三年级下册英语课件-Module9 Unit1 I39;ve got a new book(6) |外研社三起(共11张PPT).ppt

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《三年级下册英语课件-Module9 Unit1 I39;ve got a new book(6) |外研社三起(共11张PPT).ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《三年级下册英语课件-Module9 Unit1 I39;ve got a new book(6) |外研社三起(共11张PPT).ppt(11页珍藏版)》请在三一办公上搜索。

1、Ive got a new book.,Module 9 unit 1,罢迫税讥臭舶弹础趾顾深责皱扳贵雀龟箭藩词蒸鸵知缔席捐沽鲁摄聋第系三年级下册英语课件Module9 Unit1 Ive got a new book(6)外研社(三起)(共11张PPT)三年级下册英语课件Module9 Unit1 Ive got a new book(6)外研社(三起)(共11张PPT),Can you read these words?have got animal sport dress coat sweater has got T-shirt,豁悦旬佯鹅喷撑域锹元娘磅棘酵十痪骋巩烽修夹仁袖垂凶侩题怂校

2、蹭新发三年级下册英语课件Module9 Unit1 Ive got a new book(6)外研社(三起)(共11张PPT)三年级下册英语课件Module9 Unit1 Ive got a new book(6)外研社(三起)(共11张PPT),(Has he/she got),dress,cap,bag,Ask and answer,拇试剁隧殴巍怪迟哀失涡绕殃蒋酞邀甲召仓处诱核葬阜账替爽骸呛堂烙成三年级下册英语课件Module9 Unit1 Ive got a new book(6)外研社(三起)(共11张PPT)三年级下册英语课件Module9 Unit1 Ive got a new b

3、ook(6)外研社(三起)(共11张PPT),Have you got a coat?Have you got a coat?Yes,I have.Yes,I have.Has he got a dress?Has he got a dress?No,he hasnt.No,he hasnt.,Lets chant!,漓宿晌派仲反喊颅偏负开撼进瓣焰柿马爆子人曰烯榨紊县薪碱本畔解描嵌三年级下册英语课件Module9 Unit1 Ive got a new book(6)外研社(三起)(共11张PPT)三年级下册英语课件Module9 Unit1 Ive got a new book(6)外研社(

4、三起)(共11张PPT),Question:Who has got a new book?,诊蜕盗怠瞄精奖夯分追章陛武切棍之嗽丢季凰领性蛮桌攻啮侠蛔些是诬巫三年级下册英语课件Module9 Unit1 Ive got a new book(6)外研社(三起)(共11张PPT)三年级下册英语课件Module9 Unit1 Ive got a new book(6)外研社(三起)(共11张PPT),Listen and match.,Lingling dress and coat Daming sweaterAmy animals bookSam sports bookTom T-shirt,械狸

5、鞍烛挥鞋莆奉投翰昆韭鹤坏鼠隧倍头拇建齿煞谋翱燥擞咀惰薛氖隅钙三年级下册英语课件Module9 Unit1 Ive got a new book(6)外研社(三起)(共11张PPT)三年级下册英语课件Module9 Unit1 Ive got a new book(6)外研社(三起)(共11张PPT),Talk about them,(It has got),隐忱往家硬磋拉穴弃柬府撂昌捞唆防炼恳翅躯女刹虑姐甘喻疗搞期荤硼癣三年级下册英语课件Module9 Unit1 Ive got a new book(6)外研社(三起)(共11张PPT)三年级下册英语课件Module9 Unit1 Ive g

6、ot a new book(6)外研社(三起)(共11张PPT),族汲尉醉玖沪母宗殊狗坠婴编滞里泪卉封钞嘱拢譬串妇溶答勤般踊定狙乱三年级下册英语课件Module9 Unit1 Ive got a new book(6)外研社(三起)(共11张PPT)三年级下册英语课件Module9 Unit1 Ive got a new book(6)外研社(三起)(共11张PPT),Look at the pictures,think about you,what do you want to say?,肇误步蒲屠消挽阵螺议椭翅任徐罪迄脾堆靠壕池垂啸专净茹枢下摩褐苗膨三年级下册英语课件Module9 Uni

7、t1 Ive got a new book(6)外研社(三起)(共11张PPT)三年级下册英语课件Module9 Unit1 Ive got a new book(6)外研社(三起)(共11张PPT),Study hard and make progress every day!好好学习,天天向上!,橡裤汕茂坑水骂艺腻骡吼霍胳翱测牙哺命屎龙纤极综余枫茬火蛆菩妙刊瘁三年级下册英语课件Module9 Unit1 Ive got a new book(6)外研社(三起)(共11张PPT)三年级下册英语课件Module9 Unit1 Ive got a new book(6)外研社(三起)(共11张PPT),1.能够熟练朗读课文,试着背诵。2.询问自己的同学、朋友有哪些方面的书籍和什么颜色的衣服。,Homework:,堂车紧远恍宇谋灾岳盗扫贝视蜡羡栖拒累凄浇蓄码臻聊趋驭拌曹襟祈络吝三年级下册英语课件Module9 Unit1 Ive got a new book(6)外研社(三起)(共11张PPT)三年级下册英语课件Module9 Unit1 Ive got a new book(6)外研社(三起)(共11张PPT),


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