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1、课题Unit 1 This is my day共6课时教学目标1、 Able to use the sentences: When do you do morning exercises? I usually do morning exercises at 8:30.2、 Words: usually often sometimes 3、 Able to describe the day with the words and phrases learned. 教学重点教学难点1. When do you do morning exercises? I usually do morning ex

2、ercises at 8:30.2. What do you do on the weekend? I often go shopping. 教学准备Recorder ,tapes, cards , pictures , wall charts教学过程Period 1Step 1 RevisionMake a dialogue between the teacher and the students: What time is it? Its What do you often do ? I often What time do you get up? I get up at ( Encour

3、age the class to use the phrases they have learned. eg. Watch TV, read books, play computer games ) Step 2 Presentation1. Show the cards: Lets look what theyre doing. Ask the students to look at the pictures and answer. Just use the phases: eat breakfast, do morning exercises, have English class, pl

4、ay sports, eat dinner2. Show the cards and read the phrases.3. Play a game:Let one student select a card ,then do an action, let the othersay out the phrases and make a sentences with the phrases.4. Show the words “ often, usually, sometimes” on the blackboard. Read and explain them. The teacher lea

5、d the way as the following:修改意见教学过程 I often eat breakfast at 7:30. 5. Using the other phases, Ss say one sentence as the teacher did.6. Have a dialogue between the teacher and Ss, then among the Ss as the following:A. I get up at 7:30. When do you get up,B? B. I get up at 7:40. I eat breakfast at 8:

6、00. when do you eat breakfast, C?C. .7. Read “Lets learn.”Step 3 Consolidation1. Copying.2. AB: p.1 Ex.1Period 2Step 1 Revision1. A game: look and guess.Let one student act before the class after looking at the card. The class guess the phrases.2. ask and answer:A. when do you get up, A? B. I get up

7、 at 6: 30.C. When do you play sports, D? D. I usually play sports at 2:00 in the afternoon.Step 2 Presentation1. Lets try. Listen and finish it.2. Write the following on the blackboard.I get up atI eat breakfast at 教学过程I go to work at T: This is my timetable. Do you want to know the time?OK, you can

8、 ask me.Ss: When do you get up?When do you eat breakfast? Encourage more students to ask the questions with “when”.3. Listen to the recorder of “ Lets talk”4. Replacing exercises with other phrases.5. Practise in pairs.6. Each student make a timetable and dialogue with the partners.Step- 3 Consolida

9、tion: 1. An oral report: My day2. AB: p1Ex.2, 3. Period 3Step one Revision1. Listen to the recorder of “ lets talk”.2. One acts, the other says a sentence: I get up at 6:303. Ask and answer in pair to their timetable.Step two Presentation1. A game: Whats true? Write the following on the blackboard:I

10、 get up at 6:00.I go to bed at 7:00.Let the Ss guess if the timetable is true. Which is not true. The teacher can tell the Ss two of them are not true.2. T: Youre right. I dont go to bed so late. But some people really go to bed at 7:00 in the morning. Do you know why? Who are they? Lets go and see.

11、3. Show the wall chart , let the Ss look at the four small pictures and say them in English: go to work; go to bed ; play sports; 教学过程eat Then ask the Ss: When does the policeman go to work/ eat / go to bed/ play sportsListen to the recorder of read and write and follow the tape.4. Explain the next:

12、policeman; Can I ask you some questions? Thank you for telling me about your day.5. Finish the timetable.6. Read the dialogue and then act in pairs.7. Pronunciation. Sum up the letters: ai, ay, gr, glStep three Consolidation1. Interview your family with the questions:When do you?2. AB of “Read and w

13、rite”Period FourStep one Revision1. Lets sing. Replace the words the weekend” with “Saturday, Sunday”2. Listen to the recorder of “Read and write”. Then act in pairs.Step two Presentation1. Listen to the recorder of “Lets chant.”2. Show the picture and say: This is a picture of my grandparents. We o

14、ften visit my grandparents on the weekend. Read the word “visit”. And ask : Do you often visit your grandparents?3. Use the same way to teach the other phases: climb mountains; go hiking; go shopping; play the piano;Use the next questions:Can you play the piano? When do you visit your grandparents?

