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1、七下英语Unit6导学案课题Unit6 Im watching TV. Section A (1a1c) 第一课时学习目标1. 熟练掌握P31的单词和短语2. 初步掌握现在进行时的用法.3.能谈论人们正在做的事。学习重/难点语境中感悟理解现在进行时。能初步使用现在进行时陈述正在发生的事情并进行回答Step 1自主学习(课前预习)1. 学生解读学习目标,从而基本明晰学习任务。2.自读P31的单词,短语,对话。 任务一:写出下列单词或短语。看电视_ 读报_ 电话上交谈_听CD_ 用电脑_做汤_ 洗盘子_ 打扫_ 锻炼_任务二:将1a中的现在分词的原型写出来watching _cleaning _r

2、eading _talking _ listening _ using _making _exercising _ washing _ 预习质疑:_.Step2合作交流任务一:1. 小组为单位,读出1a中的短语,2.教师用PPT呈现不同人物正在进行的动作。教师做示范,先询问学生:Whats Jim doing now? 再描绘图片内容:Hes watching TV. 其他图片,师问生答。3. 根据图片内容依次提问学生。Look at Picture a. Whats he doing? 4.两人一组,根据1a图片内容编写两个新对话并展示。A: A: B: B: 任务二:听录音,完成活动1b1

3、.学生阅读1b活动要求,再观察1a中的系列图片猜测Whos Jenny/John? Who are Dave and Mary?2.播放录音,完成1b.3.两人一组根据所填信息问答,对话形式如下:A: Whats Jenny doing ? B: She is watching TV.A:(John):A: (Dave and Mary) B: 4. 小组展示5. 呈现听力材料,学生分角色朗读并表演对话。任务三:完成1c.学生结对根据1a图片中不同人物的活动,根据1c的示范轮流问答。Eg: A:Whats he doing in Picture a? B: Hes talking on the

4、 phone. Step 3 点拨释疑1.初步总结“现在进行时的结构”2.根据“自主学习”任务二,初步总结现在分词的构成Step 4 达标反馈I选择题1. What is Tom doing? He _the computer. A. use B. is useing C. is using2. His father is _ a newspaper. A. looking B. seeing C. reading3. The students are _ the teacher.A. listen to B. listening to C. listening4. The girls _ i

5、n the classroom. A. sings B. singing C. are singing5. The girl often talks _the phone with her mother. A. to B. on C. with6. Look! He is _ his homework . A. do B . does C. doing7.-_ are the boys doing? They are singing in the room. A. Who B. What C. How8. I like to _ TV on Sundays. A. look B. read C

6、. watching D. watchII、写出下列动词的现在分词形式play_ see_ write _talk _speak _swim_ get_ have_ work_ run _clean_ dance_ come_ call _ help_ wash_ make_III.连词成句1. are, you , doing , what (?) _2. she ,watching, is ,TV (.) _3. is ,Tom ,cleaning, not, his ,room(.) _教师复备栏或学生笔记栏:【学习体会】 成功&不足:_ 错题整理:_课题Unit6 Im watchin

7、g TV. Section A (2a2d) 第二课时学习目标1. 熟练掌握P32的单词和短语2. 进一步学会用现在进行时谈论人们正在做的事学习重/难点1. 语境中感悟理解现在进行时。能初步使用现在进行时陈述正在发生的事情并进行回答2.动词现在分词的构成Step 1自主学习(课前预习)1.学生解读学习目标,从而基本明晰学习任务。2.背记32的单词.3.熟读2a中的句子4.预测2b中要填的内容5.熟读2c,理解句意。任务一:写出下列单词或短语。1. go to the movies _2. This is Jenny._ 3.Not much._4. join me for dinner_ 5.

8、eat out_ 6. 六点半_任务二:翻译1.你在做什么? _? 我在看电视。_. 2.他在做什么?_.他在看报纸。_?Step2合作交流任务一:完成活动2a.1.学生阅读2a的问题,教师播放录音。学生独立完成2a,核实答案。2.学生先阅读2b对话,预测空格中需填的信息。教师二次播放录音,学生完成2b。3.学生再听录音,小组相互核对答案。4.教师提问,学生根据听力信息回答。1)What does Jack think of the CD? 2) What does Steve want to do?5.两人一组朗读并表演对话,完成2c。任务二:完成活动2b。1.听录音,完成时间表。2.再听一

9、遍录音,自己核实答案。3. 4.小组为单位,谈论2b中的内容。eg. A:What time does Bob take a shower? B:She takes a shower at 5:30.任务三:完成2d部分。1. 学生阅读2d对话并回答以下问题。1)Whats Laura doing? 2) Whats Jenny doing? 3) What do they want to do? 4) What time do they meet?2.学生再读对话,理解句意。3. 学生分角色朗读对话,小组表演。4. (如果时间和条件允许)两人一组,模仿2d自编对话,并表演。Step 3 点拨

