁哼贝沃龟赘吸钾洽照蛛谢汤甜震虞尖虫蕴猿稀履军祸励13


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