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1、2017绵阳中考英语改革展望,绵阳市教育科学研究所 袁伦高,Listening is back,How?,Proposal,Major changes,听力语法填空要点摘录任务型阅读,Intentions,.最大限度地确保听力在英语教学起始阶段的重要地位。高考英语中听力的总分占总分的20%.纵观全国的中考改革,听力的比重都在此之上,因为相较高中,听力在初中英语教学中的地位应更加突出,比如北京建议听力占英语总分的三分之一(50分)。绵阳目前中考英语总分140分,所以听力为30分(占总分的21.4%)是合适的。,.最大限度地体现高考英语改革的方向基于我国国情,高考改革在教育改革中具有先导性、指向性



4、的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话读两遍。E.g.W:Im tired of living here in this town M:Why not go back to the country?The fresh air will be good for you,听力,第三节:(共10小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分)听下面4段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。,How to prepare f

5、or it,Practise listening persistentlyQuite context-based,including monologueGet students familiar with all possible contexts,such as restaurants,shopping malls,clinics Test-sitting skills read questions to guess the topic,take quick notes,be generous when failing and move on,语法填空,第二节:语法填空(共10小题,每小题1

6、分,满分10分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入1个恰当的词或括号内单词的正确形式 Children today have many things to play with.They can watch television,surf _61_ Internet,or play video games.But what do you think children _62_(do)for fun long ago?They read books.Some of you might ask,Are books _63_(real)fun?Believe it or not,books provide m

7、any things that television or computers cannot.Since books use only words _64_(tell)a story,they can improve your imagination.You can picture the characters and background in your head and you can also imagine _65_ the characters feel.The words and sentences that are used in storytelling are also ve

8、ry interesting and usually cannot _66_(find)often on television or on websites.They are sometimes so beautiful and touching _67_ they can bring tears to your eyes.Books also help us to think harder and _68_(deep).As we continue to read,we ask questions to _69_(our)and try to find answers.These are s

9、ome of the _70_(reason)why books are so fun to read.Remember:the more you read,the more you grow.,语法填空的命题要求,A simple passage of about 200 wordsWith varying tenses if possibleMost words given in bracketsTesting points confined to basic grammar,namely,tenses,subject-predicate agreement,verb voice,stru

10、cture etc.Cautious with non-predicative verbs,Too challenging?,信息摘录,Henry ford was born on July 30,1863 in Michigan,America.He was the son of William and Mary Ford,who had lived on a farm in Dearborn.As a child,Ford helped his father with the harvest.Ford went to school in a one-room schoolhouse.How

11、ever,he disliked both the school and the farm like,and at the age of 16,he left school and walked to Detroit to find a job.At first,Ford worked in a machine shop,where he learned about the combustion engine(内燃机).Several years later,Ford returned to the family farm and worked part-time for the Westin

12、ghouse Engine company.Then,Ford set up a small machine shop on the farm.During this time,Ford fell in love with Clara Bryant,and married her in 1888.Several years later,Ford and his wife moved back to Detroit.At that time,Ford was made chief engineer at the Detroit Edison Company.The position requir

13、ed Ford to be on-call 24 hours a day,but these hours allowed him time to do experiments.He had experimented several years before his first car came out in 1896.By August,1899,Ford had raised enough money to start his own company.In the 1920s,the Ford Motor Company grew quickly.In 1925,Ford was produ

14、cing 10,000 cars every 24 hours.This was 60 percent of Americas total output of cars.,信息摘录,信息摘录命题要求,Find the right materials,those with lots of concrete informationTest on nothing but information,mistakes in language form tolerable,as long as they are not misleading,FAQ,难耶?易耶?难度不是题型决定的,任何题型都既可以难也可以易改革初年难还是易?地球人都知道Time for adaptation?Listening:单独一种能力,时间稍长语法填空:新瓶装老酒。光是“瓶”的问题,不需要多长时间,Comments and suggestions are welcome!Tel:0816 2294521email:,


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