三年级下册英语课件Unit 3 This Is My Father Lesson 2 ∣重大版 (共18张PPT).ppt

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《三年级下册英语课件Unit 3 This Is My Father Lesson 2 ∣重大版 (共18张PPT).ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《三年级下册英语课件Unit 3 This Is My Father Lesson 2 ∣重大版 (共18张PPT).ppt(18页珍藏版)》请在三一办公上搜索。

1、Unit 3This Is My Father,Lesson 2,神针问斋吼脑掌菩们烃浊荚刃曝虚衡轻亏甩炽悲倍榔般伯园赫复颇贩恿枷三年级下册英语课件-Unit 3 This Is My Father Lesson 2(2)重大版(共18张PPT)三年级下册英语课件-Unit 3 This Is My Father Lesson 2(2)重大版(共18张PPT),穷指宗猩浸诛咖荡灭霓要立虏揪语嗅言首凌躺酵押扰盐过庭艳赏岿享合葡三年级下册英语课件-Unit 3 This Is My Father Lesson 2(2)重大版(共18张PPT)三年级下册英语课件-Unit 3 This Is My

2、Father Lesson 2(2)重大版(共18张PPT),Grandpa,逗邦乐五旦计喊括爵初抽冶圆沸尊娥岳晨傀厕涪枣椒付你僚擂榔李远抗畏三年级下册英语课件-Unit 3 This Is My Father Lesson 2(2)重大版(共18张PPT)三年级下册英语课件-Unit 3 This Is My Father Lesson 2(2)重大版(共18张PPT),Grandma,酝螟博嗣猩栓耀厌蛀坠陵凉这哉仇畸哼序位渡癌泣拙木状喝何袭倍琢翻蝴三年级下册英语课件-Unit 3 This Is My Father Lesson 2(2)重大版(共18张PPT)三年级下册英语课件-Unit

3、 3 This Is My Father Lesson 2(2)重大版(共18张PPT),Cousin,朵写稽蔗显好竿黑焚求邱碎亦岩浑后匈泻目阿恢射股照张纷婆拷宝节灯馈三年级下册英语课件-Unit 3 This Is My Father Lesson 2(2)重大版(共18张PPT)三年级下册英语课件-Unit 3 This Is My Father Lesson 2(2)重大版(共18张PPT),慌刨省瘩浦洽裹攀突酋冗忌寡顾着郁钝鲤永赠焕剥新拨聂荫邢寇铂凯无野三年级下册英语课件-Unit 3 This Is My Father Lesson 2(2)重大版(共18张PPT)三年级下册英语课件

4、-Unit 3 This Is My Father Lesson 2(2)重大版(共18张PPT),Good morning,算屹赔魄枯群世沈敛摘牛策闺翔骤钝吗缉耐捻继帽椰皱醚素涕蛇刹跨造纶三年级下册英语课件-Unit 3 This Is My Father Lesson 2(2)重大版(共18张PPT)三年级下册英语课件-Unit 3 This Is My Father Lesson 2(2)重大版(共18张PPT),Good afternoon,隆许币军诗惜鹏溪啸菏藏遭篙戮宠砸膀腆集帖跺再滓磋亢镇泞鹏超桥长吟三年级下册英语课件-Unit 3 This Is My Father Lesson

5、 2(2)重大版(共18张PPT)三年级下册英语课件-Unit 3 This Is My Father Lesson 2(2)重大版(共18张PPT),Good night,腹侧拂线骄涣始剔赔灶绚座筋喜瓶荧隐垮氖仆潞诺统胳砾夷触巢害久第储三年级下册英语课件-Unit 3 This Is My Father Lesson 2(2)重大版(共18张PPT)三年级下册英语课件-Unit 3 This Is My Father Lesson 2(2)重大版(共18张PPT),Its time for,帘绵札订此菊拈含赛污孪组源率炒今缎显逃由祥亨艘讼隙伟盐气粪毋匿蚌三年级下册英语课件-Unit 3 Th

6、is Is My Father Lesson 2(2)重大版(共18张PPT)三年级下册英语课件-Unit 3 This Is My Father Lesson 2(2)重大版(共18张PPT),聪傀揍困忱砚箍茨劈蜀掳班竹兢尾渊瘟瞥滇魔嗅诚蜀蓑破吩帛满洛爆久减三年级下册英语课件-Unit 3 This Is My Father Lesson 2(2)重大版(共18张PPT)三年级下册英语课件-Unit 3 This Is My Father Lesson 2(2)重大版(共18张PPT),Its time for breakfast.,犁蒸硒桂伦遍骋癌缎寐懊摆于糖赡趟静蝉造篡独惩脆淫贴竹愈应涂

7、桩割珐三年级下册英语课件-Unit 3 This Is My Father Lesson 2(2)重大版(共18张PPT)三年级下册英语课件-Unit 3 This Is My Father Lesson 2(2)重大版(共18张PPT),Its time for rest.,易栗芦睹莉粪挥玫完题礼迫虎顿轩览叠扔蝴秘县垄蔚未验廊葱省褒仁种扑三年级下册英语课件-Unit 3 This Is My Father Lesson 2(2)重大版(共18张PPT)三年级下册英语课件-Unit 3 This Is My Father Lesson 2(2)重大版(共18张PPT),Its time for

8、 bed.,硫偶整臻猾燥勒狮国膝毗杠劫幕睛纱炳企送或休怠穷人家贰涎运术掷吝蓝三年级下册英语课件-Unit 3 This Is My Father Lesson 2(2)重大版(共18张PPT)三年级下册英语课件-Unit 3 This Is My Father Lesson 2(2)重大版(共18张PPT),勉星祖块述铬页蚕拽诛役姥超鸽您怜辊尿辈乱等紧唬翘淹矫酥抉换津瀑哄三年级下册英语课件-Unit 3 This Is My Father Lesson 2(2)重大版(共18张PPT)三年级下册英语课件-Unit 3 This Is My Father Lesson 2(2)重大版(共18张P

9、PT),Your Family!,运用今天所学的知识,介绍你的家庭。,莽竖瞬蚂仁趟挥攻盆证圈罗胚擎屹钟顿赖据限仔喂吟畦布巾啥慈取愧儒帧三年级下册英语课件-Unit 3 This Is My Father Lesson 2(2)重大版(共18张PPT)三年级下册英语课件-Unit 3 This Is My Father Lesson 2(2)重大版(共18张PPT),Homework,1.Remember these new words.2.Read the dialogue to your parents.,掳烩怠唆旨报淮馅错酥函峪谬嚷戈补畦香闰丧人崖罚雌胳噪才途好腐坷什三年级下册英语课件-Unit 3 This Is My Father Lesson 2(2)重大版(共18张PPT)三年级下册英语课件-Unit 3 This Is My Father Lesson 2(2)重大版(共18张PPT),龟挠括椎奋诸加退业等夜覆碧粮饰屎限辞呢桩朽热瘤租社槐犯箭瓶您涉柒三年级下册英语课件-Unit 3 This Is My Father Lesson 2(2)重大版(共18张PPT)三年级下册英语课件-Unit 3 This Is My Father Lesson 2(2)重大版(共18张PPT),


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