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1、Unit 11 How was your school trip?第1课时 (Section A 1a-2c)【学】I. 目标导学:1.描述过去发生的事情。2. 正确使用实义动词的一般过去时描述或询问过去发生的事情。3. 能归纳动词过去式的变化规律并能写出部分规则动词和不规则动词的过去式。II. 问题导入:1. Do you remember your last school trip? _2. What did you do on your last school trip? _自主学习-课本链接 Task 1. 1. 读一读,认一认:并找出其中的规律 A. I often play bas

2、ketball on weekends. I played basketball last weekend. I often watch TV on Saturdays. I watched TV last Saturday. I often do my homework on Sundays. I did my homework last Sundays. I often clean my room on Fridays. I cleaned my room last Friday. I often go shopping with my friends. I went shopping w

3、ith my friends yesterday. B. 试一试, I often visit my grandparents every weekend. But last Sunday I _ my uncle. My teacher often plays ping-pong after school. Yesterday she _ tennis. My pen pal likes music very much. Last Sunday she _ to the music at home. He does his homework every night. Last night h

4、e _ his homework at home. He likes movies very much. Last month he _ to four movies with his friends.Task 2. 读课本P61-62, 翻译下列词组.1. went for a walk _ 2. milked a cow _ 3. rode a horse _ 4.fed chickens _ 5. talked with a farmer _ 6. took some photos _7. saw quite a lot _Task 3. 仔细浏览p61图片,完成1a, 将词汇与图片配对

5、。Task 4.熟读2a中的8句话并翻译。Task5. 读2b, 听并判断句子正误。Task 6.运用例句,编造对话。Eg:A:Did you see any cows? B: Yes,I did. I saw quite a lot. A: What did you do last weekend? B: I cleaned my room.对子互学- 1. 检查学习任务 2. 圈出疑问点。小组群学- 1. 解决疑问点 2. 进行任务预展。【展】1. 小组展示自主学习任务。 2. 完成1b,2a,2b.【点】3. 学习课本P114动词过去式的构成规则,写出下列动词的过去式。 clean _

6、do _ study _ go _ play _ visit _ use _ see _ be _ come _ plan _ get _ know _ stay _ buy _ read _ begin _ live _ sit _ say _ stop _ teach _ give _ eat _ get_ 动词过去式的构成规则有哪几条?试简要归纳, 以上单词分别属于哪一类,:4. 一般过去式的结构和用法I was a student two years ago.变一般疑问句:_肯定回答:_ 否定回答:_变否定句:_根据划线部分提问: _ _He played basketball las

7、t Sunday.变一般疑问句:_肯定回答: _ 否定回答:_变否定句:_根据划线部分提问: _ _There were some books on the table yesterday.变一般疑问句:_肯定回答:_ 否定回答:_变否定句:_根据划线部分提问:_【练】课堂练习I. 单选( ) 1. - When _ you _ your old friend? - The day before yesterday. A. will, visit B. do, visit C. did, visit D. did, visited( ) 2. He didnt _ to the park la

8、st Sunday?A. go B. goes C. went D. to go ( ) 3. -Who cooked supper today ? -I _.A. did B. does C. was D. is ( ) 4. -_ you _ TV every day? No, but I _ TV last night. A. Did; watch; watch B. Did; watch; watched C. Do; watch; watch D. Do; watch; watched( ) 5. - Did Tom help his parents at home? -_.A. Y

9、es, he does B. No, he wasnt C. Yes, he was D. No, he didntII. 用所给的词的适当形式填空:6. What day _ (be) it yesterday? 7. Last weekend my family _ (visit) Jiuzhaigou in Sichuan. 8. The children often _ (play) the guitar on weekends.9. Lets go to the movies. That sounds boring. What about _ (go) to the mall? 10

10、. What _ she _ (do) last weekend.? She did some sports. 课后练习III. 句型转换: 11. Bob went to the beach last weekend. (改为一般疑问句) _ Bob_ to the beach last weekend?12. I was very busy last week. (改为一般疑问句) _ _ very busy last week?13. I played soccer last Saturday. (就划线部分提问) What _ you _ last weekend?14. It was

11、 cloudy last Saturday. (就划线部分提问) _ _ the weather last Saturday?15. He did his homework just now. (改为否定句) He _ _ his homework just now.IV. 阅读理解:One day, Mr and Mrs Brown wanted to buy some new chairs for their new house. They came into a shop and saw some very good chairs. They liked the color and wa

12、nted to know the price. They saw a price tag (标签) on one chair. It was “¥150”. They liked the chairs but they were too expensive (昂贵的) for them. They didnt think they could buy them. They left this shop and went to another shop. And they bought three chairs there. They were ¥80 each.根据短文内容,判断句子正(T)误

