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1、形容词副词专练答案 - 何国贵1. (2011浙江卷-9) The professor could tell by the _ look in Marisas eyes that she didnt understand a single word of his lecture.A. cold B. blank C. innocent D. fresh译文 教授从玛利亚那茫然的眼神中可看出她一点也听不懂他演讲的内容。解词cold look 冷淡的神色;blank look 茫然的神色; innocent look 天真的神色;fresh look 新的见解造句 cold blank innoc

2、ent fresh (1) Some people keep themselves to themselves, holding cold attitude toward the issue. 一些人只顾自己,对此事件持冷漠态度。(2) When asked this question, my mind went blank.当被问及该问题时我的大脑一片茫然。(3) He was innocent until proven guilty. 在证明他有罪之前他是无罪的。(4) He made a fresh start after his failure. 他是失败后重新再来。2. (2011江

3、苏卷-25)In that school, English is compulsory for all students, but French and Russian are _.A. special B. regional C. optional D. original译文在那所学校,对于所有学生来说英语是必修科目,但法语和俄语是选修科目。解词 与compulsory(必修)相对应的是optional(选修)。original 最初原始的; regional 地方性的;special 特别的造句 special regional optional original (1) This is

4、a special school for the disabled children. 这是一所为残疾儿童的特殊学校。(2) They have to depend on the regional organization to solve the problem. 他们只有依靠地方组织来解决这个问题。(3) There are several optional subjects for students to choose from. 有几个选修科目可供学生挑选。(4) The original documents were kept in the museum. 在博物馆存有原件。3. (

5、2011 安徽卷-31) _, I managed to get through the game and the pain was worth it in the end. A. Hopefully B. Normally C. Thankfully D. Conveniently译文 谢天谢地,我终于打完比赛了,所有辛苦最终都是值得的。解词 hopefully 满怀希望地;normally 正常地;thankfully 感激地 conveniently 方便地造句 hopefully normally thankfully conveniently (1) Thankfully, I wo

6、n the prize with the help of our friends. 在朋友的帮助下我得了奖,感激他们。(2) The new school is running normally. 新校运行正常。(3) The school is conveniently located near his house. 学校离他家近,方便得很。(4) I believe that the problems will be solved hopefully. 我相信这个问题有希望得到解决。4. (2011福建卷-30) Nowadays, there is a _ increase in chi

7、ldrens creativity, for they are greatly encouraged to develop their talents. A. sharp B. slight C. natural D. modest译文如今,儿童的创造力急剧增强,以为他们受到极大鼓励去发展他们的才能。解词 sharp 急剧的,尖锐的;slight 轻微的,少量的;natural 自然的;modest 适度的造句 sharp slight natural modest (1) There is only slight difference between the two types of the

8、 cars in quality. 两款车在性能上差别很小。(2) She always replied with modest remarks in the press conference.在记者招待会上她总能做出适度回答。(3) Sometimes her words are a little bit sharp. 有时她说的话有点尖刻。(4) It is natural that he is homesick since long departure. 分开太久想家是自然的了。5. (2011江西卷-33) She has already tried her best. Please

9、dont be too _ about her job. A. special B. responsible C. unusual D. particular译文她已经尽了最大努力了,请不要对她的工作太挑剔了。解词 be particular about 对。苛刻;special 特别的;responsible 有责任的;unusual 不寻常的;造句 special responsible unusual particular (1) Students are asked to use special pen when tested. 测验时要求学生使用特殊的笔。(2) Her husban

10、d holds a responsible position in the company. 她的丈夫在公司身居要职。(3) He was a scholar of unusual ability. 他是一个能力非凡的学者。(4) He was sent there with particular mission. 他被派到那里有特殊使命。6. (2011湖北卷-23)The old engineers eyes still shone bright in the wrinkled brown face and his step as he came across the room was _

11、, though slow.A. shaky B. heavy C. casual D. steady译文 这位老工程师黝黑的脸上布满皱纹。但他的目光依旧炯炯有神。他走过房间时脚步稳健。解词 shaky 颤抖; heavy 沉重;casual 随便;偶然;steady 平稳造句 shaky heavy casual steady (1) He was very casual with his colleagues. 他待同事很随便。(3) He had to pay a heavy fine because of his drunk driving.他因酒后驾车被重罚一笔款子。(3) My g

