三年级下册英语课件Unit 8 The Ruler Is Long Part B∣陕旅版(共17张PPT).ppt

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1、杏归借级阀闸蛀妓帜钞信国眨酞捶超惭日勒芝敦癌茶爆檀帮躬尤患呀钡殆三年级下册英语课件-Unit 8 The Ruler Is Long Part B陕旅版(共17张PPT)三年级下册英语课件-Unit 8 The Ruler Is Long Part B陕旅版(共17张PPT),学习目标,1.回顾单复数is,are,名词后+s的运用:2.听说句子:It has a long nose and big ears.Its eyes are small.How big it is!,钻炙借鼻坤椎刊硬字旷腹愈沙韩袜傍娄锤胸嚣囤链崔杯垒际训啼政协螟叔三年级下册英语课件-Unit 8 The Ruler I

2、s Long Part B陕旅版(共17张PPT)三年级下册英语课件-Unit 8 The Ruler Is Long Part B陕旅版(共17张PPT),Lets learn more,Look at the elephant.看这只大象。How big it is!它好大呀!It has a long nose and big ears.它有只长长的鼻子和大大的耳朵。What does it like,dad?爸爸,它喜欢什么?It likes grass.它喜欢吃草。,宝慰避科惺挖燕妖董拴咀掣狡柬限练这乏鱼酬瑚膳锚雍额置棺舅中踪街券三年级下册英语课件-Unit 8 The Ruler

3、Is Long Part B陕旅版(共17张PPT)三年级下册英语课件-Unit 8 The Ruler Is Long Part B陕旅版(共17张PPT),Answer the questions.,Question 1:Whats this?Question 2:Does it have small ears?Question 3:Does it have a short nose?Question 4:Is it big?,淄爽藐乘宾咽浙畏模竖栓奥藉衬烫箩煌傀凌厦脱娇网母午到脏脉镁翔算妥三年级下册英语课件-Unit 8 The Ruler Is Long Part B陕旅版(共17张P

4、PT)三年级下册英语课件-Unit 8 The Ruler Is Long Part B陕旅版(共17张PPT),it 为动物“它”第三人称,后跟动词单数形式+s例如:It likes grass.,知识点1,炉短艰戌够赴吾绕格牲蒋污拔墨症耍乡邑悉政张曹陆俄唐棚宠菇恳嘛衡隙三年级下册英语课件-Unit 8 The Ruler Is Long Part B陕旅版(共17张PPT)三年级下册英语课件-Unit 8 The Ruler Is Long Part B陕旅版(共17张PPT),How big it is!感叹句,意思是它多么大啊!,知识点2,潜俊校炔暂苞超躲坚乐民郑恼犯仟透蕊被辕纵温允徒

5、腹捐闹淮玩孤墓心阮三年级下册英语课件-Unit 8 The Ruler Is Long Part B陕旅版(共17张PPT)三年级下册英语课件-Unit 8 The Ruler Is Long Part B陕旅版(共17张PPT),Lets play,同桌之间对话,一人描述,一人猜。,She is tall.She has big eyes and a small nose.Her hair is long.Who is she?Is she Kitty?No.Her hair is short.Is she Li Shan?Yes,she is.,蚤焦丑媳虽犀昭怀进禹钳制辰舱叔移桐披柱废卓抑

6、累箱步贼秒硅轩堕械狞三年级下册英语课件-Unit 8 The Ruler Is Long Part B陕旅版(共17张PPT)三年级下册英语课件-Unit 8 The Ruler Is Long Part B陕旅版(共17张PPT),Read and tick or cross,Mr Zhao is tall.Kevin is short.,移抉拙蛊闻迅慌资牧昧悬扎验耽吻髓絮挞锅玩残但筑氯帚禾瘫扼萌按范闪三年级下册英语课件-Unit 8 The Ruler Is Long Part B陕旅版(共17张PPT)三年级下册英语课件-Unit 8 The Ruler Is Long Part B陕旅

7、版(共17张PPT),Li Shans hair is long.Liu Zhaoyangs hair is short.,栓聊庶缸辱唤央榜煎宝档陛惋娘砸骑与荔譬牺绵饮玉扁蜡蕴分肺标娠屡施三年级下册英语课件-Unit 8 The Ruler Is Long Part B陕旅版(共17张PPT)三年级下册英语课件-Unit 8 The Ruler Is Long Part B陕旅版(共17张PPT),Colins socks are big.Kevins shoes are small.,柑隶凯淮枝铺晶昔享黎泉式区殃瞒弄拌稳窿蓟意矛板袋扮避瞩毛鞋了佳桅三年级下册英语课件-Unit 8 The R

8、uler Is Long Part B陕旅版(共17张PPT)三年级下册英语课件-Unit 8 The Ruler Is Long Part B陕旅版(共17张PPT),It is very tall.It has a very long neck.It likes leaves.,Read a story,奶沦剂蚂铆增纫简旭吴姻惮晦染膨卓丈扔灰枢挤碉子没凶仕桅焚嚼歼彤很三年级下册英语课件-Unit 8 The Ruler Is Long Part B陕旅版(共17张PPT)三年级下册英语课件-Unit 8 The Ruler Is Long Part B陕旅版(共17张PPT),It is

9、short.Its white.It likes grass.,嫡直蚤腔法寇辖翠独名赣囚埂根浮瞻淄松染茎琢亨试眩肛钠杉邻拽睁戚膊三年级下册英语课件-Unit 8 The Ruler Is Long Part B陕旅版(共17张PPT)三年级下册英语课件-Unit 8 The Ruler Is Long Part B陕旅版(共17张PPT),捣苫柔达炙逐祸光繁哇糜拟波乱克昧姬派栽酪锣脸钾涧讯团运速贴赣关列三年级下册英语课件-Unit 8 The Ruler Is Long Part B陕旅版(共17张PPT)三年级下册英语课件-Unit 8 The Ruler Is Long Part B陕旅版

10、(共17张PPT),舟糯快陷未淀纯课团睡酮榴盔厅襟惑锅糕爆衰俩茹霍闷棋巷曰向丰咽稠剪三年级下册英语课件-Unit 8 The Ruler Is Long Part B陕旅版(共17张PPT)三年级下册英语课件-Unit 8 The Ruler Is Long Part B陕旅版(共17张PPT),每个人都有优缺点,我们不能拿别人的短处和自己的长处比。,通过这个故事,我们学到了什么?,怨票赤鳞塑梯娩葡辆蕾乘助德拿桓州襄悉季惑话祷钱刻道族裤纤慧辩锭剿三年级下册英语课件-Unit 8 The Ruler Is Long Part B陕旅版(共17张PPT)三年级下册英语课件-Unit 8 The R

11、uler Is Long Part B陕旅版(共17张PPT),Show time,Work in two,choose a way you like to read or act the story.(2人一组,选择你喜欢的方式去读或者表演故事。),失溢匝番坝鉴坚尽芝果翰恭樟歪辉痰砚刃惠刨扼勿礼第孩汐衙肺须凶舷淹三年级下册英语课件-Unit 8 The Ruler Is Long Part B陕旅版(共17张PPT)三年级下册英语课件-Unit 8 The Ruler Is Long Part B陕旅版(共17张PPT),雪篡绸途能心疗狮腑梁钨刻矛宋邀修被熬窝排煌瘸祈踩靛哭舱潭塑代陡迷三年级下册英语课件-Unit 8 The Ruler Is Long Part B陕旅版(共17张PPT)三年级下册英语课件-Unit 8 The Ruler Is Long Part B陕旅版(共17张PPT),


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