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1、Unit 1 Friendship,Proverbs:1.A friend in need is a friend indeed.2.A life without a friend is a life without the sun.3.A faithful friend is hard to find.4.A friend is a gift you give yourself.Robert Stevenson,What will you do in the following situations?Why?1.You want to see a very interesting film

2、with your friend,but your friend cant go until he/she finishes cleaning the bicycle.You will 2.Your friend asks to borrow your favourite camera.When he/she borrowed it last time,he/she broke it and you had to pay to get it repaired.You will3.Your friend comes to school very upset.The bell rings so y

3、ou need to go to class.You will,4.Your friend has gone on holiday and asked you to take care of his/her dog.While walking the dog,you were careless and it got loose and was hit by a car.The dogs leg was broken.You will5.You are taking your end-of-term exam.Your friend,who doesnt work hard,asks you t

4、o help him/her cheat in the exam by looking at you paper.You will,FRIEND SHIP,Forgiving,fair,forever,faithful,friendly,Real,responsible,reliable,respectful,Important,interesting,Enjoyable,everlasting,equal,encouraging,Nice,Devoted,different,Sincere,sharing,Helpful,honest,Independent,Pure,polite,prec

5、ious,patient,punctual,Choose either of the topics to discuss in pairs.Who is your best friend?Tell us stories of your friendship.Does a friend always have to be a person?Tell us about your unusual friends.,Word study,add,add some water to the teaadd some sugar to the milkadd sth to what Ive said,to

6、put together with sth else so as to increase the number,size,importance,etc.,to join(numbers,amounts,etc.)so as to find the total,Add three and seven and you will have ten.,to say also,I should like to add that we are pleased with the result.,Word study,add to,This trip will add greatly to our knowl

7、edge and understanding of the States.,The index adds to the usefulness of the book.,A great deal of reading adds to ones store of information.,Word study,add up to,All this adds up to a new concept of the universe.,The cost added up to 10 million American dollar.,His schooling added up to more than

8、20 years,however,he has little social experience.,Word study,share,We havent enough books for everyone,some of you will have to share.,I have to share the bathroom with the rest of the family.,We six students share the room.,use equally,Word study,share,Im sorry.I cant share your faith that everythi

9、ng will be all right.,Id like to share with you sth that happened last week.,Children should be taught to share.,to have the same opinion,experience,feeling etc.as someone else,to tell other people about an idea,secret,problem,etc.,to give a share to 1 or more others,Will share your newspaper with m

10、e?,Word study,get along with,Hows your son getting along with his school work?,How are you getting along?,He couldnt get along with anybody?,Ill get along with a bicycle until we can afford a car.,Im getting along very well with my new work.,grammar,direct and indirect speech(I):declarative sentence

11、 and interrogative sentence,“I dont want to set down a series of facts in a diary,”said Anne.,1.declarative sentence,Anne said that she didnt want to set down a series of facts in a diary.,“Im concerned about you,but I have to go to class now,”said Chris to his friend.,Chris said that he was concern

12、ed about his friend,but he had to go to class then.,grammar,direct and indirect speech(I):declarative sentence and interrogative sentence,He asked,“Are you leaving tonight?”,interrogative sentence:General question,He asked us whether we were leaving that night.,“Do you have a friend whom you can tel

13、l everything to?”She asked.,She asked me if I had a friend whom I could tell everything to.,grammar,direct and indirect speech(I):declarative sentence and interrogative sentence,“When did you go to bed last night?”Father said to Anne.,interrogative sentence:special question,Father asked Anne when sh

14、e went to bed the night before.,The teacher asked,“What will you do when your friend asks you to help him cheat in the exam tomorrow.”,The teacher asked us what we would do when our friend asked us to help him cheat in the exam the next day.”,point_cheat_reason_share_feeling_German_series_nature_pur

15、pose_power_,word card,useful nouns,点;要点;尖端;分数,欺骗;骗子,理由;原因;理智,份;分额;股分,感觉;感受;感想;感情,德国人;德语,连续;系列,自然;自然界,目的;意图,能力;力量;权力,trust_list_teenager_advice_questionnaire_quiz_situation_editor_habit_,useful nouns,信任;所依靠的人;委托,清单;名单;一览表,(13-19岁的)少年,少女,忠告;建议,调查表;问卷,测验;提问,情形;境遇;位置,编辑,习惯;习性;举止,add_point_ignore_concern

16、_loose_cheat_,word card,useful verbs,vt.增加;添加;补充说vi.加;加起来;增添,vt.&vi.指向;瞄准,vt.不理睬;忽视,vt.涉及;关系到,vt.解;弄松vi.变松;松开,vt.&vi.欺骗;骗取;欺诈;作弊,reason_share_dare_trust_suffer_communicate_,useful verbs,vt.论证;推究;说服vi.推论;劝说,vt.&vi.分享;均分;分担,aux.敢;胆敢,vt.&vi.信任;信赖,vt.&vi.遭受;经历;忍受,vt.传达信息等vi.交际;沟通,add up_calm down_have g