12、randma touched me with her shaky hands. 祖母用颤抖的手抚摸我。(4) He has a steady job and makes a steady progress. 他有一份安定的工作,进步稳定。7.(2011湖北卷-24) An unhappy childhood may have some negative effects on a persons character; however, they are not always _.A. practical B. avoidable C. permanent D. beneficial译文 不幸的童

13、年或许对一个人的性格产生一些负面影响,但不会是永久性的。解词 practical 实际的;avoidable 可避免的;permanent 永久的;beneficial 有益的造句 practical avoidable permanent beneficial (1) The war may be avoidable if the two sides reach the agreement. 如果双方达成协议战争是可避免的。(2) The books are practical for children. 这些书对孩子们实用。(3) We all expect permanent peace

14、 in the world. 我们都期待世界的持久和平。(4) Well make good use of the beneficial effect of sunshine.我们要充分利用阳光的益处。8. (2011湖北卷-25) The state-run company is required to make its accounts as _ as possible for its staff to monitor the use of money. A. transparent B. reasonable C. secure D. formal译文 要求国企账目尽可能透明公开,以供全

15、体员工监管资金的使用。解词 transparent 透明的;reasonable合理的;secure 安全的;formal 正式的造句 transparent reasonable secure formal (1) The dark suit is meant for a formal occasion. 这套深色套装是为正式场合准备的。(2) They refused her reasonable demand. 他们拒绝了她的合理要求。(3) He is looking for a secure hiding place. 他正在寻找安全的藏身之处。(4) The problem of

16、food security should be transparent to the user.食品安全问题应对用户透明公开。9. (2011四川卷-12) -How was your recent trip to Sichuan?-Ive never had _ one before.A. a pleasant B. a more pleasant C. a most pleasant D. the most pleasant译文 -你最近的四川之旅如何?-我从来没有过这么快乐的旅行。讲解 答语表明是对以往旅行的比较,泛指用a, 用比较级。10. (2011上海卷-29) When Mom

17、looked back on the early days of their marriage, she wondered how they had managed with _ money. A. so few B. such few C. so little D. such little译文 当母亲回首早年结婚,她不明白他们怎么就花很少的钱就办了婚事。讲解 money 不可数名词,所以用little。so little money 如此少的钱;而 such 后接的是名词,如such a little girl。11.(2010全国I-26) I have seldom seen my mo

18、ther _ pleased with my progress as she is now.A. so B. very C. too D. rather 译文 我很少见母亲像现在这样为我的进步感到如此高兴。解词 not soas不像。那样。; very 非常地; too 过于; rather相当地造句 so very too rather(1) My mother was very pleased with my progress. 母亲对我的进步十分高兴。(2) She was too sick to travel./ She was too young for the job.她病得厉害不

19、能去旅行。/ 她太年轻干不了这个工作。(3) He is rather a kind man= He is a rather kind man. 他是一个相当慈祥的人。(4) He was so happy as to sing a song. 他高兴地唱起歌来。12.(2010全国II-13) The island is _ attractive in spring and autumn because of the pleasant weather in both seasons.A. partly B. merely C. nearly D. equally 译文这个岛因它令人愉悦的天气

20、,在春天和秋天都同样地迷人。解词 equally 平等地;partly部分地;merely 仅紧,只是; nearly 几乎造句 merely nearly partly equally(1) The area was partly damaged by the earthquake. 地震使该地区部分受损。(2) He merely mentioned a little about her past. 他仅仅是提到一点点她的过去。(3) He was nearly late for the train because of the traffic jam. 因堵车他差点误了火车。(4) Yo

21、u may divide the fruit equally among you. 你们可将水果平分。13. (2010全国 II-20) Mr. Black is very happy because the clothes made in his factory have never been _.A. popular B. more popular C. most popular D. the most popular 译文Black先生很高兴,因为他的工厂生产的衣服从未这么受欢迎。 解词 (比较级的否定形式表示最高级含义)(1) He was popular with the dele

22、gates. 他在代表中很得人心。(2) Shi Tieshengs works have grown in popularity recently. 史铁生的作品近来很受欢迎。(3) Every year there is a popular opinion poll. 每年有一次民意测验。 (4) A popular edition will be published soon. 通俗版本快出版了。14. (2010浙江-6) I have been convinced that the print media are usually more _ and more reliable th

