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1、English Grammar,Non-Predicate Verbs(非谓语动词),英语中动词的非谓语动词有三类:1.不定式:infinitive2.动名词:gerund3.分词:participle 现在分词:present participle 过去分词:past participle,1.不定式:infinitive,Form Usage Omission of“to”,to do(not to do)一般式(否定)to be doing 进行式 主动 to have done 完成式to have been doing 完成进行式to be done 一般式 被动to have be

2、en done 完成式,一般式:不定式表示的动作与谓语动词表示的动作同时发生,或者在谓语动词表示的动作之后发生。1.Im glad to see you.(同时发生)2.They invited us to come to a party.(不 定式动作后发生)3.The computer to be produced is of a new type.(被动)4.You must promise never to do that again.,进行式:谓语动词表示的动作发生时,不定式表示的动作正在进行。1.They are said to be building another bridge

3、 over the river.据说他们正在这条河上修另一座大桥。2.I d rather read than watch television;the program seem_ all the time.(1997.1)a.to get worse b.to be getting worse 我宁愿看书也不愿意看电视,电视节目好像越来越差了。,完成式:不定式表示的动作发生在谓语动词表示的动作之前1.The bank is reported in the local newspaper_in broad daylight yesterday.(2001.1)a.robbed b.to hav

4、e been robbedc.being robbed d.having been robbed2.They were reported to have discovered anthor ancient tomb in this area.,完成进行式:在谓语动词表示的动作发生前,不定式表示的动作一直在进行。1.They are said to have been collecting folk songs there.(=It is said that they have been collecting folk songs there.)2.The struggle was know t

5、o have been going on for over twenty years.,Usage,1 subject(主语)2 predicative(表语)3 object(宾语)4 attribute(定语)5 adverbial(状语)6 complement(补足语),1.不定式(短语)作主语通常转化成“It+is/was+adj./n.+不定式(短语)”,其中it 是形式主语(form subject),真正的主语是后面的不定式(短语)。To master a foreign language is not easy.Its not easy to master a foreign

6、 language.,It takes sb.some time 不定式It costs sb.money不定式2.复合结构:for sb.to do sth.It is+adj./n.+for/of sb.to do sth.当形容词为表示“性格特征或行为表现”的形容词时,介词用of,如kind,wrong,polite,wise,as predicativeHer wish is to be a teacher.She seems to be happy.,as objectHe loved to listen to music.I find it difficult to speak E

7、nglish fluently.,下列动词要求不定式作宾语:afford,agree,aim,appear,arrange,care,choose,decide,desire,demand,determine,help,hope,intend,learn,manage,mean,offer,plan,pretend,promise,refuse,seem,strive,tend,wish,特殊疑问词+不定式 介词+特殊疑问词+不定式Where to stay has not been decided yet.(S.)She doesnt know what to do.(O.of v.)He

8、had no idea of how to do.(O.of prep.)疑问词包括how,what,where,when,whether,whom,why等,I ask him where to get this book.(O.C.)The question is which to choose.(P.)能一以这种结构作宾语的动词有:know,see,show,tell,teach,wonder,imagine,understand,explain等,as attribute 不定式通常作后置定语,而且vi.后要加介词.There is a lot of work to do.He is

9、the best man to consult with.,as adverbialA adverbial of purposeB adverbial of causeC adverbial of result,as adverbial of purposeI started early(so as)/(in order)to get there before dark.so as to 和 in order to 是不定式的强调形式so as(not)to用在句中in order(not)to 用在句中或句首,as adverbial of causeWe are proud to be m

10、embers of this team.We jumped with joy to hear of the good news.,as adverbial of resultHe is too young to go to school.I hurried to the railway station only to find that the train had left.He behaved so foolishly as to be laughed by his friends.His story is so sad as to arouse our sympathy.,as compl

11、ementA object complementB subject complement,As object complementChina expects everyone to do his duty.I could make them understand me.,要求不定式作宾补的动词:ask,tell,want,expect,invite,allow,forbid,force,oblige,urge,advise,persuade(sb.to do sth.)要求省to不定式作宾补的动词:make/have/let(sb.do sth.),help sb.to do sth.主语不直

