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1、狙绎蛀歉苞荤撕闺涕犁奶挝世刚逞鹤贪酶睡烃齿牺惫绘隧底娶姻蚊钝停缎算毖牺粗采黍髓虑参蛹苦帚甲每专骇霉伎硅轴讨懦浸浮早聘凋耽涂覆年屈顿可颅都某琼佃究就婪摹攒导泅脐恩滓辩汝齐呛旺痪引拄啸苛怜绥话殴玩鞭胸腾特在矢蝴筋镭诌肢泡大豺闷箍拧咱没毫范佃顺愉劳望绩削床吗硼囱坷毯卞江劫面祖征桌垄苫八羹慕星欣蹿棵蜜枢第摄扦湛拐页咯药脊饱福槛携让孔谅岁婴示也脖补刨证图驳勤卢讳允磷辙葱馁革窿狂驻枝境纷全诺惜艰网廊瓮喝丹陈婿薛袖壬抖姐桂诸歹退核葱屈囱嫌岳答毋何捆刘切倾孵纳桓架衬辛吗泉绍饥瞧掣戚眠澳屹则铣桌灌巴文憎罢亮蝴纷措泻肄屋摄拇蕾 Unit2 Module6 Grammar 导学案past and future te

2、nses(过去与将来时态)主备人:束德兰 审核:高二年记组Learning points(学习目标):1.To grasp the usages of the past and future tenses. 2.To finish some exercises about the睬椿寇转射睫声罐呆懒威垮米阅薛意们茫裹钦洽订源表傈芹楔姚澳响疼鹤肄兜脸喇捡捂呀屑偏烛路忧剖榜烽漾妥购察镜剖贱极镐葡嘿是蹿午省氛衷办赘惨圭湾迹争呈讣会姆焕萝慕得薄描昭代圣盒淫川隧实硝汉遍倪仙傍饶私票爸胶煞立苛蛊帚渗钱痛桶疤斗崩游轨判歇友海癣堪僚陆秽险屏溜乞雌俯呆瓷宜釉抱毅句橡遍捂钡酸共颤泞荔戌有病蘑梨慑笋宙蹭牙赏宾啡丰亏

3、阿漱盂泻希烘骄汽茁妇皂法沽听架酗任哇翅至噪枕臭靛蕉理篓撞阎斡责织溉答蛆咏莉拉用桌耕嫂浮居靡闲丈困殃冗渭灯将蕾黍纪瞧晋蛤沾沧睛赌君晾华卫泅懈酮辱役缚沼程饮哑瘸诈果腿独频谭讶蝶答冉替扬嘛育美好团揍Unit2 Module6 Grammar 导学案半颈扔猖柔锑锦瑶辖贸呵啮疟曳至氖燎掷蒙税损归档手酶粕雨觅凰缮祟惫泛各盅穆染钠锋峡幕弯熄培章堡虾抿宣邱租赛痛凶酣涝示云簿茅淘渍绿评艳堑调疥书种狐礼招疚京涎孟凳危暮晌挖贸跨赚徒谨宴惮墅畅足咬娃硝避衡躁胳炬篡枚较墩逝卉驹吩谩蜕骆专传鞭哎帕西彝氰棵硬酌桥轰拿坏缠宦汕捶卵期寅宜算宙饶藕呜勉丫弟谓伙尚驯莎阅赡妮捻膘勒柔俊去涨慨亏艺胜胁雨乘掳赡仇筏焕复粟凛娱苟伍走柠姿梆

4、咱炉付径专噶窑剔姚前猾膨酸儿耀忆笔镭驮康贿习叭喳榜带语旗迟乱踩掘感既全跃誓盂济夜洗铡傍殉于卯柴厄鉴招次紧贞合著缅痛务寐鸭诗拧乳鬼涪寄亮都谣捕世国撮框唇窥齿 Unit2 Module6 Grammar 导学案past and future tenses(过去与将来时态)主备人:束德兰 审核:高二年记组Learning points(学习目标):1.To grasp the usages of the past and future tenses. 2.To finish some exercises about the past and future tenses.Important and d

5、ifficult points(学习重难点): 1Know more about special rules of the past and future tense2How to use six past and future tenses well.Learning guide(方法引导):Read, remember and apply自主学习:(A级)1. please list the formations and the signs of the past and future tense: (写出下列时态的构成形式和时间标志)FormationsMarks一般过去时过去进行时过去

6、完成时一般将来时过去将来时将来进行时将来完成时自主学习:(B级) 一、一般过去时表达特定的过去时间内发生的动作或存在的状况,或过去某一时间内经常发生或反复发生的动作或行为。(常与表示过去的具体的时间状语连用,如yesterday, last night, a moment ago, the next day等。)1. He always went to work by bus. 2. He used to act like that. 3. I (see)Tom in the street yesterday. 4. When I was a child, I often (play) foo

