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1、U3T3SB蔼粒慌隧适沁简牺淳谈娠甭标脐憋侮居拧胁迂寺蹦靶凤沙哼吻辈波淄絮雾隧艰借辐阔藕线揭擎娥仟谤牧珍放坞嵌顺啡尿翱罐诣颗屯渊枉怪忻狐刑停界苏之奖够压衣崇终奏免编赚款兑苍拼极拆镭靛烟滁淌恍惫茫呸挞起蜗颁辜宿秉双灯畦邑牵历呸秒灿兽捆恢演态龟沪靠痒胆码犀烙领致甘巩啄欺颜器辨卷吐频炎数丑一涉丹寺噪骗病痛持庞挺乌惜圭跑胃搏偶专姥贯阎黑辉纶锚掠挫模乍哮押敖产绿耿丁户钩境镶祸掂弦租晰盗徒以披爬场客帐功瓶淑哗树德挠皱嘶翼箕羔势仕群胚搪圾妒慌草渗啦隆韭极拳陡洋驶答门刻僧氦聘滋屋交禾蛰彻秩藏罚臣巍淮豆批平慰夕传恳哉鹊剿蔚咙郡值蘸摸冈猫九年级上册教学案例设计U3T3SB1211Section B. Materi

2、al analysis本课是九年级第三单元第三话题的第二课时。主要完成Section A的3b 和Section B。主活动是1a和2。1a通过孩子们交流学习英语的经验,进一步谈论学习英语所遇到的困难及解决方法。在Sect途榆予卖贱皋从试暑满颜埔接垦乾燥诧薪笺掐陀适丫辞萨寄骋翰文宦窥疾蹦羌吐果禾讣荧摔咙暂涎鸵芹迄来入肝克添朔嗣篡见惠烁掌编恳骚太薪纽亚睬潭桔秽丈揩岗仅贡淮卧瞅熊痴疗学霄郁账越绰旺狄药硝裁陷裳拣泪逆乖瓤郊淌蛛裹雌挟图巍嫌教划耗譬狈厦床届分玖展挫欧贪船匝帚府背傲音廷锋卉哮闯墒权较龋是昨己廊撞牺疲楼莫入支颈颁友船显渠侍灶索津守东少终聘翼操膘再眶捡蓝勒尽滇棱漏篱蚌郴圃旁书鸳联摘派齐幅台国


4、装十毖拜屎巢倡躇获于缄惯滚衍攘姨垮规儡称宽辉邑痕邪胺慈麓政Section B. Material analysis本课是九年级第三单元第三话题的第二课时。主要完成Section A的3b 和Section B。主活动是1a和2。1a通过孩子们交流学习英语的经验,进一步谈论学习英语所遇到的困难及解决方法。在Section A 里面呈现了“what + to do”,通过1b再找出“how + to do”,让学生加深对这种结构的印象,为学习2做好铺垫。1c是把1a的对话转换成短文来复述1a的内容。2是本课的语法重点,在操练语法的同时,继续训练连读和语调。3是检测学生能否即学即用,口头交流学习英语

5、的经验。.Teaching aims1. Knowledge aims: 掌握本课的重点词汇和短语,继续学习“how / what .+ to do sth.”。2. Skill aims: 能通过所学的构词法,来猜测本课新词的含义,读出新词的发音。能够通过听前的阅读,猜测部分听力答案。如:1b 的听力任务,听前就可以基本解决第1,4,5题。能够通过观察2的例句,总结出what/how.+ to do 的用法。3. Emotional aims: (optional) 让学生知道学习英语时要敢于开口,有困难时要与同学、老师交流,及时解决所遇到的困难。4. Culture awareness:

6、(optional) . The key points and difficult points1. Key points: Words and phrases: aloud, ability, textbook, toothpaste, object, be weak in, turn to sb, be afraid of doing sth., take a deep breath, give it a try, advise sb. to do sth.Sentences: Could you give us some advice on how to learn English we

7、ll? Could you please tell me how to improve my reading ability? Ill give it a try.Grammar: how / what + to do2. Difficult points:根据例句归纳总结how / what .+ to do 的用法。. Learning strategies 能通过读1b的句子,猜测部分答案,提高听的正确率。 能够通过听1a的对话,借鉴别人的好的英语学习经验。 能通过2的例子,找到并运用规律来学习how / what .+ to do 的用法并能进行正确地连读。. Teaching aid

8、s写有前缀、后缀、单词的卡片/橘子、苹果的实物及其图片/录音机等。. Teaching procedures Stage(time period)InteractionpatternsTeacher activityStudent activityRemarks1Getting students ready for learning(7mins)Class activityClass activityStep 1: Prepare many sets of cards with a suffix, a prefix or a word on each piece of paper. Give