10、释疑 1. 学生两人一组再读对话,找出文中出现的电话用语和固定套语并写下来,说出它们在文中的含义,从而感悟中英文的异同。1)This is 2) _3) _ 4) _ 5) _ 6) _ 7) _Step 4 达标反馈I.选择题1. Do you want _ the movies? A. to go B. go to C. to go to 2. Im just_ my clothes. A. wash B. washing C. is washing3. Lets _ at my home first. A. meet B. to meet C. meetingII.用所给词的适当形式填空

11、1. What is she doing? She _(dance).2. What are they doing? They _ (swim).3. What is the girl doing? _(cook).4. What are they doing? _ (play) basketball.5. What is the boy doing? _ (write).II、补全对话Tom:Hello? (1)_ Jack:Hi, Tom. Its Jack here.Tom:Hi, Jack! (2)_ Jack:Im reading a newspaper. What about yo

12、u? Tom:(3)_The TV show is kind of boring.Jack:Do you want to go to a movie? Tom:(4)_I like movies. When shall we meet? Jack:(5)_ Tom:OK. See you then. 教师复备栏或学生笔记栏: 【学习体会】 成功&不足:_ 错题整理:_课题Unit6 Im watching TV. Section A (Grammar Focus3c) 第3课时学习目标学习重难点1.现在进行时态中以what引导的特殊疑问句及其回答 2.现在进行时的一般疑问句及其回答3.现在进行

13、时与一般现在时在结构和用法上的差异Step 1自主学习(课前预习)1.学生解读学习目标,从而基本明晰学习任务。2.自读Grammar Focus表格中的句子,理解句意。Step2合作交流任务一:1. 小组朗读Grammar Focus句子。2观察并总结现在进行时的特点。归纳:1)现在进行时态中的谓语动词的构成_2)现在进行时的肯定句,否定句句式3)现在进行时的一般疑问,特殊疑问句的句式及其回答现在进行时用法构成肯定式否定式一般疑问句和简略答语特殊疑问句和答语任务二:写出下列动词的-ing形式1)talk_ watch_ do_ eat_ read _ clean _ play_2)write

14、_ take_ have _ leave_ come _ arrive _ dance_3)shop_ get _begin _swim _run_ sit_任务三:学生独立完成3a和3b. 全班核对答案。Step 3 点拨释疑 任务一: 动词原形如何变成现在分词,有什么规律? 1)_ 2) _3) _任务二:观察下表,并回答问题1)左栏与右栏谓语有何不同? 2)两栏使用的时间状语有何不同?3)这两栏各表达什么概念?一般现在时现在进行时I often watch TV. I am watching TV now.She often watches TV.She is watching TV n

15、ow.They often watch TV.They are watching TV nowDo you often watch TV?Are you watching TV now?总结:现在进行时与一般现在时的区别现在进行时一般现在时用法现在进行时表示现在正在进行或发生的动作构成时间状语Step 4 达标反馈I.根据语境,用所给词的正确时态填空1) Look! The boy _ (play) basketball on the playground.2) My father _ (read) books after dinner.3) In the morning, Mr.Smith

16、_ (get) up at seven oclock.4) Listen! Linda _ (sing) in the music room.5) His brother usually _ (do) homework at school.6) They_ (go) shopping every Friday evening.7) A: Whats grandpa doing now? B: He _ (work) in the garden.8) Her sister _ (eat) dinner now .9) Miss King often _ (wash) dishes in the

17、evening.10) On weekends Aunt Beth _ (walk) with her pet dog.II.改错1.Let Jane goes to the movies. 2.Whatre your friend doing?3.Who is Lisa talking? 4.The kids in our class are singing very good.教师复备栏或学生笔记栏:【学习体会】 成功&不足:_ 错题整理:_课题Unit6 Im watching TV. Section B(1a-1e) 第4课时学习目标熟练掌握本节课的单词及短语学习重点学习难点1. 巩固

18、现在进行时的一般疑问句及其回答2. 重读闭音节结尾的动词如何构成动词-ing形式Step 1自主学习(课前预习)1.学生解读学习目标,从而基本明晰学习任务。 任务一:写出下列单词或短语。1. at school _ 2. play basketball _ 3. in a river_ 4. in a pool_ 5. 在超市 _ 6. 他正在游泳。_ 任务二:写出下列单词的现在分词: 1. do _ 2. play _ 3. go _ 4. see _ 5. read _ 6. make _ 7. use _ 8. walk _ 9. exercise _ 10. have _ Step2合

19、作交流任务一:完成活动1a部分.1. 学生观察1a图片和表格,读懂任务要求,然后独立完成表格2. 教师示范,将表格中的信息转换完整的句子。如:People are reading books in the library. 3. 学生进行表达,全班核对答案。任务二:完成活动1b部分1.两人一组,练习对话。-Is the man swimming in a river? -No, he isnt . He is swimming in a pool. 任务三:完成1c,1d,1e部分1.学生听前观察1c表格,边听边填写信息。播放录音,学生独立完成表格。 2. 播第二遍录音,学生核对答案。学生汇报

