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1、中考复习-单词拼写一 复习方法1. 掌握广州市初中毕业生学业考试指导书的词汇表。要牢记这些单词,打下坚固的基础。同时要注意很多考生习惯于看着课本记单词,这容易导致单词记忆上的缺漏。2. 全方位地去记单词。仅仅记住单词拼写和词义是远远不够的,还应记住它的词性,发音和搭配用法。这有这样才能正确地判断应填对待词性和词形。3. 需要特别记忆的单词:星期,月份,四季,数词(如:eighth, ninth),家人亲戚(如:daughter, uncle),过去式或分词双写尾字母的动词(如:stop, plan, refer),不规则变化的动词(如:lie作“说谎”讲时,是规则的;作“位于”讲时,其过去式是

2、lay,过去分词是lain,现在分词都是lying),名词复数变化(如:GermanGermans, halfhalves, leafleaves, knifeknives, lifelives, thiefthieves, wifewives, mousemice, footfeet, toothteeth, childchildren, tomato, potato, hero等有生命的以o结尾的名词变复数时要加-es),动词变名词时的拼写变化(如下表)汉语意思动词名词决定decidedecision 旅行travel trip发明inventinvention 同意agreeagreem

3、ent 出现appearappearance拼写spellspelling邀请invite invitation 成功succeedsuccess形容词变名词时的拼写变化(如:longlength, highheight, strongstrength),形容词变副词时的拼写变化(如:以-ble结尾的形容词变副词时,去e加y,如:possiblepossibly, terribleterribly)。二解题技巧1 读懂句意,确定单词先通览全句了解大意。努力从中找到一些解题提示来帮助确定所填的单词。例 The f_ day of the week is Sunday.解析:该句意为一周的第一天的

4、星期天,需要填的词的首字母是f,根据常识和序数词有关知识应填第一,故填first。此类题目还可考月份,如:September is the n_ month of the year.2 瞻前顾后,确定形式 根据题意确定所需单词。确定单词后,要根据题意确定所选单词的词形,要考虑名词的可数与不可数,可数名词要注意单,复数形式;形容词或副词的比较等级的变化;动词是构成句子的重要部分,它的时态,语态,非谓语动词的各种形式比较复杂,应该在做题时作出恰当的选择,同时惯用法,固定搭配也是重点考查内容之一。现分类说明如下:1. 名词 一般考虑单,复数形式和所有格。例1 Do you like white? W

5、e have shirts of different c_.解析:根据句意,可确定单词为color,通过前面的shirts和different两词可确定此处应用colors。例2 September 10th is T_ Day.解析:根据句意,确定单词为Teacher,它与Day之间存在所有格关系,将Teacher变为复数,再变为所有格,应填Teachers。2. 形容词和副词 这两类词考生极易混淆,做题时应仔细分析,慎重选择究竟用哪类词,有时还要考虑到形容词和副词级的变化。例1 He was very a_ with the man upstairs and began to shout,

6、 “Stop singing!”解析:根据句意,这里应该用固定搭配be angry with, 此处应填形容词原级angry。例2 On Sundays, children play h_ in the park.解析:此处应填副词happily,副词修饰动词。3. 动词 动词变化形式较为复杂,一般有五种:动词原形,第三人称单数形式,现在分词,过去式和过去分词。可综合考查考生运用英语知识的能力。例1 Thank you very much for l_ me your bike.解析:介词后动词用-ing形式,故填lending。例2 When he was ten, he became i_

7、 in maths.解析:become interested in为固定搭配,意为对感兴趣,故此处应填interested。4. 数词 注意确定用基数词还是序数词。例1 There are _ months in a year.解析:此处应填基数词twelve。例2 December is the t_ month of the year.解析:此处应填序数词twelfth。5. 代词 主要从人称代词,物主代词,反身代词,不定代词或疑问代词几方面考虑,有时还考虑用单数还是复数形式。例1 Help y_ to some fish, John.解析:根据句意,此处应填yourself。例2 “He

8、lp y_ to some fish, please.” Mrs. Green said to the twins.解析:根据句意,the twins为复数,故填yourselves。6. 连词 若前后两个词或句子存在转折,因果,并列,选择等关系,一般应填连词。例1 She didnt go to school yesterday b_ she was ill.解析:从句和主句互为因果关系,故填because。例2 The football match went on t_ it was raining heavily.解析:该从句为让步状语从句,故应填though。3 检查 填好单词后,要根

9、据句意检查单词的词性,词类等变化是否符合原意。同时不能出现书写错误。 考题链接(2010 广州) 单词拼写1. When will you come back, Dad? I m_ you so much.2. After the examinations, I need to take a good r_.3. The concert last night wasnt very good. Before it ended, the theatre was almost e_.4. There werent enough chairs in the meeting room, so some

10、of the students had to s_ on.5. Tomorrow is my cousins birthday. Im going to buy a g_ for her.(2009 广州) 根据句子意思和所给的首字母写出所缺单词1. -Where is your mum, Ben? -She is busy cooking d_ in the kitchen.2. Sorry, its noisy here and I cant h_ what you said. Could you please say it again?3. Your new school bag loo

11、ks very nice. How much did you p_ for it?4. Can you give me a hand, please? The cupboard is too h_ to move by myself.5. Hurry up, or youll be l_ for school.(2008 广州) 根据句子意思和所给的首字母写出所缺单词1. Would you lend me your phone, please? I need to give Dad a c_ to tell him the good news.2. Its quite warm today.