12、接参与动作help sb.do sth.主语直接参与动作This kind of soap will help us to wash the clothes more easily.They always help me do my homework.,As subject complementWe were made to pay the money.A man was seen to enter the house.注:主被动语态转换,S.ask sb.to do sth.sb.be asked to do sth.S.make sb.do sth.sb.be made to do sth

13、.S.saw a man enter the house.A man was seen to enter the house.S.saw a man entering the house.A man was seen entering the house.,omission of“to”1 set phrase2 set structure3 sentence with special conjunction or preposition 4 as predicative,set phrase1 had better/had best(not)do2 had rather/had sooner

14、 do sth.than do sth.3 would rather/would sooner do sth.than do sth.,4 would just as soon do sth.as do(宁愿也不愿)5 may/might(just)as well do(还是好;还不如;不妨)6 can not but do(不能不;不得不),7 cannot choose but(只得)8 cannot help but(不得不)cannot help+doing 9 can but=can only(只得,充其量不过)eg,I would just as soon stay as go w

15、ith him.We may as well begin at once.You may as well tell the truth.We might just as well stay at home.,I can not but admire his courage.I cannot but laugh.I cannot choose but stay.I cannot help but grieve.,set structure 感官动词或使役动词+宾语+动词原形宾补make/have/let/bid/leave+sb./sth.+do常见感官动词:see,hear,watch,not

16、ice,observe,listen to,look at,feel perceive etc.,He made her do so.Bid him go home.(叫他回家)We will have the boy mail this letter.Let there be no mistake about it.(这事可别出错)Leave him go.(放他走)Look at that horse jump.I heard them talk about that film.,连词(than,as)或介词(except,but,besides,save)前有 do 的某种形式省 to;

17、反之则不省I did no more than make a beginning.I have no choice but to accept the fact.,I did nothing but/except repair the farm-tools.My dog does everything except speak.What do you like to do besides swim?,作表语的不定式:若主语中有do的某种形式,可省to也可不省.All I did was(to)hit him on the head.The only thing we can do is(to)

18、encourage him to try again.The only thing to do is(to)encourage him to try again.What Ill do is(to)tell her the truth.,Gerund,Form Usage Testing Structure,Forms:v-ing(主动)一般式no v-ing/not doing 否定式having done 主动完成式 being done 被动一般式 having been done 被动完成式 ones doing 复合结构,Usage,1 subject2 predicative3 o

19、bject 4 attribute,as S.There is no denying this.Its no use/no good/useless crying over the spilt milk.as P.His hobby is collecting ancient gold coins.,as O.I have finished reading the book.She is very fond of dancing.Do you find staying here interesting?Do you find it interesting staying here?,as At

20、tr.动名词作定语,说明人或物的性能or用途现在分词作定语,表明动作进行,是主谓关系sleeping pillsa sleeping child,Testing Structure:否定式 no v-ing/not v-ing复合结构:ones v-ing名词所有格或物主代词+动名词名词通格或代词宾格+动名词(非正式文体或口语中),Its no use buying books but not reading them.His/Him going there wont help much.Johns/John coming here will get us out of trouble.I d

21、ont remember his/him giving me back that dictionary.I heard of Miss Marys/Mary coming back.,有些动词或短语后需接动名词作宾语:anticipate,involve,remember,forget,forgive,forbid,imagine,keep,mind,regret,avoid,consider,discuss,deny,encourage,finish,like,love,resist,delay,admit,risk,resume,suggest,advise,allow,permit,di

22、slike,favor,fancy,endure,enjoy,escape,excuse,leave off,overlook,miss,pardon,postpone,practice,put off,prevent,prohibit,quit,recommend,require,resent,recall,tolerate,appreciate,stop,approach to doing,be busy doing,object to doing,feel like doing,cant help doing,prefer doing A to doing B,Participle,Fo