13、(F)。( ) 16. Mr and Mrs Brown had a new house.( ) 17. They wanted to buy tables and chairs for their new house.( ) 18. They thought the chairs in the first shop were good but too expensive.( ) 19. They left the first shop and went home.( ) 20. They bought some chairs in another shop.【课后反思】第2课时 Sectio

14、n A ( 2d-3b)【学】I. 目标导入: 1.描述过去发生的事情。2. 正确使用实义动词的一般过去时描述或询问过去发生的事情。3. 正确使用be动词的一般过去时描述或询问过去的状态。II. 问题导入: How was your trip to the Happy Valley (欢乐谷)? Did you sit in the roller-coster (过山车)?Were you afraid of it? _自主学习-课本链接 Task 1. 读课本P62 ,在课本上划出新词汇,尝试翻译下列词组.1. last week _ 2. visited my grandparents _

15、 3. in the countryside _4. went fishing _ 5. so much fun _ 6. watched the stars _7. Lucky you. _ 8. came out _ 9. got very cloudy _ Task 2. 翻译语法重点,背读语法重点,按要求完成句型。1. A:_ _ your school trip? B: It was great.2. A:_ _go to the zoo? B: No, I didnt. I went to the farm.3. A: Did you _ _ cows? B: Yes, I _.

16、I saw quite a lot.4. A: _ Carol ride a horse? B: No, she _. But she _ a cow.5. A: _ the strawberries good? B: Yes, they _. / No, they _. Task 3. 完成3a。Task 4. 编故事,每个组的每个学生说一句。Task 5. 背读2d, 两人操练对话,并回答下列问题:1. How was Erics last week?2. What did Eric do last week?3. How was the weather there?对子互学- 1.检查学

17、习任务 2.圈出疑问点 小组群学- 1.解决疑问点 2.进行任务预展。【展】 小组内展示自主学习任务。【点】1. feed v. 喂养;饲养 过去式:fed feed.to. 把.喂给. feed.on/with. 用.喂养. feed on (动物)以.为食(1). He is _bread _ the ducks = He is _ the ducks _ bread.(2). Cows _ grass.2. milk n.牛奶 v. 挤奶(1) I helped the farmer to _ the cows. 我帮助农民挤牛奶。(2) I want to go to the supe

18、rmarket to buy some _.3. luck n. 好运,幸运 lucky adj. 幸运的,运气好的 luckily adv. 幸运地;好运地(1) Good _!(2) He is a very _ man.(3) _, we got on the bus in time.4. worry v. 担心 worry about sb./sth. worried adj. 担心的 be/get worried about sb./sth.(1) They _ about their daughter last year.(2) I am _ about the coming ex

19、am.【练】 课堂练习:. 单项选择( ) 1. _ was your weekend, Annie? It was great. A. How B. What C. Where D. When( ) 2. -When do the farmers _ strawberries? -From December to June.A. cook B. eat C. grow D. feed( ) 3. Pete and Tony visited their English teacher this morning, but Rosa _. A. wasnt B. doesnt C. didnt D

20、. dont( ) 4. What do those soccer players usually do _ Sunday mornings? A. in B. on C. at D. for( ) 5. The talk show _ really great. A. are B. was C. were D. am( ) 6.-When _ you _ the bike? Last month. A. did, buy B. do, buy C. are, buying D. will, buy( ) 7.Did you clean the room? _ A. Yes, I do B.

21、No, I did C. Yes, I dont D .No, I didnt( ) 8 .He _ his homework, he _ to the library.A. didnt do, went B. didnt did, goes C. didnt do, go D. did not , went( ) 9. His father _in Beijing now. Last year he _ in Dalian. A. worked , working B. works , working C. is working, worked D. is working ,works (

22、) 10. _ last Sunday? I did nothing, just stayed at home. A. What did you do B. Where did you go C. Did you stay at home D. When did you do. 选出合适的单词,并用其适当的形式填空。 farmer, something, go, lucky, feed11. Did you do _ yesterday morning? -Yes, I did some morning reading.12. It rained this morning. _ each of

23、 us took an umbrella.13. Look! Those _ are picking apples on the farm.14. What did you do after dinner yesterday? I _ for a walk with my parents.15. Jim, who _ the chicken just now? -Jane did.课后练习. 句型转换。16. We went to the mountains on Saturday morning. (改为一般疑问句) _ you _ to the mountains on Saturday

24、morning?17. Annie studied for the math test last night. (对画线部分提问) _ _ Annie _ last night?18.Jims weekend was very great.(对环线提问) _ _ Jims weekend?19. Frank played computer games just now(刚才). (改为否定句) Frank _ _ computer games just now.20. Did you play football yesterday? (给出肯定/否定答语) Yes, I _ . / No, I

