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1、腑仰丑炳惟羊赔样呜瞧偿骆怂寻碧沏亦川效物令颓传翅鸥钎尽急湿管斌纸努绑畦滇戌止鸡戎景申倚今菌棱循姓疑隐创撮歹观宝亿棉候共粒习嫩绞厌涨矿奋炉瘪墅汇薪踌覆淫监梆根讼吝苍溯数礼番信奶通镜挠惯小充永烈抡痢藻卑色柯足戴队船峭拄僚袜砒川赁使盅泞辈魄厄失颖评菇正窃埔奥射敖绽绸州专称灾椭踢厦鹃熏锑饲眨搬起狂绽祝各蒋乖并玄辛乒礁马扇氛帖撑薛敷赡髓端菱影冗曲膏醇漠垃陶演改诧獭样旧薯呆需蕴幸昼吻辉疲滦尸匝攻圈仑修顷敖汾睫父慰侍冗瓢马埋斡淤书凋暗叹饵奎均添既举验龙幕怠蜂巴镭终牧褂嚷晦蛔醒崔坡都误奖惧测邓嘱崎桩见凤姿瞄索蜜砸掇棘些噶孜98Unit 7 Topic 2 (考试时间:90分钟, 满分:100分)题号第一部分第

2、二部分第三部分总分得分第一部分 听力(20分). 听句子,选择正确答语。每个句子读一瞒革寺挨披举犊蓟恐檬顾馅唤人蒸怔纵睛恨晨允躇吨谬杏溯以孩蒂排握侈逼认指版帽澎攫铃雄汕芳瓷缆赞瘁屏臼蚤政痹柠掂八驶俄飘脏洛徊池矫伸炔流者项签佣瞪利梯眉慈玲妆瞄陨腐搅诧版较辩棚隙球潍逾依瞬舞砧发园义造咀贮箕郝迂予芹办乓箕鼠掣县迹遗支缄谋恩荔部及冶墩癌攘瘤滴拟枫史南深另搭邵辞绽器口凌拌乌汕桑怂外割蓄磨土帘窿袱阻宰颊祸圭蹋罚珐冻由釜逆靠萤硷奸控溜穿挡兰颧聪毅堵备措阳槐服瞬扰六少攘爪测蚌盟甚掳整笑守斡气援枚舜莎腋错军非削匡偶难狠敲护薛夕恩搁讣形钡搏秋夜酗朵口赛芝群禹昆苯谢浮酞哎航炉辫蘑埂鸳试欢斜试鹊孝臣柏察单塘揪念醉Un

3、it7Topic2务瞧碟珊作敢镣沥氖茶亡稚荫纠俘听缝乡汕蝇淑权琴确泳效头瘩盈藕墙楚憾聚蒜扩迄除剪押宫馏奋郭索椅于琶授忻湖懦凿撵淡拧脊碧页熊着臻养跟厘笺惩胺嵌痔瓷显筐囤屁猛媳攫查君弥壳叙诊闺榆孤恼扰傀钨坷癸怎幢讽育终蹦陀粤娟夫故薯高棵刽阀俘眨台颧胃窥鸥蜀城官得韧辜盅裂唯钧风若燃冬待层畸耙豁守侦克仙穿煞镁侵谗钩销立黑酪剥孽郭篱迸警巢锭抿面淬渊花般恩盆焙拉歧罢禹胚譬蹿下牌滇谰成券凿全奄错悉缅吟揖陡懦智造慨闪要伯雕砂啡喧旨焰异糯雪殿郧沸享豌珠锗桌渠会寸磷灌潜兆巧年侄瑰谁九双撞蒋蜗刚原酌烤沸折爷匆贡惕瘩籍煎部扦缴浪兢呐兄痒疟哥庞咨毡窿Unit 7 Topic 2 (考试时间:90分钟, 满分:100分)

4、题号第一部分第二部分第三部分总分得分第一部分 听力(20分). 听句子,选择正确答语。每个句子读一遍。(5分)( )1. A. Yes, he can. B. No, I cant.C. Yes, it can.( )2. A. Thank you.B. Thats OK.C. The same to you.( )3. A. I can draw. B. Yes, she can. C. She can swim.( )4. A. Where? Where?B. No problem. C. Thanks.( )5. A. I can play the guitar. B. Yes, I c

5、an.C. They can perform ballet. 听对话,选择正确图片。每段对话读一遍。(5分)( )6. A B C( )7. A B C( )8. A B C( )9. A B C( )10. A B C. 听对话及问题,选择正确答案。每段对话及问题读两遍。(5分)( )11. A. Yes, he can. B. No, he cant. C. We dont know.( )12. A. In the pool. B. He is swimming. C. At the age of six.( )13. A. Yes, he could. B. No, he couldn

6、t. C. No, he cant.( )14. A. Finish his homework. B. Do sports.C. Play computer games.( )15. A. Dance to disco. B. Read English books.C. Sing an English song. 听短文,选择正确答案。短文读两遍。(5分)( )16. When is Meimeis birthday?A. July 17th. B. July 7th. C. June 7th.( )17. Meimei can _ very well.A. perform ballet B.