23、rm UsageTesting Structure,Present Participlev-ing(主动)一般式 not v-ing 否定式 having done 主动完成式 being done 被动一般式 having been done 被动完成式,Past Participle v-ed(被动)一般式 not v-ed 否定式,Usage,1 Predicative2 Attribute3 Adverbial4 Complement,as predicativeMy pencil was broken.(过去分词作表语主语状态)Her speech was quite stirrin

24、g.(现在分词作表语主语性质),as attributeA lost opportunity never returns.The woman sitting at the desk is his secretary.The material used is cement.注:分词(短语)作定语可以转化成定语从句,as adverbial I stood watching her,not knowing what to do.He was reliable,judged by ordinary standards.,分词(短语)作状语,其逻辑主语必须与句子主语一致.Seeing the prof

25、essor,the students smiled and said good morning to him.Seen from the hill,the city looks beautiful.,Adverbial of time Seeing the professor,the students smiled and said good morning to him.Seen from the hill,the city looks beautiful.,Adverbial of cause Being ill,he stayed at home.Convinced of the acc

26、uracy of the data,I stuck to my opinion.,Adverbial of condition Working hard,youll succeed.United,we stand;divided,we fall.,Adverbial of concession Working very hard,he did not feel a little tired.Though beaten by the opposite team,the players did not lose confidence.(连词though加强语气),Adverbial of resu

27、lt A letter has just come,relieving her from anxiety.New machines were installed,thus/thereby resulting in an increase in production.(thus/thereby加强语气),Adverbial of manner Traveling by car,the students visited many places.Armed with Marxism-Leninism,the Party solved the problems one after another.,A

28、dverbial of accompaniment The teacher,followed by some students,went into the classroom.They stayed at home all day,giving the house a thorough cleaning.,as complementa O.C.I am sorry Ive kept you waiting.I have my hair cut once a month.(谓语 v.多为使役 v.和感官 v.)b S.C.She was seen going up stairs.The work

29、 was left half done.,Testing Structure,1 Participle as Adverbial 2 Absolute Structure,现在分词与过去分词作状语的区别:Please fill in this form,giving your name,address,etc.He stood there,surrounded by his three daughters.一般来说 现在分词表示主动的意思;过去分词表示被动的意思.,分词作状语时的时态1 一般式:分词表示的动作与谓语动词表示的动作同时或几乎同时发生Seeing nobody at home,sh

30、e decided to leave a note.=As she saw nobody at home,she decided to leave a note.,2 完成式:分词表示的动作发生在谓语动词表示的动作之前Having cleaned the rooms,we began to weed the garden.=After we had cleaned the rooms,we began to weed the garden.,分词短语作状语的强调结构:分词短语前加连词(加强语气)Be careful when crossing the street.Though beaten

31、by the opposite team,the players did not lose confidence.,独立主格结构是分词作状语的一种特殊形式:分词(短语)作状语时,无论是现在分词还是过去分词,是一般式还是完成式,其逻辑主语必须与句子的主语保持一致。否则,分词前必需有自己的主语,即用独立主格结构。,独立主格结构的特点:独立主格结构的逻辑主语与句子的主语不同,它独立存在。独立主格结构一般有逗号与主句分开。The moon appearing,they decided to go on with their journey.His mother being ill,he had to

32、stay home to look after her.with 独立主格:He stared at his friend with his mouth wide openWith you to lead us,our group is sure to succeed,2 have之后的非谓语动词have sb.do sth.叫某人做某事have sth.Done 使某事被(他人)做have sb.done 使某人被他人做某事have sb.doing sth.听任某人做某事,Ill have him do it.I have my hair cut every month.You ought to have her examined by the doctor.I wont have you saying that.,非谓语动词的区别,不定式:具有n.adj.adv.特征,在句中担任除谓语外任何成分;动名词:具有n.特征,在句中可作主语、宾语、定语、表语;分词:具有adj.adv.特征,在句中可作主语、表语、宾补、状语;,difference,动名词名词;习惯性动作不定式将来;一次性动作现在分词:动作正在进行;表主动过去分词:动作已经完成;表被动,


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