12、 You neednt w_ your jacket, David.3. Look! How d_ your hands are! Go and wash them right now.4. Be q_, Peter, or well miss the last bus to our school.5. -Can I have a drink? -Please help y_. There is some orange juice in the fridge. 中考复习擂台 (建议每篇用时在两分钟之内)(一)1. The doctor told Jiamin to give up p_ spo

13、rts for a month.2. Look! There are h_ of people before us. When will it be our turn?3. The Chinese people were very b_ and they fought against the Japanese army before 1945.4. Walk q_! The baby is asleep.5. -Excuse me! Is there a toilet in your restaurant? -Yes, sir. This way, please! Ill s_ you the

14、re.(二)1. -Did you see the traffic a_ yesterday? -Yes. A mans motorbike hit a boy.2. I cant f_ out who broke the window.3. Mum, Im very t_. Shall I stop to have a rest?4. The mother turned on the radio and made the baby stop c_.5. Can you d_ a beautiful horse in five minutes?(三)1. What do you think o

15、f s_ a film this Saturday?2. She was m_ to a doctor and lived a happy life.3. If he didnt come here on time, he would m_ something wonderful.4. Take the m_, then youll be right soon.5. Many people go to Guangzhou Library to b_ books.(四)1. Mozart, one of the most famous m_, was born in Australia.2. I

16、ts is h_ for you to eat less and take more exercise.3. Its very kind of you to i_ me to your birthday party.4. Dont keep looking at me. Its not p_.5. Computers are widely u_ both at home and at work today.(五)1. In the library, the l_ told them to keep quiet.2. He always finds e_ for not doing his wo

17、rk. So his boss is angry with him.3. The footballer was in lots of p_. Please send him to the hospital.4. -Whats his job? -He is a b_ reporter on the Yangcheng Evening News.5. Can you hear that somebody is k_ at the door? Please answer it.(六) 1. I feel tired now because I didnt have enough s_ last n

18、ight.2. We Chinese are very p_ and excited that the 2008 Olympic Games was held in Beijing.3. The doctors are o_ on the patients stomach.4. I think this shirt m_ the trousers, so I want to buy it.5. Do you know who is the main c_ in the film?(七)1. If we are careful, we will make fewer m_.2. The tree

19、s p_ the sand form blowing the earth away.3. Yesterday I fell off my bike. Luckily I wasnt h_.4. The boy is often late for school. This time he cant find any new e_.5. My cousin always makes a lot of noise and d_ me when Im studying.(八)1. The cars p_ in Japan are better than those made in the USA.2.

20、 Thank you for your o_ of help.3. The doctor told me to take the m_ three times a day.4. Be careful! That m_ dog may bite people.5. It is i_ for me to finish the difficult task in such a short time.(九)1. I liked the Beijing Olympics on A_8, 2008 very much.2. Students have to wear school u_ every day

21、.3. Mars is a p_ while the sun is a star.4. Nature reserve provides s_ for wildlife.5. He would like to r_ money to help the children in poor areas.(十)1. People should stop smoking. It can be h_ to your health.2. We all laughed l_ when Susan made a joke.3. Maggie looks so like her sister that I ofte

22、n make a m_ when they stay together.4. The outside of an orange looks not very nice, but the i_ is sweet.5. When the little girl gave a hard p_, the door opened at last.Keys(中考复习擂台):(一) 1. playing 2. hundreds 3. brave 4. quietly 5. show (二) 1. accident 2. find 3. tired 4. crying 5. draw (三) 1. seein

23、g 2. married 3. miss 4. medicine 5. borrow(四) 1. musicians 2. healthy 3. invite 4. polite 5. used (五) 1. librarian 2. excuses 3. pain 4. business 5. knocking (六) 1. sleep 2. proud 3. operating 4. matches 5. characters (七) 1. mistakes 2. prevent 3. hurt 4. excuse 5. disturbs(八) 1. produced 2. offer 3

24、. medicine 4. mad 5. impossible (九) 1. August 2. uniforms 3. planet 4. shelter 5. raise (十) 1. harmful/helpful 2. loudly/loud 3. mistake 4. inside 5. push/pull 集中训练根据句子意思和所给的首字母写出所缺单词或用括号内所给词的适当形式完成句子。1.To keep healthy,you should do sports and havae a balanced d_.2.It is very i_ to work hard if you

25、want to be successful.3.Dont play football on the street.Its quite d_.4.This job is very d_,but I will try my best.5.Of all the subjects,I like English best.English is my f_ subject.6.She loves taking photos and always takes her c_ with her wherever she goes.7.My aunts son graduated from high school

