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1、Unit 12,Unit 12 What did you do last weekend?,Xiangshui Middle School Wang Changsheng,beach,lake,camp,Main words,badminton,Match the activities with the pictures a-f.,1.did my homework _2.went to the cinema _3.went boating _4.camped by the lake _5.went to the beach _6.played badminton _,f,a,e,b,d,c,

2、1a,Presentation,Well,on Saturday morning,I played soccer.,What did you do last weekend,Li Lei?,Listen and write the day,morning,afternoon or night below each picture.,Listening,1b,Sunday night,Saturday afternoon,Sunday afternoon,Saturday morning,Sunday morning,Saturday night,Guessing game!,What did

3、he do?,He played badminton.,He went boating.,What did he do?,He went to the cinema.,What did he do?,They went to the beach.,What did they do?,They went fishing.,What did they do?,He did his homework.,What did he do last weekend?,They visited a history museum.,What did they do last weekend?,Role-play

4、.Student A is Lucy.Student B asks Lucy about her weekend.,Pairwork,1c,Well,on Saturday morning,I played badminton.,I went to the beach.,What did you do last weekend,Lucy?,What did you do on Saturday afternoon?,I went to a movie.,What did you do on Saturday night?,What did you do on Sunday morning?,I

5、 went boating with my friends.,I camped by the lake.,What did you do on Sunday afternoon?,What about Sunday night?,I did my homework at home.,1.I visited my(aunt/grandma).2.I did my(homework/sports).3.I studied for the(English/math)test.4.I went to a(farm/beach).5.I fed some(sheep/cows).,_,_,_,Liste

6、n and underline the words you hear.,Listening,_,_,2a,1._ I visited my grandma.2._ I did my homework.3._ I studied for the English test.4._ I went to a farm.5._ I fed some cows.,B,J,J,B,C,Listen again.Write C for Carol,J for Jack or B for Becky next to the statements in 2a.,2b,Pairwork,Student A asks

7、 questions with who,what or where and Student B answers.Then change roles.,2c,He studied for his English test.,What did he do?,Who stayed at home last weekend?,Carol.I think.,He went to the farm.,Where did Jack go last weekend?,What did he do there?,He fed some cows there.,Hi,Li Lei._ _ your weekend

8、?Not bad.I _ _ the farm,and _ a big _.,How was,saw sheep,went to,小试身手,看图补全对话。,Really?Sounds _.What did you do,Wu Lin?Well.I _ _ with my friends in the afternoon.And I _ _ late to do my _ last night.,interesting,went boating,homework,stayed up,复习一般过去式的构成方式,并总结其变化规律。回顾所学的周末/业余活动的词组;并用它们来造几个句子。,Homework,


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