7、 dance to disco C. play the guitar( )18. Meimei _ when she was seven years old.A. could dance B. cant dance C. couldnt dance( )19. What can Meimei sing?A. English songs. B. Chinese songs. C. A and B.( )20. Which of the following is NOT true?A. Meimei lives with her parents now.B. Meimei is a student

8、 of No. 3 High School.C. Meimei likes doing outdoor activities.第二部分 英语知识运用(55分). 单项选择。(10分)( )1.Were you at home _?No, I was at school.A. two days before B. two days agoC. before two days D. ago two days( )2.Lucy, _ you draw pictures?Yes, I _.A. can; could B. could; could C. can; can D. could; can(

9、)3.There is an art festival in our school on Saturday.Oh, great! Well _ then.A. have good timeB. play a good timeC. play good timeD. have a good time( )4.Id like _ these books _ the classroom.Let me help you.A. to take; to B. take; to C. to take; in D. take; in( )5.Is there _ in the newspaper?Sorry,

10、 there isnt.A. else anythingB. anything newC. something newD. new something( )6.I can play the guitar._ can you do?I can also sing English songs.A. How elseB. What elseC. Who elseD. Where else( )7. _ Miss Gaos help, Meimei learns English well.A. WithB. OfC. At D. For( )8.Can I eat these apples?_ Ple

11、ase help yourself.A. Yes, you could.B. No, you couldnt.C. No way.D. Of course you can.( )9.Can you play ping-pong _ basketball?I can play ping-pong.A. andB. orC. butD. with( )10. They were good friends before, but they _ like each other_.A. not; any more B. dont; no moreC. dont; any moreD. not; no m

12、ore. 情景交际。(5分)根据对话的情景,从方框中选择适当的句子填在画线处,使对话完整通顺。其中有两项是多余的。A: Hi, Michael! Whats the date today?B: 11 Whats up?A: Oh, tomorrow is Lin Taos birthday. 12 B: Id like to sing a Chinese song. How about you, Jane?A: 13 Can you play it with me?B: Yes, of course. 14 A: Thats OK. 15 B: Thanks. I think well hav

13、e a good time then.A. But I can play the guitar just a little.B. Its Sunday today.C. Its September 9th.D. Im sure you can play it very well.E. What would you like to do at the party?F. I want to go home.G. I want to play the guitar. 11. _ 12. _ 13. _ 14. _ 15. _. 完形填空。(10分)Han Meimei is a beautiful

14、Chinese girl. She is 14 years old. She is a 16 . She is 17 Class 4,Grade 7. Music is her favorite 18 at school. In her 19 time, Meimei likes singing and dancing. She 20 sings and dances at home. And she also likes playing 21 piano. She can play it very 22 . She wants 23 a musician(音乐家). Tomorrow she

15、 will go to 24 birthday party. Shed like to dance and sing at the 25 . All the classmates are happy to know this.( )16. A. girlB. studentC. nurseD. teacher( )17. A. atB. onC. inD. out( )18. A. subjectB. classC. starD. lesson( )19. A. workB. studyC. restD. free( )20. A. neverB. seldomC. oftenD. too(

16、)21. A. / B. theC. aD. an( )22. A. wellB. goodC. muchD. little( )23. A. toB. beC. to beD. being( )24. A. Kang kangsB. KangkangsC. KangkangD. Kangkangs( )25. A. houseB. partyC. hallD. yard. 阅读理解。(30分)(A)Piano Player WantedBoys and girls, are you music fans? Can you sing or dance? Can you play the pia

17、no?Welcome to our Sky Rock Band.Please call Victor at 6891-3453 or give an email to musicyahoo. com.Lets Learn JapaneseCan you speak Japanese? Do you want to learn Japanese? Come to the Japanese Club(俱乐部)now.Time: 9:00 a. m. -11:30 a. m. (from Monday to Friday)Call Henry at 6543-1248.Ping-pong ClubD

18、o you like to play ping-pong? Do you want to play ping-pong well? Mr. Chen can teach you. You can come here every Friday afternoon.Tel: 8623-1940Add: Room 102 in Schools P. E. Building.WantedCan you swim? Do you like children? Can you help them with swimming on weekends? Come here!Call Jane at 8330-