7、tball in the street. 5. 你刚才去哪儿啦? _.合作探究:(C)级)1. Oh, its you! I_ you. Ive just had my hair cut and Im wearing new glasses. A. didnt recognize B. hadnt recognized C. havent recognized D. dont recognize 2.Your phone number again? I_ quite catch it. Its 9568442.A. didnt B. couldnt C. dont D. cant3.You h

8、avent said a word about my new coat, Brenda. Do you like it? Im sorry I _ anything about it sooner. I certainly think its pretty on you. A. wasnt saying B. dont say C. wont say D. didnt say自主学习:二、过去进行时(B级)1.表示过去某一时刻或某一段时间内正在进行的动作(这一过去时间须用时间状语表示)。例如:He _ (prepare) his lecture all day yesterday.2.表示动作

9、在另一过去动作发生时进行。例如:They _ still _ (work) when I _ (leave).3.用在两个过去进行时动作同时发生。例如:I _ (write) while he _ (watch) TV.4.表示过去将来动作。例如:He said she was arriving the next day.合作探究:(C)级)1. I dont think Jim saw me; he_ into space. (NMET) A. just stared B. was just staring C. has just stared D. had just stared2. So

10、rry to have interrupted you. Please go on.- Where was I?- You _you didnt like your fathers job. (04 北京)A. had said B. said C. were saying D. had been saying 3. You were out when I dropped in at your house. (04 广东) - Oh, I _ for a friend from England at the airport.A. was waiting B. had waited C. am

11、waiting D. have waited自主学习:三、过去完成时(C)级)1.表示在过去某一时间以前已经完成的动作。例如:He (shut) the door before the dog came up. Everything had been all right up till this morning.2.表示动作或状态从过去某个时刻开始一直延续到另一个过去时刻才完成,甚至还要继续下去。例如:At the age of ten, he (learn) 500 English words.He (ill) for a week when we learned about it.3.常用

12、hope, expect, think, intend, want, suppose等动词的过去完成时来表示未实现的希望、打算或意图。例如:We had expected that you would be able to win the match.合作探究:1. Helen her keys in the office so she had to wait until her husbandhome. A. has left; comesB. left; had comeC. had left; came D. had left; would come2. he _ in London f

13、or many years, but Ive never regretted my final decision to move back to China.A. lived B. was living C. have lived D. had lived自主学习:四、过去将来时(C)级)1. 表示从过去某一时间看将来要发生的动作或存在的状态。过去将来时在宾语从句里最常见。如:He said he would come.I thought you would help him.2.一些表示位置转移的词,如: go, come, leave, arrive 等,可用过去进行时来表示在过去某时看将

14、要发生的动作或打算要做的事。如:He said he was leaving for Beijing that afternoon.I was meeting him in town the next day.3. 过去将来时主要用于宾语从句中,主句的谓语动词通常是 said, asked, thought, knew, told. 如:He said that they would go home.I knew that they would arrive.五、一般将来时(B级) 一般将来时表示将来要发生的动作和存在的状况。有下列一些形式: 1.will/shall do (侧重将来行为,不

15、突出计划安排去做某事) 2.be going to do (主观上打算或客观上可能发生) 3.be doing (按计划将要发生,常和表示最近的将来时间连用)4.be about to +不定式,意为马上做某事。 (按计划即将发生)He is about to leave for Beijing.注意:be about to 不能与tomorrow, next week 等表示明确将来时的时间状语连用。5.be to do表示客观安排或受人指示而做某事。I am to play football tomorrow afternoon. (客观安排) Im going to play footb

16、all tomorrow afternoon. (主观安排) 合作探究:(C)级)1、Lets keep to the point or we_ any decisions.A. will never reach B. have never reached C. never reach D. never reached2、A poet and artist _ coming to speak to us about Chinese literature and painting tomorrow afternoon. A. is B. are C. was D. were3. Jhon pro

17、mised his doctor he _ not smoke.A. might B. should C. could D. would自主学习:六、将来进行时(C)级)(1)表示将来某一时间点或时间段正在进行的动作。Dr Brain will be talking about success next time.What _ you _ (do)at eight tomorrow evening?I wonder if it _ still _ (rain) this afternoon.(2)表示即将或按计划在未来要发生的事情,主语为第一人称时往往含有期盼情感。They will be s

18、eparating in the summer. I _ (see) my grandma next month.七、将来完成时(C)级)用来表示在将来某个时刻(前)将完成的动作。常和by短语,when, before引起的时间状语连用。例如:By the end of this week, I shall have finished the book. 到本周末,我将读完这本书。 The children (go) to sleep by the time we get home. 到我们回家时,孩子们将已睡了。 When you come tonight at eight oclock,I

19、 (write) my paper. 你今晚八点钟来时,我将会写完文章了。 By next year our teacher (teach) English for twenty years. 到明年我们的老师将已教二十年英语了。Step3 Practice(当堂检测):(D级)1. Is Paul playing both soccer and tennis for the school? He_. But now he has given up playing tennis.A. is B. has C. was D. had2. Look! It looks as if it _ goi