17、ot to_be concern about_walk the dog_go through_hide away_set down_,Expressions card,useful expressions,加起来,平静下来,不得不;必须,关心;挂念,遛狗,经历;经受,a series of_on purpose_in order to_face to face_according to_get along with_fall in love_join in_,一连串的;一系列;一套,故意,为了,面对面地,按照;根据所说,与相处;进展,useful expressions,躲藏;隐藏,放下;记下

18、;登记,相爱;爱上,参加;加入,agreement&disagreement,I agree,I think so,Exactly,I dont agree,I dont think so,I afraid not,function,Thats correct,Of course not,certainty,function,Write a few lines to describe Annes best friend.,homework,Write a few lines to describe your best friend or a person you know.,homework,

19、Reading Annes best friend,Read fast and fill in the form below.,World War II,Netherlands,Anne,Diary,Two years,Thursday 15,June,1944,What do the boldfaced parts imply?,Read again and answer the following questions:What is a true friend like in Annes opinion?What is an ordinary diary like according to

20、 Anne?What about her diary?Why was she so crazy about things to do with nature?Why did she stay awake on purpose until very late one evening?Why didnt she dare open the window when the moon was too bright?,Reading and writing,Speaking task,You promised your friend last Tuesday that your would go on

21、a picnic with him/her on Saturday.On Friday night you are offered one ticket to the“Backstreet Boys“concert on Saturday.But there are no more tickets and this is your favorite band.Will you go to the concert or the picnic?Why?,Dear editor,Im a student from Yucai Middle school.I have a problem.I find

22、 that my friend,Ken,has stolen a book from the bookshop.I know it is wrong to steal,but I dont want to report this to our head teacher.Firstly,if I reported him to the teacher,he would hate me and our friendship would be destroyed.Secondly,I dont want to make my best friend punished.Besides,I think

23、I should give him another chance to correct his own mistakes.My parents,however,think that I should tell the teacher about this.What should I do?Should I speak up or keep silent?I would be grateful if you could give me some advice.Xiaodong,A letter to the editor,My best friend,Ken,has stolen a book

24、from the bookshop,should I,speak up,or,keep silent,Friendship would be destroyedDont want best friends punishedGive him another chance,Writing task,A letter to Xiaodong,Structure,The topic sentence(your point of view),Body(your reasons),conclusion,I thinkI believeI suggestIn my opinion,SecondlyAnd t

25、henBesidesIn addition,ButHoweverOn the other hand,In shortIn a wordThereforeSo,Language Point,Language points:1.add up 加起来 add sth.up e.g Add your scores up and we will see who will win.add up to 共计e.g His income adds up to 1000 yuan a month.add sth.to sth.e.g The professor added some salt to the wa

26、ter.add to:increasee.g The news added to his anxiety.,2.be concerned aboute.g She is concerned about her sons future.concern oneself with/in sth.e.g She concerned herself with/in social welfare.3.Ive won a holiday for two weeks to Florida.I _ my mum.A.am taking B.have taken C.take D.will have taken,

27、现在进行时表将来:arrive,come,go,get,have,leave,return,sleep,stay,start,travel,work,play,weare.g He is leaving for Hong Kong tomorrow.7.cheat cheat sb.(out)of sth.e.g The old lady was so honest the cheat easily cheated her(out)of her gold ring.cheat sb.into doing sth.,8.should have done.e.g You should have c

28、ome here five minutes ago.You shouldnt have told him about this.9.go throughe.g He would go through fire and water for his country.They went through our luggage at the customs.We spent several days going through the materials.Can the table go through the door?Ive gone through all the envelopes I bou

29、ght last week.,10.hide away hide away+placee.g The thief hid away in a friends house for several weeks after the robbery.hide away sth.=hide sth.awaye.g Dont hide anything away from me.11.it is+becausee.g It was because his carelessness that our experiment failed.,12.on purpose by chance/accidente.g

30、 I think he stamped on my foot on purpose.10.in order to&so as toe.g In order to catch the train,he hurried through his work.He hurried through his work in order to(so as to)catch the train.in order that&so thate.g Youd better check carefully so that(in order that)any mistakes will be caught.,Langua

31、ge structure,Monday Aug 30th Rainy 32 gold medals!I can hardly calm down when I set down this diary.China has won 32 gold medals in this Olympic Games.These days,we Chinese are concerned about the 28th Olympic Games.We share the happiness of success,but feel upset when we lose.Anyway,all the players

32、 have gone through great difficulty.,December 28th,2004 What day is it?I asked what day it was.Is it your birthday?A student asked me whether/if it was my birthday.3.It is my mothers 60th birthday.I told my students that it was my mothers 60th birthday.,1.“Whose book is it?”he asked.He asked whose b

33、ook it was.2.“Whose book are you reading?”Jim asked her.Jim asked her whose book she was reading.3.“Have you been to the USA?”Jim asked Tom.Jim asked Tom if/whether he had been to the USA.,He said he,Played football,Was playing,Had played,Had played,Would played,Had played,Thatthose,Then,That day,That night,That week,The day before,The week before,Three days before,The next day,The next week,there,go,e.gA asked C:Where have you been to?B said to C:He asked you where you had been to?C said to A:I have been to the hospital.B said to A:He said he had been to the hospital.,


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