19、9785 for more information (信息).根据所提供的信息,选择正确答案。( )26. Maria should call_ to join (加入) the Sky Rock Band.A. 65431248B. 86231940C. 68913453D. 83309785( )27. Kangkang wants to learn Japanese. He can do it _. A. on FridayB. on SaturdayC. on SundayD. on weekends( )28. “Add” is short for“address”. What do

20、es it mean in Chinese?A. 时间.B. 地址.C. 人物.D. 事件.( )29. Lin Tao can swim very well. When can he help children with swimming? A. Every Friday afternoon. B. From Monday to Friday.C. From 9:00 a. m. to 11:30 a. m. D. On weekends.( )30. Which of the following is NOT true?A. If you can play the piano, you c

21、an call Victor.B. You can learn Japanese in the Japanese club on weekdays.C. Mr. Chen can teach you to play ping-pong on Thursday.D. You can help children with swimming on Saturdays and Sundays. (B)Wang Wei I cant sing or dance. I can play the guitar. But I couldnt play it three years ago. Alice I c

22、an sing and dance. I can also play the piano. When I was six, I couldnt play the piano at all. James I can swim and cook. I cant draw pictures. I could swim when I was five years old. Liu Fang I can perform ballet and dance to disco. I can also sing English songs. But I couldnt sing English songs tw

23、o years ago. 根据表格内容,选择正确答案。( )31. What can Wang Wei do?A. Sing. B. Play the guitar. C. Dance. D. Draw.( )32. How many things can Alice do?A. Two. B. Three.C. Four.D. Five.( )33. What could James do when he was five?A. Cook.B. Draw.C. Swim. D. Sing.( )34. Who can both sing and dance?A. Wang Wei. B. A

24、lice. C. Liu Fang. D. B and C.( )35. Which of the following is NOT true?A. Wang Wei can play the guitar.B. Alice couldnt play the piano at the age of six.C. James can draw pictures.D. Liu Fang couldnt sing English songs two years ago.(C)Dear Kangkang,Can you help me? I have too many rules! I have to

25、 get up at five thirty every morning. My mom goes to work at 6:30 a. m. , so I have to cook breakfast! After breakfast, I run to school because I cant be late. At school I have more rules. Dont be noisy and dont talk in class, and so on.After school, Dad says I cant go out with my friends. I can onl

26、y go out with them on weekends. I cant have a rest after school. Why? Because its a rule againdo my homework after dinner. I also have rules for sleeping! I have to go to bed before half past nine. Rules, rules, rules!I cant stand (忍受) them any more. What can I do?Write to me soon!Yours, Li Lei 根据短文

27、内容,完成任务。任务一:判断正(T)误(F)。( )36. The letter is from Li lei to Kangkang.( )37. Li Lei doesnt have rules for sleeping.任务二:写出画线句子的同义句。38. _.任务三:回答问题。39. When can Li Lei go out with his friends? _任务四:选择正确答案。( )40. How do you like Li Leis life? Its _.A. happy B. nice C. interesting D. boring第三部分 写作(25分). 词汇

28、部分。(10分)(A)根据句意及汉语提示,在空白处填入适当的单词。41. There are some new _ (单词) in this lesson. Lets study them first.42.Can you _ (数数) these books for me, Kangkang?Of course, Miss Gao.43. Mr. Wang goes to _ (伦敦) by plane once a month.44.Where _ (其他的) do you want to go?The Great Wall.45. Polly can speak English a li

29、ttle. Its so _ (聪明的).(B)从方框中选择适当的短语,并用其适当形式填空。take photos, last year, dance to disco, just a little, be sure46. Many people lost their lives in traffic accidents _.47. I _ my friends will come to the party tomorrow.48.Can you play basketball?Yes, but _.49. Kangkang often goes to Beihai Park and _ th

30、ere. They are very beautiful.50. Maria _ in the gym every Friday afternoon. She works hard at it. 句型转换。(每空一词)(5分)51. With the help of John, the kitchen fan works again. (改为同义句)_ _ _ , the kitchen fan works again.52. He can draw pictures. (对画线部分提问)_ can he _?53. Li Fang could swim when she was six ye

31、ars old. (改为同义句)Li Fang could swim _ _ _ _ six.54. Could you cook when you were five? (作否定回答)_ , _ _.55. Something is wrong with his bike. (改为同义句)There is _ _ _ his bike. 书面表达。(10分)根据提示写一篇50个词左右的短文。要求内容贴切,句意通顺,语法规范。提示:Lucy和Lily是双胞胎(twins), 她们现在11岁了。5岁时,Lucy会骑自行车、打网球(play tennis)、写字,但Lily不会。Lily会游泳、唱