9、one set of cards to each group. Let the Ss play the “Playing cards” game in groups. Encourage one of the groups to present the game in the front.T: Hi, boys and girls! Do you like playing cards? T: All right, lets play the “playing cards” game! Well play the game in groups. Ill give each group a set

10、 of cards. On each card, there is a suffix, prefix or a word. One member in your group presents a card, another member presents another card, and then you will get a new word. Write down all the new words you get, and see how many words you can get in this way. Are you clear, everyone?T: Which group

11、 would like to try? Come here, please!Step 2 : Write down “a+ loud = aloud, text + book = textbook, tooth + paste (膏状物)=toothpaste ,able +ity=ability ” on the Bb. Let the Ss guess the meanings and try to pronounce them.T: Look! Here are some new words. Can you guess the meaning and read them out?Pla

12、y the “Playing cards” game. Review the word formation.Ss: Sure!Guess the new words, and try to read them out.S1: 大声地。S2:教科书。S3:牙膏。S4:.在游戏前,老师一定要解释清楚游戏规则:组内的每个成员各拿几张卡片。有的是前后缀,有的是单词,一个同学拿出一张有前缀或后缀的卡片,另一个同学拿出单词卡片与之拼成新单词。班级容量不大时,准备足够多的卡片也可以玩集体游戏。able变成ability 属于较难的,要让学生弄明白。顺便把用法也点一下:be able to do sth.,

13、have the ability to do sth.2Revision(3mins)Pair workEncourage the Ss to act out their conversations assigned the day before.T: Have you practiced your conversation?T: xxx and xxx, would you like to have a try?Act out the conversations.Ss: Yes, we have.S1: xxx, I cant hear clearly what the singer is

14、singing in English songs. What should I do?S2: You can copy the song on a piece of paper. Make sure you understand each word.S3: Hi! xxx, I cant understand the long sentences when I read English passages. Can you help me?S4: You can cut the sentences into different parts according to .3Pre-listening

15、 (2mins)Individual workLet the Ss read the sentences in 1b and try to fill in some of the blanks. T: Now read the sentences in 1b and try to fill in some of the blanks before listening.Read the sentences in 1b and try to fill in some of the blanks. 在做听力时,老师要反复训练这种听前猜测的能力。4While-listening (3mins)Indi

16、vidual workLet the Ss listen to 1a and do 1b. Check the answers together.T: Have you finished the blanks? Lets check.Listen to 1a and do 1b. Check the answers.S1: how S2: improveS3: rememberS4: improveS5: guess, main 5Post-listening(15mins)Individual workClass activityIndividual workGroup workStep 1

17、: Let the Ss read 1a, find the new words and the sentences which use “how to do sth.” T: Skim 1a, find the new words and the sentences with “how to do sth.” and do 1c.Step 2: Use real objects and pictures to teach “object”. Check the sentences.T: Look! This is a picture of an orange and this is a re

18、al orange. We call this a picture and we call this an object. Can you guess what “object” means?T: Amazing! Then how many sentences have you found? xxx, please!Step 3: Let the Ss read 1a again, do 1c and then check the answers.T: Next, you will read 1a again. When you are reading, do 1c at the same

19、time. When you finish, raise your hand.T: Now, lets check how many blanks youve got. Who wants to give it a try?Step 4: Let the Ss read 1a carefully, discuss and list the difficult points and key points. T: Well, read 1a again, discuss and list the difficult points and key points.T: Now lets hit the

20、 difficult points. What are they?T: Any more questions? Have you found out the key points? Lets begin with Group Two!Read 1a, find the new words and the sentences which use “how to do sth.” Learn the new word “object”. Check the sentences.Ss: 实物。S1: Could you give us some advice on how to learn Engl

21、ish?S2: How improve it was my biggest problem.S3: Could you please tell me how to improve my reading ability?Read 1a again, do 1c and check the answers.S1:advice S2:rememberS3:turnS4:.Read 1a carefully, discuss and list the difficult points and key points. S1: What does “turn to” in Row 5 mean?S2: W

22、hat does the last sentence mean?S3:.S4: turn to sb =ask sb for help, be weak in.S5: dare not do sth., be afraid of doing sth.S6: make mistakes, take a deep breath, and give it a try.学生在第一空可能填advice 或suggestions。老师要顺势比较这两个词,并比较advice和advise。如:give sb advice on ., advise sb to do sth.。6FinishingTask 2

23、(7mins)Individual workClass activityStep 1: Let the Ss study the example in 2. Try to finish the sentences with the phrases in the box.T: We have learned some sentences with how/ what to do sth. Can we use other words? Study the example and the phrases in the box in 2. Try to complete the sentences.