23、an television. A. accurate B. ridiculous C. urgent D. shallow 译文我确信印刷的媒体材料比电视更精确,更可靠。解词 accurate 准确的;ridiculous可笑荒谬的;shallow肤浅的造句 urgent shallow accurate ridiculous (1) It was ridiculous that he wore the too big hat.他戴这个大帽子样子很可笑。(2) People in snow-hit area are in urgent need of these goods. 雪灾地区的老百姓

24、急需这些物资。(3) A shallow person does not look beyond the obvious. 浅薄的人只能看到表面的东西。15. (2010浙江-11) Do you think shopping online will _ take the place of shopping in stores?A. especially B. frequently C. merely D. finally 译文你认为网上购物最终能替代商店购物吗?解词 finally 最终;especially 特别地; frequently 频繁地;merely 只不过,仅仅造句 frequ

25、ently merely finally especially (1) My daughter is especially interested in painting. 我的女儿对画画尤其感兴趣。(2) Although he experienced failure so frequently he never gave up.尽管他屡屡失败但从未放弃。(3) That is merely your viewpoint. 那只不过是你的看法。(4) They finally reached the top of the mountain. 他们终于到达山顶。16. (2010天津-5) Pe

26、ople have always been _ about exactly how life on earth began.A. curious B. excited C. anxious D. careful 译文人们对于地球上人类起源问题一直充满好奇。解词 curious 好奇,奇怪;excited 激动;anxious 焦急; careful 仔细造句 careful anxious curious excited (1) Children were excited at the picnic. 孩子们对野餐很兴奋。(2) They were anxious for drink and

27、food. 他们急需食品和饮料。(3) You cant be too careful when you drive. 开车时怎么小心都不为过。(4) It is curious that he left without saying goodbye. 他不辞而别有点奇怪。Curiously to say, he uttered nothing at the meeting. 说来奇怪他在会上一言不发。17. (2010山东-35) Mothers holding jobs outside the home should have _ schedules to make it easier t

28、o care for their children.A. heavy B. smooth C. flexible D. complex 译文 出门上班的母亲应有弹性时间表以方便照顾孩子。解词 flexible 弹性的,灵活的;heavy 沉重的,严肃的;smooth 顺利的;complex 复杂的造句 complex heavy smooth flexible (1) He is a heavy father. 他是一个严父。(2) His business seems to be in smooth water. 他的生意似乎很顺利。(3) What he said was too comp

29、lex for me to understand.他说的太复杂我听不懂。(4) Her daughter is very nice with a flexible personality. 她的女儿很可爱有灵活的性格。18. (2010安徽-31) _, she is the sort of woman to spread sunshine to people through her smile.A. Shy and cautious B. Sensitive and thoughtful (敏感而多虑)C. Honest and confident D. Lighthearted and o

30、ptimistic 译文 豁达而乐观使她成为了能用自己的微笑把阳光洒向他人的那种女人。解词 Shy and cautious 腼腆与谨慎 Sensitive and thoughtful 敏感而多虑Honest and confident 诚实与自信造句 (1) Shy and cautious, she is the sort of woman to speak in brief.她腼腆谨慎,是那种讲话简短的女人。(2) Sensitive and thoughtful, she is the sort of woman to hesitate before replying.她敏感多虑,是

31、那种回应不果断的女人。(3) Honest and confident, she is the sort of woman to be trusted.她诚实与自信是可以信赖的那种女人。19. (2010湖北-23) In this lecture, I can only give you a purely _ view of how we can live life to the full and make some suggestions about the future. A. private B. personal C. unique D. different 译文在演讲中关于我们怎样

32、尽情生活我只能给你们纯粹个人观点以及对未来提些建议。解词 private 私人的;personal 个人的;unique 独到的;different 不同的造句 different personal unique private (1) It was only for the private use of the family. 这只为私家所用。(2) There was something unique about the new theories. 这些新理论有独到之处。(3) Its good to show the world how similar and different we

33、actually are.向世界展示我们实际的相同和不同是件好事。(4) I dislike to be asked personal question. 我不喜欢被问到我的私人问题。 20. (2010湖北-24) Mistakes dont just happen; they occur for a reason. Find out the reason, and then making mistake becomes _.A. favorable B. precious C. essential D. worthwhile 译文错误并非无缘无故地发生,事出有因。找出原因,那么犯错误就是值

34、得的。解词 worthwhile值得;favorable 有利;precious 宝贵;essential 必要造句 precious worthwhile favorable essential (1) You are facing conditions favorable for employment. 你们面临对就业有利的情况。(2) We have precious little time. 我们只有很少的一点宝贵时间。(3) It is essential to book in advance. 有必要预定。(4) Her great effort was given a worth