26、 last year.Now he is studying in a very famous u_.8.Please dont have any n_.The baby is sleeping.9.Football is a very popular game.E_ in the world,you can see people playing it.10.She c_ online with her friends every day,which worries her mother a lot.11.The food in this restaurant is very d_.I love

27、 it.12.Her mother has suffered from heart illness s_ she retired.13.I like the country,e_ in spring.Its really very beautiful.14.I hope you will have a w_ time at the party tonight.15.I always used to try to stay awake on Christmas Eve when I was a litlle boy.Now I dont do it any l_.16.Ive been stud

28、ying for quite a long time.I need to take a r_.17.This blue jacket is very nice.But I wont buy it,because it is too e_18.The day before the new t_,Johns parents bought him a new schoolbag.19.I woke up late today so I had to hurry to get r_ for school.20.I was standing at the bus stop when an a_ happ

29、ened.A car hit a dog.21.Jane often helps me with my homework.She is very h_.22.A_ they are poor,they are living a very happy life.23.My parents were so p_ with my exam results that they bought me a present.24.A good nights sleep is n_ for ones health.25.If you are late for school,dont try to make an

30、y e_.26.He was very late but he refused to give any r_.27.Some v_ from the USA came to our school today.We gave them a very warm welcome.28.We are going to Guilin next week.My uncle Jim will be our g_ this time.He used to live in Guilin for quite a long time.29.If you want to be h_,you shoulc have a

31、 balanced diet and do some exercise every day.30.His family was very poor.He had to leave school at the a_ of 15.31.The back s_ of the car is wide enough for three people.32.Lord Kelvin was a genius(天才).By the time he was ten years old,he had c_ university.33.The students asked the speaker many q_ a

32、bout his adventures in the Arctic.34.My schoolbag is similar to Lilys.Yesterday I took Lilys bag by m_.35.Lingshis family is going to t_ a holiday next week.They are planning to go to Hainan Island.36.The football game was c_ because of the heavy snow.37.Some holidays from other countries such as Ch

33、ristmas Day,Valentines Day are now very p_ in China.38.She was very f_ of the dark and always slept with the light on.39.You should r_ the book you borrowed to the library on time,or you will be fined(罚款).40.The Internet is really amazing.We can get any i_ we want from it.41.My cousin has got a terr

34、ible earache.He can hardly hear anything.Ii hope its nothing s_ and he will get well soon.42.Zheng He,a famous Chinese explorer,set off on a very long sea j_ about 600 years ago.43.I havent seen John for a long time.I cant i_ what he looks like now.44.As the old saying goes,“Practice makes p_.”45.If

35、 you want to move to a foreign country,you should learn something about the c_ and custom of that country before you go.47.Our English teacher has been teaching for 20 years.She has very rich e_ in teaching.48.F_ is a very important part in our lives.Its fantastic that we can share our joys and love

36、 with our friends.49.Whatever study m_ you use,you have to work hard to get good results.50.They had no c_ but to wait until the boss came back.51.No one knows what will happen in the f_,but we can work hard in the present.52.Christmas is the most popular h_ around the world.53.The teacher asked the

37、 students to c_ their homework before handing it in.54.He lived a happy l_ in the country when he was young.55.Autumn is the best s_ for travel.The weather is nice and the scenery is beautiful.56.They are busy working on the project and have had two nights w_ sleep.57.This book was a p_ from my pare

38、nts for my 10th birthday.I like it very much.58.Its not r_ to expect a child to understand such a difficult question.59.Swimming is not a_ at this beach,as sharks can be seen often.60.She now needs time to think aobut it,just leave her a_.61.Most ot the houses here are b_ of wood.62.I tried to ring

39、you last night but couldnt get t_.63.Whats the s_ to your success? Would you like to share it with me?64.We could judge from his eyes that he was not telling the t_.65.I s_ all my winter vacation reciting English words and I am now very good at English.66.He was very h_ after five hourshardwork with

40、out a break.He felt he could eat a horse.67.You need warm clothes to p_ yourself against the cold when it snows.68.She was lucky to win three f_ tickets for the concert.69.She received a lot of lovely g_ from her friends on her birthday.70.We are going shopping in the afternoon.Would you like to j_

41、us?71.Do you think I still have e_ time to go over all the textbooks?72.I wish there were a kind of time m_ so that I could travel back to my childhood and met my dear grandpa.73.He is planning to g a_ for a better education and Paris is his dream city.74.To my surprise,my friend Jack completely dis

42、agreed with my point of v_.75.Though its sometimes difficult to c_ with your parents,you should try to talk with them as often as possible.76.In China students finish p_ school when they are 12 years old.77.Its rude to play j_ on others.78.He didnt really get the c_ to talk with his friend in the party because he was always talking with others.79.Dont take away anything that doesnt b_ to you.80.Can you give me some a_ on how to learn English well?81.Theres usually a lot of t_ on the road at this time of day,so you should start earlier or youll be late.82.Although he f_ to break the record,


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