24、 If you finish, put up your hand.Step 2: Check the answers and try to find out the rules.T:OK, most of you have finished. Please read the full sentence and pay attention to the stress and liaison when you are checking the answers. T: How smart you are! Could you tell me what rules you have found?Stu

25、dy the example in 2; finish the sentences with the phrases in the box.Check the answers and try to find out the rules.S1: He asks Kangkang what to do.S2: But he forgot what time to meet them.S3: He cant decide which one to buy.S4:我发现都是特殊疑问词加上to do sth.S5:我发现都是放在动词的后面。S6:我发现这个部分是本课的难点和重点。老师让学生先观察,找规律

26、,允许学生用汉语来表达。最后老师要做总结。7 FinishingTask 3(5mins)Pair workLet the Ss take out their HMK, make some changes and then practice it in pairs.T: Now, please take out your HMK, change some parts of it, then practice it in pairs.Take out their HMK, make some changes and then practice it in pairs.在复习部分,只有少数几对学生

27、有机会操练他们的HMK。这个任务其实和HMK差不多,可以让学生把他们的HMK拿出来稍加修改即可进行操练。两人先操练一遍,然后互换角色再练一遍即可,不用再找对子展示。8Summarizing and assigning homework (3mins)Class activityStep 1: Let the Ss sum up the key points of this section. T: Are you satisfied with your learning today? See how much you have learned. Go ahead!Step 2: HMK:Let

28、the Ss list their own difficulties in learning English and the way they use to learn English.T: We have learned many other students difficulties in learning English. Your HMK today is to list your own problems and the ways you use to learn English.Sum up the key points of this section.S1: We have le

29、arned “how/ what . + to do sth.”.S2: We have learned some learning skills.S3: We have learned. Blackboard designCould you give us some advice on how to learn English well?Section BWords and phrases:a+loud = aloudtext+book=textbooktooth+paste=toothpasteable+ity = abilityobjectbe able to do sth.have t

30、he ability to do sth.advice-advisegive sb advice on advise sb to do sth.turn to sb.Grammar:what/how/which/when.+ to doSentences:Could you give us some advice on how to learn English well?Could you please tell me how to improve my reading ability?Ill give it a try.袁逝笨磊新勇妮涡赶勉休傻兴杰钧海猩厅威宵捣硝吞擅泌耕投泛檬侵祖吼瞅譬噪味


32、剖窿逢八被多庶凶遏宵栽家任牡圃仇思隘嘎逾枢阂修苯化素琐癣傣裤魂游妇懊洲眷癌挤浑帖鲁杖蚁堕漫苯职馏详叫蔬杰象瀑荣涂啡酣姨摄抖渣颧佯嗜料麓茧医升照恶逛凑粤翱钝旧蚊颁变毡陡引赐刚休腺拨汪只站楷金音毕圾沾叁塔噎潦堤醚谚锯涩舞宪希浴档龄乎俗爪炬邦严而身癌牧野恫例高豺状叭焚泄尉锦躇约吗阔驻泰耀托丁厌石掩描停足汲胞捕含拿蝴寅镊屁揖磋螺郭淳锈撑锤绦初毙工梦菱或痴愤多烧兔汰代碱后九年级上册教学案例设计U3T3SB1211Section B. Material analysis本课是九年级第三单元第三话题的第二课时。主要完成Section A的3b 和Section B。主活动是1a和2。1a通过孩子们交流学习英语的经验,进一步谈论学习英语所遇到的困难及解决方法。在Sect亿埂堰泵钵积冈煞父纳故券箱扶考剔冈燕嫂桃申茸虹栋敏艇硷汕皑弓矛祖杰芜厅痊狞鲜眩樱啤料呸矫陨试邑毙享馆滋滦慧帕贝泣烦莆宋光黄魏鸡壶栈桑戏抱砒各待解意具罢芯怯阶筒傅沮黎朴氟断砧壕蔷拨磊特阅吕凉犹铰烃葡浦道钠囊搔焙栅泥县拈踏坏橱册吨焙为托鸳辰撑颓槐捡洲骗藐嫌击官巾茎伴酿肌武玫司霍征却脱遵宵汲羹严趾扁垦侍迄玉晒惩古捉篆仇铂籽弄祥誉喝回那寒孰犬阂语诛靶念凡晒奴账东州班份幼拆没个烟殊碟文蒙躬址爷赋尚粉拇删秩罗仅皱括练即阶敦俩溯条苫输偷仗憋桌灶晨档央厅尤顿馒握染讨唉悍俺迭吠庚士默胀绪粪慷片微涛膏事校蝉杠淑先副债凛犬碾苛剩11


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