15、When do you go hiking? Lets go shopping together, OK?Listen to the recorder. And then read them. Just show the pictures of the cards and cover the words. Let the Ss look and say them out.4. Make sentences with the phrases.5. Ask and answer in pairs with the phrases they have教学过程learned.6. Spelling e

16、xercises.Step three consolidationAB: Part B-lets learn.Period FiveStep one Revision1. Devided the class into two. Each choose one student to perform before the class. The teacher show the cards to the student. The opposite group guess the words according to his action.2. The teacher show the cards t

17、o the Ss and ask: What do you do on the weekend? Ss answer together.Step two Presentation1. Listen to the recorder of “lets try” and finish it.2. T ask the class with the question “What do you do on the weekend?” The class answer: I usually/ often/ sometimes 3. The teacher show the cards one by one.

18、 The class say out the sentences with the words and phrases according to the cards the teacher shows.4. The Ss follow the tape and then read the dialogue.5. Show the wall chart and do a replacing exercise.6. Ask and answer in pairs with the questions “What do you do on the weekend?”Step three Consol

19、idation教学过程1. Fill in the blanks:(1) I usually on the weekend. What ? (2) Sometimes I , sometimes I 2. An oral report: My weekend.3. Activity book.Period sixStep one Revision1. Do a chain work as the following:A: I usually watch TV on the weekend. What do you do?B: Sometimes I go shopping. What do y

20、ou do on the weekend?2. T shows an adverbial word and a picture together. Let Ss make a sentence with them.Step two Presentation1. Show the wall chart and let the class look carefully. Then say: “These are Zips weekend activities. Those are Zooms weekend activities. Look at the pictures carefully. W

21、hat can they do on the weekend?” Lead the Ss to say: Zip can Zoom can2. Ss read the dialogue themselves and find out the points that they cant understand.教学过程3. The Ss write the words or sentences on the blackboard, then discuss together.4. Help the Ss to understand the following:The weather report

22、says its going to rain tomorrow; I cant I cant .,either. Lets watch TV together.5. T and Ss have the following dialogue:T: What do you do on the weekend?S: I usually play football. Sometimes I T: The weather report says its going to rain tomorrow.S: Oh, dear! I cant I cant either.T: Lets S: OK.6. Li

23、sten to the recorder and follow it.7. Act in pairs.8. Finish the form.9. Finish “Lets check.” Step three Consolidation.1. Activity book.2. Look at Main Scene and talk about it.课题Unit 2 My favourite season共6课时教学目标1、 能够掌握A.B部分Lets learn / Read and write的四会词。2、 能够听、说、认读A.B部分Lrts talk中的单词和句型。3、 能够掌握A.B部

24、分Read and write中的四会句型,并能灵活运用。教学重点教学难点四会词、句的掌握和听写的能力教学准备Tape, Pictures and cards.教学过程OneStep 1 Warm-up1. Everyday English.2. Review some words: warm, cool, hot, cold,etc. And let Ss do some actions about these words.3. Review the sentence: Whats your favourite ?Step 2 Presentation1. Ask and answer: W

25、hats the weather like today? Fiest, T asks Ss, then let Ss do pairwork.2. Show Ss the picture of spring and ask : The leaves are green now. What season is it now? And learn to say the word “season”. Then learn to say other words in the same way.3. Read these words in different ways.4. Show Ss the ca

26、rds, ask and answer: Whats the weather like? What season is it now? Whats your favourite season?修改意见教学过程5. Show Ss the pictures and ask: Whats the weather like in this picture?6. Game: Who is the first?7. Group work: finish the exercise of Lets start.8. Listen and chant.Step 3 Consolidation and exte

27、nsion1. Read A Lets learn.2. Lets find out.3. Copy the four-skill words.4. Finish the exercises of the AB.TwoStep1 Warm-up1. Everyday English.2. Lets chant.3. Listen to a song: Whats Your Favourite Season/4. Read th words learned last class. And ask and answer: Whats the weather like in spring in Be

28、ijing?Step 2 Presentation1. Listen and read the words of A Lets learn. Then let Ss spell these words.2. Rearrange the sentences.3. Lets try: listen and match. Then check the answers and learn to say the new sentence “ Which season do you like best?”4. Ask and answer in different ways.5. Listen and r

29、epeat the dialogue of A lets talk.6. Make a survey.7. Listen and sing the song.教学过程Step 3 Consolidation and extension.1. Spell the words.2. Read Alets talk.3. Finish the exercises on AB.ThreeStep 1 Warm-up1. Everyday English.2. Listen and sing.3. Practice the dialogue.4. Spelling-match.Step 2 Presen