35、while praise. 她的巨大努力值得称道。21. (2010湖北-25) If I find someone who looks like the suspect, my _ reaction will be to tell the police.A. physical B. immediate C. sensitive D. sudden 译文如果我发现看起来像嫌疑犯的人,我直接的反应就是报警。解词 physical 物理的,物质的;immediate 立即,直接的;sensitive 敏感;sudden 突然造句 sudden physical immediate sensitiv

36、e (1) The physical conditions in the area have been improved at present. 目前那个地区的物质条件已经得到改善。(2) Politics is a sensitive subject of conversation. 政治是交谈的敏感话题。(3) It was a sudden impact. 这是一起突然撞击事故。(4) Drunk driving is the immediate cause of the accident. 醉酒驾驶是导致事故的直接原因。He ordered to get an immediate an

37、swer. 他命令要立即得到答复。22. (2010湖北-26) I wasnt blaming anyone; I _ said errors like this could be avoided.A. merely B. mostly C. rarely D. nearly 译文 我不是责备谁,我只是说像这样的错误本来是可以避免的。解词 merely 只不过;mostly 多数情况下;rarely少有;nearly 几乎造句 nearly merely mostly rarely(1) The flight is mostly on time. 班机多数情况下都正点。(2) Only ra

38、rely does she let her own views become public. 难得她把她的观点说出来。(3) The company is pretty nearly bankrupt. 公司几乎破产。(4) She is not merely wise but also diligent. 他不但聪明而且用功。23. (2010陕西-22) Studies show that people are more _ to suffer from back problems if they always sit before computer screens for long ho

39、urs.A. likely B. possible C. probable D. sure 译文研究表明人们如果长时间坐在电脑屏幕前就更有可能出现背部问题。解词 likely可能的,看起来要发生的(用人做主语);possible 可能存在的;probable 可能成为事实的;sure 肯定的造句 sure possible probable likely (1) He had the best medical treatment possible. 他得到了可能得到的最好的医疗救治。(1)(2) It is probable that the cost will be greater. 成本可

40、能要大些。(3) Im not absolutely sure about it. 我没有绝对的把握。(4) It is likely that she will win in the game. 这次比赛她有可能得胜。24. (2010浙江卷-1) Playing on a frozen sports field sounds like a lot of fun. Isnt it rather risky. _?A. though B. also C. either D. too 译文 在冻冰的体育场玩耍听起来很有趣,但难道不是很危险吗?(though表转折)词解 though 但是,然而;

41、also 同时,也;either 否定意义:也(不); too 也,亦 造句 too either also though(1) He has a laptop and I have one also. 他有一台手提电脑我也有一台。(2) He cant hear and he can hardly speak either. 他听不见,也几乎不能说话。(3) Her mother is a woman farmer, and a rich one too. 她母亲是农民同时也是个富裕农民。(4) They walked on though they were very tired. 尽管很累

42、他们继续往前走。25.(全国卷II-11) Im sure that your letter will get _ attention. They know you youre waiting for the reply. A. continued B. immediate C. careful D. general 译文 我相信你的信会立即得到关注,他们知道你在等答复呢。词解 continued 持续的; immediate 立即; careful 仔细;general 笼统,概括,总的造句 careful general continued immediate (1) High tempe

43、rature would bring out the threats the continued existence of the species. 高温会给物种持续性生存带来威胁。(2) Children are warned to be careful with money. 提醒孩子别乱花钱。(3) We are taught how to skim through it to get a general impression of the text.老师教我们如何浏览课文得到总体印象。(4) It is a shopping center for people who live in

44、the immediate area. 有一个购物中心方便居住在周边的人们。26. (2009浙江卷-15) John is very _ if he promises to do something hell do it. A. independent B. confident C. reliable D. flexible 译文 约翰是很可以信赖的,假如他承诺什么就会去做的词解 independent独立的;confident 自信的;reliable 可靠的;flexible 灵活的 造句 flexible independent reliable confident(1) Studen

45、ts are trained to be independent thinkers. 培养学生成为独立思考的人。 (2) He was confident of his success. 他有信心成功。 (3) Weve got reliable information. 我们得到了确实的情报。 (4) Youd better make a flexible schedule. 你最好做一个有弹性的时间表。 27. (2009浙江卷-19) In the good care of the nurses, the boy is _recovering from his heart operation.A. quietly B. actually


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