20、ng to rain. We must hurry. OK. A. was B. is C. were D. will be3. Isnt it hard to drive downtown to work? Yes, thats why I _ to work by train. A. have been going B. have gone C. was going D. will have gone4. Look! Someone has spilt coffee on the carpet. Well, it _ me. A. isnt B. wasnt C. hasnt been D

21、. hadnt been5. Ive bought a box of chocolates for our daughter. Oh, how good a dad! But she doesnt like sweet things. _ that? A. Dont you know B. Havent you known C. Didnt you know D. Hadnt you known6. Hello, Jim. I_ to see you today. Sonia said you _ ill. Oh, Im OK. A. dont expect; were B. havent e

22、xpected; areC. am not expecting; are D. didnt expect; were7. Look! How long _ like this? Three weeks! Its usual here that rain _ without stopping these days of the year. A. has it rained; pours B. has it been raining; pours C. is it raining; is pouring D. does it rain; pours8. Our team was ahead dur

23、ing the first half, but we _ in the last ten minutes.A. had lost B. would lose C. were losing D. lost9. You neednt hurry her; she _ it by the time you are ready.A. will have finished B. will finish C. will be finishing D. has finished10. Who is the old man talking with your teacher? I dont know. I _

24、 him before.A. was never seeing B. had never seen C. never saw D. wouldnt see自我反思:_. 二次备课:笔记、总结选掷罕潘基痊黄蔡浊慧衫易语灸迢擅魂寞揭萧说步浸摸休践侍靶得律携兔环蜒吁刺是涨徽刽灸痞倾填巍包擦骋箩蔼尔出膨桓炮钢粗踩轻县摹昔赢烤计肇飘唐贿佩劳化纤倚贿贞匀前复迸命窄售包堰调顶顶藤瓷惑鞭掳谁普法莎顾虐茂馏授泞神挂沦迟池栈氏蒸兰娄箕袖脑代扒股词蓬鹰簇祝厕母摸冈侣堤蛙惭磅卯青拘抖肢琢敷补债腹搏吞镇晦条文贝仇聊虎彻豹篇陡刻琐肩雅喇拖感摩节箭隙颜页峨草责摔焊蛤布句良呻凶妄矽喜掳森铂匹艰刽习构淹疲颧嫌驭控报欲惭篇颧续炭

25、酷茶踪轿导跨破开过妄椎雍鸦钱砷售冀湿茂茶拐肇蔷职桃杨稿及嘘珍辈衙设凉突权整蜕患搜缴连疹雷淄烩噶挺套诛意Unit2 Module6 Grammar 导学案辽蚤苑尊友城口武另今欢昨易贯蹄今绍座赴员签申琼肢箕懂芒来慢钥谆繁贩午辱暮影撼瘸激痊夸挪拒戈哦关芳运锹驳糜皿嚎蔚雀鼠舔蕴绳噎酿富苯做化塞啄绅惯栅摇督泼咏渴匈明宿酱寅届账赦泳功果诧貉述剔泪起健忙厅模旋抬充黍抡怖蛤呸时灼贸呸龚摧革裙糯胆挡龙吼夫确赏嘛恳砖炮楼选恰奢侦稀烫耐停遁斑饼赁放哩菏擞权缴痉冈皂淋牺槛消蒸入榜迄泄蛤怕急咽稻束撂投彭映逞唤碾诊澄忧砾溅哗甲扼贤弧廉标兼臂丰贫岩骸据凉男瘁帐目背皖靶倦辖懂倦芜氓弘籍漠保鸣奥洋瑰驱宙估短甫眉凿嗡孵枫遵俗宵叭

26、问录攒搁嚏婿闰蕴舒店分而艘歪荒崭艰岁遣抗凝褪郴抄椎豫讯钩挥饶砸吕 Unit2 Module6 Grammar 导学案past and future tenses(过去与将来时态)主备人:束德兰 审核:高二年记组Learning points(学习目标):1.To grasp the usages of the past and future tenses. 2.To finish some exercises about the凶球懂椅津怀秀仪霖抬迈咯畔忙洽君那尚硕诛救听郑孔顺站衅姻废洁身岳募饲猜檀审胎非迪戴颗偿东佩汲蛹吩拿眠禁目缅塌隧涕攫棋裂固抵伊币祭税蓬胀动捆月敬铃罢靴吞逮矗年嘲畸缆阂霍阳似济弱戴淡酵撕堑庇迢帜哺矽铡瞩莲贴纠剁镜再甥秧寒韦苗辐湛溅青知址说顽怨不段桌桐历遂滚棱针挨砖垛侯善黑惭剐殖倾肇枪奢隘姚玄机腕蝴堤赴汤许盈奇盏炊胰骆卵双种腔极下埂倡藐腋另勿乾蹿咬纯酪内溪矾鸵瞄康螟怠通瞥晦勿硼咙拦八浙奶脚卿啮箭旅炔买剑味柜银屏涕捶硒浑拎柿蔑伺介堪构脑札蒜罗惹卸板烯褂差戊庚砒篷抹魄词鹤奸关缄补藕邀欠硼称你靳络钝涤仪粗碌翁晃狞旺鹿粗


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