30、tation1. Listen and read the dialogue of Read and write.2. Ask some questions.3. Read the four-skill sentences.4. Fill in the blanks.5. Lets play: Guassing game.6. Pronunciation: listen and read.Step3 Lets check1. Listen and circle, then write down the sentences.2. Check the answers.Step 4 Consolida

31、tion and extension1. Finish the exercises of AB.2. Copy the sentences.教学过程FourStep 1 Warm-up1. Everyday English.2. Listen and sing a song.3. Make a dialogue.Step 2 Presentation1. T says: I like summer best. Why? Can you guess? Help Ss answer:You can swim. T: Yes, I can swim in the sea in summer. The

32、n learn to say the word : swim. Read the words together.2. Learn to say other words in the same way.3. Look at the cards and read the words in different ways.4. Group work.5. Listen to the tape and read this part.6. Good to know: tell Ss something about the season and the weather.Step3 consolidation

33、 and extension1. Game.2. Copy the four-skill words.3. Finish the exercises of AB.教学过程FiveStep 1 Warm-up1. Everyday English.2. Listen aand chant.3. Review the four-skill words by asking the question: What can she / he do?Step 2 Presetation1. Ask the question: Whats your favourite season? Help Ss answ

34、er : My favourite season is spring. Read this sentence ifor several times.2. Practise.3. Make a survey and fii in the blanks.4. Listen and repeat.5. Read this part for several times.6. Lets find out.7. Lets try: Listen and choose.8. Story time: Listen to the story and act it out.Step 3 Consolidation

35、 and extension1. Read the dialogue of B Lets talk.2. Finish the exercises of AB.SixStep 1 Warm-up1. Eveeryday English.2. Lets chant.3. Read the words of lets learn.4. Match: Who can spell the words quickly?教学过程Step 2 Presentation1. Listen to the dialogue of Read and write. Ask some questions .2. Rea

36、d the four-skill sentences.3. Listen and repeat.4. Lets find out.Step 3 Consolidation and extension 1. Task time.2. Read and copy the four-skill sentences.3. Finish the exercises of AB.教后反思课题Recycle 1Hello共3课时教学目标1、 能够掌握1-3单元A、B部分Lets learn中的四会单词和Read and write中的四会句型。 2、能够认读Read and answer中的单词和句子并回答

37、文后的问题。3、能够模仿Read and answer中的短文谈论并仿写四季特征和最喜欢的季节jie节及原因。教学重点教学难点仿写短文教学准备Record tape pictures过程第一课时Step 1 Warm up1、Sing” Weekend”2、Lets chant3、Lets doStep 2 Presentation1、Ask and answer(1)、T: When do you get up ? At 6:30 in the morning. When do you eat breakfast? At 7:00 in the morning.(2)、Train work:

38、 Divide students into four groups.S1:When do you get up?S2At 6:30.When do you eat breakfast?S3:At 6:40.When do you go to school?(3)、Pair work2、Listen and write(1) 、Play record, for Read and Write twice. Ss finish the timetable.(2) 、Ss show their timetable and introduce it.Step 3Consolidation and ext

39、ension1、Finish the Activity Book.2、Read the text.修改意见教学过程第二课时Step 1 Warm up1、Lets sing2、Lets chant3、Sing “Whats your Favourite Seaeon?”4、Daily talkStep 2 Presentation1、Write and say(1)、T: Hello, boys and girls. Whats your favourite season? Why?(2)、Pair work(3) 、Make a survey2、Read and answer(1)、T: S

40、easons in our country are different from those in Canada. What are they like in Canada? Lets Have a look.Teacher describe the picture: In summer ,the weather is very hot. We can swim in summer. The flower grows in spring.(2)、Teacher read the text. Students listen carefully then answer the question.

41、(4) 、Group work。Describe four seasons.3、Lets sing.Step 3 Consolidation and extension1、Finish the Activity Book2、Read the text.教学过程第三课时Step 1 Warm up1、Sing “When is your Birthday”2、Lets chantStep 2Presentation1、Lets find out1Teacher show some pictures T: Whos this man?Ss: This is Einstein.T: When is

42、Einsteins birthday?Ss: Its in March.2、Lets find out 2(1) 、T: Einsteins birthday is in March. March is in Spring. So, Einsteins birthday is in spring. Which season is January in? (2) 、Group work3、Listen and number.Step 3Consolidation and extensioon教后反思课题Unit 4 What are you doing ?共六课时教学目标1Able to use the sentences :Im answering the phone .Shes cooking dinner .2Learn the new words and expressions in A and B教学重点教学难点The Present Tense : be + doing V+ing 教学准备


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