25、 _ . . 用所给词的适当形式填空。21. He _(read) a book last weekend. 22. She practiced _(speak) English last Sunday. 23. I did some _(read) over the weekend.24. Sally often _(do) her homework at night. 25. I _(study)for the science test last Wednesday evening. 26. They _(have) a party last night. 27. What _ (be)

26、the weather like yesterday?28. Lucy _ (have) a party at home last Sunday.29. My family (go) to the mountains last Saturday.30. Last Monday I _ (order) a bowl of noodles at Alans Restaurant.V. 根据汉语意思完成下列英语句子。 31. 昨天下午他们在公园里拍了许多照片。 They _ _ _ in the park yesterday afternoon. 32. 你的叔叔昨天下午带你参观了他的农场吗? Di

27、d your uncle _ _ _ his farm yesterday afternoon? 33. 杰克, 今天上午你帮爸爸喂鸡了吗? Jack, did you help your father _ _ _ this morning? 34. 上周五,我和妈妈一起在农场里种草莓。 My mother and I _ _ on the farm last Friday? 35. 夏天, 我经常在夜里看星星。 I often watch stars _ _ in summer.【课后反思】第3课时 Section B ( 1a-1d )【学】I. 目标导学:1. 熟练描述过去发生的事情。2

28、. 熟练使用实义动词的一般过去时描述或询问过去发生的事情。3. 熟练使用be动词的一般过去时描述或询问过去的状态。II. 问题导入:Did you go to the zoo with your classmates? What did you do there?_自主学习-课本链接 Task 1. 读课本P64, 翻译下列词组.1.went to the countryside _ 2. climbed a mountain_ 3. went to an art museum _ 4. saw some paintings _ 5. drew pictures _ Task 2.读1a 短语

29、,把活动和图片配对。Task 3. 预习1b, 弄清1b中句子意思,根据所听内容回答问题;Task 4. 预习1c。对子互学- 1.检查学习任务 2.圈出疑问点 小组群学- 1.解决疑问点 2.进行任务预展。【展】1. 小组内展示自主学习任务。【点】discuss v. 讨论 discuss sth. with sb. discussion n. 讨论 discussionsMary likes _ the math problems _ her classmates.【练】课堂练习. 根据首字母写出单词:1. Jenny is i_ in English. He is good at it.

30、 2. My uncle climbed a m_ last summer vacation. 3. Tim likes music very much and he w_ a new song last week. 4. I dont like math. I think its a little d_.5. “Who cleaned the classroom?” “ John d_.”II. 用所给词的适当形式填空。6. I _ (be) here yesterday. 7. Did she _ (finish) her homework?8. Where _ (be) you last

31、 Monday? 9. He _ (go) to New York last month.10. The weather _ (be) hot and humid yesterday.11. Can he _ (speak) English?12. They _ (watch) TV now. 13. Lets _ (visit) her uncle first.14. Do you want _ (buy) a blue sweater? 15. There _ (be) nothing to eat at home last Friday.课后练习III. 完成对话, 每空一词: like

32、, on, until, look, kind, watch, really, computer, did, played A: You _ tired.B: Yes. I had a _ busy weekend.A: Did you play _ games?B: Yes, I _ . On Saturday morning, I _ soccer on my computer. Then I watched a football match.A: Where did you _ it?B: _ TV? A: Great. And what did you do on Saturday n

33、ight?B: I listened to the music _ midnight.A: It sounds _ fun.B: Yes, but _ of tired. 16. _17. _18. _ 19. _ 20. _21. _ 22._ 23. _ 24. _ 25._V. 完形填空It was Sunday yesterday. Henry wasnt 26 home. He was on a 27 to the zoo. An old man got on the bus. Henry stood up and 28 to him, “Come and sit here, ple

34、ase.” He helped the old man 29 . “Thanks 30, my boy,” the old man said. “Youre welcome,” said Henry. The bus went on. thirty minutes later, it stopped 31 the zoo. Henry got off the bus and said 32 to the old man. The old man smiled(微笑) at him in a friendly way. Henry went into the zoo.33 of the peop

35、le there are students. He34 a lot of animals and birds, and he also took many photos. He spent a happy weekend35 he helped others and had a good time in the zoo. ( ) 26. A. in B. on C. at ( ) 27. A. way B. zoo C. bus ( )28. A. spoke B. said C. told ( )29. A. go for B. get on C. sit down( ) 30. A. a

36、little B. a lot C. a bit ( ) 31. A. next B. through C. near( ) 32. A. hello B. goodbye C. yes ( ) 33. A. Most B. Each C. Every( ) 34. A. found B. looked C. saw ( ) 35. A. because B. but C. whenVI. 阅读理解 It was Sunday. Li Lei and his parents were very busy. At nine in the morning, Li Leis father was in the garden. He watered the flowers. Li Leis mother did some housework. Li Lei was in the room with his friends. They did their homework. At two in the afternoon, Li Lei and his f


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