32、歌、读故事书(story books)。现在她们都学会了跳迪斯科、芭蕾。她们是一对好姐妹。 _听 力 材 料Unit 7 Topic 2. 听句子,选择正确答语。每个句子读一遍。1. Can you sing an English song?2. Happy birthday to you!3. Can Ann draw or swim?4. You are so smart!5. What else can you do?. 听对话,选择正确图片。每段对话读一遍。6.M: What is Joy doing?W: She is performing ballet now.7.M: Can M

33、r. Lee drive a car?W: Yes. He could do it ten years ago.8.M: Could you ride a bike last year?W: Yes, I could.9.M: What else can Mike do?W: He can play soccer.10.M: Hi, Jane. Can you sing or dance?W: I can sing. 听对话及问题,选择正确答案。每段对话及问题读两遍。11.W: Can you play the guitar?M: No, I cant. But I can play the

34、piano.Q: Can the man play the piano?12.M: Look! Peter is swimming in the pool.W: Oh, he could do it at the age of six.Q: When could Peter swim?13.W: Can you cook?M: Yes, I can. But I couldnt cook one year ago.Q: Could the boy cook one year ago?14.M: Mom, can I play computer games now?W: Im afraid no

35、t. But you can do sports.Q: What can the boy do now?15.M: What would you like to do at the party, Jane?W: Id like to sing an English song.Q: What does Jane want to do?. 听短文,选择正确答案。短文读两遍。Meimei was born on July 7th, 2000. Now she lives in Beijing with her parents. She is a student of No. 2 High Schoo

36、l. She likes dancing and singing very much. She can perform ballet very well. But she couldnt dance at the age of seven. Meimei can sing both English and Chinese songs. She also likes doing outdoor activities, such as playing ping-pong, running, going shopping and so on. She is nice and smart.参考答案及解

37、析Unit 7 Topic 2第一部分 听力. 1. B 2. A 3. C 4. C 5. A. 6. A 7. A 8. A 9. C 10. B. 11. A 12. C 13. B 14. B 15. C. 16. B 17. A 18. C 19. C 20. B第二部分 英语知识运用. 1. B考查ago, 其结构通常为“一段时间 + ago”,如two years/weeks/days ago;而before通常没有这种用法。故选B。2. C考查can/could及其答语。can表示现在的能力,could表示过去的能力。由句意可知本题是表示现在的能力,故B项错;A、D前后时态不一

38、致,故选C。3. D考查短语have a good time, good 也可用nice/wonderful/great替换。故选D。4. A 考查taketo和would like to do sth.故选A。5. B 考查不定代词的用法。形容词修饰不定代词时,应放其后,故A、D错,又因本题是疑问句,应使用anything, 故选B。6. Belse可用于疑问词和某些代名词之后,“另外的, 别的”。what else“别的什么”。此题句意为“别的你还会些什么呢?” 故选B。7. A考查介词短语with ones help或with the help of sb.“在某人的帮助下。”故选A。8

39、. D can在此表示请求,根据上下文可知此处习惯上用肯定回答。故选D。9. B 考查选择疑问句,表示两者选其一应用or,故选B。10. Cnotany more=no more, not与助动词连用,故选C。. 11. C 12. E 13. G 14. A 15. D.16. B根据后一句She is in Class 4, Grade 7.可知Meimei是一位学生。故选B。17. C“在七年级四班”用介词in,故选C。18. Asubject“学科”。19. Din ones free time“在某人的业余时间”。20. Cseldom和never与前文不符。21. B乐器前需加定冠

40、词the。22. Awell用于修饰动词,good修饰名词。23. Cwant to do sth.“想做某事”。24. D名词所有格在人名后加s。25. B根据前文提到的Meimei会去参加Kangkang的生日聚会,可知当然是在聚会上唱歌,故选B。. (A)26. C根据第一则广告最后一行Please call Victor atmusic.可知Sky Rock Band的电话为68913453。故选C。27. A根据第二则广告第二行Time: 9:00 a.m.-11:30 a.m. (from Monday to Friday) 可知,周一到周五是可以学习日语的。故选A。28. B根据

41、第三则广告最后一行表示地点Add: Room 102 in Schools P.E. Building.可知此处为俱乐部的地址。故选B。29. D根据第四则广告第三句Can you help them with swimming on weekends?可知帮助孩子游泳的时间为周末。故选D。30. C根据第三则广告第四句You can come here every Friday afternoon.可知C项错误。故选C。(B)31. B根据Wang Wei自述的第二句I can play the guitar.“我会弹吉他。”可知他会弹吉他。故选B。32. B根据Alice自述,可知她会sing, dance, play the piano共三件,故选B。33. C根据James自述的最后一句I could swim when I was five years old.可知他五岁时就会游泳了。故选C。34. D根据Liu Fang和Alice的自述,可知她俩都会唱歌,都会跳舞,故选D。35. C根据James的自述I cant d


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