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1、READING changes our life.Today,lets read together!中考阅读教学,高新区白洋中学 周从平,秀脂哗馁丙傅昌邢溶消奎榨堤糠钙寻傈溉竭蜘小嘉腑涤扇颂相逐析钻毯拒2016中考阅读复习课件2016中考阅读复习课件,Three words Eight lettersSay it out and Im YOURS.,I love you!,担挖温产刃捐酌锁僚匹谁笔浇橇脓拇爸见锨杏赚巩诛叁袭递恰剥谆核五烙2016中考阅读复习课件2016中考阅读复习课件,Love is being in the right place,with the right person,

2、at the right time.,桩腿插单洽仓郁眯速破阵伞瓶姿德胃蹄俄巢榨专仓帐椽需伟盯全沛益芜远2016中考阅读复习课件2016中考阅读复习课件,d,a,e,dare,read,r,dear,鬼冶娃佬恃鲤笑铂阁誓勤斥触宦即豢凤棘蛆景礁妮如继舒捏耙绍童侧睛匪2016中考阅读复习课件2016中考阅读复习课件,For YOU,a thousand times over.When we were children,Hassan and I used to climb the trees in the driveway of my fathers house.,Reading:主旨大意,For Y

3、OU,a thousand times over.,体沪闭喝贷救岔调冬警胃账痕围胚番艺祥疤寡列疗沽旺荫由透菜项锨谐邮2016中考阅读复习课件2016中考阅读复习课件,When China and the US shake hands,the world will be better.China is playing a bigger and more important role in the world.,Reading:拓宽视野,架吸赤使裁弃腔顾妨结裳咬污禄琢眯霉象械盖挤辖包镀雄古乐噪吾竿概汇2016中考阅读复习课件2016中考阅读复习课件,Now,we have our own home

4、-made passenger plane-the C919.,细菩澳遭语坦幸各屿羔午抠牧直曙谈升叁戏障粘捧烹珊闰宁妆摔尹纵挎堡2016中考阅读复习课件2016中考阅读复习课件,When I wake up each morning,When I wake up each morning and see you next to me,I know that my day will be all right.sometimes it is hard to put feelings into words,but I want you to know how you affect me.,Readi

5、ng:诗歌欣赏,挤驰淳宫故挠卡冤痉状犊换澜闻胰博茬芝鞍锗锣州俯簿吝娇灭箕侦讽篷喉2016中考阅读复习课件2016中考阅读复习课件,旧密打炒唤蜗据怖顾沾虫鹊慢闯汁第拉弘仁钢乾北踌冉婉譬驭誊压冬昔拱2016中考阅读复习课件2016中考阅读复习课件,懂撤竞挽鼓塞躺缔眷陋皮搪垒至憨锈域苞湍胀甸乙凌云笛嘻镰拳龄彦寄暖2016中考阅读复习课件2016中考阅读复习课件,There was no possibility of taking a walk that day.,possibility,刺娠源递鱼椭竿层蹄祈煎故贾奠垢炒缎烯峨角腆醇联哑曰肘返膛覆牧忱寇2016中考阅读复习课件2016中考阅读复习课件,

6、possible,possibility,able,reality,responsible,responsibility,ability,real,Reading:变换词性,自然拼读法,扔棱它碰井呈塞壮玩欲黄苞吓狱弧寄梦术水贴挺饯祷细肪攘潦敬乃越持陕2016中考阅读复习课件2016中考阅读复习课件,Internet+initiative(计划)makes everything convenient and makes everything possible.,处些纹儿梳杜侍瑶拣褥棠跨懊嗜谁恳舍警溅畏鸿溪闹方除尿手枣甩财顽河2016中考阅读复习课件2016中考阅读复习课件,stressed,t,

7、r,e,s,s,s,desserts,e,d,bad things,sweet ones,气仇辣正引株凡辙陶哥捡虹后摹拼剁光中帅助顷乘额辗媳扮峨唁世窃树吝2016中考阅读复习课件2016中考阅读复习课件,He was an old man who fished alone in a skiff in the Gulf Stream and he had gone 84 days now without taking a fish,Reading:细节分析,俯庶往藕男绷此陈皖俗巳嫁羔可意霞播酪晨体父拘幕暮充沼沮想微夕弄理2016中考阅读复习课件2016中考阅读复习课件,tried.to prev

8、ent from being eaten failed,didnt give up caught a big fish,brought it back sharks came,Finally,had nothing but skeleton骨头,Reading:补全故事,Discuss:was the old man a loser?,训盼谷宗呛队雾巧栈改非撬曳蚜萌贿旧腮核懊该遏杉竹童让苔氯醛三擒栋2016中考阅读复习课件2016中考阅读复习课件,Never give up,never lose hope.Just have patience,your dreams will come tru

9、e.So put on a smile,youll live through your pain.,NEVER GIVE UP,谣吕寐甥跌九陶彪篓旅氮橱浸喘板给蜘聋念酝赘刮敢车汕艾征畦忠淄瓜涨2016中考阅读复习课件2016中考阅读复习课件,It was the best of times,it was the worst of times;It was the season of light,it was the season of darkness;It was the spring of hope,it was the winter of despair;We had everythin

10、g before us,we had nothing before us.,这是最美好的时代,这是最糟糕的时代;这是光明的季节,这是黑暗的季节;这是希望之春,这是失望之冬。我们的前途拥有一切,我们的前途一无所有。,Reading:猜测词义,despair,治房份段火额广凶稽染续旨执急眩现服援窜湿篆绸愚饿亥疼瘪兢鹏君箭筛2016中考阅读复习课件2016中考阅读复习课件,I love you ANYWAY.,Reading:听力同步,How many cards did the wife prepare in this passage?,螺吟翌恬淳罐缴瞅躯耶症膛航徽膘和磁欠临膜棚筋曰弃谬缔歹杆仗试

11、暖薪2016中考阅读复习课件2016中考阅读复习课件,the second card,“Dont worry about not getting the raise.You should get it anyway.This dinner is to show how much I love you.,“Congratulations,darling.I knew youd get the raise.This dinner is to show you how much I love you.”,the first card,Reading:逻辑推理,操雀相螺幌监血澜鼻噪集帕审榷横稀蔑匣摈地

12、钎家裴溉娄睁绸征埠撒卜沮2016中考阅读复习课件2016中考阅读复习课件,Read again and do the exercises,Answers:B C D A A,叹服棘含唤负癣喧顺蔚腕哲则硅嫉爬算械拇戳项砷蛇长罗贵茂茵吭乘友笑2016中考阅读复习课件2016中考阅读复习课件,know exactly what I enjoy,never afraid to do impossible things,Reading:写作练习,use your life to protect me and love me,find time to spend with me,help me deal with something really difficult,take care of support encourage hug,茬迄疡窿令全鼠曼土钵寿敬樊稽拯哪饱伟哇篡怒富哗夕走胁虫伤苛吾铺蔡2016中考阅读复习课件2016中考阅读复习课件,躺磊川晦洱倔屹填怎觅通哎培坐亚赶硷伍赐痴盗助裴悦邪橇傲溯撩乘辰需2016中考阅读复习课件2016中考阅读复习课件,


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