20、并核对答案。3. 呈现听力材料,两人一组朗读对话,小组展示。4.学生利用1c内容进行问答。Step 3 点拨释疑重读闭音节结尾的动词如何构成动词-ing形式swim _ run _ begin_ put _ sit _ shop _ stop_ cut_Step 4 达标反馈I选择题1. Han Mei _ her homework every day at home. A. do B. does C. is doing2. _ English every morning? Yes, but now I _ Chinese.A. Are you reading; read B. Do you

21、read; readC. Do you read; am reading3. Is your brother doing his homework? _.A. Yes, he does. B. Yes, he is. C. No, he doesnt.4. Linda often _ her homework in the evening but this evening she _ TV.A. does; is watching B. is doing; watches C. is doing, is watching5. _ are they doing? Theyre _. A. Wha

22、t, run B. What, running C. Who, running II.根据答语用what提问。1)-_. He is taking a shower.2) -_? She is reading.3) -_? They are watching TV.4) -_? -The woman is making dinner in the kitchen now.5) -_? - My grandparents are taking a walk.教师复备栏或学生笔记栏:【学习体会】 成功&不足:_ 错题整理:_:课题Unit6 Im watching TV. Section B(2a

23、 2c ) 第5课时学习目标1熟练掌握本节课的单词及短语2谈论世界各地不同的人们在同一时刻进行的不同活动学习重/难点运用现在进行时谈论世界各地不同的人们在同一时刻进行的不同活动Step 1自主学习(课前预习)1.学生解读学习目标,从而基本明晰学习任务。任务一:学生自读2a 和2b,并理解文章大意,回答2b的两个问题。任务二:写出下列单词或短语。1.watch boat races _2. host family _ 3. the United States_ 4. an American family_ 5. Dragon Boat Festival _ 6. the night before

24、 the festival_ 7. any other _ 8. young children_9. miss his family_ 10. no place like home _Step2合作交流任务一:1.教师呈现对话,引出时差的话题:Maria: Hi , David! I m calling from Sydney.David: Sydney? What time is it there? Maria: Its 10:00 p.m.David: Its 4:00 a.m.here in Los Angeles! Maria: Oh, I forgot about the time

25、difference. Sorry, Go back to sleep! Ill e-mail you later.学生朗读对话并回答问题:What time is it in Sydney? What about in Los Angeles?2.学生看2a的钟表图片并回答:If its 8:00 a.m. in Beijing ,what time is it in .?任务二:学习2b短文1.教师引导学生猜测同一时间不同国家和地区的人们正在进行的活动,如:T: Its 9:00 in the morning in Beijing . What are you doing?Ss:_.T:

26、What are students doing in New York? Can you guess?S1 : _.S2: _.S3: _.2.教师介绍短文的背景。3.学生看图回答问题。1)What special day is it ? 2) What do Chinese people do on this day? 3) What do eat on this day?4. 学生带着问题快速阅读文章,并回答问题:1)Where is Zhu Hui now?2) What time is it in New York?3) What does “host family” mean?5.学

27、生再读课文,填写表格。His family in ChinaActivitiesHis host family in New YorkActivitiesMom and aunt The motherDad and uncleThe fathercousin Zhu Hui6. 学生尝试翻译课文(有些句子教师要启发)。任务三: 1.学生独立完成2c匹配任务, 并从文中找出这些短语并画下划线,学生用这些短语口头或笔头造句。最后全班核对答案。2.学生根据表中信息试着复述课文,先小组,后全班。Step 3 点拨释疑Group work: 哪些单词的现在分词是需要先双写词尾辅音字母,再加-ing? N

28、otes:_ _Step 4 达标反馈I 选择题1. _ is it in New York? Its nine oclock in the morning. A. How B. What C. What time2. I _my room every day. But now I _.A. clean; am reading B. am cleaning; am reading C.clean; read3. Let me _a look. A. have B. to have C. havingII. “译”展身手It is Monday today. Tony gets up at 6:

29、00. ( 1 )他妈妈正在做早餐。( 2 )His father is doing sports in the garden. Lily, his sister, is sleeping in the room. She doesnt need to go to school. So she doesnt need to get up. “She is lucky(幸运的), ” Tony thinks. After having breakfast, ( 3 ) Tony takes a bus to school. There are many people on it. He arri

30、ves at school at 7:00. School starts at 8:00. But there are many students in the classroom. Some students are cleaning the classroom. ( 4 ) 一些学生正在读书。And others are writing. ( 5 )Tony helps his friend clean the classroom. ( 1 ) ( 2 ) ( 3 ) ( 4 ) ( 5 ) 教师复备栏或学生笔记栏:【学习体会】 课题Unit6 Im watching TV. Section B(3a-selfcheck) 第6课时学习目标1. 复习掌握本单元的单词及短语。2. 熟练运用本单元句型:学习重/难点1.复习现在进行时。2.运用现在进行时写一篇小作文3.了解和掌握相应的语音知识。Step 1自主学习(课前预习)任务一:写出下列单词或短语。1. 我家的一张照片 _ 2. 在家_ 3. 做家庭作业_ 4. living room_ 5. listen to the radio _ 6. talk show_ 7. study for a test_ 8. play soccer_ 预习质疑:_


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